

This man is possessed. So is this book. Possessed of a unique perspective. Possessed of an exceptional depth. Possessed of an uncommon passion. Possessed of an unusual compassion for his comrades in creativity.

There are a people out there who want to make the world a better place through photography. This man is one of them. And that’s why I’m writing this foreword.

This is a book on photography. Sure it’s also a book on Adobe Photoshop, but Vincent is a photographer first, a Photoshop guru second. This brings a specific perspective. It’s a perspective that’s been lacking in so many books on Photoshop, the de facto digital darkroom. The vast majority of Photoshop books published to date have tried to be everything to everyone; which has generated a pantheon of generic encyclopedias, not unique volumes on craft and vision. This is the latter. Only a handful of publications have a specifically photographic perspective. This is one of the most photographic volumes produced to date.

A religion for some, a lifestyle for many, Vincent considers Photoshop an “imagination enhancer” and a path into new photographic possibilities, but not a substitute for fine photographic craft. He encourages photographers to “act preemptively,” to “do it in camera,” and to “figure your problems out at the point of capture.”

Vincent knows that why determines how. His philosophy shapes every twist and turn of this book. To fully read a text and grasp all that it has to offer, you need to know the player. Vincent’s got specific experience, influences, and passions. And he’s willing to disclose it all. He’s willing to share everything. Here, you’ll find his life story and his ongoing passion for light. By revealing his thought process he sets you free to choose a different destination, knowledgeably—in part because you’ve been empowered by the techniques presented in this book.

There are many things you need to know about Vincent Versace.

He’s versatile. Vincent Versace suffers from multiple personality disorder. When sitting with Vincent, all manner of heretofore unimaginable combinations reveal themselves; he’ll lurch frenetically from the Godfather to Barney in the same breath. (He may be Kaiser Soze.) Then again, he’s a trained actor with plenty of experience on the stage, so maybe it’s all an act. What a show it is! At first, you might think he’s talking with himself. Then you realize he’s talking to God. And, he’s invited you in to be a part of the conversation. It won’t always be lucid but it will be thoroughly engaging. You should have seen the first draft! Whatever this man is on, I want some! Mind you, in small quantities, ingested only at the right times. (Perhaps I should reconsider what I just said. ...)

His presentation is always engaging. Versace wears only Armani. He has one Armani suit for every day of the month. At least his scent is Versace.

He loves life’s indulgences. There’s Vincent in the morning. Most people who carry a silver spoon consume other substances; Vincent uses his silver spoon for tea. I’m not kidding. Wherever he goes, in addition to a camera, he travels with tea. Stashed in a camera bag you’ll find kukicha, spring tea, chrysanthemum oolong, golden dragon oolong, imperial red, bourbon rouge, earl grey with lavender, and his own special blend that includes chocolate. There’s Vincent in the evening. He’ll extol the many virtues of single-malt scotch and make nuanced comparisons to Irish whiskey and bourbon, all in the same sitting, practically in the same breath. On any given evening he can always identify what’s in my silver flask. In many ways this book could be compared to a gourmet meal, a culinary delight, prepared by a fine chef. I hear Vincent’s a very fine chef. He claims to be an even better chef than he is a photographer. (!)

This may hurt, but you’ll enjoy the ride. Here’s Vincent’s teaching style in a nutshell. “I’ll throw you in the water. I’ll throw you a life preserver. I’ll be in the boat next to you. But you’re swimming. The only way to learn is total immersion.”

Way beyond technique (though you’ll get plenty of that too), this is a book on perception. Read it and you’ll see differently. Read it and you’ll find yourself immersed in sensuous pools of color. Read it and you’ll fan the flames of your love of light. Read it and you’ll find your experience of the elasticity of time intensified. Read it.

This book will make you think. This book will make you feel. This book will make you respond.


Scream in fear. At first absorbing this material seems overwhelmingly complex. Have faith in yourself. A mountain is climbed one step at a time. Break this challenge down into pieces, tackle each piece one at a time, then put it all back together again—in your own way.

Scream in amazement. The medium of photography is no longer what you thought it was. Perhaps it never was. But then, who can pin down this fast-evolving chimera?

Scream for joy. You now have more technical power and creative freedom than you have ever had before.

Vincent believes in you. He believes “the next Michelangelo is a soccer mom.” And he’s not about to underestimate your intelligence.

Vincent knows being here is what it’s all about.

These are Vincent’s words. “Here’s hope. You may not know how to get there, but you can get there. Walk with me.”

Creativity is addictive.

—John Paul Caponigro

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