
3D Matrix metering, 45

100% viewfinder, 8



blurring, 44, 70, 71, 186–191, 193

stopping, 44, 70, 176, 185–186, 193 See also motion

Adobe RGB color space, 51

AF-S lenses, 12

Alaska wildlife

coastal brown bear photo shoot, 195–215

summer photography, 122–124, 125

American Kestral, 144

American Oystercatcher, 100, 101, 102

American Wigeon, 113

Amur Leopard, 114, 115

angles for taking photos, 215

Aperture Priority mode, 42–44, 66, 180

aperture settings

depth of field and, 42, 43, 66, 68

exposure and, 66–69

shutter speed and, 68, 69

teleconverters and, 17

approaching subjects, 148–150, 151

Attenborough, Sir David, 86


background composition, 167–168

backlighting, 77, 78, 79

backpacks, 24–25

backyard photography, 112, 132, 225

bald eagles, 45, 50, 111

ballheads, 21, 22


coastal brown bear, 123, 126, 195–215

cub in tree photo, 180

fishing photo, 176–177

grizzly bear, 76, 79, 170

polar bear, 129, 145, 161

waterfall photo, 71, 187

behavior, capturing, 100–102

Better Beamer flash extender, 17, 18

Bighorn sheep, 73, 78, 127, 128, 150, 168

bird photo shoot (South Texas), 217–225

annotated image from, 218–219

assignments related to, 225

blinds used for, 222, 223

clothing required for, 220–221

equipment chosen for, 220

seasonal considerations for, 221–222


backyard photos of, 112, 132, 225

blinds used for, 142–143, 144, 222, 223

seasonal considerations, 120, 122, 221–222

sources for researching, 86, 87 See also specific species

bison, 74, 118, 138–139, 165, 166, 167

bit depth, 42

Black Skimmers, 69

Black-capped Chickadee, 112

Black-legged Kittiwakes, 13, 58–59, 178

blinds, 120, 121, 142–147

assignment on, 151

bird photos using, 222, 223, 225

boats as, 146–147

cars as, 143–144

established, 142–143

Tundra Buggy, 145

Blue Grosbeak, 62

Blue Grouse, 192

blur pans, 27, 29, 186–191, 193

blurring motion

panning for, 27, 29, 186–191, 193

shutter speed for, 44, 70, 71, 187, 190–191

boats, as blinds, 146–147

book resources, 86

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, 116, 130

brown bear. See coastal brown bear

budget. See cost considerations

buffer, camera, 46

bull elk, 80, 127


camera settings, 40–52

Aperture Priority mode, 42–44

assignment on using, 55

color space options, 51

continuous advance, 46–47

continuous focus, 46

examples of using, 36–39

File number sequence, 52

Highlight warning, 48–49

ISO setting, 49–50

Matrix metering, 45

RAW vs. JPEG formats, 40–42

cameras, 6–9

cleaning kits for, 31–32

features to consider in, 6, 8–9

full-frame vs. cropped sensor, 6–8

handholding technique, 52–53

wildlife photography setups, 2–3

Canon wildlife setups, 2–3

capturing behavior, 100–102

Cara Cara, 224

carbon fiber tripods, 22


shooting from, 115, 143–144

used as blinds, 143–145

cleaning kits, 31–32

climate. See seasonal considerations; weather

closeness to subjects, 135–151

annotated examples of, 136–139

assignments related to, 151

blinds for gaining, 142–147

extension tubes and, 191–192

magnification techniques and, 140–141

physical approach and, 148–150

close-up lens, 30


determining for photo shoots, 200–201, 220–221

problems with noisy, 150

coastal brown bear, 123, 126, 195–215

coastal brown bear photo shoot (Alaska), 195–215

annotated image from, 195–196

assignments related to, 215

clothing required for, 200–201

daily journal of, 207–214

equipment chosen for, 199–200

location determined for, 202–205

seasonal considerations for, 203–205

subject determined for, 198

transportation options for, 205–206

cold weather tips, 119

color space options, 51

Common Grackle, 70

Common Moorhen, 158

CompactFlash (CF) cards, 23–24

composition, 153–171

annotated examples of, 154–157

assignments on, 171

backgrounds and, 167–168

concealment used in, 164, 165

environmental shots and, 165

framing and, 162, 166, 167

lines and, 158–160

patterns and, 161–162

perspective and, 162–164

rule of thirds and, 169–170

shapes and, 161

compression options, 42

concealment, 164, 165

continuous advance setting, 46–47

continuous focus setting, 46

converging lines, 159, 160

cost considerations

desired features vs., 9

equipment setups and, 2–3

older camera models and, 10

coyotes, 47, 98

cropped sensor (DX) cameras, 6–7, 10, 140


depth of field

aperture settings and, 42, 43, 66, 68

distance factors affecting, 68

diagonal lines, 158, 159

direction of light, 75–77


depth of field and, 68

maintaining from wildlife, 85

minimum focus distance, 15

DVD resources, 86–87

DX (cropped sensor) cameras, 6–7, 10, 140

Dynamic AF setting, 46, 47


eagles, 45, 50, 111

ED lenses, 12

environmental portraits, 93–94, 165

equipment, 1–33

assignments on, 33

backpacks, 24–25

budgets for, 2–3

camera bodies, 6–10

choosing for photo shoots, 199–200, 220

cleaning kits, 31–32

CompactFlash cards, 23–24

example of using, 4–5

fanny packs, 25, 26

filters, 27–30

flash gear, 17–19

flashlight/headlamp, 32

lenses, 10–15

protective covers, 30

teleconverters, 15–17

tripods and heads, 20–23

established blinds, 142–143

ethical field practices, 90–92

evaluative metering, 45

experts, working with, 88–90

exposure, 57–81

aperture settings and, 66–69

assignments on, 81

definition of, 62

effects based on, 78–80

elements of, 62, 63–71

histograms used for, 184–185

ISO settings and, 63, 64, 65, 66

light and, 71–77

manual, 180–183

shutter speed and, 70–71

exposure compensation, 174, 178–180, 193

Exposure: From Snapshots to Great Shots (Revell), 80

exposure triangle, 63, 64

extension tubes, 191–192


fall photography, 127–131, 205

fanny packs, 25, 26

field ethics, 90–92

File number sequence, 52

fill light, 17–19

filters, 27–30

graduated ND, 29

neutral density, 27, 28

polarizer, 29

UV, 29

fish, school of, 162

flash, fill light from, 17–19

flashlight/headlamp, 32

Flashpoint tripods and heads, 20

Flickr group, 33

floatplanes, 206

Florida wildlife, 120, 124


continuous, 46

minimum focus distance, 15

teleconverters and, 17

forums, online, 87

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, 114, 115

frame rate, 8

framing subjects

composition and, 162

frame-filling portraits, 95–96, 166, 167

front-lit subjects, 75

f-stops. See aperture settings

full-body portraits, 95

full-frame (FX) cameras, 6–7, 10


Galbraith, Rob, 23

game parks, 114–115

geese, 131, 156–157, 169

gestures, 97–99

gimbal heads, 22, 23

Golden-fronted Woodpecker, 223

graduated ND filter, 29

Great Blue Heron, 67

Great Egret, 120, 159, 163

Great Horned Owl, 17, 19

Great Kiskadee, 223

Green Jay, 224

grizzly bears, 76, 79, 170


habitat portraits, 93–94

handholding technique, 52–53

Harbor seals, 94–96, 146

Harris Hawk, 224

headlamp/flashlight, 32

heads. See tripods and heads

Highlight warning, 48–49, 184

histograms, 184–185

Hooded Mergansers, 69

Hooded Oriole, 143

Horned Puffin, 100


iBird Pro app, 88

Image Stabilization (IS) lenses, 12

insurance shots, 148, 149

Internet research, 87

in-your-face portraits, 97

ISO setting, 49–50

digital noise and, 66

exposure and, 63, 64, 65


JPEG format, 40–42


Kelby Training website, 32

knowing yourself, 102–103, 105


L lenses, 12

L-Bracket, 21, 22

lens shade, 188, 189

LensCoat covers, 30

lenses, 10–17

close-up, 30

DX vs. FX cameras and, 10

features to consider in, 12, 15

long lens technique, 53

prime vs. zoom, 11–12, 13, 14

protective covers for, 30

teleconverters for, 15–17

light, 71–77

direction of, 75–77

fill flash used as, 17–19

quality and quantity of, 72–75

techniques for using, 78–80

lines, compositional, 158–160, 171

L.L. Rue window mount, 143, 144

local parks, 113

locating wildlife, 107–132

assignments on, 132

backyard for, 112

local parks for, 113

seasonal considerations for, 118–131, 203–205

wildlife refuges for, 116

workshops used for, 117

zoos and game parks for, 114–115

long lenses

getting closer using, 140–141, 151

shooting technique using, 53


manual exposure, 180–183

Matrix metering, 45

memory cards, 23–24

metering, Matrix, 45

Mexican ground squirrel, 97, 99

midday sunlight, 74, 75

minimum focus distance (MFD), 15, 215

minus exposure compensation, 174, 178

mistakes, learning from, 183

mobile apps, 88

mobility considerations, 102


blurring, 44, 70, 71, 186–191, 193

panning techniques, 27, 29, 185–191

shutter speed and, 44, 70–71, 187, 190–191

stopping, 44, 70, 176, 185–186, 193


NANPA (National Association of Nature Photographers of America), 88, 91

national parks, 108

neutral density (ND) filter, 27, 28

Nikon wildlife setups, 2–3


camera body and, 9

ISO setting and, 66

Northern Mockingbird, 222


organizations, wildlife, 88

outdoor gear, 200–201

overcast light, 72, 73

oystercatchers, 100, 101, 102


Painted Bunting, 220


blurring motion by, 27, 29, 186–191, 193

stopping action by, 185–186, 193

techniques for, 54, 185–191


game, 114–115

local, 113

national, 108

patience, 103, 215

patterns, 161–162, 171

pelican, 77

permanent blinds, 142–143

persistence, 215

perspective, 162–164

Peterson, Moose, 24, 91, 198

PhotoRescue software, 24

Pied-billed Grebe, 154–155

Pigeon Gillemots, 122

plus exposure compensation, 178, 179, 180

polar bears, 129, 145, 161

portraits of wildlife. See wildlife portraits

power points, 169

practice, 215

prime lenses, 11–12, 13, 14

Pronghorn, 150

protective coverings, 30

proximity to subjects. See closeness to subjects

Puffin Pad, 144

puffins, 68, 100, 203


quality/quantity of light, 72–75


RAW format, 40–42

Really Right Stuff ballhead, 21, 22

red fox in snow, 119

red light, green light approach, 148

Reddish Egret, 178

refuges, wildlife, 116

researching wildlife, 86–90, 105

resolution, 8

resources, 86–90

book, 86

DVD, 86–87

field expert, 88–90

Internet, 87

mobile app, 88

organizational, 88

Revell, Jeff, 80

reviewing images, 210

Roseate Spoonbill, 97, 125, 180–183

Royal Terns, 121

rule of thirds, 169–170, 171


sandhill cranes, 28, 72, 131, 160, 174–175, 188

Says Phoebe, 158, 159

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 218–219

S-curves, 159

sea otters, 122

seasonal considerations, 118–131

birds of South Texas, 221–222

coastal brown bears of Alaska, 203–205

fall photography, 127–131

spring photography, 120–121

summer photography, 122–126

winter photography, 118–119 See also weather

Seattle, Chief, 4

self-assessment, 102–103, 105


cleaning kit for, 31–32

full-frame vs. cropped, 6–7

settings. See camera settings

shadows, sunlight and, 74, 75

shapes, compositional, 161, 171

sheep, Bighorn, 73, 78, 127, 128, 150, 168

shooting techniques, 52–54

assignments on, 55

handholding technique, 52–53

long lens technique, 53

panning technique, 54

shutter speed

exposure and, 70–71

motion and, 44, 70–71, 187, 190–191

sidelight, 76, 77

Silent Wave motors, 12

silhouettes, 77

Singh-Ray Vari-ND filter, 27

Skimmers, 69, 124, 125

Snail Kite, 164

snow goose, 169

snow scenes, 74, 80, 168

Snowy Plover, 162, 163

South Texas bird photography, 217–225

Spoonbill chicks, 125

spring photography, 120–121, 203, 221

squirrels, 97, 99, 113, 148

sRGB color space, 51

stopping action, 44, 70, 176, 185–186

stormy weather, 74

Streamlight flashlight, 32

strength capabilities, 102

subject of photos

approaching, 148–150, 151

determining, 198

framing, 162

lighting on, 71–77

proximity to, 135–151

summer photography, 122–126, 203


early morning, 72

midday, 74, 75

overcast, 72, 73 See also light

sunrise photos, 72


teleconverters, 15–17, 141

telephoto lenses

extension tubes and, 191–192

getting closer using, 140–141, 151

prime vs. zoom, 11–12, 13, 14

Texas wildlife

bird photo shoot, 217–225

springtime photography, 120–121

transportation options, 205–206, 222

tripods and heads

features to consider in, 20–23

importance of using, 20

TTL metering, 18

Tundra Buggy, 145


USM lenses, 12

UV filter, 29



shooting from, 115, 143–144

used as blinds, 143–145

vertical lines, 158

Vibration Reduction (VR) lenses, 12

video features, 9

viewfinders, 8

Visible Dust products, 31



cold weather tips, 119

knowing your tolerance for, 102

shooting in stormy, 74 See also seasonal considerations

Web resources, 87

White Ibis, 14


blinds used with, 142–147

field ethics related to, 84–85, 90–92

maintaining a safe distance from, 85, 92

physically approaching, 148–150

sources for researching, 86–90, 105

wildlife portraits, 93–102

assignment on studying, 105

capturing behavior in, 100–102

environmental portraits, 93–94, 165

frame-filling portraits, 95–96

full-body portraits, 95

gesture used in, 97–99

wildlife refuges, 116

Wildlife Safari, 114, 115

Wimberley gimbal head, 22, 23

winter photography, 74, 80, 118–119, 168

wolves, 84–85

workshops, 117


Yellow-crowned Night Heron, 186

Yellowstone National Park, 85, 109, 118


zig-zag approach, 148

zoom lenses, 11–12, 13, 14

zoos, 114–115, 132

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