
Gratitude fills me as I write these pages.

Thanks first to Claire Gerus, my agent, friend, and supporter, who stood by me even when I had given up. She resurrected my hope so I could follow my dream.

To Dan Ambrosio, my editor at Wiley: my gratitude extends to you as I continue to learn the meaning of collaboration. Thanks also to Ashley Allison, editorial assistant; Peter Knox, marketing; and Lauren Freestone, production editor.

My corporate experiences have been priceless. I learned at such a pace as to make me dizzy. From American Express to Chase Bank to KPMG Peat Marwick and, finally, Alexander & Alexander, they were all fantastic experiences, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I worked for geniuses as well as kooks; all were teachers.

My thanks extend to all of my many clients across the United States and Mexico. They have been teachers and friends, as well as my working laboratory.

Closest to my heart are my friends, who have loved and supported me throughout: you know who you are. My parents, though gone for years, I know, are watching and sharing my pride at the chance I now have to spread good work to a wider audience. Special thanks to Martie Maierhauser, who helped me with editing the book. And, finally, to JLC, the person who has tamed my heart, led my fan club, and nurtured me beyond belief.

May we all find peace in our hearts and in the world in which we live.

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