About the Reviewer

James Boddie was a first generation student who graduated magna cum laude from Iowa State University in Software Engineering while also doing internships / Coops at Nokia, Maverick Software Consulting, and VSI Aerospace. After graduation, James began working at International Business Machines (IBM) as a software engineer for server firmware within their systems and technology group. He gained his interest in malware analysis during his early education and creating and exposing malware for educational purposes became a hobby of his.

Joseph Giron is a 29-year-old security enthusiast from Phoenix, Arizona, USA. He has 12 years of experience and is 100 percent self-taught. His background is varied and includes web security, application security, exploit development, and reverse engineering. When he isn't buried in computers, he spends his time outdoors. He also enjoys candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach.

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