
I must start by thanking my parents for all the opportunities they gave me when I was growing up and for encouraging my computer habit from a very young age.

Thank you to everyone at Apress for their assistance in getting this book written and delivered; in particular to Mark Beckner for allowing me the opportunity in the first place, to Mary Tobin for her tireless assistance and encouragement, and to Nancy Sixsmith for making the book much more readable and for putting up with correcting the same grammatical errors over and over again.

I owe thanks, too, to Don Sorcinelli for his invaluable input throughout the whole book, and to Mike Ormond for arranging for me to get my hands on a real live Windows Phone 7 device during the writing of the book.

And finally, of course, thanks without end to my wife Ritu and my son Kieran, for their constant encouragement and for tolerating me shutting myself in my study and writing every evening and weekend. I'll be spending much more time with you both now, I promise!

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