

  1. absolute margin, 152
  2. accent grave, 266
  3. adding
    1. automatic page numbering, 155–156
    2. buttons to Quick Access toolbar, 336
    3. columns in tables, 229–230
    4. comments, 297–298
    5. cover pages, 168
    6. dates, 172, 274
    7. document filename field, 272
    8. entries to AutoCorrect feature, 75–76
    9. fields, 271–272, 314–315
    10. indexes to documents, 247–248
    11. lists of figures, 248
    12. page number field, 271
    13. page numbers in headers/footers, 171–172
    14. recipient data, 316–317
    15. rows in tables, 229–230
    16. table captions, 232
    17. tables to documents, 221–227
    18. text topics, 290
    19. thick lines between paragraphs, 220
    20. times, 172, 274
    21. total number of pages field, 271
    22. watermarks, 161–162
    23. word count field, 271
  4. address lists, printing, 327–329
  5. adjusting
    1. appearance of graphics, 260–261
    2. AutoCorrect settings, 76–77
    3. column format, 237–238
    4. column size in tables, 230
    5. document view, 14–15
    6. document's associated templates, 194–195
    7. fields, 272
    8. gaps between pages in Print Layout view, 28
    9. indents using rulers, 131–132
    10. Normal style, 187–188
    11. orientation, 150–151
    12. row size in tables, 230
    13. settings for grammar checker, 81–82
    14. styles, 184–185
    15. tables, 229–232
    16. templates, 196–197
    17. text case, 117–118
    18. themes, 199
  6. Adobe InDesign, 154
  7. Adobe Reader (website), 106
  8. Advanced Find, 51–53
  9. Align Left command button, 124
  10. Align Object button, 262
  11. Align Right command button, 125
  12. aligning
    1. about, 124–125
    2. graphics, 262
    3. text in cells, 228–229
  13. All Borders icon, 216
  14. All Caps text format, 113
  15. All Markup, 299, 304
  16. Alt key, 23
  17. Anchor icon, 258
  18. antonyms, 295
  19. apostrophe, 266
  20. appearance, changing for graphics, 260–261
  21. applying
    1. all caps, 113
    2. bold, 112
    3. character formatting, 112–113
    4. document themes, 198–199
    5. double-underline, 112
    6. italic, 112
    7. multiple lines, 215
    8. page borders, 219
    9. small caps, 113
    10. strikethrough, 112
    11. subscript, 113
    12. superscript, 113
    13. underline, 112
  22. Arrange All button, 278
  23. arranging
    1. document windows, 278, 345–346
    2. graphics, 261–263
  24. assigning shortcut keys to styles, 185–186
  25. AutoCorrect dialog box, 204, 365
  26. AutoCorrect feature
    1. about, 74, 266
    2. adding new entries, 75–76
    3. adjusting settings, 76–77
    4. undoing corrections, 75
  27. AutoCorrect icon, 129
  28. AutoCorrect Lightning Bolt icon, 207
  29. AutoFormat features, 208, 365
  30. Auto-Hide Ribbon, 13
  31. automatic bulleted lists, 365
  32. automatic features, 361–365
  33. automatic formatting, 204–208
  34. automatic numbered lists, 365
  35. automatic page numbering, adding, 155–156
  36. automatic proofing, disabling, 81
  37. AutoRecover feature, 346
  38. AutoSave feature, 90


  1. back tick, 266
  2. backgrounds, 116–117, 160–162
  3. backing up, 26
  4. Backspace key, 22, 26, 42
  5. Backstage, 87, 362
  6. bar tab, 146
  7. Bar Tab Stop icon, 146
  8. behind text images, 257
  9. Blank Document template, 10
  10. blank pages, 98, 159
  11. blocks, 59
  12. blue underlines, 29, 30
  13. boilerplating, 93
  14. bold, applying, 112
  15. Bold command button, 112
  16. bookmarks, electronic, 349–350
  17. border lines, 365
  18. borders
    1. about, 207–208, 213
    2. basics of, 214–216
    3. Borders and Shading dialog box, 216–219
    4. controlling format of, 214
    5. putting around paragraphs, 215
    6. removing, 216
  19. Borders and Shading dialog box, 216–219
  20. Borders button, 214, 216
  21. Both control, 131
  22. boxing text, 218
  23. Breaks button, 165
  24. Browse Next command, 38
  25. Browser Previous command, 38
  26. bullet, 242
  27. bulleted lists, 242, 365
  28. Bullets button, 242
  29. buttons, 336. See also specific buttons


  1. canceling print jobs, 103–104
  2. capitalization, 74
  3. Caps Lock key, 74
  4. Caption styles, 178
  5. captions, table, 232
  6. case-sensitive text, finding, 52
  7. cells
    1. aligning text in, 228–229
    2. merging in tables, 230–231
    3. splitting in tables, 231
  8. center alignment, 124–125, 132
  9. Center command button, 125
  10. center tab stop, 141–142
  11. Center Tab Stop icon, 141
  12. centering pages, 208–210
  13. Change Case command button, 117–118
  14. changes, tracking, 303–305
  15. character formatting
    1. about, 109
    2. applying, 112–113
    3. basic text formats, 110–113
    4. changing text case, 117–118
    5. clearing, 118
    6. coloring text, 115–117
    7. copying and pasting, 203
    8. Font dialog box, 118–120
    9. resizing text, 114–115
    10. selecting fonts, 110–112
    11. text-formatting techniques, 109–110
  16. character style, 178
  17. characters
    1. about, 265–268
    2. date, 274
    3. deleting single, 42
    4. diacritics, 266–267
    5. fields, 269–273
    6. foreign language, 267
    7. PrintDate field, 274
    8. special, 267–268
    9. symbols, 267–268
    10. text boxes, 268–269
    11. time, 274
    12. typing, 266–267
  18. Cheat Sheet (website), 4
  19. Check for Issues tool, 104–105
  20. checking updates, 306
  21. Clear Formatting command button, 118
  22. clearing
    1. character formatting, 118
    2. tab stops, 148
  23. click-and-type feature, 24, 359, 364
  24. Clipboard, viewing, 69–70
  25. Clipboard task pane, 69–70
  26. Close command, 19
  27. Close Header and Footer button, 170
  28. closing
    1. Outline view, 287
    2. Word, 17
  29. closing documents, 17–19
  30. cloud storage, 84, 305
  31. collaboration tools
    1. comments, 297–301
    2. comparing documents, 302–303
    3. highlighting, 301–302
    4. on Internet, 305–306
    5. tracking changes, 303–305
  32. Collapse button, 289
  33. Collapse the Ribbon button, 13
  34. collapsible headers, 28, 290
  35. collapsing topics, 289–290
  36. collating, 102
  37. collect-and-paste, 358–359
  38. color theme, 199
  39. colored pages, printing, 161
  40. coloring
    1. pages, 160
    2. text, 115–117
  41. column breaks, setting, 238–240
  42. columns
    1. about, 233–237
    2. adding in tables, 229–230
    3. changing format of, 237–238
    4. creating 2-column text, 235
    5. creating trifold brochures, 236–237
    6. removing from tables, 229–230
    7. resizing in tables, 230
    8. setting column breaks, 238–240
    9. single, 237
    10. using multiple, 234
  43. Columns dialog box, 234
  44. Columns menu, 234
  45. commands
    1. Browse Next, 38
    2. Browser Previous, 38
    3. Close, 19
    4. Cover Page, 168
    5. Create a Style, 182
    6. Find, 50–51, 53
    7. Go To, 39
    8. Horizontal Line, 220
    9. Open, 91–93
    10. for paragraph formatting, 123–124
    11. Paste Special, 364
    12. Print, 98, 344
    13. Redo, 48
    14. Repeat, 48
    15. Replace, 57
    16. Reveal Codes, 29
    17. Show/Hide, 29, 46–47, 159, 247
    18. Undo, 47–48, 67, 259, 343
    1. adding, 297–298
    2. deleting, 300–301
    3. hiding, 299
    4. printing, 300
    5. reading, 299–300
    6. replying to, 298
    7. showing, 299
  47. comparing documents, 279, 302–303
  48. Compatibility Mode, 284
  49. configuring printers, 96
  50. content controls, 273
  51. content lists, 245–248
  52. Continuous section break, 165
  53. Convert button, 284
  54. converting
    1. tab-formatted text into tables, 225
    2. tables, 226
  55. copy and paste, 66
  56. Copy command button, 66
  57. copying and pasting
    1. character formatting, 203
    2. graphics, 253
  58. copying text blocks, 66, 68, 69
  59. counting words, 295–296
  60. Cover Page command, 168
  61. cover pages, 168–169
  62. Create a Style command, 182
  63. Create New Style from Formatting dialog box, 182–184
  64. creating
    1. bulleted lists, 242
    2. custom headers/footers, 170–172
    3. envelopes, 329–331
    4. fractions, 348–349
    5. heading styles, 188
    6. indexes, 246–248
    7. mail merge email messages, 311–312
    8. mail merge envelopes, 312–313
    9. mail merge form letters, 311
    10. master documents, 292–294
    11. multilevel numbered lists, 243–244
    12. PDFs, 105–106
    13. recipient lists, 313–317
    14. right-stop, left-stop lists, 142–143
    15. sections, 165–166
    16. styles, 182
    17. tabbed lists, 138–139
    18. table of contents (TOC), 245–246
    19. tables, 222–226
    20. templates, 195–196
    21. themes, 199
    22. titles, 217–218
    23. trifrold brochures, 236–237
    24. 2-column right-stop lists, 144
    25. 2-column text, 235
    26. 2-tab paragraphs, 140–141
  65. Crop button, 259
  66. cropping graphics, 259–260
  67. Ctrl +0, 127
  68. Ctrl key, 23
  69. Ctrl+5, 127
  70. Ctrl+Alt+PgDn, 37
  71. Ctrl+Alt+PgUp, 37
  72. Ctrl+Backspace, 42
  73. Ctrl+C, 66
  74. Ctrl+Delete, 42
  75. Ctrl+End keys, 37, 125
  76. Ctrl+F, 50–51
  77. Ctrl+Home keys, 37
  78. Ctrl+I, 110, 125
  79. Ctrl+L, 124
  80. Ctrl+N, 84
  81. Ctrl+P, 98
  82. Ctrl+PgDn, 53
  83. Ctrl+PgUp, 53
  84. Ctrl+R, 125
  85. Ctrl+T, 130
  86. Ctrl+V, 66
  87. Ctrl+X, 66
  88. Ctrl+Y, 48
  89. Ctrl+Z, 47, 67
  90. cursor keys, 23
  91. custom dictionary, 80–81
  92. Custom Margins, 152
  93. customizing
    1. about, 333
    2. custom dictionary, 80–81
    3. Quick Access toolbar, 335–338
    4. Ribbon, 338
    5. status bar, 333–334
    6. Style Gallery, 189
    7. watermarks, 162
  94. Cut command button, 66


  1. date
    1. adding current, 274
    2. adding in headers/footers, 172
  2. decimal tab, 145–146
  3. Decimal Tab Stop icon, 145
  4. Decrease Font Size command button, 115
  5. Decrease Indent command button, 130
  6. decreasing font size, 115
  7. Delete button, 301
  8. Delete key, 22, 23, 26, 42
  9. deleting. See also removing
    1. chunks of text, 43–45
    2. comments, 300–301
    3. fields, 273
    4. lines of text, 43
    5. pages, 44–45
    6. paragraphs, 44
    7. sentences, 43
    8. single characters, 42
    9. styles, 186–187
    10. tab characters, 148
    11. tables, 226–227
    12. words, 42–43
  10. Demote button, 288
  11. Demote to Body Text button, 290
  12. demoting topics, 288–289
  13. deselecting text blocks, 65
  14. desktop keyboard, 22
  15. Developer tab, 357
  16. diacritics, 266–267
  17. Dialog Box Launcher icon, 13
  18. Dictate button, 29
  19. dictation, 29
  20. dictionary, customizing, 80–81
  21. disabling
    1. AutoFormat features, 365
    2. automatic proofing, 81
    3. click-and-type, 364
    4. mini toolbar, 363
  22. dismissing Backstage, 362
  23. Display for Review button, 299
  24. displaying
    1. comments, 299
    2. Paragraph symbol, 122
    3. Ribbon, 13–14
    4. tab characters, 134–135
    5. tab stops, 135
    6. tabs, 13
  25. document filename field, 272
  26. Document Map feature, 351
  27. Document Properties sheet, 101
  28. document publishing, 154
  29. document windows
    1. arranging, 278, 345–346
    2. multiple, 344
    3. viewing documents in multiple, 279–280
  30. documents
    1. adding indexes to, 247–248
    2. adding tables to, 221–227
    3. applying themes, 198–199
    4. arranging windows, 278
    5. changing associated templates, 194–195
    6. changing views of, 14–15
    7. closing, 17–19
    8. comparing, 279, 302–303
    9. content lists, 245–248
    10. defined, 83
    11. exporting, 106
    12. filenames, 89
    13. forgetting to save, 90
    14. formats for, 281–282
    15. hiding proofing errors in, 82
    16. large, 291–294
    17. locking, 350
    18. marking entire, 64
    19. merging, 321–322
    20. navigating, 33–39
    21. opening, 9, 84–85, 90–94, 277–278, 282–283
    22. preparing for publishing, 104–105
    23. printing, 97–98, 104–106
    24. proofing, 78–80
    25. properties of, 358
    26. publishing, 95–106
    27. rechecking, 79–80
    28. recipient list, 317
    29. recovering drafts, 94
    30. removing from Recents list, 91
    31. save-errors for, 88–89
    32. saving, 85–90, 193
    33. scrolling, 33–35
    34. sharing, 305–306
    35. slicing into sections, 163–167
    36. split-screen, 280–281
    37. splitting, 294
    38. terminology for, 83–84
    39. updating, 89, 284
    40. version history of, 358
    41. video in, 356
    42. viewing in multiple windows, 279–280
  31. Don't Save button, 17
  32. double-spacing, 26, 126, 132
  33. double-underline, applying, 112
  34. downward-pointing triangle, 13
  35. Draft view, 15, 27
  36. drafts, recovering, 94
  37. Draw Table button, 224, 231
  38. drawing tables, 224–225
  39. drop cap, 350–351
  40. Dropbox, 84


  1. editing
    1. graphics, 258–261
    2. PDF files, 106
    3. Quick Access toolbar, 336–337
    4. recipient lists, 319
    5. text, 41–48
  2. electronic bookmarks, 349–350
  3. electronic publishing, 104–106
  4. Elevator button, 34–35
  5. ellipsis character (…), 296
  6. em dashes, 206
  7. email messages
    1. creating for mail merge, 311–312
    2. merging to, 322–323
  8. en dash, 206
  9. End key, 37
  10. endnotes, 248–250
  11. Enter key, 22, 26, 342
  12. entering Outline view, 286–287
  13. envelopes, creating, 312–313, 329–331
  14. Envelopes and Labels dialog box, 330
  15. equations, 355–356
  16. Eraser tool, 231
  17. erasing text, 26
  18. even headers/footers, 173
  19. Even Page section break, 166
  20. Expand button, 289
  21. expanding topics, 289–290
  22. exporting documents, 106
  23. Extend Selection mode, 64


  1. F1 key, 16
  2. F4 key, 348
  3. F8 key, 64
  4. Field dialog box, 269–270
  5. fields
    1. about, 269–270
    2. adding, 271–272, 314–315
    3. changing, 272
    4. defined, 308
    5. deleting, 273
    6. inserting in mail merge, 320
    7. removing, 315–316
    8. restoring, 272
    9. updating, 272
    10. viewing raw data from, 272
  6. file format, 281–282
  7. File screen, accessing, 2
  8. File tab, 13
  9. filenames, 89
  10. files, 84
  11. Find and Replace dialog box, 51–52, 56–57
  12. Find command, 50–51, 53
  13. finding
    1. case-sensitive text, 52
    2. formatting, 54–55
    3. special characters, 53–54
    4. styles, 178–179
    5. text, 50–51
    6. word variations, 53
    7. words, 52
  14. Finish & Merge command button, 321, 329
  15. First Line Indent control, 131
  16. first-page options, headers/footers on, 174
  17. fixing misspelled words, 72–73
  18. floating images, 256, 258
  19. folders, 84
  20. follow-me style, 184
  21. Font Color command button, 116
  22. Font dialog box, 118–120
  23. font theme, 199
  24. fonts
    1. resizing, 115
    2. selecting, 110–112
  25. footers
    1. creating custom, 170–172
    2. defined, 169
    3. even, 173
    4. on first page, 174
    5. multiple, 173–175
    6. odd, 173
    7. removing, 175
    8. sections and, 174–175
    9. using preset, 170
  26. footnotes, 169, 248–250
  27. foreign language characters, 267
  28. forgetting to save, 90
  29. form letters, creating for mail merge, 311
  30. Format Painter, 203–204
  31. Format Painter command button, 203
  32. formats, for documents, 281–282
  33. formatting
    1. automatic, 204–208
    2. finding, 54–55
    3. pages, 149–162
    4. paragraphs, 121–132, 207–208
    5. style, 177–189
    6. tables, 231–232
    7. tabs, 133–148
    8. templates, 191–199
    9. themes, 191–199
  34. 4-way arrow, 261
  35. fractions
    1. building, 348–349
    2. formatting, 205
  36. full justification, 125, 132, 235


  1. Galleries, 13
  2. Go To command, 39
  3. Google Drive, 84
  4. Gookin, Dan (author)
    1. PCs For Dummies, 14th Edition, 3
    2. Word 2016 For Professionals For Dummies, 3, 55, 57, 85, 109, 121, 210, 227, 243, 248, 254, 273, 338, 357
  5. gradients, 160
  6. grammar checker, 77–78, 81–82
  7. graphics
    1. aligning, 262
    2. arranging, 261–263
    3. changing appearance of, 260–261
    4. copying and pasting, 253
    5. cropping, 259–260
    6. editing, 258–261
    7. floating, 258
    8. grouping, 263
    9. inserting, 253–254
    10. inserting into shapes, 255
    11. inserting items into shapes, 255
    12. inserting shapes, 254–255
    13. keeping with text, 258
    14. layout, 256–258
    15. layout options, 257
    16. moving, 261
    17. resizing, 259
    18. rotating, 260
    19. shuffling, 262–263
    20. in text, 251–256
    21. WordArt, 255–256
    22. wrapping text around, 257–258
  8. Group button, 263
  9. grouping graphics, 263
  10. gutter, 235
  11. Gutter settings, 154


  1. hanging indents, 129–130, 132
  2. hard copy, 95
  3. hard page break, 159
  4. hard returns, 46–47
  5. headers
    1. collapsible, 28
    2. creating custom, 170–172
    3. defined, 169
    4. even, 173
    5. on first page, 174
    6. multiple, 173–175
    7. odd, 173
    8. removing, 175
    9. sections and, 174–175
    10. using preset, 170
  6. headings, 169, 178, 188
  7. Help system, 16
  8. hidden text, 356–357
  9. Hide the Ribbon button, 13
  10. hiding
    1. comments, 299
    2. proofing errors, 82
    3. Ribbon, 13–14
  11. highlighter, 301–302
  12. Home key, 37
  13. Horizontal Line command, 220
  14. horizontal scroll bar, 35
  15. hyperlinks, 206
  16. hyphenation, 357


  1. I-beam, 24
  2. icons
    1. All Borders, 216
    2. Anchor, 258
    3. AutoCorrect, 129
    4. AutoCorrect Lightning Bolt, 207
    5. Bar Tab Stop, 146
    6. Center Tab Stop, 141
    7. Decimal Tab Stop, 145
    8. explained, 4
    9. Left Tab Stop, 139
    10. Printer, 103
    11. Pushpin, 87, 91
  3. Increase Font Size command button, 115
  4. increasing font size, 115
  5. Indent command button, 130
  6. indents
    1. adjusting using rulers, 131–132
    2. first lines of paragraphs, 128–129
    3. keyboard shortcuts for, 132
    4. paragraphs, 26, 130
  7. indexes, building, 246–248
  8. inline images, 256, 257
  9. input devices
    1. about, 21
    2. mouse pointer, 24
    3. onscreen keyboard, 23
    4. PC keyboard, 21–23
  10. Insert Endnote command button, 249
  11. Insert Footnote command button, 249
  12. Insert Index button, 247
  13. inserting
    1. blank pages, 159
    2. cover pages manually, 168–169
    3. fields in mail merge, 320
    4. graphics, 253–254
    5. items into shapes, 255
    6. shapes, 254–255
    7. special characters, 267–268
    8. symbols, 267–268
  14. insertion pointer, 24–25, 36–38
  15. instant documents, with templates, 191–195
  16. Internet, collaboration tools on, 305–306
  17. Italic command button, 112
  18. italic format, 110, 112


  1. joining paragraphs, 45–46
  2. jump list, 91
  3. justification, 124–125
  4. Justify command button, 125


  1. keyboard shortcuts
    1. 1.5 space lines, 132
    2. 1.15 line spacing, 132
    3. accessing Font dialog box, 119
    4. accessing new documents, 84
    5. accessing Open dialog box, 91
    6. accessing Open screen, 91
    7. accessing Page Setup dialog box, 154
    8. accessing Paragraph dialog box, 124
    9. accessing Reveal Formatting pane, 180
    10. adding text topics, 290
    11. applying all caps, 113
    12. applying bold, 112
    13. applying italics, 110, 112
    14. applying small caps, 113
    15. applying subscript, 113
    16. applying superscript, 113
    17. assigning to styles, 185–186
    18. centering text, 132
    19. Change Case command, 117
    20. Clear Formatting command, 118
    21. Close command, 19
    22. copy and paste, 66
    23. copying character format, 203
    24. decreasing font size, 115
    25. deleting words, 42
    26. double-space lines, 132
    27. double-underlining text, 112
    28. em dash, 206
    29. en dash, 206
    30. finding text, 50–51
    31. full justification, 132, 235
    32. hanging indents, 130, 132
    33. increasing font size, 115
    34. indenting paragraphs, 130, 132
    35. inserting current date, 274
    36. inserting current time, 274
    37. inserting endnotes, 249
    38. inserting footnotes, 249
    39. inserting symbols, 268
    40. for insertion pointer, 36–38
    41. left alignment, 132
    42. line-spacing, 126, 127, 132
    43. nonbreaking hyphen character, 266
    44. nonbreaking space, 266
    45. Normal style, 290
    46. outlines, 291
    47. pasting, 66, 67, 203
    48. Redo command, 48
    49. Replace command, 57
    50. restoring fields, 272
    51. returning to previous edit, 38
    52. right alignment, 132
    53. searching, 53
    54. selecting text, 62
    55. Show/Hide command, 29
    56. single-space lines, 132
    57. splitting pages, 159
    58. starting blank documents, 19
    59. strikethrough, 112
    60. styles, 179
    61. symbols, 267
    62. tips for, 348
    63. underlining text, 112
    64. Undo command, 47–48, 67, 259
    65. unhanging indents, 132
    66. un-indenting paragraphs, 130, 132
    67. usefulness of, 342–343
    68. word-underlining, 112
  2. keyboards
    1. laptop compared with desktop, 22
    2. onscreen, 23
    3. PC, 21–23
    4. selecting text with, 61–62
    5. tips for using, 24–26


  1. label printer, 325
  2. labels
    1. about, 325
    2. printing address lists, 327–329
    3. printing sheets of identical, 326–327
  3. Labels button, 326
  4. landscape orientation, 150–151
  5. laptop keyboard, 22
  6. layout, graphics, 256–258
  7. Layout Options button, 256, 258
  8. leader tab, 147–148
  9. left alignment, 124, 132
  10. Left Indent control, 131
  11. left tab stop
    1. about, 138
    2. creating 2-tab paragraphs, 140–141
    3. creating tabbed list, 138–139
  12. Left Tab Stop icon, 139, 141
  13. line art, 254
  14. line spacing
    1. keyboard shortcuts for, 132
    2. options for, 127
    3. setting, 126–127
  15. Line Spacing command button, 126
  16. lines
    1. about, 207–208
    2. adding between paragraphs, 220
    3. defined, 213
    4. numbering on pages, 244
  17. linked copy, 68
  18. linked style, 178
  19. list style, 178
  20. lists
    1. creating bulleted, 242
    2. numbered, 207
    3. numbering, 242–243
  21. local storage, 84
  22. locking documents, 350
  23. lowercase, 118


  1. mail merge
    1. about, 307–308
    2. creating envelopes, 312–313
    3. document types for, 309
    4. Mail Merge Wizard, 310
    5. main document, 310–313
    6. merging documents, 321–322
    7. merging to email, 322–323
    8. merging to printer, 322
    9. previewing merged documents, 320–321
    10. process of, 309–310
    11. recipient list, 313–319
    12. terminology for, 308
  2. Mail Merge Wizard, 310
  3. main document
    1. about, 308, 310
    2. creating mail merge email messages, 311–312
    3. creating mail merge form letters, 311
  4. main screen, 11
  5. manipulating text blocks, 65–70
  6. manual line break, 46–47
  7. manual page break command, 343
  8. mapping documents, 351
  9. margins, printing, 152
  10. Margins button, 152
  11. Mark Entry button, 246
  12. marking
    1. entire documents, 64
    2. text blocks with F8 key, 64
  13. markup area, 298
  14. Master Document feature, 85, 157
  15. master documents, 292–294
  16. math, in tables, 227
  17. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing program, 25
  18. Merge Cells button, 231
  19. merge fields, 308
  20. merging
    1. cells in tables, 230–231
    2. documents, 321–322
    3. to email, 322–323
    4. to printer, 322
  21. Microsoft OneDrive, 84, 88, 90, 305
  22. Microsoft Publisher, 154
  23. mini toolbar, 60–61, 363
  24. Minimize button, 19
  25. misspelled words, 72–73
  26. modifier keys, 23
  27. mouse
    1. copying text blocks with, 68
    2. marking text blocks with, 62–63
    3. moving text blocks with, 68
  28. Mouse mode, 14
  29. mouse pointer, 24
  30. mouse wheel, scrolling with, 35
  31. Move Down button, 288
  32. Move Up button, 288
  33. moving
    1. graphics, 261
    2. insertion pointer, 36–38
    3. text blocks, 66–68
  34. Multilevel List button, 243–244
  35. multilevel numbered lists, creating, 243–244
  36. multiple lines, applying, 215
  37. multiple-page options, 154


  1. navigating documents, 33–39
  2. Navigation pane, 50, 351
  3. New Address List dialog box, 314–315
  4. New Comment button, 298
  5. New Style button, 183
  6. New Window button, 279
  7. Next button, 173, 174
  8. Next Comment button, 299
  9. Next Footnotes button, 249
  10. Next Page section break, 165
  11. No Markup, 299, 304
  12. nonbreaking hyphens, 266
  13. nonbreaking spaces, 266
  14. nonprinting characters, 28–29
  15. non-Word documents, opening, 282–283
  16. Normal style, changing, 187–188
  17. nudging text size, 115
  18. numbered lists
    1. about, 207
    2. automatic, 365
    3. multilevel, 243–244
  19. numbering
    1. lines on pages, 244
    2. lists, 242–243
    3. pages manually, 343
  20. Numbering command button, 242–243
  21. numeric keypad, 23


  1. Object button, 93
  2. odd headers/footers, 173
  3. Odd Page section break, 166
  4. Online Pictures button, 253
  5. online version, of Ribbon, 14
  6. onscreen keyboard, 23
  7. Open command, 91–93
  8. Open dialog box, 91, 362
  9. Open screen, 91
  10. opening
    1. documents, 84–85, 90–94, 277–278
    2. Navigation pane, 351
    3. non-Word documents, 282–283
    4. PDF files, 106
    5. Reveal Formatting pane, 180
    6. Word documents, 9
  11. ordinals, 206
  12. orientation, changing, 150–151
  13. Orientation button, 151
  14. Original, 299
  15. orphans, 28
  16. outdents, 129–130
  17. Outline button, 286
  18. Outline view
    1. about, 15
    2. entering, 286–287
    3. exiting, 287
  19. outlines
    1. printing, 290–291
    2. typing topics in, 287–288
  20. Outlook, 308, 318–319


  1. page borders, applying, 219
  2. Page Break command button, 159
  3. page breaks, 27–28, 343
  4. Page Color button, 160
  5. page formatting
    1. about, 149
    2. adding automatic page numbers, 155–156
    3. adding cover pages, 168
    4. adding watermarks, 161–162
    5. backgrounds, 160–162
    6. changing orientation, 150–151
    7. coloring pages, 160
    8. creating custom headers/footers, 170–172
    9. creating sections, 165–166
    10. first-page, 167–169
    11. footers, 169–175
    12. headers, 169–175
    13. inserting blank pages, 159
    14. inserting cover pages manually, 168–169
    15. multiple-page options, 154
    16. numbering pages, 155–158
    17. numbering with Roman numerals, 157
    18. Page Setup dialog box, 152–154
    19. printing colored pages, 161
    20. removing page numbers, 158
    21. removing section breaks, 167
    22. setting page margins, 151–152
    23. setting page size, 149–150
    24. slicing documents into sections, 163–167
    25. starting text on new pages, 158–159
    26. starting with different page numbers, 156–157
    27. using preset headers/footers, 170
  6. page margins, setting, 151–152
  7. page number field, adding, 271
  8. page numbering
    1. about, 155
    2. adding automatic, 155–156
    3. adding in headers/footers, 171–172
    4. removing, 158
    5. with Roman numerals, 157
    6. starting with different, 156–157
  9. Page Setup dialog box, 152–154, 166–167
  10. page size, setting, 149–150
  11. pages
    1. centering, 208–210
    2. coloring, 160
    3. deleting, 44–45
    4. numbering lines on, 244
    5. printing odd and even, 101
    6. printing on both sides of, 100–101
    7. printing ranges of, 100
    8. printing specific, 98–100
    9. splitting, 159
  12. paper documents, 95–104
  13. Paragraph dialog box, 123–124, 188
  14. paragraph formatting
    1. about, 121
    2. alignment, 124–125
    3. commands for, 123–124
    4. hanging indents, 129–130
    5. indentation, 128–132
    6. indenting first lines, 128–129
    7. indenting paragraphs, 130
    8. justification, 124–125
    9. line-spacing, 127
    10. making space between paragraphs, 127–128
    11. rules for, 121–124
    12. spacing in and around paragraphs, 126–128
    13. tips for, 132
  15. paragraph style, 178
  16. Paragraph symbol (¶), 122
  17. paragraphs
    1. adding thick line between, 220
    2. boxing multiple, 216
    3. defined, 45, 122
    4. deleting, 44
    5. formatting, 207–208
    6. indenting, 26
    7. joining, 45–46
    8. putting borders around, 215
    9. splitting, 45–46
  18. Paste button, 294
  19. Paste command button, 66
  20. Paste Options icon, 67
  21. Paste Special command, 364
  22. pasting plain text, 364
  23. PC keyboard, 21–23
  24. PCs For Dummies, 14th Edition (Gookin), 3
  25. PDF files
    1. creating, 105–106
    2. editing, 106
    3. opening, 106
  26. PgDn key, 37
  27. PgUp key, 37
  28. Pictures button, 253
  29. pilcrow, 29, 122
  30. pinning templates, 193
  31. plain text, pasting, 364
  32. Plus (+) button, 230
  33. points, 114
  34. pop-up information bubble, 24
  35. portrait orientation, 150–151
  36. Preview Results command button, 321
  37. previewing
    1. merged documents, 320–321
    2. before printing, 96–97
  38. Previous button, 173, 174
  39. Previous Comment button, 300
  40. Print command, 98, 344
  41. print jobs, canceling, 103–104
  42. Print Layout view, 14, 27
  43. print preview, 96–97
  44. Print screen, 96
  45. PrintDate field, 274
  46. Printer icon, 103
  47. printers
    1. choosing, 102–103
    2. configuring, 96
    3. merging to, 322
  48. printing
    1. about, 344
    2. address lists, 327–329
    3. colored pages, 161
    4. comments, 300
    5. documents, 97–98
    6. margins, 152
    7. multiple copies, 102
    8. outlines, 290–291
    9. sheets of identical labels, 326–327
    10. text blocks, 102
  49. printout, 95
  50. program window
    1. main screen, 11
    2. Ribbon, 11–13
    3. Start screen, 10–11
  51. Promote button, 288
  52. Promote to Heading 1 button, 288
  53. promoting topics, 288–289
  54. proofing documents, 78–80
  55. proofing errors, hiding, 82
  56. properties, of documents, 358
  57. publishing
    1. documents, 95–106
    2. documents electronically, 104–106
    3. documents on paper, 95–104
  58. pull quote, 268
  59. punctuation, 74
  60. Pushpin icon, 87, 91


  1. Quick Access toolbar, 335–338
  2. Quick Parts button, 269–270
  3. Quick Tables, 226


  1. ranges, printing for pages, 100
  2. Read Mode, 15
  3. reading comments, 299–300
  4. rearranging topics, 288
  5. Recents list, 91
  6. rechecking documents, 79–80
  7. recipient list, 308, 313–319
  8. recovering drafts, 94
  9. red lines, 30
  10. red zigzag, 29
  11. Redo command, 48
  12. Remember icon, 4
  13. removing. See also deleting
    1. background color, 117
    2. blank pages, 98
    3. borders, 216
    4. column breaks, 240
    5. columns from tables, 229–230
    6. Document Properties sheet, 101
    7. documents from Recents list, 91
    8. drop caps, 351
    9. fields, 315–316
    10. footers, 175
    11. headers, 175
    12. items from Quick Access toolbar, 338
    13. page borders, 219
    14. page numbers, 158
    15. rows from tables, 229–230
    16. sections breaks, 167
    17. style formatting, 181
    18. text, 41–45
    19. text wrapping, 258
  14. Repeat command, 48
  15. Replace command, 57
  16. replacing text, 56–57
  17. Reply button, 298
  18. replying to comments, 298
  19. resizing
    1. graphics, 259
    2. program window, 11
    3. text, 15–16, 114–115
  20. Resolve button, 298
  21. restoring
    1. Open dialog box, 362
    2. Save dialog box, 362
  22. returning to previous edit, 38
  23. returns, 46–47, 127, 296
  24. Reveal Codes command, 29
  25. Reveal Formatting pane, 180
  26. reviewing
    1. changes, 304–305
    2. document proofing errors, 78–79
  27. revision marks, 304
  28. Ribbon
    1. about, 11–13
    2. customizing, 338
    3. hiding, 13–14
    4. showing, 13–14
    5. tips for, 347–348
  29. right alignment, 125, 132
  30. Right Indent control, 131
  31. right tab stop
    1. about, 142
    2. creating 2-column right-stop lists, 144
    3. creating right-stop, left-stop lists, 142–143
  32. right-stop, left-stop lists, 142–143
  33. Roman numerals, page numbering with, 157
  34. Rotate command button, 260
  35. rotating graphics, 260
  36. rows
    1. adding in tables, 229–230
    2. removing from tables, 229–230
    3. resizing in tables, 230
  37. rule, 207, 213
  38. rulers
    1. about, 227
    2. adjusting indents with, 131–132
    3. tab stops and, 135–136
    4. unhiding, 131


  1. Save As screen, 87
  2. Save button, 17, 89
  3. Save dialog box, 362
  4. save-errors, for documents, 88–89
  5. saving
    1. automatically on OneDrive, 90
    2. AutoRecover feature, 346
    3. documents, 85–90, 193
    4. documents for the first time, 86–88
    5. forgetting, 90
    6. importance of, 342
  6. scroll bar
    1. horizontal, 35
    2. vertical, 33–35
  7. scrolling documents, 33–35
  8. search and replace
    1. about, 49
    2. Advanced Find, 51–53
    3. finding text, 50–51
    4. replacing text, 56–57
  9. section breaks, 165–166, 167, 238
  10. sections
    1. about, 164–165
    2. creating, 165–166
    3. headers/footers and, 174–175
    4. slicing documents into, 163–167
    5. using, 166–167
  11. selecting
    1. bullet styles, 242
    2. fonts, 110–112
    3. index entries, 246–247
    4. printers, 102–103
    5. tables, 228
    6. text, 61–62
    7. text by letter, 363
  12. sentences, deleting, 43
  13. setting(s)
    1. adjusting for grammar checker, 81–82
    2. AutoCorrect, 76–77
    3. column breaks, 238–240
    4. format of pasted text, 67–68
    5. line spacing, 126–127
    6. page margins, 151–152
    7. page size, 149–150
    8. paragraph outline level, 188
    9. tabs with Tabs dialog box, 136–137
    10. text size, 114
  14. shading backgrounds, 116–117
  15. Shading command button, 116–117
  16. Shape Styles group, 254–255
  17. shapes, 254–255
  18. Shapes button, 254
  19. Share button, 305
  20. sharing documents, 305–306
  21. Shift +F5, 348
  22. Shift key, 23, 62
  23. Shift+F4, 348
  24. Shift+F5, 38
  25. Shift+F8, 348
  26. Show Gallery button, 13
  27. Show Notes button, 249
  28. Show/Hide command, 28–29, 46–47, 159, 247
  29. shuffling graphics, 262–263
  30. Side-by-Side view, 345–346
  31. Simple Markup, 299, 304
  32. single-spacing, 126, 132
  33. Size button, 150
  34. slicing documents into sections, 163–167
  35. small caps, applying, 113
  36. smart quotes, 205
  37. soft returns, 46–47, 127, 296
  38. sorting text, 352–353
  39. spacebar
    1. about, 22
    2. making between paragraphs, 127–128
    3. using, 25
  40. spaces, 342
  41. spam, 323
  42. special characters, 53–54, 266, 267–268
  43. spell check feature
    1. about, 71–72
    2. AutoCorrect feature, 74–77
    3. common misspelled words, 74
    4. fixing misspelled words, 72–73
    5. incorrectly flagged words, 73
  44. Spelling and Grammar Check button, 79
  45. Split Window button, 280
  46. split-screen, 280–281
  47. splitting
    1. cells in tables, 231
    2. documents, 294
    3. pages, 159
    4. paragraphs, 45–46
  48. square images, 257
  49. Start screen, 10–11, 362
  50. starting
    1. blank documents, 19
    2. File screen, 2
    3. new documents with templates, 192–193
    4. text on new pages, 158–159
    5. Word, 7–9
  51. status bar
    1. customizing, 333–334
    2. using, 26–27
  52. storage, 84
  53. strikethrough, applying, 112
  54. Strikethrough command button, 112
  55. style formatting
    1. about, 177–178
    2. assigning shortcut keys to styles, 185–186
    3. changing Normal style, 187–188
    4. Create New Style from Formatting dialog box, 182–184
    5. creating heading styles, 188
    6. creating styles, 182
    7. customizing Style Gallery, 189
    8. deleting styles, 186–187
    9. determining current style, 180–181
    10. finding styles, 178–179
    11. follow-me style, 184
    12. modifying styles, 184–185
    13. removing, 181
    14. tips and tricks, 187–189
    15. using styles, 179–180
  56. Style Gallery, customizing, 189
  57. Style Inspector, 180–181
  58. Style Inspector button, 180
  59. styles
    1. assigning keyboard shortcuts to, 185–186
    2. creating, 182
    3. defined, 177
    4. deleting, 186–187
    5. discovering current, 180–181
    6. finding, 178–179
    7. modifying, 184–185
    8. removing formatting from, 181
    9. updating, 194
    10. using, 179–180
  60. Styles Pane Options dialog box, 179
  61. subdocuments, 292
  62. subscript, applying, 113
  63. Subscript command button, 113
  64. subtopics, 287
  65. superscript, applying, 113
  66. Superscript command button, 113
  67. support, for this book (website), 4
  68. Switch Windows button, 278
  69. Symbol dialog box, 268
  70. symbols, inserting, 267–268
  71. synonyms, 295


  1. tab characters
    1. deleting, 148
    2. displaying, 134–135
  2. tab formatting
    1. about, 133–134
    2. bar tab, 146
    3. center tab stop, 141–142
    4. clearing tab stops, 148
    5. decimal tab, 145–146
    6. leader tabs, 147–148
    7. left tab stop, 138–141
    8. resetting tab stops, 138
    9. right tab stop, 142–144
    10. ruler, 136
    11. tab characters, 134–135
    12. tab stops, 135–136, 138
    13. Tabs dialog box, 136–137
  3. Tab key, 22, 26
  4. tab stops
    1. center, 141–142
    2. clearing, 148
    3. default, 138
    4. displaying, 135
    5. left, 138–141
    6. resetting, 138
    7. right, 142–144
  5. tabbed lists, creating, 138–139
  6. Table menu, 222
  7. table of contents (TOC), creating, 245–246
  8. Table of Contents button, 245
  9. table style, 178
  10. tables
    1. adding captions, 232
    2. adding columns/rows, 229–230
    3. adding to documents, 221–227
    4. adjusting column size, 230
    5. adjusting row size, 230
    6. converting, 226
    7. converting tab-formatted text into, 225
    8. creating, 222–226
    9. deleting, 226–227
    10. drawing, 224–225
    11. formatting, 231–232
    12. math in, 227
    13. merging cells in, 230–231
    14. modifying, 229–232
    15. removing columns, 229–230
    16. removing rows, 229–230
    17. selecting, 228
    18. splitting cells, 231
    19. text in, 227–229
    20. typing text in, 227–228
    21. working with in Word, 222
  11. tablets, Word on, 14
  12. tabs
    1. on Ribbon, 11–12
    2. showing, 13
    3. using, 25
  13. Tabs dialog box, 136–137
  14. task pane, copying text chunks to documents from, 69
  15. Technical Stuff icon, 4
  16. Tell Me What You Want to Do help box, 16
  17. templates
    1. changing associated, 194–195
    2. creating, 195–196
    3. defined, 11
    4. instant documents with, 191–195
    5. modifying, 196–197
    6. pinning, 193
    7. starting new documents using, 192–193
  18. text
    1. aligning in cells, 228–229
    2. boxing, 218
    3. case-sensitive, 52
    4. coloring, 115–117
    5. comments on, 297–301
    6. converting into tables, 225
    7. deleting chunks of, 43–45
    8. deleting lines of, 43
    9. double-spacing, 26
    10. editing, 41–48
    11. erasing, 26
    12. finding, 50–51
    13. graphics in, 251–256
    14. hidden, 356–357
    15. inserting into shapes, 255
    16. keeping images with, 258
    17. removing, 41–45
    18. replacing, 56–57
    19. resizing, 15–16, 114–115
    20. selecting, 61–62
    21. selecting by letter, 363
    22. sorting, 352–353
    23. starting on new pages, 158–159
    24. in tables, 227–229
    25. typing in tables, 227–228
    26. typing into headers/footers, 171
    27. wrapping around images, 257–258
    28. zooming, 15–16
  19. text blocks
    1. about, 59–61
    2. copying, 66, 68, 69
    3. copying to documents from task pane, 69
    4. copying with mouse, 68
    5. deselecting, 65
    6. manipulating, 65–70
    7. marking entire documents, 64
    8. marking with F8 key, 64
    9. marking with mouse, 62–63
    10. moving, 66–68
    11. moving with mouse, 68
    12. printing, 102
    13. selecting text, 61–62
    14. setting formatting for, 67–68
  20. text boxes, 268–269
  21. text case, changing, 117–118
  22. Text Direction button, 229
  23. text effects, about, 201–203
  24. Text Effects and Typography button, 201
  25. Text Effects dialog box, 202
  26. text formats, 110–113
  27. Text Highlight button, 301
  28. text shortcuts, 74
  29. text topics, adding, 290
  30. themes
    1. about, 197
    2. applying, 198–199
    3. color, 199
    4. creating, 199
    5. elements of, 197
    6. font, 199
    7. modifying, 199
  31. Thesaurus, 295
  32. 3-column text, 236–237
  33. through images, 257
  34. tick marks, 205, 266
  35. tight images, 257
  36. time
    1. adding current, 274
    2. adding in headers/footers, 172
  37. Tip icon, 4
  38. titles, creating, 217–218
  39. toggling
    1. between Mouse and Touch mode, 14
    2. between views, 15
  40. top and bottom images, 257
  41. Top Border, 215
  42. topics
    1. collapsing, 289–290
    2. defined, 287
    3. demoting, 288–289
    4. expanding, 289–290
    5. promoting, 288–289
    6. rearranging, 288
  43. total number of pages field, 271
  44. Touch mode, 14
  45. Track Changes button, 303–304
  46. tracking changes, 303–304
  47. translations, 359–360
  48. trifold brochures, creating, 236–237
  49. Twain, Mark (author), 71
  50. 2-column right-stop lists, creating, 144
  51. 2-column text, creating, 235
  52. 2-columns lists, creating, 138–139
  53. 2-tab paragraphs, creating, 140–141
  54. typeface. See fonts
  55. typing
    1. characters, 266–267
    2. collapsible headers, 28
    3. dictation compared with, 29
    4. input devices, 21–24
    5. keyboard tips, 24–26
    6. nonprinting characters, 28–29
    7. page breaks, 27–28
    8. status bar, 26–27
    9. text in tables, 227–228
    10. topics in outlines, 287–288
    11. underlines, 29–30
  56. Typing Instructor Platinum program, 25


  1. underline, 29–30, 112
  2. Underline command button, 112
  3. Undo command, 47–48, 67, 259, 343
  4. Undo Command button, 47
  5. undoing
    1. AutoCorrect corrections, 75
    2. AutoFormat, 208
  6. unhanging indents, 132
  7. unhiding rulers, 131
  8. unindents, 132
  9. Update Labels button, 328
  10. Update Table button, 246
  11. Update Table of Contents dialog box, 246
  12. updates, checking, 306
  13. updating
    1. documents, 89, 284
    2. fields, 272
    3. styles, 194
  14. uppercase, 118


  1. version history, of documents, 358
  2. vertical scroll bar, 33–35
  3. video, in documents, 356
  4. View buttons, 15
  5. View Side by Side button, 279
  6. viewing
    1. Clipboard, 69–70
    2. documents in multiple windows, 279–280
    3. raw data from fields, 272
  7. views, toggling between, 15


  1. Warning icon, 4
  2. Watermark button, 161
  3. watermarks, adding, 161–162
  4. Web Layout view, 15
  5. websites
    1. Adobe Reader, 106
    2. Cheat Sheet, 4
    3. support, for this book, 4
  6. Webster, Noah (author), 71
  7. widows, 28
  8. windows. See document windows; program windows
  9. Windows (Microsoft), 344
  10. Word. See also specific topics
    1. quitting, 17
    2. starting, 7–9
  11. Word 2016 For Professionals For Dummies (Gookin), 3, 55, 57, 85, 109, 121, 210, 227, 243, 248, 254, 273, 338, 357
  12. Word button, 19
  13. word count, 271, 295–296
  14. Word Count button, 296
  15. WordArt, 255–256
  16. WordArt button, 256
  17. WordPerfect, 29
  18. words
    1. deleting, 42–43
    2. finding, 52
    3. finding variations of, 53
  19. wrapped images, 256
  20. wrapping text around images, 257–258
  21. writers, features for, 285–296


  1. zooming text, 15–16
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