Generating code coverage reports

It is very important to know how well your application is tested. If you wrote all the tests by yourself, then you can probably guess it, but if there is a team or you are working on a relatively old project, guessing will not work. Fortunately, there is a way to generate code coverage reports using PHPUnit and Xdebug. This report gives information about how well the application is tested, which lines are being executed while running tests, and which are not.

As an example, we will generate a report for the Yii framework's core base classes.

Getting ready

The Yii framework core tests are not included into release distributions, so we need to get it from the GitHub.

How to do it...

  1. Go to and either download code using the ZIP button or use git to clone it.
  2. In console, enter the following:
    cd path/to/code/tests/ phpunit --coverage-html report framework/base
  3. After the report is generated, go to the path/to/code/tests/ report and open index.html in your browser.

How it works...

The code coverage report that was generated can tell us how well the project was tested and which parts required more testing to be done.


The code coverage report is generated based only on the tests you have run. It is better to run the complete test pack for the project to get the actual information, but for simplicity and speed, we have only executed a few tests of the Yii framework code.

The first report page gives us an overview of which files were tested, and how many lines, methods, and classes were executed. As we are interested in covering as much code as we can, the things to look for are displayed in red and yellow. In the following screenshot, we can see that more tests for CApplication.php and CStatePersister.php need to be written:

How it works...

If we click on a class name, for example, on CComponent.php, then we get more details. The following screenshot shows the class level report:

How it works...

Moreover, the actual code shows what is covered in green:

How it works...

If we click on the dashboard link on the main report page, then we get a handy summary showing the most risky untested classes and methods, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

There's more...

In order to learn more about the code coverage, refer to the PHPUnit manual at the following URLs:

See also

  • The Setting up the testing environment recipe
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