9 Big Blunder
Failing to Follow the Guidelines for Professional Dress

The apparel oft proclaims the man.

—William Shakespeare, Hamlet

People assume the outer package reflects the inner person. Our clothes, our accessories, and our general appearance contribute greatly to the impression we give others. Remember, our non-verbal messages account for a full 55% of the total impression others have of us. Professional clothing should be seen as an investment in your future that adds to your competitive advantage. Every work environment is different. It is important to dress professionally for your particular job while still maintaining your individualism.


It is not the amount of clothes you have, where they come from, or how expensive they are that matters. There are a wide variety of discount stores, stores that sell slightly worn or used clothing, and a vast number of stores with professional-looking clothes at reasonable prices. What is important is that they are clean, tailored to fit you, and appropriate for the task. Clothes need not be expensive in order to look professional, and cost should never be an excuse for looking unprofessional. Think before you put on a tie or blouse that has a stain, a shirt that is ripped, or a hem that is pinned. Suits, shirts, sport coats, and pants should be clean, tailored, and pressed. If you forget one day, that will be the day you run into someone you wish you hadn’t!

The way you dress ultimately impacts your brand, that is, the way people perceive you, as well as your company’s brand. Perceptions are formed about your level of expertise.

Ask Yourself These Crucial Questions

image What is my current position? What position would I like to have?

image Do I feel more confident when I take the time to think about what I’m wearing?

image Whom will I be seeing today? If I run into a client, a prospective employer, or the president of my company, will I feel professional?


image It is important to dress for where you want to be in your career, not for where you are. The people who command the most respect are the people who look as though they respect themselves.

image Remember that your clothing projects your image and has a direct effect on how others perceive you.

image Make sure your clothes fit properly. If not, alter them yourself or have them altered. Clothes that are too tight look cheap, no matter how expensive they are.

image Suits should last at least three to five years.

image Always opt for quality over quantity.

image A coat of clear nail polish applied daily protects colored nail polish longer.

image Keep clear nail polish with you to stop a run from further damaging your hosiery.

image Save your plastic dry cleaning bags and use them when packing for a trip. This will help prevent your clothes from creasing.

image Take your clothes to the dry cleaner only when necessary.

image Check your clothes for dirt and stains before you put them back in your closet. That way, the only clothes in your closet will be clean clothes, and people won’t focus on the spot that you forgot about when you hung up the item.

image Your clothing should fit your lifestyle. Do not buy clothes that are just going to sit in your closet. You should feel great in whatever you buy. If you don’t love it, don’t buy it.

image When you buy something, be sure that you’ll be able to wear that item at least 10 times.

image If you are a smoker, you should have your clothes cleaned more often than nonsmokers to help get rid of the smell of stale smoke. After each wearing, wash as many items as you can. Note that fabric and hair absorb the smell of smoke, and the odor of perspiration and smoke can make things smell rotten or sour.

Professional Dress for Men

It is critical for men to pay attention to their attire and how it fits. Many of the gentlemen we have worked with do not think they need to focus on their attire in the workplace. They put it fairly far down on the priority list. A man may be highly intelligent, but if his suit sleeves are too long, he’ll look sloppy. That impression carries over to work. We suggest to our male clients that if they are not sure what to do, they should go to a store that can help and guide.

Interesting Study

Do you think men who are well-dressed are seen as more successful, smarter, and more professional?

A study by Kelton Research showed that is the case but that approximately 75 percet of men feel they are not dressed professionally the majority of time. The interviews revealed the following statistics:

image 91 percent of respondents felt that a man who dresses well appears to be more physically attractive than he is.

image 75 percent of respondents felt that men who dress well are actually more professionally successful.

image 22 percent of men felt that if they knew how to improve their dress, they would make more money.

All of this shows that appearance can impact your success due to a positive perception from others in the work environment.1

Research conducted by the British Physiological Society on first impressions is in line with the previous study. They also found that people perceive success in others who are well dressed. In one study, they asked people to rate a man who was well-dressed and one who was not. The well-dressed man was seen as confident and more successful. The raters did not realize it was the same man in both pictures.

Other research has shown that well-dressed individuals are seen as more successful, earning more money, and accomplishing more in their careers. This is true especially when compared to those who look sloppy. The research shows that it is not only what people perceive from the outside, but also how we feel on the inside. Northwestern University’s studies support that and show that when people feel good in what they are wearing, it can affect their attitude, behavior, and overall demeanor.2

General Guidelines

image Your hair should look freshly combed or brushed all day. If your hair is hard to manage, there are many products on the market. Find what works well for you.

image All facial hair should be barbered or clean-shaven. Beards and mustaches should be groomed regularly. In some companies, facial hair is frowned upon and is not considered professional. Know the culture of your company.

image The hair on the back of your neck should be clean-shaven. When you are getting your hair cut, make sure you remind your barber or hairdresser to shave your neck.

image Your nose and ear hair should be trimmed regularly. You can purchase electric trimmers that make this job easier. Check yourself weekly.

image You may find it helpful to wear an undershirt. Undershirts help absorb perspiration and odor. You will find that they keep you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

image Your shirts should be clean and pressed. Your collars should be treated, if necessary. Ask your dry cleaner to pay special attention to your collars because not all cleaners do this regularly. No matter how hot it is outside, wear long-sleeved shirts under your suits. You should have three to five shirts for each suit. White, pastels, and pinstripes are acceptable. Your brighter shirts should be kept for casual wear. Shirt-sleeves should extend half an inch beyond the sleeve of your suit. They should never be longer than that.

image If you wear a vest, it should fit comfortably and not gap at the armholes.

$$ Your tie should fall between the middle and the bottom of your belt buckle. Be aware of what is trendy and what is professional regarding length. Know your environment and do what is appropriate.

image Silk ties are best. However, a blend that looks like silk is acceptable. Knot sizes for ties change with trends. Bow ties are acceptable as well.

image Keep your ties that have cartoons or slogans for nonbusiness wear.

image Your pants should break slightly over your shoes. The back of your pants should hit the top of the heels of your shoes. Your pants should be pressed after each wearing. One of the best investments you can make is a pants press. It can save you hundreds of dollars on dry cleaning. Pant cuffs go in and out of style. If you prefer them, cuffs should be kept about two inches deep, and you should still have a break in your slacks.

image Wool is the best fabric for suits. It lasts longer, doesn’t wrinkle, and doesn’t ball up easily.

image Suits, sport coats, and pants should be appropriate for your body proportions and fit comfortably. Have your suits altered professionally. The sleeves of your jackets should be sewn in rather than stapled or glued and should reach your wrist joint. They should not hike up when you lift your arms. If necessary, have the sleeves altered so they fit you properly. When you cup your hand at the bottom of your jackets, the bottom edge of the sleeves should fall in the crease of your cupped fingers.

image Double-breasted jackets go in and out of style. Look at the people in management in your company and see if other men are wearing them. Some companies do not consider them conservative enough for management personnel.

image Jackets with single vents are more traditional. However, in today’s business environments, jackets that have one vent, two vents, or no vents at all are considered professional.

image The color of your socks should either match your shoes or slacks, or be appropriately stylish with a design that may be fun yet still professional. Fun socks may even be a way to differentiate your brand. Socks should be long enough so that when you are seated, no bare skin is showing. If you have a problem with your socks falling down, buy longer socks.

image Your shoes should be polished and match your belt. There are two-toned belts on the market (e.g., brown on one side and black on the other, or black and brown intertwined) that can make this easier for you. Check for scuffmarks weekly. Brown, black, and cordovan are considered the most professional colors to wear. Shoes that look worn can ruin the professional image you want others to have of you.

image Always wear a belt with pants that have belt loops. If your belt is marked from losing or gaining weight, take shoe polish and polish it. If that is not enough to make it look new, either take the belt to a shoemaker to have it refinished or buy a new belt. Old, worn-out belts tend to make people look sloppy.

image Cologne should be used sparingly. If you smell it on yourself, you are probably wearing too much.

image Your fingernails should be kept short, manicured, and clean.

image Wedding rings, school rings, or a small gold ring on your ring finger are acceptable.

Professional Dress for Women

In the business world today, women do not need to look like their male counterparts. Women have many different options for looking professional and feminine. There is one important question that you should ask yourself each time you get dressed for work: Do I want to be considered successful and professional, or do I want to look sexy? If you want to get ahead in the world of business, dress appropriately.

General Guidelines

image Your hair should look freshly brushed and combed. Long hair looks more professional when it is pulled back or in a relaxed style. Hair that is heavily teased does not project a professional image.

image A small amount of makeup is preferable and considered more professional than no makeup at all. Mascara, blush, and lipstick should be worn daily. Most women look as though they haven’t taken the time to put themselves together without them.

image Make sure your shirts or blouses are clean and pressed at all times and not too tight. See-through shirts or blouses are never considered professional. If you perspire heavily, watch for marks under the armpits. Do not wear shirts that are stained.

image The length of your skirt needs to be appropriate for the style you are wearing, your age, and your weight. A short skirt should be one to two inches above or below the knee, and a long skirt should be two to three inches above the ankle. You should have your clothes altered to fit your body when necessary.

Interesting Study

We have worked with many women who do not like to wear makeup and swear that it makes no difference. Unfortunately for them, studies show differently. In a couple of studies people were asked rate how trustworthy, likeable, attractive, and intelligent women were. These women wore either very little, moderate, or heavy makeup. They found that women who had no makeup on were not rated as highly as women who were wearing a professional amount of makeup. In fact, the women wearing moderate amounts of makeup were rated much more positively, and seen as friendlier and more intelligent.3

image Women’s slacks require no break. If you need to have your slacks altered, keep the hem the same length all the way around at the bottom.

image The sleeves of your jackets should be altered to fit your arm length and should end at your wrist joint.

image In most corporate settings, hosiery must be worn at all times. It is best to stay with shades of beige, black, and navy. The shade of your hose should match or blend with your skirt, pants, or shoes. An extra pair of hose and a bottle of clear nail polish in your purse or briefcase is a necessity in the event of a tear or run in your hosiery.

image Opaque tights are acceptable in cold weather. They should be worn with skirts or dresses. Thin, long socks are acceptable when worn with pants. They should look similar to panty hose. Black, navy, or brown with no designs are preferable and more practical.

image Try to match or blend your shoes with your clothing. Spectator shoes are acceptable, as well. Shoes that have been dyed to match an outfit are not professional. White shoes get dirty quickly and have a tendency to look old. Wearing shoes that are inappropriate can ruin your entire outfit. Check your shoes for scuff marks regularly and polish your shoes weekly. The heels of your shoes should never look worn. Heel height should not exceed two inches.

image If you are wearing a belt, it should match or blend with your shoes. Belts that are black, brown, navy, or cream are the most professional looking.

image Often, the right belt pulls an outfit together. Belt loops are not a prerequisite for women when it comes to accessorizing with a belt! If your belt is marked from losing or gaining weight, use shoe polish to polish it. If this doesn’t work, take the belt to a shoemaker and have it refinished or buy a new one.

image Perfume should be worn in small amounts only. When you perspire, the scent is doubled. If you are able to smell the perfume after you have applied it, you have used too much.

image Your fingernails should be manicured and clean. Your nails should be kept relatively short. Nails that are too long do not look professional. Acrylic nails should not be too thick or too long. Nail polish that is too bright or has sparkles is inappropriate. Nail polish that is chipped or smudged makes a poor impression. Nail art is never considered professional.

image Earrings that are small or medium sized look professional. They should not have a lot of stones or be too glittery. Rings should be worn only on the ring finger or your pinkie. Religious symbols, ankle bracelets, ear cuffs, and visible pierced body parts (excluding pierced ears) are not appropriate. If your ears are pierced, do not wear more than one earring in each ear.

Business Attire

Business attire is the most conservative form of dress. It requires a full suit with jacket and either pants or a skirt. When you are meeting someone for the first time, whether for an interview or with a potential customer, business attire is considered the most professional form of dress. In a conservative professional environment, the only situation in which you might not wear business attire is if you wear a uniform or have discussed the issue of what to wear prior to your first meeting.

Caveat: this obviously varies in different lines of work and geographical locations around the world. Having an awareness of what is appropriate and what will differentiate you is critical to your success. Look for examples within your company or industry and model success.

Conservative Business Attire for Men

image Wear a starched dress shirt.

image Wear a suit rather than sport coat and slacks.

image Accessorize with a leather belt, matching shoes, and a conservative tie.

image Wear a watch with a leather or bracelet band. Sport watches are not appropriate for business attire.

image Shoes should be shined dress shoes not soft leather ones like duck shoes.

Conservative Business Attire for Women

image Wear a tailored suit that has a matching or coordinating skirt. Conservative dresses that do not show cleavage, are not glittery, and are not too tight are also considered appropriate. If a dress is suitable to wear to an evening holiday party, it still may not be appropriate for work.

image You can accessorize with a scarf or a belt that accents your suit or dress.

image Your shoes should be leather. Closed toe shoes are more professional in a conservative environment.

image Wear a watch with a leather or bracelet band. Sports watches are not appropriate for business attire.

Business Casual

Professionalism and consistency are two of the most important factors to consider when you are dressing for success. There is a big difference between casual dressing and sloppy dressing. Do not damage your professional image by looking sloppy. Your dress should be consistent with the image you are trying to project.

Business casual is similar to business attire except that a jacket is not required. Business casual is not what you would wear when lounging around your house, watching a ball game, or shopping at the grocery store. It is one level of dress below business attire but still requires that you be dressed for business.

Business Casual for Men

image If possible, do not wear the pants from your suits as they will get worn out before the jacket.

image Do not wear cotton slacks or jeans.

image Long-sleeved, well-pressed shirts, silk-type sweaters, or shirts with open collars and jackets are acceptable.

image Leather shoes and dress socks should be worn at all times.

Business Casual for Women

image Pantsuits are appropriate for business casual attire.

image Slacks with silk or cotton blouses or with twin sweater sets are acceptable.

image Scarves and other types of conservative accessories may be used.

image Shoes should be appropriate in your workspace. If business casual still means closed toe and heel, then stay within those parameters. If wearing open-toe shoes, make sure that your feet are pedicured. People look at shoes immediately, so make sure your shoes represent your brand, even in a casual or business casual environment.

Casual Attire

Each company and culture has a different interpretation of casual attire. As you have read, your expertise, confidence, and professionalism are communicated through your attire. Do not let your level of casual attire affect your career just to be comfortable. Find out if your company has a policy regarding casual dress. If there are written rules, make sure you read them carefully.

Casual Attire for Both Men and Women

image Find out whether denim is acceptable.

image Cotton or corduroy pants or skirts are acceptable.

image Blouses and shirts may be made of cotton or knit fabrics.

image Casual shoes may be worn.

Many companies will allow you to wear some of the following items, but your choices should be well thought out to match your brand and your goals.

image Jeans should not fit too tightly. They should never be faded, have holes, or have frayed edges.

image Shorts should come almost to the knee. Walking shorts or Bermuda shorts are best. Short shorts should never be worn.

image Tight-fitting pants such as leggings are never appropriate when they are so tight you can see undergarments or cellulite.

image T-shirts (without logos) must be clean and pressed. Muscle shirts should never be worn.

Interesting Study

Do you realize that the way you dress could affect your bottom line? How about your company’s results? The Journal of American Academy of Business found that you actually can affect how others perceive you and your company.4 Think about how you dress because it could affect your outcomes.

image Tennis shoes, other types of sport shoes, or sandals may be worn if acceptable in your company.

image If the toes of your shoes are open, your toenails should be pedicured.


image It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed.

image If it is acceptable to wear jeans, make sure they are in good condition.

image Your socks must be clean and free of holes.

image If you are wearing a T-shirt, make sure it is not wrinkled or faded. T-shirts have a way of getting the “worn” look quickly. If your collar is askew, iron it before wearing the shirt.

image When you wear tennis shoes or other types of sneakers, make sure they are polished and clean. White shoe polish or a shoeshine shop can refurbish them and make your shoes look like new.

After-Hours Business Attire for Both Men and Women

image Remember, business after hours is still business.

image Women should never wear anything that is too short, too low-cut, or too tight.

image Daytime suits can always be dressed up with a different blouse and different accessories in order to become more appropriate for the evening.

image Men always look best in darker suits when they are conducting after-hours business.

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