Table of Contents



How This Book Is Organized

Conventions Used in This Book

Web Pages

Special Elements

There’s More Online

Get Ready to YouTube

1 How YouTube Can Help You Market Your Business

A Short History of YouTube

YouTube: The Early Days

YouTube Launches—and Gets Acquired

YouTube Today

Who Watches YouTube—and What Do They Watch?

Is Video Right for Your Business?

Low-Cost Online Marketing

Attracting Eyeballs

Everybody’s Doing It

How Can You Use YouTube to Market Your Business?

YouTube for Brand Awareness

YouTube for Product Advertising

YouTube for Retail Promotion

YouTube for Direct Sales

YouTube for Product Support

YouTube for Internal Training

YouTube for Employee Communications

YouTube for Recruiting

What Kinds of Promotional Videos Should You Produce?

Informative Videos

Educational Videos

Entertaining Videos

The Big Picture

2 Developing Your YouTube Marketing Strategy

What Is the Purpose of Your YouTube Videos?

Who Is Your Customer?

What Does Your Customer Want or Need?

What Are You Promoting?

What Is Your Message?

How Will You Measure the Results of Your YouTube Videos?

What Type of Video Content Is Best for Your Goals?

Repurposed Commercials


Instructional Videos

Product Presentations and Demonstrations

Real Estate Walk-Throughs

Customer Testimonials

Company Introductions

Expert Presentations

Business Video Blogs

Executive Speeches

Company Seminars and Presentations

User or Employee Submissions

Humorous Spots

The Big Picture

3 Creating Informative Videos

Why Informative Videos Work

Different Types of Informative Videos

Information = News

Information = Facts

Producing an Informative Video

Producing a Video Newscast

Producing a Video Product Tour

The Big Picture

4 Creating Educational Videos

Why Educational Videos Work

What Kinds of How-To Videos Should You Produce?

Product Instruction Videos

Project Videos

Producing a How-To Video

The Big Picture

5 Creating Entertaining Videos

What’s Entertaining?

Understanding Viral Videos

Producing an Entertaining Video

The Big Picture

6 Incorporating YouTube Videos in Your Overall Web Marketing Mix

Defining YouTube’s Role in Your Marketing Strategy

Formulating Your New Marketing Mix

Coordinating Your Online Marketing Activities

Making YouTube Co-Exist with Television Marketing


Extending and Expanding

Starting Fresh

The Big Picture


7 Understanding Audio/Video Technology

Understanding Video Resolution

Standard Versus High Definition

YouTube Resolution

Choosing the Right Resolution

Understanding Video File Formats

Understanding Compression and Codecs

Comparing File Formats

Choosing the Right Format for Your YouTube Videos

Converting Existing Videos to YouTube Format

The Big Picture

8 Shooting Webcam Videos

Understanding Webcam Video

When a Webcam Makes Sense

Creating a Video Blog

Reporting from the Road or Special Events

Responding to Immediate Issues

Capturing Customer Testimonials

Tips for Shooting an Effective Webcam Video

Make It Immediate

Keep It Simple

Watch the Lighting

Minimize the Background Noise

Uploading Webcam Video to YouTube

Uploading Webcam Video Files

Uploading Live Webcam Video

The Big Picture

9 Shooting Semi-Pro Videos

Understanding Consumer Video Equipment

How Camcorders Work

Examining Camcorder Storage

Standard or High Definition?

Choosing a Camcorder

Selecting Essential Accessories

Building a Computer for Video Editing

When a Semi-Pro Video Makes Sense

Video Blogs

Informational Videos

Product Demonstrations and Overviews

On-the-Scene Reports

Shooting a Semi-Pro Video

Shooting in the Office

Shooting Outside the Office

Transferring Videos to Your PC for Editing

Tips for Shooting an Effective Semi-Pro Video

Shoot Digitally

Keep the Proper Resolution in Mind

Use a Tripod

Lighting Matters

Use an External Microphone

Watch the Background

A Little Movement Is Good...

...But Too Much Movement Is Bad

Shoot from Different Angles

Close-Ups Are Good

Don’t Center the Subject

Shoot to Edit

Use a Teleprompter

Dress Appropriately

The Big Picture

10 Shooting Professional Videos

Why Create a Professional Video for YouTube?

Advantages of Professional Videos

Disadvantages of Professional Videos

What Makes a Professional Video Professional

Shooting in the Studio

Shooting in the Field

Preparing for a Professional Video Shoot

Learn Your Shooting Angles

Wait for the Lighting

Prepare for Multiple Takes

The Big Picture

11 Editing and Enhancing Your Videos

Choosing a Video-Editing Program

Tier One: Free Programs

Tier Two: Mid-Level Programs

Tier Three: High-End Programs

Using a Video-Editing Program

Editing Together Different Shots

Inserting Transitions Between Scenes

Inserting Titles and Credits

Creating Other Onscreen Graphics

Adding Background Music

Getting Creative with Other Special Effects

Converting and Saving Video Files

The Big Picture

12 Tips for Producing More Effective YouTube Videos

Tips for Creating Better-Looking Videos

Shoot for the Smaller Screen

Accentuate the Contrast

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Invest in Quality Equipment

Shoot Like a Pro

Use Two Cameras

Look Professional—Or Not

Don’t Just Recycle Old Videos—Re-Edit Them, Too

Consider Creating a Slideshow

Hire a Pro

Break the Rules

Tips for Improving Your Video Content

Be Entertaining

Be Informative

Go for the Funny

Keep It Short

Keep It Simple

Stay Focused

Communicate a Clear Message

Avoid the Hard Sell

Keep It Fresh

Design for Remixing

Tips for Generating Sales

Include Your Website’s Address in the Video

Include Your URL in the Accompanying Text

Link from Your Channel Page

The Big Picture


13 Uploading Your Videos to YouTube

Uploading Videos from Your Computer

Selecting a File to Upload

Entering Information About Your Video

Sharing Options

Editing Video Information

Removing a Video from YouTube

The Big Picture

14 Annotating and Linking Your Videos

Understanding Annotations

Uses for Video Annotations

Annotating a Video

Watching an Annotated Video

The Big Picture

15 Managing Comments

Enabling Comments—and Other User Response Features


Comment Voting

Video Responses




Approving Comments and Video Responses

Dealing with Negative Comments

Removing Viewer Comments and Responses

Blocking Specific Viewers from Leaving Comments

Responding to Negative Comments

The Big Picture

16 Establishing Your YouTube Channel

Understanding YouTube Channels

Viewing a Channel Page

Personalizing Your Channel Page

Editing Channel Settings

Editing Channel Themes and Colors

Editing Channel Modules

Choosing Videos and Playlists

Establishing a Brand Channel

Understanding Brand Channels

Benefits of a Brand Channel

Applying for a Brand Channel

The Big Picture

17 Leveraging the YouTube Community

Working the YouTube Community

Posting Bulletins to Your Channel’s Subscribers

Working with Friends and Contacts

Adding a Friend to Your List

Sending Messages to Your Friends

Reading Messages from Other Users

The Big Picture

18 Incorporating YouTube Videos on Your Own Website

Why You Should Let YouTube Host Your Videos

Adding YouTube Video Links to a Web Page

Linking to an Individual Video

Linking to Your YouTube Channel

Embedding YouTube Videos in a Web Page

The Big Picture


19 Tracking Performance

Why Tracking Is Important

Fine-Tuning Your Efforts

Measuring Effectiveness

Planning Future Activities

Tracking Views, Ratings, and Comments

Measuring Views

Judging Likes and Dislikes

Reviewing Comments

Tracking Basic Metrics

Tracking More Advanced Metrics





Hot Spots


Tracking Effectiveness

Tracking Interactivity

Tracking Traffic

Tracking Conversions

Tracking Direct Sales

The Big Picture

20 Marketing Your YouTube Videos

Start with Great Content...

Entertain, Inform, or Educate

Target Your Content

Write a Compelling Title

Pick the Best Thumbnail Image

Take Advantage of YouTube’s Community Features

Sharing with Subscribers and Friends

Guerilla Comments

Use Email Marketing

Reach Out to the Blogosphere

Post to Other Web Forums

Work the Social Media

Run a Contest

Promote Traditionally

Upload to Other Video-Sharing Sites

Advertise Your Video

The Big Picture

21 Optimizing Your Videos for Search

How YouTube Searches for Videos

Choosing the Right Keywords

Optimizing Your Tags

Optimizing Your Title

Optimizing Your Description

Optimizing Embeds and Links

Optimizing Views

Optimizing Comments and Ratings

The Big Picture

22 Advertising Your YouTube Videos

Understanding YouTube Promoted Videos

How PPC Advertising Works

How YouTube Promoted Videos Work

Creating a Promoted Videos Campaign

Getting Started

Creating an Account and Setting a Budget

Writing Your Ad

Choosing Keywords

Setting CPC

Confirming the Promotion

Using the Promoted Videos Dashboard

Examining Key Metrics

Analyzing Individual Video Performance

Editing Your Promotion

Editing Your Bids

Revising Your Budget

Pausing, Resuming, and Deleting Ads

The Bottom Line

23 Using Call-to-Action Overlays on Your Videos

Understanding Call-to-Action Overlays

Creating a Call-to-Action Overlay

Tracking the Performance of Your Call-to-Action Overlays

The Big Picture

24 Generating Revenues from Your YouTube Videos

Create a Video with Value

Direct Viewers to Your Website

Close the Sale on Your Website

The Big Picture

25 Using YouTube for B2B Marketing

Why Use YouTube for B2B Marketing

Different Ways B2B Companies Can Use YouTube

Using YouTube for Additional Information

Using YouTube to Reinforce Existing Relationships

Using YouTube for After-the-Sale Support

Different Types of B2B Videos

Product Demonstrations and Walk-Throughs

How-To Videos

Case Studies and Testimonials

Conferences and Events

Management Messages and Video Blogs

Best Practices for B2B Marketing on YouTube

Upload All Existing Video Assets

Publicize Your Videos

Optimize Your Videos for Search

Embed Your YouTube Videos on Your Own Website

Optimize Your Channel Page

Keep Your Content Fresh

Include a Call to Action

The Bottom Line


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