22. Paul Steele

“Being social on social media has enabled me to help many others achieve their goals.”

—Paul Steele

About Paul Steele


Paul Steele is one of the most popular travel bloggers on Twitter, has been mentioned in the national press, and has regular travel articles in The Huffington Post.

In Paul’s own words, “Having spent 16 years slightly cocooned in an army career and all the traveling and turmoil that occurs with that, I can look back and also say the experiences gained along the way have brought me to a great point. I like to think glass half full in all I do and goals/challenges are there to help me forward not stop me.

Since leaving in 2005, I have gone from a daily grind of sitting behind a desk eight hours a day punching numbers into a PC to being able to appreciate all life throws at me and getting out and away as much as possible.

Hiking and trekking are my main pursuits. Inactivity for three years behind the desk gained me a few pounds around the waist, and one day I was looking at a picture of Kilimanjaro in a magazine and thought, why not? So off I went, loved the experience, and went on to more. Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina, long-distance treks in a whole plethora of extremes, and all this increases my hunger for more (including an upcoming South Pole trek), more often than not helping great charities too.

One thing I have valued from all this is seeing others inspired to follow on and enjoy something they thought they never could. The tweetup and hikes/climbs have allowed me to share my experiences in person, not just in 140 characters or in pictures. There are so many people out there who have looked at, say, a U.K. mountain and only thought in their heads that they wish to be up there. I have helped many to achieve these goals. Being social on social media is one big and main thing that has enabled this. Being open and respectful answering questions and being positive without fakeness helps people feel they want to join in.

Obviously, as you travel you experience more and more. This creates more hunger, and thus the cycle goes on. I appreciate, enjoy the moments, cherish the friendships, and am open to all ideas. Who knows what is next?”

Expert Answers to Key Social Media Questions

How Has Social Media Benefited Your Business/Personal Brand?

Social media helps to show what people are up to within the parameters of what they allow or want. There is no wrong or right, but there are personal preferences, and I respect all.

What has helped me personally is the fact I have never auto-tweeted and have kept variety. This combined with sharing and seeking others with their own passions has been something I think works for me, alongside keeping positive and never showing negativity online toward others. After all, who are we to judge someone harshly from behind 140 characters?

How and Why Do You Use Twitter?

Great question! Why? I started on Twitter when a friend introduced me to it. No business, no agenda, no barriers. I avoided niches and thus learned lots from all corners of the world. I tweet a lot, and for me, 90% of this is done from my iPhone. This has helped me to maintain my outdoor activities while being there on Twitter and seeing/sharing what others are doing as well as what I am up to “on the go.”

I tweet a lot, and for me, 90% of this is done from my iPhone.

What Tips Do You Have Concerning Twitter Names (or Handles) and Avatars?

When I joined Twitter, I was just me. No brand, no company, no blog. So my username was me, plain and simple. What this does is makes me look more personable, I guess. You see comments and advice on this all over the blogosphere. Again, it is personal choice, but I think people are more likely to trust a real name and real picture rather than an obscure name and branded or unbranded random picture.

How and Why Do You Use Facebook?

Ah, Facebook. I use it, but on a more catching-up/keeping-up basis. I have lots of old friends on there as well as new. The pace is much slower there, and I have resisted the temptation to use it à la Twitter. Facebook friends would not appreciate an update every minute as in a twitterfeed. I am thus a more casual user, dropping in every day or two to see what people are up to or to catch up with an old friend in more than 140 characters.

The pace is much slower on Facebook, and I have resisted the temptation to use it à la Twitter.

How and Why Do You Use YouTube?

YouTube itself as a social tool has lost its way for me a little. True, it’s a great tool for uploading your videos and for embedding them onto sites, but I find it a shame that visitors to the site inevitably get drawn toward YouTube’s newfound commercialism. Twitter and Facebook are better platforms for me to see and share what is on there socially via the embedding of YouTube content.

How and Why Do You Use LinkedIn?

I have a LinkedIn account and use it. If someone seems interesting to you, LinkedIn provides a great way to find a fully expanded personal profile in great form, curriculum vitae/resumé and all. Twitter/Facebook profiles are restrictive in characters/subjects, so LinkedIn enables people to open up their business profiles.

What Advice Can You Give to Newbie Bloggers?

My blog baldhiker.com came more as a labor of love. I had been on Twitter for more than two years before I even started it. People were constantly asking questions about my TwitPics and hiking tweets, and I thought I should have a platform to expand my thoughts and experiences in travel, mountains, and learning.

My advice to newbies? Enjoy it, write personably, write what you feel without trying too hard, and you will get into comfortable zones/niches. Never worry about readership or targets on a blog. I feel that this creates falseness and disconnection. All will come in time. Think whose blogs you enjoy and use them as mentors to help you find your individual style.

I think the most successful blogs have a personal touch with a human behind them. Visuals are great, too, as they provide clarity and enhancement to the content.

The most successful blogs are those that have a personal touch with a “human” behind them.

How Much Time Do You Spend Each Day on Social Media Activities?

Time on social media? Ha ha, it seems all day. Yes, as I said before, I use my iPhone for tweeting and keeping up with my social media friends, no matter where I am or what I am doing. Lots of people know that when I am tweeting away about normal things I could actually be standing on a mountain or hill at the time. I never auto-tweet. If I’m busy, I’m busy; if I’m tweeting, I’m there. Why should I expect people to be sociable with me if I am not there and just on a feed?

Real friends will understand if you are busy.

Paul’s Top Tips for Social Media Success

• Be real.

• Be positive.

• Be sincere.

• Help others.

• Share with others.

• Learn from others.

• Be open minded.

• Never think negatively about others you hardly know.

• If you are all about “me, me, me,” you can’t expect people to respect or follow you.

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