
We’d like to kick off our “thank yous” to Katherine Bull and Romny French, who clearly demonstrated saint-like patience during the review, copy, and editing processes. We did it! Also, a big thank you to our publicists Dan Powell and Lisa Jacobson-Brown for going all the way with the promotion of the book.

We also want to thank our contributors who feature in Part IV, “An Expert in Your Pocket,” namely Jeff Bullas (, Lori McNee (, Paul Steele (, Jessica Northey (, and (last but certainly not least) Danny Devriendt ( and Thank you all for sharing your very valuable insight and know-how. We’re sure that many will be inspired by your social media acumen.

A huge shout out to all our followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook, without whom this book would not be possible!

Our immense gratitude to Pedro Huyse and Rodney Holvoet at De Rotonde, Gent, Belgium, who kindly helped us maintain our mantra, “Write drunk, edit sober,” but most of all, being great and very dear supportive friends; we miss you both. We were thrilled to discover that some of our best ideas occurred during happy hour. (Audio evidence is available to support this and is, of course, available upon request.)

Finally, a special shout out of love and thanks to Sarah-Jayne’s soul sister, the wonderful (@movieangel) Marcella Selbach (affectionately known to Dean as Nutella).

We are truly blessed by all the love and support that has surrounded us during the writing of this book. Thank you to one and all.

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