
Book Description

Learn how to build electronics projects with Netduino, the popular platform that's capturing the imagination of makers and hobbyists worldwide. This easy-to-follow, hands-on book provides everything you need to start experimenting with Netduino and the open source .NET Micro Framework. Before long, you’ll be blinking an LED and interacting with sensors.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Netduino
  2. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
  3. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  4. Preface
    1. What You Need to Know
    2. How to Use This Book
    3. Conventions Used in This Book
    4. Using Code Examples
    5. Safari® Books Online
    6. How to Contact Us
    7. This Book Was Made Possible By
  5. 1. Introducing Netduino
    1. Meet the Netduino Family
    2. What You Need
  6. 2. Setting up the Free Tools
    1. Step 1: Install Visual Studio Express
    2. Step 2: Install the .NET Micro Framework SDK
    3. Step 3: Install the Netduino SDK
    4. Conclusion
  7. 3. First Projects
    1. Start Visual Studio
    2. Blinking the Onboard LED
    3. Running the Blinky App
    4. Pushing the Onboard Button
    5. Conclusion
  8. 4. Expansion Shields and Electronic Components
    1. A Gallery of Shields
      1. Motors
      2. GPS
      3. Wireless Networks
      4. Graphical Display
    2. Breadboards and Components
    3. Conclusion
  9. 5. Digital and Analog IO with the MakerShield
    1. Pushing the MakerShield’s Button
    2. Analog Inputs
      1. Measuring Voltage
      2. Other Analog Sensors
    3. Conclusion
  10. 6. Breadboards and LEDs
    1. Changing Intensity
    2. Setting Up the Breadboard
    3. Hooking Up the Components
    4. Writing the Dimmer Code
      1. Mixing Colors
    5. Conclusion
  11. 7. Sound and Motion
    1. Making Music
    2. Motors and Servos
      1. Servo Control
    3. Conclusion
  12. 8. Connecting to the Internet
    1. Coding the Server
    2. Conclusion
  13. A. Upgrading Firmware
    1. Minor Updates
    2. Major Upgrades
  14. B. Developing Netduino Apps with Mono
    1. Prepare the Netduino
    2. Set Up Your Developer Tools
    3. Install Mono
      1. Install Mono 2.10
      2. Compile Mono 2.12 with Mono 2.10
    4. Install Wine
    5. Download Supporting Binaries
    6. Compile an App
  15. About the Author
  16. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly