
Computers surround us. I’m not speaking of laptops or tablets or cell phones. Billions of remote controls, thermostats, sensors, and gadgets of all sorts have little computers inside them. And while millions of software engineers develop applications for phones, computers, and the Web—the programming languages and skills that apply there are quite a bit different than those needed to develop code for tiny embedded microcontrollers.

Or at least, they were.

In 2004, Microsoft introduced the SPOT Smart Watch. It ran a tiny version of their desktop .NET programming runtime and enabled application developers to write software for its tiny microcontroller using the C# programming language they already knew. Almost a decade later, this runtime is now in its fourth major version, is running on millions of devices around the world, and has grown to enable tinkerers to use traditional software development skills to build their own electronics projects with Netduino.

Like me, you may be a tinkerer. You may like building things or tearing things apart to understand how they work. You may want to build your own web-based coffee machine, Morse code generator, or electronically enhanced Halloween costume.

Or you may be an educator or student who wants to learn how electronics work. Netduino and the .NET Micro Framework enable you do this without drowning in a sea of datasheets, and without needing to understand the intricacies of microcontroller registers at the same time.

Because Netduino is open source, all design files and source code are included. If you desire to become an expert or just need a reference to understand how things work behind the scenes, that is all provided at no charge. Netduino gives you freedom to build, to remix, and to have fun.

And for many, Netduino is about fun: to learn how electronics work, to build cool projects, and to play. For others, Netduino is a serious tool used to develop viable products.

Whether you are interested in Netduino for fun or for profit, there is an online community of tens of thousands of fellow makers at Come join us in learning, in building, and in sharing our electronics achievements. I look forward to meeting you there.

What You Need to Know

This book is written with the goal of giving non-programmers enough training to successfully build the samples in this book, while providing software engineers the ability to delve into electronics using their sophisticated programming skills.

If you have written scripts for a web page, you have the skills necessary to tackle this book. If you have used a word processor before, you should be able to follow along with the samples. And if you write desktop or web applications in C# for a living, you should enjoy this journey.

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