
Book Description

It has never been easier to make panoramas--both in terms of the new lightweight equipment and the spectacular quality of the final image output. New vistas concerning this unique way to see the world and express oneself abound in Panoramic Photography: From Composition and Exposure to Final Exhibition. Written by one of the world's pre-eminent panoramic photographers, the author, Arnaud Frich, provides diagrams to explain the technical details involved in various shots. Long on inspiration, you will find beautiful images by the author, as well as by Benoît Ancelot, François-Xavier Bouchart, Franck Charel, Macduff Everton, David J. Osborn, and many others. Camera equipment examples and a list of suppliers make this book a valuable resource for all panoramic photographers. Inside you will find all the information you need to create your perfect panorama!

Only with Panoramic Photography can you:

*Explore flatback and rotating panoramic cameras and learn how swing-lens and rotational cameras work
*Observe how camera choice affects the image and final composition
*Learn the joining (or "stitching") method for assembling photographs with the Realvis Stitcher and Panavue ImageAssembler
*Archive and store original negatives and digital files, as well as distribute panoramic images over the Internet

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Halftitle
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Contents
  7. Preface
  8. Chapter One: Solutions and Formats
    1. A Variety of Approaches
    2. The Panoramic Image
      1. Angle of View
      2. Different Aspect Ratios
      3. Format Size
      4. Influence on Image Detail
      5. Influence on Depth of Field
      6. Hyperfocal Distance
  9. Chapter Two: Framing and Composition
    1. Framing
      1. Viewfinder
      2. Flatback Cameras
      3. Swing-Lens and Rotational Cameras
      4. Photographic Assemblage
    2. Composition
      1. Rule of Thirds
      2. Placing the Horizon Line
      3. Shifting the Lens
      4. Symmetry
      5. Composing with the Sun
      6. Composing at Night
      7. Noting Location
  10. Chapter Three: Flatback Cameras and Picture-Taking
    1. Conventional Cameras
      1. Throwaway, APS, and Compact Cameras
      2. 35 mm and Digital Cameras
      3. Medium-Format Cameras
      4. Large-Format Cameras
    2. Specialty Cameras
      1. 24 mm × 65 mm Cameras
      2. 6 × 12 Cameras
      3. 6 × 17 Cameras
    3. Accessories
      1. Camera Bag
      2. Tripod
      3. Level
      4. Light Meters
      5. Filters
      6. Lens Filters
      7. Conventional Filters
      8. Other Accessories
    4. Taking the Picture
      1. Framing
      2. Light Metering and Exposure
  11. Chapter Four: Picture-Taking with Swing-Lens and Rotational Cameras
    1. How Do Swing-Lens and Rotational Cameras Work?
      1. When the Lens Rotates
      2. When the Camera Rotates
    2. Camera Types
      1. Swing-Lens Cameras
      2. Rotational Cameras
      3. Digital Cameras
    3. Accessories
      1. Level
      2. Filters
      3. Light Meters
    4. Taking the Picture
      1. Hand-held or Tripod?
      2. Framing Options
      3. Depth of Field and Hyperfocal Distance
      4. Light Metering and Exposure
      5. Spot-Meter Reading
      6. Placing the Light
      7. Dodging
      8. Movements
      9. Starts and Stops
      10. Changing Exposure Times
  12. Chapter Five: Joined Panoramas
    1. The Principle
      1. Steps in the Joining Method
    2. Photo Equipment
      1. Camera
      2. Tripod and Level
      3. Panoramic Tripod Head
      4. Hand-Held Light Meters
      5. Accessories
    3. Prior to Taking the Picture
      1. Framing Decisions
    4. Entrance Pupil
      1. Definition
      2. Finding the Entrance Pupil
      3. Importance of the Entrance Pupil
    5. Light Metering
      1. Color Temperature
      2. Determining Exposure
      3. Localized Metering – Differences in Contrast
    6. Taking the Picture
      1. Rotation
      2. Exposure Correction
  13. Chapter Six: Photographic Assemblage
    1. Preparing the Photographs
      1. Light Level
      2. White-Balance
      3. Optical Distortions
      4. Image Size and Format
      5. Retouching Tools
    2. Stitching
      1. The Principle
      2. Tiled Connections
      3. Orthoscopic Connections
      4. Creative Connections
      5. Software Programs
    3. Joining with the Realvis Stitcher
      1. First Step: Distortions
      2. Second Step: Joining
      3. Third Step: The Result
    4. Joining with the Panavue ImageAssembler
      1. First Step: Lens Wizard
      2. Second Step: Series Assemblage
      3. Creating a QTVR Sequence
  14. Chapter Seven: After the Exposure
    1. Traditional or Digital Prints?
      1. Traditional Prints
      2. Digital Prints
    2. Presentation of Panoramic Photographs
      1. Distribution of Images on the Internet
      2. Books and Display Cases
      3. Exhibits
      4. Slide Projection
    3. Archival Storage of Originals
      1. Negatives
      2. Color Transparency Film
      3. Storing Digital Files
  15. Appendix A: Resources
    1. Directory of Photographers
    2. Sources of Supplies
    3. Bibliography
  16. Appendix B: Photographic Credits
  17. Index