
Book Description

This anthology brings together the year's finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside some of the foremost names in the field, The Best Writing on Mathematics 2011 makes available to a wide audience many articles not easily found anywhere else--and you don't need to be a mathematician to enjoy them. These writings offer surprising insights into the nature, meaning, and practice of mathematics today. They delve into the history, philosophy, teaching, and everyday occurrences of math, and take readers behind the scenes of today's hottest mathematical debates. Here Ian Hacking discusses the salient features that distinguish mathematics from other disciplines of the mind; Doris Schattschneider identifies some of the mathematical inspirations of M. C. Escher's art; Jordan Ellenberg describes compressed sensing, a mathematical field that is reshaping the way people use large sets of data; Erica Klarreich reports on the use of algorithms in the job market for doctors; and much, much more.

In addition to presenting the year's most memorable writings on mathematics, this must-have anthology includes a foreword by esteemed physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson. This book belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in where math has taken us--and where it is headed.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication Page
  5. Contents
  6. Foreword: Recreational Mathematics
  7. Introduction
  8. What Is Mathematics For?
  9. A Tisket, a Tasket, an Apollonian Gasket
  10. The Questfor God's Number
  11. Meta-morphism: From Graduate Student to Networked Mathematician
  12. One, Two, Many: Individuality and Collectivity in Mathematics
  13. Reflections on the Decline of Mathematical Tables
  14. Under-Represented Then Over-Represented: A Memoir of Jews in American Mathematics
  15. Did Over-Reliance on Mathematical Models for Risk Assessment Create the Financial Crisis?
  16. Fill in the Blanks: Using Math to Turn Lo-Res Datasets into Hi-Res Samples
  17. The Great Principles of Computing
  18. Computer Generation of Ribbed Sculptures
  19. Lorenz System Offers Manifold Possibilities for Art
  20. The Mathematical Side of M. C. Escher
  21. Celebrating Mathematics in Stone and Bronze
  22. Mathematics Education: Theory, Practice, and Memories over 50 Years
  23. Thinking and Comprehending in the Mathematics Classroom
  24. Teaching Research: Encouraging Discoveries
  25. Reflections of an Accidental Theorist
  26. The Conjoint Origin of Proof and Theoretical Physics
  27. What Makes Mathematics Mathematics?
  28. What Anti-realism in Philosophy of Mathematics Must Offer
  29. Seeing Numbers
  30. Autism and Mathematical Talent
  31. How Much Math is Too Much Math?
  32. Hidden Dimensions
  33. Playing with Matches
  34. Notable Texts
  35. Contributors
  36. Acknowledgments
  37. Credits