


This new volume in the series of The Best Writing on Mathematics brings together a collection of remarkable texts, originally printed during 2010 in publications from several countries. A few exceptions from the strict timeframe are inevitable, due to the time required for the distribution, surveying, reading, and selection of a vast literature, part of it coming from afar.

Over the past decade or so, writing about mathematics has become a genre, with its own professional practitioners—some highly talented, some struggling to be relevant, some well established, some newcomers. Every year these authors, considered together, publish many books. This abundance is welcome, since writing on mathematics realizes the semantic component of a mental activity too often identified to its syntactic- procedural mode of operation. The appropriation to the natural language of meaningful intricacies latent in symbolic formulas opens up paths toward comprehending the abstraction that characterizes mathematical thinking and some mathematical notions; it also offers unlimited expressive, imaginative, and cognitive possibilities. In the second part of the introduction, I mention the books on mathematics that came to my attention last year; the selection in this volume concerns mostly pieces that are not yet available in book form—either articles from academic journals or good writing in the media that goes unobserved or is forgotten after a little while. The Best Writing on Mathematics reflects the literature on mathematics available out there in myriad publications, some difficult to consult even for people who have access to exceptional academic resources. In editing this series I see my task as restitution to the public, in convenient form, of excellent writing on mathematics that deserves enhanced reception beyond the initial publication. By editing this series I also want to make widely available good texts about mathematics that otherwise would be lost in the deluge of information that surrounds us. The content of each volume builds itself up to a point; I only give it a coherent structure and present it to the reader. That means that every year some prevailing themes will be new, others will reappear.

Most readers of this book are likely to be engaged with mathematics in some way, at least by being curious about it. But most of them are inevitably engaged with only a (small) part of mathematics. That is true even for professional mathematicians, with rare exceptions. Mathematics has far-reaching tentacles, in pure research branches as well as in mundane applications and in instructional contexts. No wonder the stakeholders in the metamorphosis of mathematics as a social phenomenon can hardly be well informed about the main ideas and developments in all the different aspects connected to mathematics. Solipsism among mathematicians is surely not as common as the general public assumes it is; yet specialization is widespread, with many professionals finding it difficult to keep abreast of developments beyond their strict areas of interest. By making this volume intentionally eclectic, I aim to break some of the barriers laid by intense specialization. I hope that the enterprise makes it easier for readers, insiders and outsiders, to identify the main trends in thinking about mathematics in areas unfamiliar to them.

Anthologies of writings on mathematics have a long—if sparse and irregular—history. Countless volumes of contributed collections in particular fields of mathematics exist but, to my knowledge, only a handful of anthologies that include panoramic selections across multiple fields. Soon after the Second World War, William Schaaf edited Mathematics, Our Great Heritage, which included writings by G. H. Hardy, George Sarton, D. J. Struik, Carl G. Hempel, and others. A few years later James Newman edited The World of Mathematics in four massive tomes, a collection widely read for decades by many mathematicians still active today. In parallel, in francophone countries circulated Le Lionnaise's Les Grand Courants de la Pensee Mathematique, translated into English only several years ago. During the 1950s and 1960s a synthesis in three volumes edited by A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrentiev, including contributions by Soviet authors, was translated and widely circulated. Very few similar books appeared during the last three decades of the twentieth century; notable was Mathematics Today, edited by Lynn Arthur Steen in the late 1970s. In the present century the pace quickened; several excellent volumes were published, starting with Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives edited in 2000 by Vladimir Arnold, Michael Atiyah, Peter Lax, and Barry Mazur, followed by the voluminous tomes edited by Bjorn Engquist and Wilfried Schmid in 2001, Timothy Gowers in 2008, as well as the smaller collections edited by Raymond Ayoub in 2004 and Reuben Hersh in 2006 (for complete references, see the list of works mentioned at the end of this introduction). The BestWriting on Mathematics builds on this illustrious tradition, capitalizing on an ever more interconnected world of ideas and benefiting from the regularity of yearly serialization.

Overview of theVolume

The texts included in this volume touch on many topics related to mathematics. I gave up the thematic organization adopted in the first volume, since some of the texts are not easy to categorize and some themes would have been represented by only one or very few pieces.

Underwood Dudley argues that mathematics beyond the elementary notions is the best preparation for reasoning in general and that most people value it primarily for that purpose, not for its immediate practicality.

Dana Mackenzie describes the overt and the hidden properties of the Apollonian gasket, a configuration of infinitely nested tangent circles akin to a fractal.

Rik van Grol tells the story of finding the optimal number of steps that solve scrambled Rubik's cubes of different sizes—starting with the easy cases and going to the still unsolved ones.

Andrew Schultz writes on the friendly professional interactions that shape the career of a mathematician, from learning the ropes as a graduate student to becoming an accomplished academic.

In a polemical reply to a text we selected in last year's volume of this series (Gowers and Nielsen), Melvyn Nathanson argues that the most original mathematical achievements are distinctively individual, rather than results of collaboration.

Martin Campbell-Kelly meditates on the long flourishing popularity and recent demise of mathematical tables.

Reuben Hersh ponders on the post—World War II abundance of Jewish mathematicians at American universities, in contrast to the pale prewar representation of Jews among American mathematicians.

David Hand points out that attributing the 2008 financial crisis to the widespread reliance on mathematical models of investment and risk oversimplifies causality in complex economies.

Jordan Ellenberg describes how compressed sensing, a process based on a mathematical algorithm, leads to the reconstruction of big amounts of information starting from smaller samples.

After reviewing the broad stages that led to computing as we know it (from a blend of applied mathematics, science, and engineering in the 1930s and continuing into the present) Peter Denning characterizes the interactions between computing and the other domains of science— physical, social, and life.

James Hamlin and Carlo Sequin identify the mathematical properties of Charles Perry's airy sculptures and extend those ideas by suggesting other ways of constructing transparent surfaces in a similar vein.

Barry Cipra describes the Lorenz system of three simple differential equations, a versatile system with solutions of aesthetic interest but whose dynamic properties are only partly understood by mathematicians.

Doris Schattschneider identifies the mathematical inspirations of the Dutch artist M. C. Escher—most of them fruits of long-term preoccupation with geometry and of his interaction with mathematicians.

Counterbalancing the impression of fragility conveyed by the light structures presented in the Hamlin and Sequin text, Helaman and Claire Ferguson detail the mathematical notions underlying Helaman's massive bronze sculptures.

John Mason recounts the main events, people, and trends that influenced his views of mathematics education over a half century of activity.

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Heather Anderson discuss modeling, vocabulary enrichment, and group work as ways for engaging students in the mathematics classroom.

Francis Edward Su asks what makes a learner become an inquirer— and further, a discoverer—and offers refreshing answers, contradicting some of the widely held assumptions concerning the effectiveness of instructional approaches in secondary and undergraduate mathematics.

Echoing the autobiographical tone in John Mason's text, Alan Schoen- feld reviews the ideas that guided him in researching mathematical problem solving and anchoring the role of theory in mathematics education research.

Hans Niels Jahnke combines etymological considerations with the analysis of scientific thinking in ancient Greece, to discern the sources and the changing meaning of the notion of mathematical proof.

Ian Hacking asks what unifies and gives a common “identity” to varieties of mathematics—and concludes that the answer has changed through time, depending on the contingent historical conditions.

Feng Ye formulates several challenges that must be overcome by philosophers who claim that mathematical entities reside in imagination, in order to adopt a viable position—and provides grounds for reconstructing such a philosophy of mathematics.

Ivan Havel speculates on the possible mental imagery of number representation, in connection with the polysemy of the concept of number and the unusual abilities displayed by people able to perform exceptional computational abilities.

loan James reviews recent research on possible connections between characteristics of the autistic personality and salient features of mathematical talent visible in people affected by the syndrome.

Chris Budd and Rob Eastaway take on the conundrum of communicating mathematics well to the nonspecialized public—and suggest balancing the symbolic language of mathematics with good examples of the imprint left by mathematics on everyday life.

Marianne Freiberger explores connections between physics and the geometry of space, starting from conversations she has had with Shing- Tung Yau, one of the prominent geometers who studies them.

To conclude this collection of articles on mathematics, Erica Klar- reich explains how a computerized algorithm helps place in residency couples of medical school graduates and how the process has changed over several decades to accommodate the transformation of the marketplace for doctors.

Other 2010 Writings on Mathematics

I selected the texts in this volume from a much larger group. At the end of the book the reader finds a list of other remarkable pieces, which I initially considered in a wider selection but I did not include for reasons of space or related to copyright. In this section of the introduction I mention a string of books on mathematics (as different from mathematics books proper) that came to my attention over the past year.

A captivating first-person account of research in pure mathematics, with insights into the collaborative work of mathematicians, is given by Shing-Tung Yau (with Steve Nadis) in The Shape of Inner Space. Alexandre Borovik gives a rich exploration of cognitive aspects of mathematical intuition, based on many biographical accounts, in Mathematics under the Microscope. A book difficult to categorize, touching on psychological, cognitive, and historical aspects of mathematical thinking, in an original manner, is Mathematical Reasoning by Raymond Nickerson. Also interdisciplinary is Grammar, Geometry, and Brain by Jens Erik Fenstad. Two recent books of interviews also offer glimpses into the rich life experiences of mathematicians: Recountings: Conversations with MIT Mathematicians edited by Joel Segel and Creative Minds, Charmed Lives edited by Yu Kiang Leong—as does Reuben Hersh and Vera John-Steiner's Loving and Hating Mathematics.

Among several books that combine excellent expository writing with mathematics proper are Charming Proofs by Claudi Alsina and Roger Nelsen, Creative Mathematics by Alan Beardon, Making Mathematics Come to Life by O. A. Ivanov, A Mathematical Medley by George Szpiro, and the latest volume (number 8) of What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences by Dana Mackenzie.

Many notable books on the history of mathematics are being published these days; some of the most recent titles and their authors are the following. Benjamin Wardhaugh has written a brief but badly needed guide called How to Read Historical Mathematics. Two excellent books on the history of geometry are Revolutions of Geometry by Michael O' Leary and Geometry from Euclid to Knots by Saul Stahl. Other accounts of particular mathematical branches, times, or personalities are The Birth of Numerical Analysis edited by Adhemar Bultheel and Ronald Cools, The Babylonian Theorem by Peter Rudman, The Pythagorean Theorem: The Story of Its Power and Beauty by Alfred Posamentier, Hidden Harmonies: The Lives and Times of the Pythagorean Theorem by Robert and Ellen Kaplan, Galileo by J. L. Heilbron, Defending Hypatia by Robert Goulding, Voltaire's Riddle by Andrew Simoson, The Scientific Legacy of Poincare edited by Eric Charpen- tier, Etienne Ghys, and Annick Lesne, Emmy Noether'sWonderful Theorem by Dwight Neuenschwander, and Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics edited by C. S. Seshadri.Thematically more encompassing are Mathematics and Its History by John Stillwell, An Episodic History of Mathematics by Steven Krantz, Duel at Dawn by Amir Alexander, and History of Mathematics: High ways and Byways by Amy Dahan-Dalmedico and Jeanne Peiffer. The mathematical avatars of representative politics since Ancient Greece are wonderfully narrated by George Szpiro in Numbers Rule. Joseph Mazur, in What's Luck Got to Do with It? also takes a historical perspective, by telling the story of the mathematics involved in gambling. Alex Bellos gives a refreshingly informal tour of the history of elementary mathematics in a new edition of Here's Looking at Euclid. Two histories of sciences with substantial material dedicated to mathematics are Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity by Alberto Martinez and Technology and Science in Ancient Civilizations by Richard Olson. Among editions of old mathematical writings are Pappus of Alexandria: Book 4 of the Collection edited by Heike Sefrin-Weis and the fourth volume of Lewis Carroll's pamphlets, containing The Logic Pamphlets, an edition by Francine Abeles.

Among recent books of philosophical issues in mathematics I note There's Something about Godel by Francesco Berto, Roads to Infinity by John Stillwell, the reprinting of the Philosophy of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, and several new volumes on logic: The Evolution of Logic by W. D. Hart, Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics in the Early Husserl by Stefania Centrone, Logic and How It Gets thatWay by Dale Jacquette, and the collection of classic essays Thinking about Logic edited by Steven Cahn, Robert Talisse, and Scott Aikin. In Mathematics and Reality, Mary Leng is concerned with the ontology of mathematical objects and its implications for the status of mathematical practice.

Several recent books on mathematics education that came to my attention are worth mentioning. Theories of Mathematics Education edited by Bharath Sriraman and Lyn English is a synthesis of contributions by foremost researchers in the field. Others, concerned with particular themes, are Proof in Mathematics Education by David Reid and Christine Knipping, Mathematical Action and Structures of Noticing edited by Stephen Lerman and Brent Davis (honoring the work of John Mason, a contributor to this volume), Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education edited by Brian Greer and collaborators, and Winning the Math Wars by Martin Abbott and collaborators. A detailed and authoritative presentation of inquiry- based teaching of mathematics is The Moore Method by Charles Coppin, Ted Mahavier, Lee May, and Edgar Parker. A new volume (number VII) in the series of Research in Collegiate Mathematics was edited recently by Fernando Hitt, Derek Holton, and Patrick Thompson. Volumes concerned with education generally but with excellent chapters on mathematical aspects are Instructional Explanations in the Disciplines edited by Mary Kay Stein and Linda Kucan, Beauty and Education by Joe Winston, and Visualization in Mathematics, Reading, and Science Education edited by Linda Phillips, Stephen Norris, and John Macnab. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has continued the publication of several series, listed below under the authors Marian Small, Michael Shaughnessy, Mark Saul, Jane Schielack, and Frank Lester.

In Numbers Rule Your World, Kaiser Fung (who also maintains the Junk Charts blog: presents in detail several cases of sensible statistical thinking in engineering, health, finance, sports, and other walks of life. Related recent titles are The Pleasures of Statistics: The Autobiography of Frederick Mosteller, What Is p-Value anyway? by Andrew Vickers, and Probabilities by Peter Olofsson.

In applied mathematics several remarkable volumes became available or were reissued lately. Colin Clark's Mathematical Bioeconomics is now in print in its third edition, offering a wide range of examples in resource management and environmental studies, all in an easy-to-read presentation. Mohammed Farid edited a massive volume covering 37 major topics concerning properties of food, under the title Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing. A group including Warren Hare and collaborators wrote Modelling in Healthcare, a substantial report on data collection, mathematical modeling, and interpretation in healthcare institutions. Robert Keidel authored a refreshing visual-conceptual view of strategic management in The Geometry of Strategy. Closer to mathematics proper is Mrs. Perkins's Electric Quilt by Paul Nahin, an introduction to mathematical physics written with much verve. Once Before Time by Martin Bojowald and What If the Earth Had Two Moons? by Neil Comins underlie the crucial role of mathematics in understanding the meaning of physical laws governing the observable universe. Highly readable, appealing to basic notions of randomness and complexity, is Biology's First Law by Daniel Mc- Shea and Robert Brandon. In The Mathematics of Sex, Stephen Ceci and Wendy Williams zoom in on gender aspects of education, social inequality, and public policy. Two books with a wide span of applications are Critical Transitions in Nature and Society by Marten Scheffer and Disrupted Networks by Bruce West and Nicola Scafetta. David Easley and Jon Klein- berg take an interdisciplinary approach in Networks, Crowds, and Markets. And a lively account of the use, overuse, and abuse of mathematical methods in the financial industry is given by Scott Patterson in The Quants.

A splendid illustration of mathematical methods in charting complex data sets is the Atlas of Science by Katy Borner. Also visual, at the intersection between mathematics, arts, and philosophy, is Quadrivium, edited by John Martineau and others.

Popularizing mathematics is well represented by several titles. In Our Days Are Numbered, Jason Brown writes on common occurrences of many elementary (and a few less-than-elementary) mathematical notions—as do Ian Stewart in Cows in the Maze and Other Mathematical Explorations (pointing to a wealth of online resources), John D. Barrow in 100 Essential ThingsYou Didn't KnowYou Didn't Know, Marcus du Sautoy in Symmetry: A Journey into the Patterns of Nature (an attractive blend of history, games, and storytelling), and Jamie Buchan in Easy as Pi. A sort of dictionary of number properties is Number Freak by Derrick Niederman. First-hand accounts of learning mathematics are Hot X: Algebra Exposed by Danica McKellar, The Calculus Diaries by Jennifer Ouellette, and Dude, Can You Count? by Christian Constanda. Finally in this category, a must-read antidote to blindly taking for granted numerical arguments in public discourse is Proofiness by Charles Seife.

In a separate register, it is worth mentioning a moving novel of love and loneliness on a mathematical metaphor, The Solitude of Prime Numbers by the young Italian physicist Paolo Giordano.

I conclude this summary overview of the vast number of books on mathematics published last year by mentioning the recent publication of the first issue (January 2011) of a new periodical, the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics (thanks to Fernando Gouvea for drawing my attention to this journal).

This is not a critical review of the recent literature on mathematics and surely not a comprehensive list. Other books, not mentioned here, can be found on the list of notable texts at the end of the volume; perhaps still others have escaped my survey. Authors and publishers can make sure I know about a certain title by contacting me at the address provided just before the list of works mentioned in this introduction.

A Few Internet Resources

The sheer number of excellent websites on mathematics (including those hosted by educational institutions and individual mathematicians) makes any attempt to compile a comprehensive inventory look quixotic. Here I only suggest a handful of online mathematical resources that caught my attention over the past year that I did not mention in the introduction to the previous volume.

I begin with a few specialized sites. The Why Do Math website ( is particularly original in highlighting the success stories of applied mathematics in science, society, and everyday life. A multilanguage site profiled on number sequences is the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences ( The Geometric Dissections site ( html) obviously needs no further description. Neither does the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions ( And an excellent website for questions and answers is the Math Overflow site (

Among the many good blogs on mathematics, I mention a few very active ones: the Math-blog (, the Computational Complexity blog (, Wild about Math! blog (, and the Think-finity blog ( A number of prestigious mathematicians maintain active blogs, with a rich network of links to other blogs—including Timothy Gowers (, Terence Tao (, and Richard Lipton (, to mention just a few.

Some good instructional/educational sites, among many, are the Khan Academy (, Mathematically Sane (, and the Reasoning Mind (

Works Mentioned

Abbott, Martin, Duane Baker, Karen Smith, and Thomas Trzyna. Winning the Math Wars: No Teacher Left Behind. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2010.

Aleksandrov, A. D., A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrentiev. (Eds.) Mathematics: Its Content, Method, and Meaning. Three volumes. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1963. (Originally published in Moscow, 1956.)

Alexander, Amir. Duel at Dawn: Heroes, Martyrs, and the Rise of Modern Mathematics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010.

Alsina, Claudi, and Roger B. Nelsen. Charming Proofs: A Journey into Elegant Mathematics. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

Arnold, V. I., M. Atiyah, P. Lax, and B. Mazur. (Eds.) Mathematics:Frontiers and Perspectives. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2000.

Ayoub, Raymond G. (Ed.) Musings of the Masters: An Anthology of Mathematical Reflections. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2004.

Barrow, John D. 100 Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know: Math Explains Your World. NewYork: W. W. Norton, 2010.

Beardon, Alan F. Creative Mathematics. Cape Town, South Africa: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Bellos, Alex. Here's Looking at Euclid: A Surprising Excursion through the AstonishingWorld of Mathematics. NewYork: Free Press, 2010.

Berto, Francesco. There's Something about Godel: A Complete Guide to the Incompleteness Theorem. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Bojowald, Martin. Once Before Time: A Whole Story of the Universe. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.

Borner, Katy. Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2010.

Borovik, Alexandre V Mathematics under the Microscope: Notes on Cognitive Aspects of Mathematical Practice. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Brown, Jason I. Our Days Are Numbered: How Mathematics Orders Our Lives. Toronto, Canada: McClelland & Stewart, 2009.

Buchan, Jamie. Easy as Pi:The CountlessWaysWe Use Numbers Every Day. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader's Digest, 2010.

Bultheel, Adhemar, and Ronald Cools. (Eds.) The Birth of Numerical Analysis. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.

Cahn, Steven M., Robert B. Talisse, and Scott F. Aikin. (Eds.) Thinking about Logic: Classic Essays. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 2010.

Carroll, Lewis. The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll: The Mathematical Pamphlets of Charles Lutwidge Dodg- son and Related Pieces, edited by Francine F. Abeles. Charlottesville,Va.: University of Virginia Press, 2010.

Ceci, Stephen J., and Wendy M. Williams. The Mathematics of Sex: How Biology and Society Conspire to Limit Talented Women and Girls. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Centrone, Stefania. Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics in the Early Husserl. New York: Springer Science 1 Business Media, 2010.

Charpentier, Eric, Etienne Ghys, and Annick Lesne. (Eds.) The Scienctific Legacy of Poincare. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Clark, Colin W. Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Mathematics of Conservation. NewYork: John Wiley and Sons, 2010.

Comins, Neil F. What If the Earth Had Two Moons? NewYork: St. Martin's, 2010.

Constanda, Christian. Dude, CanYou Count? Stories, Challenges, and Adventures in Mathematics. London, U.K.: Springer Verlag, 2009.

Coppin, Charles A., Ted W. Mahavier, Lee E. May, and Edgar G. Parker. The Moore Method: A Pathway to Learner-Centered Instruction. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

Dahan-Dalmedico, Amy, and Jeanne Peiffer. History of Mathematics: Highways and Byways. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

du Sautoy, Marcus. Symmetry: A Journey into the Patterns of Nature. NewYork: HarperCollins, 2009.

Easley, David, and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World. NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Engquist, Bjorn, and Wilfried Schmid. (Eds.) Mathematics Unlimited: 2001 and Beyond. NewYork: Springer, 2001.

Farid, Mohammed M. (Ed.) Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing. Boca Raton, Fla.:Taylor and Francis, 2010.

Fenstad, Jens Erik. Grammar, Geometry, and Brain. Stanford, Calif.: Center for the Study of Language, 2010.

Fung, Kaiser. Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Every- thingYou Do. NewYork: McGraw Hill, 2010.

Giordano, Paolo. The Solitude of Prime Numbers. NewYork: Viking, 2010.

Goulding, Robert. Defending Hypatia: Ramus, Savile, and the Renaissance Rediscovery of Mathematical History. NewYork: Springer Science 1 Business Media, 2010.

Gowers, Timothy. (Ed.) Princeton Companion to Mathematics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2008.

Greer, Brian, et al. (Eds.) Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Hare, Warren, et al. Modelling in Healthcare. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Hart, W. D. The Evolution of Logic. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Heilbron, J. L. Galileo. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Hersh, Reuben. (Ed.) 18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics. New York: Springer, 2006.

Hersh, Reuben, and Vera John-Steiner. Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.

Hitt, Fernando, Derek Holton, and Patrick W. Thompson. (Eds.) Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education,VII. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Huber, Mark, and Gizem Karaali. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, online only, Vol. 1, January 2011.

Ivanov, Oleg A. Making Mathematics Come to Life:A Guidefor Teachers and Students. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Jacquette, Dale. Logic and How It Gets That Way. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010.

Kaplan, Robert, and Ellen Kaplan. Hidden Harmonies: The Lives and Times of the Pythagorean Theorem. NewYork: Bloomsbury Press, 2011.

Keidel, Robert W. The Geometry of Strategy: Concepts for Strategic Management. New York: Rout- ledge, 2010.

Krantz, Steven G. An Episodic History of Mathematics: Mathematical Culture through Problem Solving. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

Le Lionnaise, F. (Ed.) Great Currents of Mathematical Thought. Two volumes translating the 1962 French original Les Grand Courants de la Pensee Mathematique. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2004.

Leng, Mary. Mathematics and Reality. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Leong, Yu Kiang. Creative Minds, Charmed Lives: Interviews at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.

Lerman, Stephen, and Brent Davis. (Eds.) Mathematical Action and Structures of Noticing. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2009.

Lester, Frank. (Series Editor) Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Several volumes. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2010.

Mackenzie, Dana. What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences. Vol 8. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2011.

Martineau, John. (Ed.) Quadrivium: Number, Geometry, Music, Heaven. NewYork: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010.

Martinez, Alberto A. Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.

Mazur, Joseph. What's Luck Got to Do with It? The History, Mathematics, and Psychology of the Gambler's Illusion. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.

McKellar, Danica. Hot X:Algebra Exposed. NewYork: Penguin Books, 2010.

McShea, Daniel, and Robert N. Brandon. Biology's First Law: The Tendencyfor Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Mosteller, Frederick. The Pleasures of Statistics. The Autobiography of Frederick Mosteller. New York: Springer Science 1 Business Media, 2010.

Nahin, Paul J. Mrs. Perkins's Electric Quilt and Other Intriguing Stories of Mathematical Physics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.

Neuenschwander, Dwight E. Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.

Newman, James R. (Ed.) TheWorld of Mathematics: A Small Library of the Literature of Mathematics, 4 volumes. NewYork: Simon and Schuster, 1956.

Nickerson, Raymond S. Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures, and Proofs. New York: Taylor and Francis Group, 2010.

Niederman, Derrick. Number Freak: From 1 to 200, the Hidden Language of Numbers Revealed. New York: Perigee, 2009.

O'Leary, Michael. Revolutions of Geometry. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2010.

Olofsson, Peter. Probabilities: The Little Numbers that Rule Our Lives. New York: Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Olson, Richard G. Technology and Science in Ancient Civilizations. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC- CLIO, 2010.

Ouellette, Jennifer. The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse. London, U.K.: Penguin, 2010.

Pappus of Alexandria. Book 4 of the Collection. Edited with translation and commentary by Heike Sefrin-Weis. Heidelberd, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2010.

Patterson, Scott. The Quants: How a Small Band of Math Wizards Took Over Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It. NewYork: Crown, 2010.

Peirce, Charles S. Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings. Edited by Matthew E. Moore. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2010.

Phillips, Linda M., Stephen P. Norris, and John S. Macnab. (Eds.) Visualization in Mathematics, Reading, and Science Education. NewYork: Springer Verlag, 2010.

Posamentier, Alfred S. The Pythagorean Theorem: The Story of Its Power and Beauty. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2010.

Reid, David A., and Christine Knipping. Proof in Mathematics Education. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2010.

Rudman, Peter S. The Babylonian Theorem: The Mathematical Journey to Pythagoras and Euclid. Am- herst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2010.

Saul, Mark, Susan Assouline, and Linda Jensen Sheffield. The Peak in the Middle: Developing Mathematically Gifted Students in the Middle Grades. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2010.

Schaaf, William L. (Ed.) Mathematics, Our Great Heritage: Essays on the Nature and Cultural Significance of Mathematics. NewYork: Harper, 1948.

Scheffer, Marten. Critical Transitions in Nature and Society. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009.

Schielack, Jane F. (series adviser) Teaching with Curriculum Focal Points, various grades. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2010.

Segel, Joel. (Ed.) Recountings: Conversations with MIT Mathematicians. Wellesley, Mass.: A. K. Peters, 2009.

Seife, Charles. Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception. NewYork: Viking, 2010.

Seshadri, C. S. (Ed.) Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics. New Delhi, India: Hindustan Book Agency, 2010.

Shaughnessy, Michael J., Beth Chance, and Henry Kranendonk. Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making. Reston,Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2010.

Simoson, Andrew. Voltaire's Riddle: Micromegas and the Measure of All Things. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 2010.

Small, Marian. Good Questions: Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction. NewYork: Teachers College Press, 2010.

Sriraman, Bharath, and Lyn English. (Eds.) Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Business 1 Media, 2010.

Stahl, Saul. Geometry from Euclid to Knots. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2010.

Steen, Lynn Arthur. (Ed.) Mathematics Today: Twelve Informal Essays. New York: Springer Verlag, 1978.

Stein, Mary Kay, and Linda Kucan. (Eds.) Instructional Explanations in the Disciplines. New York: Springer Science 1 Business Media, 2010.

Stewart, Ian. Cows in the Maze and Other Mathematical Explorations. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Stillwell, John. Mathematics and Its History, 3rd edition. New York: Springer Science 1 Business Media, 2010.

______. Roads to Infinity: The Mathematics of Truth and Proof. Natick, Mass.: A. K. Peters, 2010.

Szpiro, George G. A Mathematical Medley: Fifty Easy Pieces on Mathematics. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

______. Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present. Princeton,

N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.

Vickers, Andrew. What Is a p-Value Anyway? 34 Stories to Help You Actually Understand Statistics. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2010.

Wardhaugh, Benjamin. How to Read Historical Mathematics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.

West, Bruce J., and Nicola Scafetta. Disrupted Networks:From Physics to Climate Change. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.

Winston, Joe. Beauty and Education. NewYork: Routledge, 2010.

Yau, Shing-Tung, and Steve Nadis. The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions. NewYork: Basic Books, 2010.

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