Notable Texts




The following is a list of other notable texts on mathematics published during 2010 in periodicals, in collective volumes, or in the mass media. At one time or another during the preparation of this volume I considered including most of these texts but I decided against it due to constraints of space and/or copyright issues.

Antoy, Sergio, and Michael Hanus. “Functional Logic Programming.” Communications of the ACM 53.4(2010): 74–85.

Barrow-Green, June. “The Dramatic Episode of Sundman.” Historia Mathematica 37(2010): 164–203.

Bayley, Melanie. “Alice's Adventures in Algebra: Wonderland Solved.” New Scientist, December 16, 2009.

Bialik, Carl. “Milestone Figures Grab Attention, but Their Impact Is Hazy.” Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2010.

Cain, Alan. “Deus ex Machina and the Aesthetics of Proof.” Mathematical Intelligencer 32.3(2010): 7–11.

Carey, Susan. “The Making of an Abstract Concept: Natural Number.” In The Making of Human Concepts, edited by Denis Mareschal, Paul C. Quinn, and Stephen E. G. Lea. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Davis, Philip J. “The Prospects for Mathematics in a Multi-Media Civilization.” In Mathematics Everywhere, edited by Martin Aigner and Ehrhard Behrends. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Davis, Philip J., and David Mumford. “What Should a Mathematical Professional Know About Mathematics?” Svenska Matematikersamfundet Medlemsutskicket, May 15, 2010, 5–14.

de Freitas, Elizabeth. “Making Mathematics Public: Aesthetics as the Distribution of the Sensible.” Educational Insights 13.1(2010).

Dunham, Douglas. “Hamiltonian Paths and Hyperbolic Patterns.” In Communicating Mathematics, edited by Timothy Y. Chow and Daniel C. Isaksen. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2009.

Erickson, Paul. “Mathematical Models, Rational Choice, and the Search for Cold War Culture.” Isis 101.2(2010): 386–92.

Gaull, Marilyn. “From Tristram Shandy to Bertrand Russell: Fiction and Mathematics.” British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin 25.1(2010): 81–91.

Gavalas, Dimitris. “On Number's Nature.” In Mathematics and Mathematical Logic: New Research, edited by Peter Miloslav and Irene Ercegovaca, pp. 1–58. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010.

Glimm, James. “Reflections and Prospectives.” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 47.1(2010): 127–36.

Hintikka, Jaakko. “How Can a Phenomenologist Have a Philosophy of Mathematics?” In Phenomenology and Mathematics, edited by Mirja Hartimo. Dordrecht, Germany: Springer Science + Business Media, 2010.

Kilpatrick, Jeremy. “Influences of Soviet Research in Mathematics Education.” In Russian Mathematics Education: History and World Significance, edited by Alexander Karp and Bruce R. Vogeli. Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific, 2010.

Koblitz, Neal, and Alfred Menezes. “The Brave New World of Bodacious Assumptions in Cryptography.” Notices of American Mathematical Society 57.3(2010): 357–65.

Luecking, Stephen. “A Man and His Square: Kasimir Malevich and the Visualization of the Fourth Dimension.” Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 4.2(2010): 87–100.

Mamolo, Ami. “Polysemy of Symbols: Signs of Ambiguity.” The Montana Mathematical Enthusiast 7.2–3(2010): 247–62.

Peters, Ellen, Judith Hibbard, Paul Slovic, and Nathan Dieckmann. “Numeracy Skill and the Communication, Comprehension and Use of Risk-Benefit Information.” In The Feeling of Risk: New Perspectives on Risk Perception, by Paul Slovic. Washington, D.C.: Earthscan, 2010.

Pimm, David. “ 'The Likeness of Unlike Things': Insight, Enlightenment, and the Metaphoric Way.” For the Learning of Mathematics 30.1(2010): 20–3.

Rodgers, Joseph Lee. “The Epistemology of Mathematical and Statistical Modeling.” American Psychologist 65.1(2010): 1–12.

Schachermayer, Walter. “The Role of Mathematics in the Financial Markets.” In Mathematics Everywhere, edited by Martin Aigner and Ehrhard Behrends. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Sinclair, Nathalie, and David Pimm. “The Many and the Few: Mathematics, Democracy, and the Aesthetics.” Educational Insights 13.1(2010).

Spelke, Elizabeth, Sang Ah Lee, and Veronique Izard. “Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Geometry.” Cognitive Science 34.5(2010): 863–84.

Strogatz, Steven. “Chances Are.” The NewYork Times Online, April 25, 2010. This text concluded a series of approximately a dozen weekly articles written by Steven Strogatz for the newspaper.

Tall, David, and Juan Pablo Mejia-Ramos. “The Long-Term Cognitive Development of Reasoning and Proof.” In Explanation and Proof in Mathematics: Philosophical and Educational Perspectives, edited by Gila Hanna, Hans Niels Jahnke, and Helmut Pulte. Dordrecht, Germany: Springer Science + Business Media, 2010.

van der Zande, Johan. “Statistik and History in the German Enlightenment.” Journal of the History of Ideas 71.3(2010): 411–32.

Weinert, Friedel. “The Role of Probability Arguments in the History of Science.” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 41.1(2010): 95–104.

Ye, Feng. “The Applicability of Mathematics as a Scientific and a Logical Problem.” Philosophia Mathematica 18.2(2010): 144–65.

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