Introducing CUDA 

GPUs have been designed originally for graphic processing. They have been designed to suit the needs of optimization dealing with the multimedia data of a typical computer. To do so, they have developed certain characteristics that differentiate them from CPUs. For example, they have thousands of cores as compared to the limited number of CPU cores. Their clock speed is much slower than a CPU. A GPU has its own DRAM. For example, Nvidia's RTX 2080 has 8GB of RAM. Note that GPUs are specialized processing devices and do not have general processing unit features, including interrupts or means of addressing devices, for example, a keyboard and mouse. Here is the architecture of GPUs:

Soon after GPUs became mainstream, data scientists started exploring GPUs for their potential to efficiently perform parallel operations. As a typical GPU has thousands of ALUs, it has the potential to spawn 1,000s concurrent processes. This makes GPUs the architecture optimized for data-parallel computation. Hence, algorithms that can perform parallel computations are best suited for GPUs. For example, an object search in a video is known to be at least 20 times faster in GPUs, compared to CPUs. Graph algorithms, which were discussed in Chapter 5Graph Algorithms, are known to run much faster on GPUs than on CPUs.

To realize the dreams of data scientists to fully utilize GPUs for algorithms, in 2007, Nvidia created an open source framework called CUDA, which stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture. CUDA abstracts the working of the CPU and GPU as a host and device respectively. The host, that is, the CPU, is responsible for calling the device, which is the GPU. The CUDA architecture has various layers of abstractions that can be presented as follows:

Note that CUDA runs on top of Nvidia's GPUs. It needs support in the OS kernel. CUDA initially started with support in the Linux kernel. More recently, Windows is now fully supported. Then, we have the CUDA Driver API that acts as a bridge between the programming language API and the CUDA driver. On the top layer, we have support for C, C+, and Python.

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