Chapter 17

Online Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

Konstantinos Slavakis*, Pantelis Bouboulis and Sergios Theodoridis,    *University of Peloponnese, Department of Telecommunications Science and Technology, Karaiskaki St., Tripolis 22100, Greece,    University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Ilissia, Athens 15784, Greece


Online learning has been at the center of focus in signal processing learning tasks for many decades, since the early days of the LMS and Kalman filtering and it has already found its place in a wide range of diverse applications and practical systems. More recently, together with the birth of new disciplines, such as information retrieval and bioinformatics, a new necessity for online learning techniques has emerged. The number of the available data as well as the dimensionality of the involved spaces can become excessively large for what batch processing techniques can cope with. In batch processing, all data have to be known prior to the start of the learning process and have to be stored in the memory. This is also true for batch techniques that use the data sequentially. In the online techniques to be described in this chapter, every data point is used only for a limited number of times. Besides their computational advantages, such techniques can easily accommodate modifications so that to deal with time varying statistics and produce estimates that can adapt to such variations. This is the reason that such techniques are also known as adaptive or time-adaptive techniques, especially in the signal processing community jargon.

As it is most often the case, when an application has a multidisciplinary flavor, a number of contributors, with a different background and experience, yet working on similar, if not the same, tasks, are involved who may be using different names and sometimes not referring to each other. Information retrieval and bioinformatics are such typical examples. One of the goals of this current chapter was to search within different communities and try to systematize, to the extend possible, various online schemes that have appeared and try to put them under a common umbrella.

Moreover, since the world of machine learning is not the same as it used to be before the SVM “era,” we have developed all our setting in general Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS), and we have also tried to provide some brief historical review of this powerful mathematical tool as well as some basic definitions and properties, for the sake of completeness. It is worth pointing out that although in a wide range of machine learning tasks, such as pattern recognition, RKHS spaces have been widely adopted, the signal processing community, in spite of its very rich history and experience with nonlinear processing from the early days of Gabor and Wiener, still has been very reluctant to adopt such techniques. Another goal of this chapter is to make such techniques more familiar to this community, especially in their online/adaptive face, which is something that this community cares a lot.

The chapter focuses on parametric learning, serving the needs of both, pattern recognition and regression tasks, since these are the two main directions of modeling learning tasks that embrace a large number of applications.

We made an effort to build up the chapter with an increasing level of mathematical complexity. Starting from the simpler techniques and moving to the ones, which although they are simple to implement, their derivation needs mathematical tools that go beyond the standard university level curriculum courses. We have made an effort to use a lot of geometry in order to provide some further “physical” understanding of these methods, hence the reader, who is not interested in proofs, to be able to grasp the basic reasoning that runs across their spine.


Online learning; Adaptive signal processing; Reproducing kernels; Hilbert spaces; Convexity; Metric projections; Proximal mappings; Nonexpansive mappings; Fixed point theory


Training Data A set of input-output measurements that are used to train a specific learning machine

Online Learning A learning task, where the data points arrive sequentially and used only once

Batch Learning A learning task, where the training data are known beforehand

Regression Task A learning task that estimates a parametric input-output relationship that best fits the available data

Classification Task A learning task that classifies the data into one or more classes

Overfitting A common notion in the Machine Learning literature. If the adopted model is too complex then the learning algorithm tends to fit to the training data as much as possible (e.g., it fits even the noisy data) and cannot perform well when new data arrive

Regularization A technique that biases the solution towards a smoother result. This is usually achieved by adding the norm of the solution to the cost function of the minimization task

Sparsification A method that biases the solution towards a result, that the least significant components are pushed to zero

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS) An inner product space of functions that is complete and has a special structure

Kernel A positive definite function of two variables that is associated to a specific RKHS

Fréchet Differentiation A mathematical framework that generalizes the notion of the standard derivative, to more general function spaces

Least Mean Squares This is a class of stochastic online learning tasks, which aim to find the parameters of an input-output relation by minimizing the least mean squares of the error at each iteration (difference between the desired and the actual output), using a gradient descent rationale

Recursive Least Squares A class of deterministic online learning tasks, which aim to find the parameters of an input-output relation by minimizing the least mean squares of the total error (the sum of differences between the desired and the actual output up to the current iteration) using a recursive Newton-like method

Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method (APSM) A convex analytic framework for online learning. Based on set theoretic estimation arguments, and fixed point theory, the APSM is tailored to attack online learning problems related to general, convexly constrained, non-smooth optimization tasks

Wirtinger’s Calculus A methodology for computing gradients of real valued functions that are defined on complex domains, using the standard rules of differentiation

1.17.1 Introduction

A large class of Machine Learning tasks becomes equivalent with estimating an unknown functional dependence that relates the so called input (cause) to the output (effect) variables. Most often, this function is chosen to be of a specific type, e.g., linear, quadratic, etc., and it is described by a set of unknown parameters. There are two major paths in dealing with this set of parameters.

The first one, known as Bayesian Inference, treats the parameters as random variables, [1]. According to this approach, the dependence between the input and output variables is expressed via a set of pdfs. The task of learning is to obtain estimates of the pdf that relates the input-output variables as well as the pdf that describes the random nature of the parameters. However, the main concern of the Bayesian Inference approach is not in obtaining specific values for the parameters. Bayesian Inference can live without this information. In contrast, the alternative path, which will be our focus in this paper, considers the unknown parameters to be deterministic and its major concern is to obtain specific estimates for their values.

Both trends share a common trait; they dig out the required information, in order to build up their estimates, from an available set of input-output measurements known as the training set. The stage of estimating the pdfs/parameters is known as training and this philosophy of learning is known as supervised learning. This is not the only approach which Machine Learning embraces in order to “learn” from data. Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning are also major learning directions, [2]. In the former, no measurements of the output variable(s) are available in the training data set. In the latter, there are only a few. In this paper, we will focus on the supervised learning of a set of deterministically treated parameters. We will refer to this task as parameter estimation.

In the parameter estimation task, depending on the adopted functional dependence, different models result. At this point, it has to be emphasized that the only “truth” that the designer has at his/her disposal is the set of training data. The model that the designer attempts to “fit” in the data is just a concept in an effort to be able to exploit and use the available measurements for his/her own benefit; that is, to be able to make useful predictions of the output values in the future, when new measurements of the inputs, outside the training set, become available. The ultimate goal of the obtained predictions is to assist the designer to make decisions, once the input measurements are disclosed to him/her. In nature, one can never know if there is a “true” model associated with the data. Our confidence in “true” models only concerns simulated data. In real life, one is obliged to adopt a model and a training method to learn its parameters so that the resulting predictions can be useful in practice. The designed Machine Learning system can be used till it is substituted by another, which will be based on a new model and/or a new training method, that leads to improved predictions and which can be computed with affordable computational resources.

In this paper, we are concerned with the more general case of nonlinear models. Obviously, different nonlinearities provide different models. Our approach will be in treating a large class of nonlinearities, which are usually met in practice, in a unifying way by mobilizing the powerful tool of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS). This is an old concept, that was gradually developed within the functional analysis discipline [3] and it was, more recently, popularized in Machine Learning in the context of Support Vector Machines. This methodology allows one to treat a wide class of different nonlinearities in a unifying way, by solving an equivalent linear task in a space different than the one where the original measurements lie. This is done by adopting an implicit mapping from the input space to the so called feature space. In the realm of RKHSs, one needs not to bother about the specific nature of this space, not even about its dimensionality. Once the parametric training has been completed, the designer can “try” different implicit mappings, which correspond to different nonlinearities and keep the one that fits best his/her needs. This is achieved during the so-called validation stage. Ideally, this can be done by testing the performance of the resulting estimator using a data set that is independent of the one used for training. In case this is not possible, then various techniques are available in order to exploit a single data set, both for training and validation, [2].

Concerning the estimation process, once a parametric modeling has been adopted, the parameter estimation task relies on adopting, also, a criterion that measures the quality of fit between the predicted values and the measured ones, over the training set. Different criteria result in different estimates and it is up to the designer to finally adopt the one that better fits his/her needs. In the final step of parameter estimation, an algorithm has to be chosen to optimize the criterion. There are two major philosophies that one has to comply with. The more classical one is the so-called batch processing approach. The training data are available in “one go.” The designer has access to all of them simultaneously, which are then used for the optimization. In some scenarios, algorithms are developed so that to consider one training point at a time and consider all of them sequentially, and this process goes on till the algorithm converges. Sometimes, such schemes are referred to as online; however, these schemes retain their batch processing flavor, in the sense that the training data set is fixed and the number of the points in it is known before the training starts. Hence, we will refer to these as batch techniques and keep the term online for something different.

All batch schemes suffer from a major disadvantage. Once a new measurement becomes available, after the training has been completed, the whole training process has to start from scratch, with a new training set that has been enriched by the extra measurement. No doubt, this is an inefficient way to attack the task. The most efficient way is to have methods that perform the optimization recursively, in the sense of updating the current estimate every time a new measurement is received, by considering only this newly received information and the currently available estimate of the parameters. The previously used training data will never be needed again. They have become part of the history; all information that they had to contribute to the training process now resides in the current estimate. We will refer to such schemes as online or adaptive, although many authors call them time-recursive or sequential. The term Adaptive Learning is mainly used in Signal Processing and such schemes have also been used extensively in Communications, System Theory and Automatic Control from the early sixties, in the context of the LMS, RLS and Kalman Filtering, e.g., [46]. The driving force behind the need for such schemes was the need for the training mechanism to be able to accommodate slow time variations of the learning environment and slowly forget the past. As a matter of fact, such a philosophy imitates better the way that human brain learns and tries to adapt to new situations. Online learning mechanisms have recently become very popular in applications such as Data Mining and Bioinformatics and more general in cases where data reside in large data bases, with massive number of training points, which cannot be stored in the memory and have to be considered one at a time. It is this path of online parameter estimation learning that we will pursue in this paper. As we will see, it turns out that very efficient schemes, of even linear complexity per iteration with respect to the number of the unknown parameters, are now available.

Our goal in this overview is to make an effort to collect a number of online/adaptive algorithms, which have been proposed over a number of decades, in a systematic way under a common umbrella; they are schemes that basically stem from only a few generic recurrences. It is interesting to note that some of these algorithms have been discovered and used under different names in different research communities, without one being referring to the other.

In an overview paper, there is always the dilemma how deep one can go in proofs. Sometimes proofs are completely omitted. We decided to keep some proofs, associated with the generic schemes; those which do not become too technical. Proofs give the newcomer to the field the flavor of the required mathematical tools and also give him/her the feeling of what is behind the performance of an algorithm; in simple words, why the algorithm works. For those who are not interested in proofs, simply, they can bypass them. It was for the less mathematically inclined readers, that we decided to describe first two structurally simple algorithms, the LMS and the RLS. We left the rest, which are derived via convex analytic arguments, for the later stage. As we move on, the treatment may look more mathematically demanding, although we made an effort to simplify things as much as we could. After all, talking about algorithms one cannot just use “words” and a “picture” of an algorithm. Although sometimes this is a line that is followed, the authors of this paper belong to a different school. Thus, this paper may not address the needs of a black-box user of the algorithms.

1.17.2 Parameter estimation: The regression and classification tasks

In the sequel, image, and image will stand for the set of all real numbers, non-negative and positive integers, respectively.

Two of the major pillars in parametric modeling in Machine Learning are the regression and classification tasks. These are two closely related, yet different tasks.

In regression, given a set of training points, image,4 the goal is to establish the input-output relationship via a model of the form

image (17.1)

where image is a noise, unobservable, sequence and the nonlinear function is modeled in the form

image (17.2)

where image, comprise the set of the unknown parameters, and image are preselected nonlinear functions


The input vectors are also known as regressors. Combining (17.1) and (17.2) we obtain

image (17.3)



image is known as the bias or the intercept and it has been absorbed in image by simultaneously adding 1 as the last element in image. The goal of the parameter estimation task is to obtain estimates image of image using the available training set. Once image has been obtained and given a value of image, the prediction of the corresponding output value is computed according to the model

image (17.4)

Figure 17.1 shows the graphs of (17.4) for two different cases of training data, image. In Figure 17.1a, the fitted model is


and for the case of Figure 17.1b, the model is




The figures also reveal the main goal of regression, which is to “explain” the generation mechanism of the data, and the graph of the curve defined in (17.4) should be designed so that to follow the spread of the data in the image space as close as possible.


Figure 17.1 Fitting sets of training data image by a linear and a quadratic function.

In classification, the task is slightly different. The output variables are of a discrete/qualitative nature. That is, image, where D is a finite set of discrete values. For example, for the simple case of a two-class classification problem, one may select image or image. The output values are also known as class labels. The input vectors, image, are known as feature vectors, and they are chosen so that the respective components to encapsulate as much class-discriminatory information as possible. The goal of a classification task is to design a function (or in the more general case a set of functions), known as the classifier, so that the corresponding (hyper)surface image, in the image space, to separate the points that belong to different classes as much as possible. That is, the purpose of a classifier is to divide the input space into regions, where each one of the regions is associated with one and only one of the classes. The surface (and let us stay here in the simple case of the two-class problem with a single function) that is realized in the input space is known as decision surface. In this paper, we will consider functions of the same form as in (17.2). Hence, once more, designing a classifier is cast as a parameter estimation task. Once estimates of the unknown parameters are computed, say, image, given a feature vector image, which results from a pattern whose class label, y, is unknown, the predicted label is obtained as

image (17.5)

where image is a nonlinear indicator function, which indicates on which side of image the pattern image lies; typically image, that is, the sign function. Figure 17.2a shows examples of two classifiers. In Figure 17.2 the classifier is linear, i.e.,


and in Figure 17.2b is a nonlinear one




Note that, as it is apparent from both examples, the classes cannot, in general, be completely separated by the classifiers and errors in predicting the class labels are unavoidable. Tasks with separable classes are possible to occur, yet this is rather the exception than the rule.


Figure 17.2 Two examples of classifiers.

Regression and Classification are two typical Machine Learning tasks, and a wide range of learning applications can be formulated as either one of the two. Moreover, we discussed that both tasks can be cast as parameter estimations problems, which comprise the focus of the current paper. Needless to say that both problems can also be attacked via alternative paths. For example, the k-nearest neighbor method is another possibility, which does not involve any parameter estimation phase; the only involved parameter, k, is determined via cross validation, e.g., [2].

Let us now put our parameter estimation task in a more formal setting. We are given a set of training points image. For classification tasks, we replace image with D. We adopt a parametric class of functions,

image (17.6)

Our goal is to find a function in image, denoted as image, such that, given a measured value of image and an adopted prediction model (e.g., (17.4) for regression or (17.5) for classification), it approximates the respective output value, image, in an optimal way. Obviously, the word optimal paves the way to look for an optimizing criterion. To this end, a loss function is selected, from an available palette of non-negative functions,

image (17.7)

and compute image so that to minimize the total loss over all the training data points, i.e.,

image (17.8)


image (17.9)

assuming that a minimum exists. In an adaptive setting, minimizing the cost function takes place iteratively in the form

image (17.10)

as n increases. Different class of functions image and different loss functions result in different estimators. In practice, for fixed number of training points, one uses cross validation to determine the “best” choice. Of course, in practice, when adaptive techniques are used and n is left to vary, cross validation techniques loose their meaning, especially when the statistical properties of the environment are slowly time varying. In such cases, the choice of the class of functions as well as the loss functions, which now has to be minimized adaptively, are empirically chosen. The critical factors, as we will see, for such choices are (a) computational complexity, (b) convergence speed, (c) tracking agility, (d) robustness to noise and to numerical error accumulation. In this paper, a number of different class functions as well as loss functions will be considered and discussed.

1.17.3 Overfitting and regularization

A problem of major importance in any Machine Learning task is that of overfitting. This is related to the complexity of the adopted model. If the model is too complex, with respect to the number of training points, N, then is tends to learn too much from the specific training set on which it is trained. For example, in regression, it tries to learn not only the useful information associated with the input data but also the contribution of the noise. So, if the model is too complex, it tends to fit very well the data points of the training set, but it does not cope well with data outside the training set; as we say, it cannot generalize well. In classification, the source of overfitting lies in the class overlap. A complex classifier will attempt to classify correctly all the points of the training set, and this is quite common in practice when very complex classifiers are employed. However, most of the class discriminatory information lies in the points lying in the “non-overlapping” regions. This is the information that a classifier has to learn in order to be able to generalize well, when faced with data outside the training set. A classifier which is designed to give very low error rates on the training set, usually results in large errors when faced with unseen data.

On the other hand, if our model is too simple it does not have the ability to learn even the useful information, which is contributed by the input data themselves, hence leading to very poor predictions. In practice, one seeks for a tradeoff, see, e.g., [2]. Figure 17.3 shows three cases of fitting by a very simple, a very complex and the correct model (that corresponds to the model which generated the data points). The first one is a linear model, the second one corresponds to a polynomial of high degree, i.e., 80, and the third one to a quadratic polynomial. Note that for the case of Figure 17.3b, the resulting curve passes through all the points. However, this is not what we want, since the points we have are the result of a noisy process, and the curve “follows” a path which is the combined result of the useful as well as the noise-contributed information. In practice, the performance of the resulting estimator is measured as the misfit, using a loss criterion (e.g., mean squared error, probability of error) between the predicted values and the true ones, over an independent set of data or using cross-validation techniques; for example, the resulting misfit is expected to be larger for the case of fitting the high order polynomial compared to the one corresponding to the quadratic polynomial of Figure 17.3c.


Figure 17.3 Fitting noisy data by polynomials of various degrees.

The reader may have noticed that we have avoided to define the term “complex” and we used it in a rather vague context. Complexity is often directly related to the number of the unknown parameters. However, this is not always the case. Complexity is a more general property and sometimes we may have classifiers in, even, infinite dimensional spaces, trained with a finite number of points, which generalize very well, [7].

A way to cope with the overfitting problem is to employ the regularization method. This is an elegant mathematical tool, that simultaneously cares to serve both desires; to keep the contribution of the loss function term as small as possible, since this accounts for the accuracy of the estimator, but at the same time to retain the fitted model as less complex as possible. This is achieved by adding a second term in the cost function in (17.9), whose goal is to keep the norm of the parameters as small as possible, i.e.,

image (17.11)

where image is a strictly increasing monotonic non-negative function and image is a norm, e.g., the Euclidean image or the image norms. The parameter image is known as the regularization parameter and it controls the relative significance of the two terms in the cost function. For fixed image is usually determined via cross-validation. In a time varying adaptive mode of operation, when cross-validation is not possible, then empirical experience comes to assist or some adhoc techniques can be mobilized, to make image, i.e., time varying. Take as an example the case where the environment does not change and the only reason that we use an adaptive algorithm is due to complexity reasons. Then, as image, the value of image should go to zero. For very large values of N, overfitting is no problem, since the complexity remains a small portion of the data and only the loss-related term in the cost function is sufficient. As a matter of fact, the regularization term, in this case, will only do harm by biasing the solution away from the optimum, this time without reason.

Very often, image is chosen so that


the latter being the image norm, which has been popularized in the context of sparsity-aware learning/compressed sensing. Note that, usually, the bias term is not included in the norm, since it can make the solution sensitive to the shifts of the origin. This can easily be checked out for the case of the Least Squares loss function


In practice, very often, if the mean values are not zero, we use centered data by subtracting from image its sample mean, and then we can neglect image. Besides the norm, other functions have also been used as regularizers, e.g., [8].

Using (17.2) and plugging it in the loss function-related term (17.11), then after minimization and due to the presence of the norm-related term, some of the components of image are pushed towards zero. This pushing towards zero is more aggressive when the image norm is used, see, e.g., [9]. Obviously, the terms which are pushed to zero are those whose elimination affects the least the loss function term, which implicitly results in less complex models.

Sparsification is another term used to indicate that the adopted estimation method has the ability to push the least significant, from the accuracy point of view (as this is measured my the loss function-related term in the regularized cost function) to zero. This is a way to guard against overfitting. Regularization techniques gain in importance and become unavoidable within a certain class of nonlinear modeling.

Consider the following modeling,

image (17.12)


image (17.13)

which, dressed with some properties, as we will soon see, is known as kernel. In other words, the expansion of our nonlinear function in (17.2) involves as many terms as our training data points, and each term in the expansion is related with one point from the training set, that is,

image (17.14)

Such models are met in the context of Support Vector Machines as well as in Relevance Vector Machines, [1,2,7]. As we will soon see, this class of models has a strong theoretical justification. In any case, such models demand drastic sparsification, otherwise they will suffer for strong overfitting. Moreover, besides overfitting, in the adaptive case, where N keeps increasing, such a model would soon become unmanageable. This paper will discuss a number of related sparsification techniques.

1.17.4 Mapping a nonlinear to a linear task

Let us now look at the expansion in (17.2) in conjunction with our prediction models given in (17.4) for the regression and (17.5) for the classification tasks. Basically, all that such a modeling says is that if we map our original input l-dimensional space into a new K-dimensional space,

image (17.15)

we expect our task to be sufficiently well modeled by adopting a linear model in this new space. It is only up to us to choose the proper functions, image, as well as the appropriate dimensionality of the new space, K. For the classification task, such a procedure has a strong theoretical support from Cover’s theorem, which states that: Consider N randomly located points in an l-dimensional space and use a mapping to map these points into a higher dimensional space. Then the probability of locating them, in the new space, in linearly separable groupings tends to one as the dimensionality, K, of the new space tends to infinity. Figure 17.4 illustrates how an appropriate mapping can transform a nonlinearly separable task to a linearly separable one. Notice that nature cannot be fooled. After the mapping in the higher 2-dimensional space, the points continue to live in an l-dimensional manifold [10] (paraboloid in this case). The mapping gives the opportunity to our l-dimensional points to take advantage of the freedom, which a higher dimensional space provides, so that to move around and be placed in linearly separable positions, while retaining their original l-dimensional (true degrees of freedom) nature; a paraboloid in the 2-dimensional space can be fully described in terms of one free parameter.


Figure 17.4 Transforming linearly non-separable learning tasks to separable ones by using nonlinear mappings to higher dimensional spaces. The original data, i.e., two “squares” and a “circle,” are placed on the 1-dimensional space, image, rendering thus the linear classification task intractable. However, by using the polynomial function image, we are able to map the original data to a manifold which lies in the 2-dimensional space image. The mapped data can be now easily linearly separated, as this can be readily verified by the linear classifier which is illustrated by the straight, black, solid line of the figure.

Although such a method sounds great, it has its practical drawbacks. To transform a problem into a linear one, we may have to map the original space to a very high dimensional one, and this can lead to a huge number of unknown parameters to be estimated. However, the mathematicians have, once more, offered to us an escape route that has been developed many years ago. The magic name is Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Choosing to map to such spaces, and some of them can even be of infinite dimension, makes computations much easier; moreover, there is an associated strong theorem that justifies the expansion in (17.14). Assume that we have selected a mapping

image (17.16)

where image is RKHS. Then, the following statements are valid:

• The Kernel Trick: Let image be two points in our original l-dimensional space and image their respective images in an RKHS, image. Since image is a Hilbert space, an inner product, image, is associated with it, by the definition of Hilbert spaces. As we will more formally see in the next section, the inner product of any RKHS is uniquely defined in terms of the so called kernel function, image and the following holds true

image (17.17)

This is a remarkable property, since it allows to compute inner products in a (high dimensional) RKHS as a function operating in the lower dimensional input space. Also, this property allows the following “black box” approach, that has extensively been exploited in Machine Learning:

– Design an algorithm, which operates in the input space and computes the estimates of the parameters of a linear modeling.

– Cast this algorithm, if of course this is possible, in terms of inner product operations only.

– Replace each inner product with a kernel operation.

Then the resulting algorithm is equivalent with solving the (linear modeling) estimation task in an RKHS, which is defined by the selected kernel. Different kernel functions correspond to different RKHSs and, consequently, to different nonlinearities; each inner product in the RKHS is a nonlinear function operation in the input space. The kernel trick was first used in [11,12].

• Representer Theorem: Consider the cost function in (17.11), and constrain the solutions to lie within an RKHS space, defined by a kernel function image. Then the minimizer of (17.11) is of the form

image (17.18)

This makes crystal clear the reason for the specific modeling in (17.14). In other words, if we choose to attack a nonlinear modeling by “transforming” it to a linear one, after performing a mapping of our data into a RKHS in order to exploit the advantage of efficient inner product operations, then the (linear with respect to the parameters) modeling in (17.14) results naturally from the theory. Our only concern now is to use an appropriate regularization, in order to cope with overfitting problems.

All the previously presented issues will be discussed in more detail in the sections to come. Our goal, so far, was to try to give the big picture of the paper in simple terms and focus more on the notions than on mathematics. We will become more formal in the sections to come. The reader, however, may bypass some of the sections, if his/her current focus is not on the mathematical details but on the algorithms. As said already before, we have made an effort to write the paper in such a way, so that to serve both needs: mathematical rigor and practical flavor, as much as we could.

1.17.5 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces

In kernel-based methods, the notion of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) plays a crucial role. A RKHS is a rich construct (roughly, a space of functions with an inner product), which has been proven to be a very powerful tool. Kernel-based methods are utilized in an increasingly large number of scientific areas, especially where nonlinear models are required. For example, in pattern analysis, a classification task of a set image is usually reformed by mapping the data into a higher dimensional space (possibly of infinite dimension) image, which is a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). The advantage of such a mapping is to make the task more tractable, by employing a linear classifier in the feature space image, exploiting Cover’s theorem (see [2,13]). This is equivalent with solving a nonlinear problem in the original space.

Similar approaches have been used in principal components analysis, in Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis, in clustering, regression, image processing and in many other subdisciplines. Recently, processing in RKHS is gaining in popularity within the Signal Processing community in the context of adaptive learning.

Although the kernel trick works well for most applications, it may conceal the basic mathematical steps that underlie the procedure, which are essential if one seeks a deeper understanding of the problem. These steps are: 1) Map the finite dimensionality input data from the input space X (usually image) into a higher dimensionality (possibly infinite) RKHS image (feature space) and 2) Perform a linear processing (e.g., adaptive filtering) on the mapped data in image. The procedure is equivalent with a nonlinear processing (nonlinear filtering) in X (see Figure 17.5). The specific choice of the kernel image defines, implicitly, an RKHS with an appropriate inner product. Moreover, the specific choice of the kernel defines the type of nonlinearity that underlies the model to be used.


Figure 17.5 Mapping from input space X to feature space image. A historical overview

In the past, there have been two trends in the study of these spaces by the mathematicians. The first one originated in the theory of integral equations by Mercer [14,15]. He used the term “positive definite kernel” to characterize a function of two points image defined on image, which satisfies Mercer’s theorem:

image (17.19)

for any numbers image, any points image, image, and for all image. Later on, Moore [1618] found that to such a kernel there corresponds a well determined class of functions, image, equipped with a specific inner product image, in respect to which the kernel image possesses the so called reproducing property:

image (17.20)

for all functions image and image. Those that followed this trend used to consider a specific given positive definite kernel image and studied it in itself, or eventually applied it in various domains (such as integral equations, theory of groups, general metric theory, interpolation, etc.). The class image corresponding to image was mainly used as a tool of research and it was usually introduced a posteriori. The work of Bochner [19,20], which introduced the notion of the “positive definite function” in order to apply it in the theory of Fourier transforms, also belongs to the same path as the one followed by Mercer and Moore.

On the other hand, those who followed the second trend were primarily interested in the class of functions image, while the associated kernel was employed essentially as a tool in the study of the functions of this class. This trend is traced back to the works of Zaremba [21,22] during the first decade of the 20th century. He was the first to introduce the notion of a kernel, which corresponds to a specific class of functions and to state its reproducing property. However, he did not develop any general theory, nor did he gave any particular name to the kernels he introduced. In this, second trend, the mathematicians were primarily interested in the study of the class of functions image and the corresponding kernel image, which satisfies the reproducing property, was used as a tool in this study. To the same trend belong also the works of Bergman [23] and Aronszajn [3]. Those two trends evolved separately during the first decades of the 20th century, but soon the links between them were noticed. After the second world war, it was known that the two concepts of defining a kernel, either as a positive definite kernel, or as a reproducing kernel, are equivalent. Furthermore, it was proved that there is a one to one correspondence between the space of positive definite kernels and the space of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces.

It has to be emphasized that examples of such kernels have been known for a long time prior to the works of Mercer and Zaremba; for example, all the Green’s functions of self-adjoint ordinary differential equations belong to this type of kernels. However, some of the important properties that these kernels possess have only been realized and used in the beginning of the 20th century and since then have been the focus of research. In the following, we will give a more detailed description of these spaces and establish their main properties, focusing on the essentials that elevate them to such a powerful tool in the context of machine learning. Most of the material presented here can also be found in more detail in several other papers and textbooks, such as the celebrated paper of Aronszajn [3], the excellent introductory text of Paulsen [24] and the popular books of Schölkoph and Smola [13] and Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini [25]. Here, we attempt to portray both trends and to highlight the important links between them. Although the general theory applies to complex spaces, to keep the presentation as simple as possible, we will mainly focus on real spaces. Definition

We begin our study with the classic definitions on positive definite matrices and kernels as they were introduced by Mercer. Given a function image and image (typically X is a compact subset of image), the square matrix image with elements image, for image, is called the Gram matrix (or kernel matrix) of image with respect to image. A symmetric matrix image satisfying


for all image, image, where the notation image denotes transposition, is called positive definite. In matrix analysis literature, this is the definition of a positive semidefinite matrix. However, as positive definite matrices were originally introduced by Mercer and others in this context, we employ the term positive definite, as it was already defined. If the inequality is strict, for all non-zero vectors image, the matrix will be called strictly positive definite. A function image, which for all image and all image gives rise to a positive definite Gram matrix K, is called a positive definite kernel. In the following, we will frequently refer to a positive definite kernel simply as kernel. We conclude that a positive definite kernel is symmetric and satisfies


for all image, image, and for all image. Formally, a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert space is defined as follows:

Definition 1

Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)

Consider a linear space image of real valued functions, f, defined on a set X. Suppose, further, that in image we can define an inner product image with corresponding norm image and that image is complete with respect to that norm, i.e., image is a Hilbert space. We call image a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), if there exists a function image with the following two important properties:

1. For every image belongs to image (or equivalently image spans image, i.e., image, where the overline stands for the closure of a set).

2. image has the so called reproducing property, i.e.,

image (17.21)

in particular image. Furthermore, image is a positive definite kernel and the mapping image, with image, for all image is called the feature map of image.


To denote the RKHS associated with a specific kernel image, we will also use the notation image. Furthermore, under the aforementioned notations image, i.e., image is the inner product of image and image in the feature space. This is the essence of the kernel trick mentioned in Section 1.17.4. The feature map image transforms the data from the low dimensionality space X to the higher dimensionality feature space image. Linear processing in image involves inner products in image, which can be calculated via the kernel image disregarding the actual structure of image. Some basic theorems

In the following, we consider the definition of a RKHS as a class of functions with specific properties (following the second trend) and show the key ideas that underlie Definition 1. To that end, consider a linear class image of real valued functions, f, defined on a set X. Suppose, further, that in image we can define an inner product image with corresponding norm image and that image is complete with respect to that norm, i.e., image is a Hilbert space. Consider, also, a linear functional T, from image into the field image. An important theorem of functional analysis states that such a functional is continuous, if and only if it is bounded. The space consisting of all continuous linear functionals from image into the field image is called the dual space of image. In the following, we will frequently refer to the so called linear evaluation functional image. This is a special case of a linear functional that satisfies image, for all image.

We call image a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) on X over image, if for every image, the linear evaluation functional, image, is continuous. We will prove that such a space is related to a positive definite kernel, thus providing the first link between the two trends. Subsequently, we will prove that any positive definite kernel defines implicitly a RKHS, providing the second link and concluding the equivalent definition of RKHS (Definition 1), which is usually used in the machine learning literature. The following theorem establishes an important connection between a Hilbert space H and its dual space.

Theorem 2

Riesz Representation

Let image be a general Hilbert space and let image denote its dual space. Every element image of image can be uniquely expressed in the form:


for some image . Moreover, image .  image

Following the Riesz representation theorem, we have that for every image, there exists a unique element image, such that for every image, image. The function image is called the reproducing kernel for the point image and the function image is called the reproducing kernel of image. In addition, note that image and image.

Proposition 3

The reproducing kernel of image is symmetric, i.e., image .  image


Observe that image and image. As the inner product of image is symmetric (i.e., image) the result follows.  image

In the following, we will frequently identify the function image with the notation image. Thus, we write the reproducing property of image as:

image (17.22)

for any image, image. Note that due to the uniqueness provided by the Riesz representation theorem, image is the unique function that satisfies the reproducing property. The following proposition establishes the first link between the positive definite kernels and the reproducing kernels.

Proposition 4

The reproducing kernel of image is a positive definite kernel.  image


Consider image, the real numbers image and the elements, image. Then


Combining Proposition 3 and the previous result, we complete the proof.  image

Remark 5

In general, the respective Gram matrix associated with a reproducing kernel is strictly positive definite. For if not, then there must exist at least one non zero vector image such that image, for some finite set of points image. Hence, for every image, we have that image. Thus, in this case there exists a linear dependence between the values of every function in image at some finite set of points. Such examples do exist (e.g., Sobolev spaces), but in most cases the reproducing kernels define Gram matrices that are always strictly positive and invertible.

The following proposition establishes a very important fact; any RKHS, image, can be generated by the respective reproducing kernel image. Note that the overline denotes the closure of a set (i.e., if A is a subset of image is the closure of A).

Proposition 6

Let image be a RKHS on the set X with reproducing kernel image . Then the linear span of the functions image , image , is dense in image , i.e., image .  image


We will prove that the only function of image orthogonal to image is the zero function. Let f be such a function. Then, as f is orthogonal to A, we have that image, for every image. This holds true if and only if image. Thus image. Suppose that there is image such that image. As image is a closed (convex) subspace of image, there is a image which minimizes the distance between f and points in image (theorem of best approximation). For the same g we have that image. Thus, the non-zero function image is orthogonal to image. However, we proved that there isn’t any non-zero vector orthogonal to A. This leads us to conclude that image.  image

In the following we give some important properties of the specific spaces.

Proposition 7

Norm convergence implies point-wise convergence

Let image be a RKHS on X and let image . If image , then image , for every image . Conversely, if for any sequence image of a Hilbert space image , such that image , we have also that image , then image is a RKHS.  image


For every image we have that


As image, we have that image, for every image. Hence image, for every image.

For the converse, consider the evaluation functional image for some image. We will prove that image is continuous for all image. To this end, consider a sequence image of image, with the property image, i.e., image converges to f in the norm. Then image, as image. Thus image for all image and all converging sequences image of imageimage

Proposition 8

Different RKHS’s cannot have the same reproducing kernel

Let image be RKHS’s on X with reproducing kernels image . If image , for all image , then image and image for every f.  image


Let image and image. As shown in Proposition 6, image. Note that for any image, we have that image, for some real numbers image and thus the values of the function are independent of whether we regard it as in image or image. Furthermore, for any image, as the two kernels are identical, we have that image. Thus, image, for all image.

Finally, we turn our attention to the limit points of image and image. If image, then there exists a sequence of functions, image such that image. Since image is a converging sequence, it is Cauchy in image and thus it is also Cauchy in image. Therefore, there exists image such that image. Employing proposition 7, we take that image. Thus, every f in image is also in image and by analogous argument we can prove that every image is also in image. Hence, image and as image for all f in a dense subset (i.e., image), we have that the norms are equal for every f. To prove the latter, we use the relation imageimage

The following theorem is the converse of Proposition 4. It was proved by Moore and it gives us a characterization of reproducing kernel functions. Also, it provides the second link between the two trends that have been mentioned in Section Moore’s theorem, together with Proposition 4, Proposition 8 and the uniqueness property of the reproducing kernel of a RKHS, establishes a one-to-one correspondence between RKHS’s on a set and positive definite functions on the set.

Theorem 9

Moore [16]

Let X be a set and let image be a positive definite kernel. Then there exists a RKHS of functions on X, such that image is the reproducing kernel of image .  image


We will give only a sketch of the proof. The interested reader is referred to [24]. The first step is to define image and the linear map image such that


We prove that P is well defined and that it satisfies the properties of the inner product. Then, given the vector space A and the inner product P, one may complete the space by taking equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences from A to obtain the Hilbert space image. Finally, the reproducing property of the kernel image with respect to the inner product P is proved.  image

In view of the aforementioned theorems, the Definition 1 of the RKHS given in, which is usually used in the machine learning literature, follows naturally.

We conclude this section with a short description of the most important points of the theory developed by Mercer in the context of integral operators. Mercer considered integral operators image generated by a kernel image, i.e., image, such that image. He concluded the following theorem [14]:

Theorem 10

Mercer kernels are positive definite [14]

Let image be a nonempty set and let image be continuous. Then image is a positive definite kernel, if and only if,


for all functions image . Moreover, if image is positive definite, the integral operator image is positive definite, that is,


for all image , and if image are the normalized orthogonal eigenfunctions of image associated with the eigenvalues image then:



Note that the original form of above theorem is more general, involving image-algebras and probability measures. However, as in the applications concerning this manuscript such general terms are of no importance, we decided to include this simpler form. The previous theorems established that Mercer’s kernels, as they are positive definite kernels, are also reproducing kernels. Furthermore, the first part of Theorem 10 provides a useful tool of determining whether a specific function is actually a reproducing kernel. Examples of kernels

Before proceeding to some more advanced topics in the theory of RKHS, it is important to give some examples of kernels that appear more often in the literature and are used in various applications. Perhaps the most widely used reproducing kernel is the Gaussian radial basis function defined on image, where image, as:

image (17.23)

where image. Equivalently the Gaussian RBF function can be defined as:

image (17.24)

for image. Other well-known kernels defined in image are:

• The homogeneous polynomial kernel: image.

• The inhomogeneous polynomial kernel: image, where image a constant.

• The spline kernel: image, where image.

• The cosine kernel: image.

• The Laplacian kernel: image.

Note that the RKHS associated to the Gaussian RBF kernel and the Laplacian kernel are infinite dimensional, while the RKHS associated to the polynomial kernels have finite dimension [13]. Figures 17.617.10, show some of the aforementioned kernels together with a sample of the elements image that span the respective RKHS’s for the case image. Figures 17.1117.13, show some of the elements image that span the respective RKHS’s for the case image. Interactive figures regarding the aforementioned examples can be found in Moreover, Appendix A highlights several properties of the popular Gaussian kernel.


Figure 17.6 (a) The Gaussian kernel for the case image, image. (b) The element image of the feature space induced by the Gaussian kernel for various values of the parameter image.


Figure 17.7 (a) The homogeneous polynomial kernel for the case image, image. (b) The element image, image of the feature space induced by the homogeneous polynomial kernel image for various values of image.


Figure 17.8 (a) The homogeneous polynomial kernel for the case image, image. (b) The element image, image of the feature space induced by the homogeneous polynomial kernel image for various values of image.


Figure 17.9 (a) The inhomogeneous polynomial kernel for the case image, image. (b) The element image, image of the feature space induced by the inhomogeneous polynomial kernel image for various values of image.


Figure 17.10 (a) The Laplacian kernel for the case image, image. (b) The element image of the feature space induced by the Laplacian kernel for various values of the parameter t.


Figure 17.11 The element image of the feature space induced by the Gaussian kernel image for various values of the parameter image.


Figure 17.12 The element image,image of the feature space induced by the Gaussian kernel image with image.


Figure 17.13 The element image of the feature space induced by the Laplacian kernel image for various values of the parameter t. Some properties of the RKHS

In this section, we will refer to some more advanced topics on the theory of RKHS, which are useful for a deeper understanding of the underlying theory and show why RKHS’s constitute such a powerful tool. We begin our study with some properties of RKHS’s and conclude with the basic theorems that enable us to generate new kernels. As we work in Hilbert spaces, the two Parseval’s identities are an extremely helpful tool. When image (where S is an arbitrary set) is an orthonormal basis for a Hilbert space image, then for any image we have that:

image (17.25)

image (17.26)

Note that these two identities hold for a general arbitrary set S (not necessarily ordered). The convergence in this case is defined somewhat differently. We say that image, if for any image, there exists a finite subset image, such that for any finite set image, we have that image.

Proposition 11

Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

If image is a reproducing kernel on X then




The proof is straightforward, as image is the inner product image of the space image.  image

Theorem 12

Every finite dimensional class of functions defined on X, equipped with an inner product, is an RKHS. Let image constitute a basis of the space and the inner product is defined as follows


for image and image , where the image real matrix image is strictly positive definite. Let image be the inverse of A, then the kernel of the RKHS is given by

image (17.27)



The reproducing property is immediately verified by Eq. (17.27):


The following theorem gives the kernel of a RKHS (of finite or infinite dimension) in terms of the elements of an orthonormal basis.

Theorem 13

Let image be a RKHS on X with reproducing kernel image . If image is an orthonormal basis for image , then image , where this series converges pointwise.  image


For any image we have that image. Hence, employing Parseval’s identity (17.25), we have that image, where these sums converge in the norm on image. Since the sums converge in the norm, they converge at every point. Hence, image.  image

Proposition 14

If image is a RKHS on X with respective kernel image , then every closed subspace image is also a RKHS. In addition, if image and image are complementary subspaces in image then image .  image

Proposition 15

Let image be a RKHS on X with kernel image and image is an orthonormal system in image . Then for any sequence of numbers image such that image (i.e., image ) we have



We have seen that image and that image. Thus, considering that image’s are orthonormal and taking the Parseval’s identity (17.26) for image with respect to the orthonormal basis, we have:


Therefore, applying the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality we take


Theorem 16

Representer Theorem [26]

Denote by image a strictly monotonic increasing function, by X a nonempty set and by image an arbitrary loss function. Then each minimizer image of the regularized minimization problem:


admits a representation of the form

image (17.28)

where image , for image .  image


We may decompose each image into a part contained in the span of the kernels centered at the training points, i.e., image, (which is a closed linear subspace) and a part in the orthogonal complement of the previous span. Thus each f can be written as:


Applying the reproducing property and considering that image, for image, we take:


Thus, the value of the loss function image depends only on the part contained in the span of the kernels centered at the training points, i.e., on image. Furthermore, for all image we have:


Thus, for any fixed image the value of the cost function is minimized for image. Hence, the solution of the minimization task will have to obey this property too.  image

Examples of loss functions image as the ones mentioned in Theorem 16 are for example the total squared error:


and the image norm measured error


The aforementioned theorem is of great importance to practical applications. Although one might be trying to solve an optimization task in an infinite dimensional RKHS image (such as the one that generated by the Gaussian kernel), the Representer Theorem states that the solution of the problem lies in the span of N particular kernels, those centered on the training points.

In practice, we often include a bias factor to the solution of kernel-based regularized minimization tasks, that is, we assume that f admits a representation of the form

image (17.29)

where image. This has been shown to improve the performance of the respective algorithms [2,13,27], for two main reasons. Firstly, the introduction of the bias, b, enlarges the family of functions in which we search for a solution, thus leading to potentially better estimations. Moreover, as the regularization factor image penalizes the values of f at the training points, the resulting solution tends to take values as close to zero as possible, for large values of image (compare Figures 17.14b and 17.14d). At this point, another comment is of interest also. Note that it turns out that the regularization factor image for certain types of kernel functions (e.g., Gaussian) involves the derivatives of f of all orders [13,28]. As a consequence the larger the image is, the smoother the resulting curve becomes (compare Figures 17.14a with 17.14c and Figures 17.14b with 17.14d). The use of the bias factor is theoretically justified by the semi-parametric Representer theorem.

Theorem 17

Semi-parametric Representer Theorem [13]

Suppose that in addition to the assumptions of theorem 16, we are given a set of M real valued functions image , with the property that the image matrix image has rank M. Then any image , with image and image , solving


admits a representation of the form

image (17.30)

with image , for all image .  image


Figure 17.14 Solving the regression problem image, on a set of 11 points (a), (c) with a bias, i.e., f admits the form of (17.29) and (b), (d) without a bias, i.e., f admits the form of (17.28). In all the examples the Gaussian kernel function was employed. In (a) and (b) we set image, image. In (c) and (d) we set image, image. Observe that for image, the unbiased solution takes values significantly lower compared to the values of the training points. For the smaller image, the difference between (c) and (d) is reduced (compared to the case image). Moreover, one may observe that for the larger value, image, the resulting curves are smoother compared to the curves that correspond to image.

The following results can be used for the construction of new kernels.

Proposition 18

Conformal Transformations

If image is any function, then image is a reproducing kernel. Moreover, if image is any other reproducing kernel then image is also a reproducing kernel.  image


The first part is a direct consequence of theorem 12. For the second part, consider image and image. Then


Moreover, as


this transformation of the original kernel, preserves angles in the feature space.  image

Theorem 19

Restriction of a kernel

Let image be a RKHS on X with respective kernel image . Then image restricted to the set image is the reproducing kernel of the class image of all restrictions of functions of image to the subset image . The respective norm of any such restricted function image (originating from image ) has norm image .  image

Proposition 20

Normalization of a kernel

Let image be a RKHS on X with respective kernel image . Then

image (17.31)

is also a positive definite kernel on X. Note that image , for all image .  image


Let image and image be real numbers. Then


as image is a positive definite kernel.  image

Theorem 21

Sum of kernels [3]

Let image be two RKHS’s on X with respective kernels image . Then image is also a reproducing kernel. The corresponding RKHS, image , contains the functions image , where image . The respective norm is defined by




It is trivial to show that image is a positive definite kernel. The difficult part is to associate this kernel with the specific RKHS image. Consider the Hilbert space image. The respective inner product and the corresponding norm are defined as


for image and image. If image and image have only 0 in common, it easy to show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between F and image, as each image can be decomposed into two parts (one belonging to image and the other in image) uniquely. The difficult part is to discover such a relation, if image is larger than image. To make this fact clear, consider this simple example: Let image and image be the linear classes of polynomials of orders up to 1 and up to 2 respectively. Obviously, image, as image. Let image. Then f can be decomposed into two parts (one belonging to image and the other in image) in more than one ways. For example image, or image, or image, e.t.c. Thus, the mapping between image and image is not one-to-one. However, in such cases, we can still find a smaller subspace of F, which can be identified to image.

To this end, define image. It is clear that image is a linear subspace of F. We will show that it is a closed one. Consider the converging sequence in image. Then image and image. Thus image and image is in image. As image is a closed linear subspace of F, we may consider its complementary subspace image.

As a next step, consider the linear transformation image. The kernel of this transformation is the subspace image. Hence, there is a one-to-one correspondence between image and image. Consider the inverse transformation image and let image, for image, where image and image, i.e., through image we decompose f uniquely into two components, one in image and the other in image. This decomposition enables us to define an inner product in image, i.e.,


for image. To prove that to this image there corresponds the kernel image, we make the following remarks:

1. For every image.

2. For every image, let image. Thus


and consequently image. This means that image. Hence, for every image we have


As image and image, we conclude that


This is the reproducing property.

Finally, to prove the last part of the theorem, consider again image and let image, such that image and let image and image be the unique decomposition of f through image. As image we obtain that image, which implies that image. Thus, we take:


From the last relation we conclude that image, if and only if image and image. In this case we take the minimum value of image, for all possible decompositions image. This completes the proof.  image

Despite the sum of kernels, other operations preserve reproducing kernels as well. Below, we give an extensive list of such operations. For a description of the induced RKHS and a formal proof (in the cases that are not considered here) the interested reader may refer to [3,13].

1. If image is a positive definite kernel on X, then image is also a positive definite kernel for any image. It is obvious that in this case image, if image. If image, then image.

2. If image and image are positive definite kernels on X, then image is also a positive definite kernel, as Theorem 21 established.

3. If image and image are positive definite kernels on X, then image is also a positive definite kernel.

4. If image are positive definite kernels on X, such that image, for all image, then image is also a positive definite kernel.

5. If image is a positive definite kernel on X and image is a polynomial with non-negative coefficients, then image is also a positive definite kernel.

6. If image is a positive definite kernel on X, then image is also a positive definite kernel. To prove this, consider the Taylor expansion formula of image, which may be considered as a limit of polynomials with non-negative coefficients.

7. If image is a positive definite kernel on X and image is a function, then image is a positive definite kernel on image.

8. If image and image are positive definite kernels on X and image respectively, then their tensor product image, is a kernel on image.

9. If image and image are positive definite kernels on X and image respectively, then their direct sum image, is a kernel on image. Dot product and translation invariant kernels

There are two important classes of kernels that follow certain rules and are widely used in practice. The first one includes the dot product kernels, which are functions defined as image, for some real function f. The second class are the translation invariant kernels, which are defined as image, for some real function f defined on X. The following theorems establish necessary and sufficient conditions for such functions to be reproducing kernels.

Theorem 22

Power Series of dot product kernels [29]

Let image . A function image defined on X, such that f has the power series expansion image , is a positive definite kernel, if and only if we have image for all n.  image

Theorem 23

Bochner’s-Fourier Criterion for translation invariant kernels [20]

Let image . A function image defined on image , is a positive definite kernel, if the Fourier transform


is non-negative.  image

Remark 24

Bochner’s theorem is more general, involving Borel measures and topological spaces. For the sake of simplicity we give only this simple form.

Employing the tools provided in this section, one can readily prove the positivity of some of the kernels given in Section For example:

• Homogeneous polynomial kernel: As image is a positive definite kernel and image is a polynomial with non-negative coefficients, image is a positive definite kernel.

• Inhomogeneous polynomial kernel: As image is a positive definite kernel, and image is a polynomial with non-negative coefficients (for positive c), image is a positive definite kernel.

• The cosine kernel: Note that image. Thus the cosine kernel is the normalization of the simple kernel image.

To prove that the Gaussian and the Laplacian are positive kernels we need another set of tools. This is the topic of Appendix A. Differentiation in Hilbert spaces Fréchet’s differentiation

In the following sections, we will develop cost functions defined on RKHS, that are suitable for minimization tasks related with adaptive filtering problems. As most minimization procedures involve computation of gradients or subgradients, we devote this section to study differentiation on Hilbert spaces. The notion of Fréchet’s Differentiability, which generalizes differentiability to general Hilbert spaces, lies at the core of this analysis.

Definition 25

Fréchet’s Differential

Let image be a real Hilbert space, image a function, and image. The function image is said to be Fréchet differentiable at f, if there exists a image such that

image (17.32)

where image is the inner product of the Hilbert space image and image is the induced norm.  image

The element image is called the gradient of the operator at f, and is usually denoted as image. This relates to the standard gradient operator known by Calculus in Euclidean spaces. The Fréchet’s Differential is also known as Strong Differential. There is also a weaker definition of Differentiability, named Gâteaux’s Differential (or Weak Differential), which is a generalization of the directional derivative. The Gâteaux differential image of image at image in the direction image is defined as

image (17.33)

In the following, whenever we are referring to a derivative or a gradient we will mean the one produced by Fréchet’s notion of differentiability. The interested reader is addressed to [3035], (amongst others) for a more detailed discussion on the subject. The well known properties of the derivative of a real valued function of one variable, which are known from elementary Calculus, like the product and chain rules, apply to the Fréchet’s derivatives as well.

The following simple examples demonstrate the differentiation procedure in arbitrary spaces.

Example 26

Consider the real Hilbert space image, with inner product image, and image, where image fixed. We can easily show (using Fréchet’s definition) that image is differentiable at any image and that image. In the case where image, we can easily show (using Fréchet’s definition) that image is differentiable at any image and that image.

1.17.6 Least squares learning algorithms

Having discussed the basic definitions and properties of RKHS we now turn to our main focus of the paper to discuss online learning schemes, which can operate in such spaces. We will start with two celebrated schemes, which are built around the Least Squares criterion, namely the LMS and the RLS.Although we can look at these algorithms as special cases of the schemes to be considered later on, in the more general setting of convex analytic tools, we chose to treat them separately. The reason is that the LMS and RLS are widely known, and the less familiar reader could follow their extension to RKHSs easier. Least mean square (LMS)

Consider the sequence of examples image, where image, and image for image, and a parametric class of functions image. The goal of a typical online/adaptive learning task is to infer an input-output relationship image from the parametric class of functions image, based on the given data, so that to minimize a certain loss function, image, that measures the error between the actual output, image, and the estimated output, image, at iteration n.

Least mean squares (LMS) algorithms are a popular class of adaptive learning systems that adopt the least mean squares error (i.e., the mean squared difference between the desired and the actual signal) to estimate the unknown coefficients image. Its most typical form was invented in the 1960s by Bernard Widrow and his Ph.D. student Ted Hoff [36]. In the standard least mean square (LMS) setting, one adopts the class of linear functions, i.e., image and employs the mean square error, image, as the loss function. To this end, the gradient descent rationale, e.g., [46], is employed and at each time instant, image, the gradient of the mean square error, i.e., image, is approximated via its current measurement, i.e., image, where


If we define image as the a-priori error, where image is the current estimate, then the previous discussion leads naturally to the step update equation

image (17.34)

Another derivation of this classical recursion, through a convex analytic path, will be given in Section 1.17.7. Such a viewpoint will set the LMS as an instant of a larger family of algorithms.

Assuming that the initial image, a repeated application of (17.34) gives

image (17.35)

while the predicted output of the learning system at iteration n becomes

image (17.36)

There are a number of convergence criteria for the LMS algorithm [5]. Among the most popular ones are:

• The convergence of the mean property, i.e., image, as image, where image and image is the Wiener solution. Unfortunately, this is of little practical use, as any sequence of zero mean arbitrary random numbers converges in this sense.

• The convergence in the mean square property: If the true input-output relation is given by image, and image is a weakly stationary process, then image, as image, provided that image satisfies the condition image, where image is the largest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix image. We will see in Example 56 that the quantity image stems also from a convex analytic point of view of the LMS-related estimation task. In practice, one usually uses image, where image denotes the trace of a matrix.

• The Misadjustment property: The Misadjustment ratio, i.e., image, where


and image is the minimum mean squared error associated with the optimum Wiener filter, is equal to


provided that the step update parameter image satisfies image, where image are the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix image. This is a dimensionless quantity, providing a measure of closeness of the LMS algorithm from optimality in the mean square sense. The smallest image is (compared to 1), the more accurate the learning system is. Usually image is expressed as a percentage. A misadjustment of image is, ordinarily, considered to be satisfactory in practice [5].

LMS is sensitive to the scaling of the inputs image. This makes it hard to choose a learning rate image that guarantees the stability of the algorithm for various inputs. The Normalized LMS (NLMS) is a variant of the LMS designed to cope with this problem. It solves the problem by normalizing with the power of the input. Hence, the step update equation becomes

image (17.37)

where image. It has been proved that the optimal learning rate of the NLMS is image [5,6]. We will also see in Section 1.17.7 that the NLMS has a clear geometrical interpretation; it is the repetition of a relaxed (metric) projection mapping onto a series of hyperplanes in the Euclidean space image. More on the LMS family of algorithms, and more specifically, on its impact in modern signal processing, can be found in [46]. The Kernel LMS

In kernel-based algorithms, we estimate the output of the learning system by a nonlinear function f in a specific RKHS, image, which is associated to a positive definite kernel image. The sequence of examples are transformed via the feature map image, image and the LMS rationale is employed on the transforssmed data


while the estimated output at iteration n takes the form image, for some image. Although this is a linear algorithm in the RKHS image, it corresponds to a nonlinear processing in X. To calculate the gradient of the respective loss function, image, the Fréchet’s notion of differentiability is adopted, leading to: image; this, according to the LMS rationale, is approximated at each time instant by its current measurement, i.e., image. Consequently, following a gradient descent rationale, the step update equation of the KLMS is given by

image (17.38)

As it was stated for (17.34), the recursion (17.38) will be re-derived through convex analytic arguments in Section 1.17.7.

Assuming that image, i.e., the zero function, a repeated application of (17.38) gives

image (17.39)

and the output of the filter at iteration n becomes

image (17.40)

Equation (17.39) provides the KLMS estimate at time n. This is an expansion (in the RKHS image) in terms of the feature map function computed at each training point up to time n. Observe that, alternatively, one could derive Eq. (17.40), simply by applying the kernel trick to (17.36). It is important to emphasize that, in contrast to the standard LMS, where the solution is a vector of fixed dimension, which is updated at each time instant, in KLMS the solution is a function of image and thus it cannot be represented by a machine. Nevertheless, as it is common in kernel-based methods, one needs not to compute the actual solution (17.39), but only the estimated output of the learning system, image, which is given in terms of the kernel function centered at the points, image, of the given sequence (Eq. (17.40)). Under this setting, the algorithm needs to store into memory two pieces of information: a) the centers (training input points), image, of the expansion (17.39), which are stored into a dictionary image and b) the coefficients of (17.39), i.e., image, which are represented by a growing vector image. Observe that (17.39) is inline with what we know by the Representer theorem given in Section 1.17.5 (Theorem 16). Algorithm 27 summarizes this procedure.

If in place of (17.38), we use its normalized version, i.e.,

image (17.41)


where image, the normalized KLMS counterpart (KNLMS) results. This comprises replacing in Algorithm 27 the step image by image, where image. The convergence and stability properties of KLMS is, still, a hot topic for research. One may consider that, as the KLMS is the LMS in a RKHS image, the properties of the LMS are directly transferred to the KLMS [37]. However, we should note that the properties of the LMS have been proved for Euclidean spaces, while very often the RKHS used in practice are of infinite dimension. Sparsifying the solution

The main drawback of the KLMS algorithm is that a growing number of training points, image, is involved in the estimation of the learning system’s output (17.40). The set of these points can be thought of as a “dictionary,” image, which is stored into the memory, as in Algorithm 27. This is a typical situation that arises in any kernel-based online learning scheme. As a consequence, increasing memory and computational resources are needed, as time evolves (the complexity of KLMS, as presented in Section is image at each iteration). Furthermore, it is impossible to use the KLMS in real world’s applications, since the dictionary grows unbounded. In such a case, after a significant amount of iterations the expansion (17.40) will become so large that it will fill up the memory of the machine. In addition, it will require a huge amount of time to be computed, rendering the application useless. Hence, it is important to find a way to limit the size of this expansion. Several strategies have been proposed to cope with this problem. According to these strategies, the dictionary of points is created at the beginning of the algorithm and new points are inserted into it, only if they satisfy a specific rule, as in Algorithm 28. Adopting such a strategy, the complexity of KLMS is reduced to image, where image is the size of the dictionary at time instant n.

For example, in the popular Plat’s novelty criterion sparsification scheme [38], whenever a new data pair image is considered, a decision is immediately made of whether to add the new point, image, to image. The decision is reached following two simple rules:


• First, the distance of the new point, image, from the current dictionary, image, is evaluated:


If this distance is smaller than a given threshold image (i.e., the new input vector is close to a point, which is already in the existing dictionary), then the newly arrived point is not added to image. Thus image.

• Otherwise, we compute the prediction error image. If image is smaller than a predefined threshold, image, then the new point is discarded and we set image. Only if image, then image is inserted into image, forming the new dictionary image.

Note that whenever we insert a new point into image, we must also insert the respective coefficient, image, to the growing vector image.

Another popular scheme is the so called coherence-based sparsification strategy [39], where the point image is inserted into the dictionary, if its coherence is above a given threshold image, i.e.

image (17.42)

It has been proved that the dimension of the dictionary determined under rule (17.42) remains finite, as n goes to infinity [39].

A more sophisticated strategy is the so called surprise criterion [37], which employs ideas from information theoretic learning. The surprise of a new data pair image with respect to a learning system image is defined as the negative log likelihood of image, given the learning system’s hypothesis on the data distribution, i.e.,


According to this measure, one may classify the new data pair into the following three categories:

• Abnormal: image,

• Learnable: image,

• Reduntant: image,

where image are problem related parameters. In surprise-based sparsification, if the new data pair is classified as learnable, it is inserted into the dictionary. For the case of the KLMS with Gaussian inputs, the surprise measure is

image (17.43)



and image is a user-defined regularization parameter.

A main drawback of the aforementioned sparsification techniques is that if one data point is inserted in the dictionary, it remains in it indefinitely. This may effect the tracking performance of the algorithm in time varying environments. Another technique, that one can adopt to impose sparsity on the solution of the KLMS, that, in addition, changes the coefficients of the solution’s expansion, is the quantization of the training data in the input space, as in the Quantized KLMS [40]. While each data point image arrives sequentially, the algorithm checks if it is a new point or a redundant point. If its distance from the current dictionary image is greater than or equal to the quantization size image (i.e., image cannot be quantized to a point already contained in image) then image is classified as a new point and it is inserted into the dictionary image. Otherwise, image is classified as a “redundant” point and the algorithm uses this information to update the coefficient of the closest center, say image. Algorithm 29 summarizes this procedure.

An alternative method to impose sparsity in an adaptive setting has been considered in [4143]. This is based on regularization and it has the additional benefit of introducing an exponential forgetting mechanism of past data. This mechanism is very natural to the projection-based philosophy of these algorithms, and sparsification only requires an extra projection onto a convex ball. Simulation results

To demonstrate the performance of the KLMS, we consider a typical nonlinear channel equalization task (see Figure 17.15) similar to the one presented in [44,45]. The nonlinear channel consists of a linear filter:


and a memoryless nonlinearity

image (17.44)


The signal is then corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise and then it is observed as image. The level of the noise was set equal to 15 dB. The aim of a channel equalization task is to design an inverse filter, which acts on the output of the channel, image, and reproduces the original input signal, image, as close as possible. To this end, we apply the normalized KLMS algorithm to the set of samples

image (17.45)

where image is the equalizer’s length and D the equalization time delay, which is present to, almost, any equalization set up. In other words, the output of the equalizer at time n, provides the estimate of image. This is to account for the non minimum phase property of the linear filter that was used to model the channel [5].


Figure 17.15 The equalization task.

Experiments were conducted on 50 sets of 5000 samples of the input signal (Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance) comparing the standard LMS and the KLMS. Regarding the KLMS, we employed the Gaussian kernel (with image) and we adopted the novelty criterion sparsification strategy image. The step update parameter, image, was tuned for the best possible results (in terms of the steady-state error rate). Time delay D was also set for optimality. Figure 17.16 shows the learning curves of KLMS versus the standard LMS algorithm. The superiority of the KLMS is evident and it was expected, since the standard LMS cannot cope with the nonlinearity.


Figure 17.16 Learning curves of normalized LMS image and the normalized Gaussian Kernel LMS image for the equalization problem (filter length image, delay image).

Figures 17.17a and 17.17b compare the performance of the various sparsification strategies presented in Section, considering the same experimental set up. The user-defined parameters for the novelty detection approach were set to image, for the coherence-based scenario were set to image and for the surprise-based sparsification were set to image. In this experiment, one observes that although both the surprise and the coherence-based scenarios perform almost equally well in terms of sparsity, the latter gives a slightly lower steady state MSE, whereas the novelty detection approach outperforms the other two both in terms of sparsity and the steady state MSE. Moreover, we should note that the coherence-based and the surprise strategies are more computationally demanding compared to the novelty criterion, as they involve several evaluations of the kernel function. Figure 17.18 compares the learning curves and the expansion’ size evolution of the QKLMS and the novelty detection KLMS at the same experimental set up. There it is shown that QKLMS, while offering a significant sparser solution, at the same time accomplishes a lower steady state MSE. In fact, the convergence behavior of QKLMS is almost identical to the KLMS without sparsification! Moreover, in terms of computational resources QKLMS is comparable to the novelty detection sparsification scenario.


Figure 17.17 (a) Learning curves of the normalized Kernel LMS (KNLMS) with image, using the Gaussian kernel image, under various sparsification strategies for the equalization problem (filter length image, time delay image). (b) Evolution of the expansion’s size at each time instant, for each sparsification strategy. The user-defined parameters for the novelty detection approach were set to image, image, for the coherence-based scenario were set to image and for the surprise-based sparsification were set to image, image, image.


Figure 17.18 (a) Learning curves of the normalized Kernel LMS (KNLMS) with image, using the Gaussian kernel image, the novelty-detection normalized KNLMS and the QKLMS for the equalization problem (filter length image, time delay image). (b) Evolution of the expansion’s size at each time instant, for the KNLMS, novelty KNLMS, QKNLMS. The user-defined parameters for the novelty detection approach were set to image, image. The quantization size (for the QKNLMS) was set image.

Finally, Figures 17.19 and 17.20 compare the performances of the aforementioned sparsification strategies in a set up where the channel undergoes a significant change. In this particular experiment, the input signal was fed to a channel consisting of the linear part image and the nonlinear part image. The signal was then corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise and then observed as image. After the 2000th time instant the channel changes so that image and image. Experiments were conducted on 50 sets of 4000 samples of the input signal (Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance). The QKLMS in this test gives excellent results, as it achieves the same steady state MSE as the unsparsified KLMS using only the 1/8th of the training centers. The three sparsification strategies (novelty, coherence, surprise) carry the information learned while the channel was in its original state throughout the learning phase. However, the two first (novelty and coherence) seem to be able to cope with the change of the channel, while the latter fails. The code for the experiments presented in this section can be found in More simulation results for the KLMS algorithm are given in Sections and, where it is validated against other kernel-based online learning methodologies, such as the Kernel RLS, and the projection-based Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method (APSM).


Figure 17.19 (a) Learning curves of the normalized Kernel LMS (KNLMS) with image, using the Gaussian kernel (image), under various sparsification strategies for the two states equalization problem (filter length image, time delay image). (b) Evolution of the expansion’s size at each time instant, for each sparsification strategy. The user-defined parameters for the novelty detection approach were set to image, image, for the coherence-based scenario were set to image and for the surprise-based sparsification were set to image, image, image.


Figure 17.20 (a) Learning curves of the normalized Kernel LMS (KNLMS) with image, using the Gaussian kernel image, the novelty-detection normalized KNLMS and the QKLMS for the two-states equalization problem (filter length image, time delay image). (b) Evolution of the expansion’s size at each time instant, for the KNLMS, novelty KNLMS, QKNLMS. The user-defined parameters for the novelty detection approach were set to image, image. The quantization size (for the QKNLMS) was set image. The complex case

Complex-valued signals arise frequently in applications as diverse as communications, bioinformatics, radar, etc. In this section we present the LMS rationale suitably adjusted to treat data of this nature. Complex LMS

Let image and image be the input and the output of the original filter, respectively. In the typical Complex LMS (CLMS) rationale, we estimate the output of the filter using the so called image-linear function: image. The CLMS aims to compute image, such that the error image is minimized. To compute the respective gradients, the notion of the Wirtinger’s Calculus [46,47] is employed as it simplifies calculations. In a nutshell, Wirtinger’s Calculus considers two types of derivatives, with respect to z and image respectively (following the standard differentiation rules). However, only the second one is important for optimization tasks. The alternative to using Wirtinger’s calculus would be to consider the complex variables as pairs of two real ones and employ the common real partial derivatives. However, this approach, usually, is more time consuming and leads to more cumbersome expressions. Hence, applying the rules of Wirtinger’s calculus to this case, we take that image, where image. Thus, the step update for the CLMS is


and the estimated output of the filter at iteration n, assuming that image, is


A different filtering structure has been brought to light more recently, mainly due to the works of Picinbono [4850]. It is based on the notion of the widely linear estimation functions, where the output is estimated so that to be linear in terms of both z and image, i.e., image. It turns out that the traditional approach to linearity, as employed by the CLMS, is rather “unorthodox,” as it excludes a large class of linear functions from being considered in the estimation process. Moreover, it can be shown that the correct complex linear estimation is the widely linear one [51]. In the context of the widely linear, or Augmented, CLMS (ACLMS), the vectors image are computed, so that the error image is minimized. Applying Wirtinger’s Calculus we compute the respective gradients as image and image. Thus, the step updates of the ACLMS become

image (17.46a)

image (17.46b)

and the estimated output at iteration n, assuming that image, is

image (17.47)

An important notion that has been associated with the case of complex data is the so called circularity. Circularity is intimately related to the rotation in the geometric sense. A complex random variable Z is called circular, if for any angle image both Z and image (i.e., the rotation of Z by angle image) follow the same probability distribution [52,53]. It has been shown that, in the case of circular inputs, ACLMS and CLMS have identical performances [48,49,52,53]. However, ACLMS may show some performance gains when non-circular input sources are considered, although its convergence rate is somewhat slower than the CLMS. This is due to the fact that widely linear estimation processes are able to capture the full second-order statistics of a given complex signal, especially in the case where the signal is non-circular, by considering both the covariance and the pseudo-covariance matrices [49,50]. Complex kernel LMS

Following a similar procedure, as the one adopted in the derivation of the KLMS from the standard LMS, kernel-based analogues of the CLMS can be produced. In general, to generate kernel adaptive filtering algorithms on complex domains, according to [54], one can adopt two methodologies. A first straightforward approach is to use directly a complex RKHS, using one of the complex kernels given in Section 1.17.5, and map the original data to the complex RKHS through the associated feature map image. This is equivalent to applying the kernel trick to the standard complex LMS rationale in the usual black-box approach. Another alternative technique is to use real kernels through a rationale that is called complexification of real RKHSs. This method has the advantage of allowing modeling in complex RKHSs, using popular well-established and well understood, from a performance point of view, real kernels (e.g., Gaussian, polynomial, etc). While in the first case, we map the data directly to the complex RKHS through the feature map, in the complexification scenario we employ the map image, where image, and image is the feature map of the chosen real kernel image, i.e., image. In the following, we will deal with the first scenario only. The complexification case is treated in [54].

Consider the complex RKHS image, with the respective complex reproducing kernel image (meaning that it takes complex arguments and returns a complex number) defined on image, where image. We apply the feature map image of the RKHS, image, to the points image and employ the LMS rationale to the transformed data image, modeling the desired output either as image, for some image, or as image, for some image, if the more general widely linear approach is considered. In the first case, considering the corresponding loss as image, the Pure Complex KLMS (PCKLMS) is generated. To this end, the gradient descent rationale is adopted and the gradient of the loss function is estimated via its current measurement. To this end, Wirtinger’s calculus had to be generalized in the framework of Freshet derivation, to cope with infinite dimensional complex Hilbert spaces, [55]. It turns out that, image. This leads to the following step update equation:

image (17.48)

Assuming that image, and by applying a repetition of (17.48), we take formulas similar to the KLMS case. Algorithm 30 summarizes the procedure of PCKLMS.

To sparsify the solution one may employ any of the methods described in Section Adopting the widely linear estimation process, i.e., image, and following a similar procedure, the Augmented Pure Complex KLMS (APCKLMS) is produced. In this case, as the corresponding loss is image, the respective estimation of gradients via their current measurements becomes image and image. It turns out that the step update equations become:


The APCKLMS is treated in details in [51], where it is shown that it performs significantly better than the PCKLMS. The problem of complex estimation using kernels in the special case of finite dimensional Euclidean spaces has also been considered in [56].

Image Recursive Least Squares (RLS)

Recall that we assumed the sequence of examples image, where image, and image. In the Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm, we adopt the parametric class of linear functions, i.e., image, as the field in which we search for the optimal input-output relationship between image and image, while the loss function at iteration n takes the form:

image (17.49)

for some chosen image. Observe that the loss function consists of two parts. The first one measures the error between the estimated output, image, and the actual output, image, at each time instant, i, up to n, while the second is a regularization term. The existence of the second term is crucial to the algorithm, as it prevents it from being ill-posed and guards against overfitting. At each time instant, n, the RLS finds the solution to the minimization problem:

image (17.50)

The RLS algorithm, usually, exhibits an order of magnitude faster convergence compared to the LMS, at the cost of higher computational complexity.

The rationale of the RLS algorithm can be described in a significant more compact form, if one adopts a matrix representation. To this end, we define the image matrices image and the vectors image, for image. Then, the loss function (17.49) can be equivalently defined as:


As this is a strictly convex function, it has a unique minimum, which it is obtained at the point, image, where its gradient vanishes, i.e., image. Note, that the gradient of the loss function can be derived using standard differentiation rules:

image (17.51)

Equating the gradient to zero, we obtain the solution to the minimization problem (17.50):

image (17.52)

where image is the image identity matrix. Observe, that this solution includes the inversion of a matrix at each time step, which is usually, a computationally demanding procedure. To overcome this obstacle, the RLS algorithm computes the solution recursively, exploiting the matrix inversion lemma:

image (17.53)

Let image. Then, we can easily deduce that image. Thus, using the matrix inversion lemma (17.53) we take:


Also, considering that image, the solution image becomes


Thus, the solution image is computed recursively, as

image (17.54)

where image is the estimation error at iteration n.

As can be seen in Figure 17.21, which considers a 200-taps filter identification problem (where the input signal is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance), the RLS learning procedure typically exhibits significantly faster convergence and achieves a lower steady state error compared to the NLMS (in this example the steady state MSE achieved by the RLS is 25% lower than the one achieved by the NLMS). Such a performance is expected for the stationary environment case. The RLS is a Newton-type algorithm and the LMS a gradient descent type. Moreover, concerning the excess error for the LMS, this is due to the non-diminishing value of image, which as we know increases the steady state error.


Figure 17.21 Learning curves of the normalized LMS image and the RLS image for a filter identification problem (filter length image). Exponentially weighted RLS

The RLS learning rationale utilizes information of all past data at each iteration step. Although this tactic enables RLS to achieve better convergence speed, it may become a burden in time-varying environments. In such cases, it would be preferable to simply “forget” some of the past data, which correspond to an earlier state of the learning task. We can incorporate such an approach to the RLS algorithm by introducing some weighting factors to the cost function (17.49), i.e.,

image (17.55)

where w is an appropriately chosen weighting function. A typical weighting scenario that is commonly used is the exponential weighting factor (or the forgetting factor), where we choose image and image, for some image. Small values of w (close to 0) imply a strong forgetting mechanism, which makes the algorithm more sensitive to recent samples and might lead to poor performance. Hence, we usually select w such that it is close to 1. Obviously, for image we take the ordinary RLS described in In the method of Exponentially Weighted RLS (EWRLS) we minimize the cost function

image (17.56)

Using the matrix notation the aforementioned cost function becomes image, where image and image are defined as in Section and image is the diagonal matrix with elements the powers of w up to image, i.e.,


The solution to the respective minimization problem is

image (17.57)

Following a similar rationale as in Section, it turns out that:




Algorithm 31 describes the EWRLS machinery in details. We test the performance of the EWRLS in a time-varying channel identification problem. The signal (zero-mean unity-variance Gaussian random variable) is fed to a linear channel (length image) and then corrupted by white Gaussian noise. After 2000 samples of data, the coefficients of the linear channel undergo a significant change. Figure 17.22 shows the performance of the EWRLS algorithm compared to the standard RLS and the NLMS for


Figure 17.22 Learning curves of the normalized LMS image, the RLS and EWRLS image for various values of the weighting factor w, for a time-varying filter identification problem (filter length image). The Kernel RLS

Similar to the case of the KLMS, in the Kernel RLS (KRLS) we estimate the learning system’s output by a function f defined on the RKHS, image, which is associated to a positive definite kernel image. The sequence of examples are transformed via the feature map image to generate the input data


and the employed loss function takes the form

image (17.58)

The Representer Theorem 16 ensures that the solution to the minimization task, image, lies in the finite dimensional subspace of the span of the n kernels that are centered on the training points image. In other words:

image (17.59)

and thus, exploiting the kernel trick, the estimated output at iteration n will be given by

image (17.60)

As this expansion grows unbounded while time evolves, analogous to the case of KLMS, a sparsification mechanism, which keeps the most informative training points and discards the rest, is also needed. KRLS’s main task is to estimate the (growing) vector image in a recursive manner.

The first approach to the KRLS task was presented in [44] by Engel, Mannor, and Meir as a part of Engel’s Ph.D. thesis. Their method is built around a specific sparsification strategy, which is called Aproximate Linear Dependency (ALD). To this end, consider a dictionary of centers image, of size image, that keeps some of the past training points. In this setting, we test whether the newly arrived data image is approximately linearly dependent on the dictionary elements image. If not, we add it to the dictionary, otherwise image is approximated by a linear combination of the dictionary’s elements. The specific condition is whether

image (17.61)

where image is a user-defined parameter. Using matrix-notation, this minimization problem can be equivalently recasted as:


where image, for image, and image. Assuming that image is invertible, the solution to this minimization problem is

image (17.62)

while the attained minimum value is image. In the case where image, image is added to the dictionary, which now contains image centers. If image, then image is not included to the dictionary, i.e., image, and we approximate image as

image (17.63)

Using (17.63), we can approximate the full kernel matrix image (i.e., image, for image) as

image (17.64)

where image is the image matrix that contains the coefficients of the linear combinations associated with each image. This is due to the fact that at time index n each kernel evaluation is computed as


for all image. Note that image for all image. This is the kick-off point of KRLS rationale.

In matrix notation, the respective loss of the KRLS minimization task at iteration n is given by


As image can be recasted as


where imageis the new parameter to be optimized. Observe that while the original vector image is a n-dimensional vector, the new vector, image, is significantly smaller (depending on the sparsification strategy). The solution to the modified minimization task is

image (17.65)

where image, assuming that the inverse matrices exist. We distinguish the two different cases of the ALD sparsification and derive recursive relations for image accordingly.

CASE I. If image, then the data point arrived at iteration n, i.e., image, is not added to the dictionary. Hence image and the expansion of image as a linear combination of the dictionary’s elements is added to image, i.e.,

image (17.66)

where image is given by (17.62). Therefore, image can be computed as


Applying the matrix inversion lemma, we take the recursive relation

image (17.67)

Substituting in (17.65) and considering that image we take


However, relation (17.65) implies that image. Hence,


where the last relations are generated by substituting image (see relation (17.62)) and considering that the estimated output at time index n by the learning system is image.

CASE II. If image, then the data point arrived at iteration n, i.e., image, is added to the dictionary, i.e., image and the matrices image and image are constructed as follows




Hence, applying the matrix inversion lemma to image and substituting image, we have




Observe that while we replace image by image using relation (17.62), the actual nth row of image is image. Substituting in (17.65) we take:


The procedure is summarized in Algorithm 32. The KRLS algorithm has complexity image, at time n, where image is the size of the dictionary. Note, that we developed the specific recursive strategy assuming the invertibility of image and image for each n. For the case of the RKHS induced by the Gaussian kernel, which is the most popular kernel for practical applications, we can prove that imageis indeed invertible. Furthermore, by construction, the matrix image has full-rank. Hence, image is strictly positive definite and thus invertible too.

A methodology of similar spirit to the KRLS, which also takes advantage of the loss function (17.58) in the Support Vector Machines (SVM) rationale, can be found in [5760]. An alternative path to the KRLS was followed in [61], via a formulation based on Gaussian Processes. Such an approach allows for an explicit forgetting factor mechanism to be incorporated in the adaptation flow. An alternative philosophy for forgetting past data in kernel-based adaptive schemes, in the framework of regularization, which can efficiently be implemented via projections, will be discussed in Section 1.17.7.

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