
When i asked my friend Karen Gocsik to be my development editor, I expected her to smooth the rough edges and keep me on track. However, Karen is a teacher above all else—and an excellent one. Somehow, in all the back-and-forth of editing and revising, she taught me to be a better writer. This book reflects her expertise and excellence, as well as the steadfast support she provided throughout.

Glenn Fleishman, my technical editor, has been my friend for many years. Glenn helped set this book in motion, and later gave it an exacting and expert technical review. I am grateful to Glenn for putting me through my paces and making this a better book. I continue to be impressed by the energy and knowledge he brings to all he does.

Much of what I know about interface design I learned from Ben Shneiderman. Ben helped establish the field of human-computer interaction and has advocated user-centered design throughout his career. In researching this book, I discovered that Ben’s current research is focused on the universal user. His articles on universal usability and his most recent book, Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies, have provided me with both information and inspiration. I am honored by his willingness to contribute to this book, and grateful for his encouragement along the way.

I am grateful to the members of the WebAIM (Web Accessibility in Mind) mailing list. Their willingness to answer questions, clarify concepts, and explore alternatives has taught me much of what I know about the practical application of universal usability. I also thank Andrew Kirkpatrick of the WGBH National Center for Accessible Media for his ready responses to my queries. Lou Rosenfeld encouraged me early on to write this book—I am grateful for the push. And, as always, I thank Pat Lynch for his tutelage, friendship, and support.

To the organizations and individuals whose work appears on the pages of this book, thank you for contributing to this effort. I am especially indebted to the many governmental organizations whose public domain work is shown here—thank you for providing so many excellent examples.

At Peachpit Press, I thank Nancy Davis, Marjorie Baer, Karyn Johnson, Rebecca Ross, Mimi Heft, Hilal Sala, Doug Adrianson, Beverly Bitagon, Kim Lombardi, and Mimi Vitetta for their excellence and hard work.

At Dartmouth, I thank Nancy Pompian for insight and inspiration. Every time I talk to Nancy she introduces me to something new, and it was Nancy who introduced me to the concept of universal design. I am grateful to my colleague Barbara Knauff for reading my drafts and keeping me consistent. I also thank my other friends and colleagues at Dartmouth—Malcolm Brown, Jeff Bohrer, Sheila Culbert, Karen Gocsik, Martha McDaniel, Elizabeth Polli, Mark O’Neil, and Susan Simon—for their encouragement and support.

I am grateful to all the Web designers, developers, and enthusiasts who are part of my world, both online and off—thank you for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm.

I thank my large family for their patience and encouragement. Especially, I thank my two favorite guys: Malcolm, for keeping the home fires burning, and Nico, for bringing me such good luck.

About the Author

Sarah Horton is a Web developer with Academic Computing at Dartmouth College, where she helps faculty incorporate technology into their teaching. Together with Patrick Lynch she authored the best-selling Web Style Guide, currently in its second edition. The online version of Web Style Guide has been available since 1994 and is often cited as the source for learning good Web design. The New York Times called Web Style Guide “an Elements of Style for Webmasters” (Jude Biersdorfer). Her second book, Web Teaching Guide, was the 2000 winner of the American Association of Publishers Award for the Best Book in Computer Science. Sarah has written articles about Web accessibility and usability in various publications, including The New York Times, Boxes and Arrows, Digital Web Magazine, Syllabus, and IEEE Computer. Sarah regularly speaks on the topic of creating usable and accessible Web sites.

About the Developmental Editor

Karen Gocsik is associate director of the Writing Program at Dartmouth College, where she also teaches composition. Karen works actively as a textbook editor, script doctor, screenwriter, and producer. Two of her films—Because of Mama and From the 104th Floor—premiered at the Sundance Film Festival before going on to screen and win acclaim at festivals around the world. She lives in Vermont with her daughters.

About the Technical Editor

Glenn Fleishman is a freelance technology reporter who contributes regularly to The New York Times, The Seattle Times, Mobile Pipeline, and Macworld magazine. He is a contributing editor at TidBITS, and writes the editorial Weblogs Wi-Fi Networking News and on digital radio. Glenn founded one of the first Web development firms in 1994, worked for for six years before it went public, and has been designing and updating usable and accessible sites his entire Web career. He lives in Seattle with his wife and son.

About Ben Shneiderman

Ben Shneiderman is a professor in the Department of Computer Science, founding director (1983–2000) of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, and member of the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and the Institute for Systems Research, all at the University of Maryland at College Park. He was elected as a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 1997 and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2001. He received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001.

Ben is the author of Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (4th ed., 2004, with C. Plaisant). With S. Card and J. Mackinlay, he coauthored Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think (1999). With B. Bederson he coauthored The Craft of Information Visualization (2003). His book Leonardo’s Laptop appeared (MIT Press, 2002) won the IEEE book award for Distinguished Literary Contribution.

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