
100% width content, 120


about this book, 16

Accordion Panel widgets, 243254

adding content to, 249253

adding/deleting panels in, 245246

appearance settings for, 246249

benefits of using, 263

editing options for, 244245

inserting into web pages, 243244

mobile device layouts and, 326327

state settings for, 253254

Active state, 176, 206, 240

adaptive design, 314

Add Or Filter Links menu, 167, 168, 170, 173, 346347

Add Phone Layout dialog box, 317

Add Selected Item(s) button, 304

Add Swatch button, 126, 130, 132

Add To Library option, 305

Add Web Fonts dialog box, 93, 94

Admin Console in Muse, 362, 370, 374

Adobe Authorized Training Centers (AATCs), 7

Adobe Business Catalyst hosting server, 357, 369

Adobe Creative Cloud Learn, 6

Adobe Dreamweaver, 372

Adobe InDesign. See InDesign

Adobe Muse CC. See Muse CC

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

Adobe TV, 6

Adobe web hosting, 354, 356, 375

Align Center button, 347

Align Horizontal Centers button, 254, 275

Align panel, 151, 152153, 219


content, 151153

form fields, 219

strokes, 130, 181

text, 97, 99

alternate layouts, 16, 312351

adding for websites, 316318

assets managed in, 348349

benefits of using, 315, 351

copying content to, 329330, 336342

design considerations for, 319

desktop layouts vs., 315, 318

editing pasted content for, 331336

how they work, 314

links used in, 343347

master pages for, 321325

menus added to, 325329

previewing, 349350, 351

reasons for creating, 315

redirecting to, 320, 351

removing, 317, 320

review questions about, 351

site properties for, 319321

testing on devices, 350

types of, 351

alternative text, 162, 163

A-Master page, 55, 61, 67

See also master pages

anchors, 188190

explanation of, 188, 192

linking to, 188190

tip on finding, 331

angles, rotation, 147

animation scroll effect, 288

appearance settings

Accordion widget, 246249

browser fill, 5658

form, 217219, 221222

link style, 178

menu, 237238, 241

page area, 5960

Slideshow widget, 257259

Application frame, 18

Arrange commands, 120


object on web pages, 121

web pages in site maps, 4344

arrow keys, 149

Assets panel, 155161

editing original images in, 159

fixing broken/modified links in, 160161

linked files viewed in, 173

mobile device layouts and, 348349

overview on using, 155157

Photoshop buttons listed in, 186

relinking images in, 157158

sorting assets in, 349

warning icon in, 144

Associate Existing Domain window, 368


Back to Top link, 188

background images

applying to frames, 121124

browser fill, 57, 75

file types for, 123

mobile device layout, 322

scroll effects applied to, 280

tips for creating, 58

Basic Slideshow widget, 255

Bevel effect, 269

Blank Slideshow widgets, 255259

adding and configuring, 255257

editing the appearance of, 257259

blue drop zones, 44

Body mobile paragraph style, 347

border effect, 142

borders. See strokes

Bottom of Browser guide, 63, 65

Bottom of Page guide, 63, 64

bounding boxes, 79, 86, 200

broken/modified links, 160161

browser fill

appearance settings, 5659

background images, 57, 75

description of, 55

scroll effects, 58, 276280

Browser Fill menu, 5658, 277


editing websites in, 374

previewing sites in, 74, 298

testing scroll effects in, 279, 287

Button widgets, 196198

HiDPI button, 196

State button, 196198

buttons, 179188

creating, 179182

editing Photoshop, 188

links added to, 184185

placing Photoshop-created, 185188, 192

states added to, 183184, 185, 186

widgets for creating, 196198


CAPTCHA support, 209

case, text, 101, 113, 179

Change Orientation button, 350

Character Style menu, 110

Character Style Options dialog box, 110

character styles, 102, 109111

creating and applying, 109110

paragraph styles vs., 115

steps for editing, 111

Character Styles panel, 109110, 111

child pages, 38, 39

adding to site maps, 4243

expanding/collapsing, 42

Classroom in a Book training series, 1

Clear Style Overrides button

Graphic Styles panel, 293

Paragraph Styles panel, 106

Clip To Layer Contents option, 139

closing free-floating panels, 24

collapsing docked panels, 22, 23

color, 124134

fill, 125126

gradient, 133134

hex values, 124, 125, 163

layer, 79

link style, 176177

options for using, 124125

review questions about, 163

RGB values, 124, 125

sampling, 132, 163

stroke, 128131

swatch, 126128

text, 101

Color panel, 180181

Color Picker, 124125

color swatches, 125

sampled colors saved as, 132

saving and editing, 126128

color themes in Muse, 15

column guides, 63

Composition widgets, 198209

adding content to, 207209

adding triggers to, 202

deleting triggers from, 202

editing triggers for, 203206

explanation of, 198199

inserting, 199200

setting options for, 200201

Slideshow widgets vs., 255, 263

Connect to FTP Server dialog box, 370371


aligning, 151153

footer, 6768

grouping, 154

header, 6567

inline, 150

Library panel, 303308

locking, 155

pinning, 191, 192

rotating, 147148

selecting, 20

wrapping text around, 148151

Content Grabber, 145, 146

Control panel, 2021

Align menu, 241

Font Size menu, 88

formatting text in, 87

Pin tool options, 191, 242

rotation options, 147


100% width objects, 134

content between layouts, 329330, 336342

forms, 227229

images, 135, 138

text, 85, 112, 252

Corner Radius setting, 266267

corners, rounding, 266267

Create A New Layout button, 320

Create A New Style button, 290, 332

Create Folder button, 305

creating websites, 3251

adding pages for, 4043

arranging pages for, 4344

deleting pages for, 43

editing site maps for, 3750

metadata information for, 4548

page relationships for, 3839

property settings for, 3537, 4450

review questions about, 51

setting page options for, 4850

steps in process of, 3435

Creative Cloud hosting credits

deleting sites to refund, 364366

launching temporary sites using, 363364

Crop tool, 19, 145146

cropping images

Crop tool for, 145146

Selection tool for, 142144


Dashboard content, 362

Data Center locations, 357

Delete The Selected Layout button, 320


graphic styles, 294

layers, 79

link styles, 178

paragraph styles, 108109

preference files, 4

temporary sites, 364366

triggers, 202

See also removing

descriptions, metadata, 46, 48

Design mode, 1729

Control panel, 2021

entering, 17

panels, 2126

Preview link, 30

Toolbar, 19

designing websites

mobile device considerations, 319

web vs. print design, 54

See also creating websites

desktop layouts

alternate layouts from, 317318

copying content from, 329330

mobile device layouts vs., 315, 318

Detailed Contact form, 210

dictionaries, 112, 113

DNS information, 369

docked panels, 2223

domain names

associating with launched websites, 367370

entering for third-party hosts, 371, 372

HTML export requiring, 373


fonts for lessons, 82

lesson files for book, 3

drawing with Rectangle tool, 118119

Dreamweaver, Adobe, 372

drop shadows, 268

Duplicate command, 133


graphic styles, 294

master pages, 69

paragraph styles, 108


Edge Animate scroll effect, 288

Edge Inspect, 29

Edit HTML dialog box, 299

Edit Original command, 159

Edit Together option

Accordion widget, 245, 247

Form widget, 211, 216, 217

Menu widget, 233, 235, 237, 241


alternate layout masters, 321325

character styles, 111

color swatches, 127

Composition widgets, 200201

embedded HTML, 302303

form fields, 211213, 217221

In-Browser, 374

Menu widget options, 233234

mobile device content, 331336

paragraph styles, 106107

Photoshop buttons, 188

properties, 3537, 4450

site maps, 3750

strokes, 128131

triggers, 203207


applying multiple, 271

Bevel effect, 269

Glow effect, 270272

review questions about, 295

scroll effects, 276288, 295

Shadow effect, 268

Effects menu, 268

email addresses

creating a link to, 169172

setting on forms, 210

email link, 166, 169170, 192

embedded HTML, 298303, 310

Empty state, 220

Enable/Disable button, 267

Error state, 220

Esc key, 136

expanding docked panels, 22, 23

Export As HTML dialog box, 373

Export Library Items dialog box, 307

Export Page command, 355


excluding pages from, 354355, 375

library items, 307, 310

text from InDesign, 85

websites as HTML, 372374, 375

external links, 166, 167168, 192

eye icon, 81

Eyedropper tool, 125, 132


Fade Position settings, 284, 285286

favicons, 36

Featured News widget, 199209

fields in forms. See form fields


image, 135, 163

library, 307

linking to, 170173

Muse site, 11

Photoshop, 138140

text, 8485


color, 125126

gradient, 133134

See also browser fill

Fill color option, 125

Fill panel, 134

Filter By Name field, 306

Final Motion settings, 278, 279, 282283, 295

Fit Page in Window command, 26, 27

Fitting commands, 144145

Focus state, 220


FTP server, 372

Library panel, 303306

preferences, 4

publishing to, 360

Font Size menu, 88


categories of, 8990, 115

downloading for lessons, 82

families of, 94, 95

filtering lists of, 92, 94

missing fonts warning, 30

sizing/resizing, 8789

system, 90, 9193

used with this book, 2

web, 90, 9396

web safe, 89, 9091

See also text

Footer guide, 63, 64, 65, 75


adding content to, 6768, 75

drawing rectangles in, 118119

mobile device layout, 322323

setting in designs, 64

See also headers

form fields

appearance settings for, 217219

editing individual options for, 211213

explanation of states for, 220

moving and resizing, 213217

state settings for, 219221

form message, 224

form states, 224226

explanation of, 225

steps for editing, 224226

form validation, 219

Form widgets, 209229

appearance settings for, 217219

CAPTCHA support for, 209

creating a copy of, 227229

individual field options for, 211213

inserting into web pages, 209210

moving and resizing fields on, 213217

PHP support required for, 209

setting main options for, 210211

state settings for, 219221, 224226

Submit button edits for, 221224

formatting text, 87101

alignment options, 97

font selection options, 8996

indents, margins, and spacing, 99101

leading values, 96

for Menu widgets, 235237

sizing fonts, 8789

tracking options, 9798

forums, Adobe, 6


applying background images to, 121124

See also image frames; text frames

FTP - Create Folder dialog box, 372

FTP Upload feature, 209

Fullscreen slideshows, 287


Global dictionary, 112, 113

Glow effect, 270272

Go To Page dialog box, 121, 167

Google Maps widget, 260261


browser fill, 57

working with, 133134

Graphic Style Options dialog box, 291

graphic styles, 288294

clearing overrides from, 293

creating and applying, 289291

options for working with, 294

redefining or editing, 292, 293

review question on using, 295

Graphic Styles panel, 288289, 290, 291, 293, 294

grouping content, 154


hiding/showing, 56, 109

master page, 6265

Smart, 82, 115, 204, 237

snap-to, 82

types of page, 63

gutter guides, 63


Hand tool, 19, 2829

Header guide, 63, 64, 75


adding logos to, 6567

mobile device layout, 322323

pinning the content of, 241242

setting in designs, 64

See also footers

help resources for Muse, 6

hex color values, 124, 125, 163

hidden panels, 22


guides, 56, 109

layers, 81

HiDPI Button widget, 196

HiDPI resolution, 3435, 144, 196

Home page, 38

Horizontal Menu widget, 230

Horizontal Speed setting, 279, 282, 283

Host Directory, 371

hosting credits

deleting sites to refund, 364366

launching temporary sites using, 363364

hosting services

Adobe web hosting, 354, 356, 375

third-party, 370372, 375

Hover state, 176

HSB sliders, 125, 129

HTML, 298303

editing embedded, 302303

exporting websites as, 372374, 375

inserting into web pages, 298301, 310

HTML Code dialog box, 302

HTML command, 299

HTML files, 49

hyperlinks. See links

Hyperlinks menu, 174, 343


i button, 350

image frames

applying background images to, 121124

characteristics of, 135

transforming images in, 142144

Image Import Options dialog box, 139, 163

Image Properties dialog box, 162

images, 135162

aligning, 151153

Assets panel and, 155161

basics of web, 135

border effect for, 142

copying and pasting, 135, 138

cropping, 142144, 145146

editing original, 159

file formats for, 135, 163

Fitting commands for, 144145

fixing links to, 160161

grouping text with, 154

importing, 135149

instances of, 156

linked to files, 136, 163

locking, 155

mobile device, 349

multiple, for placement, 139

Photoshop file, 138140

placing, 66, 135, 136140

properties for, 162

relinking, 157158

replacing, 157158, 349

resizing, 142, 143144

review questions about, 163

rotating, 147148

scaling, 141142

slideshow, 256

transforming, 141155

wrapping text around, 148151

Import dialog box, 136, 139

Import Muse Library button, 307


images, 135149

library items, 307

In-Browser Editing, 374

indents, text, 100


exporting text from, 85

Object styles in, 288

Initial Layout option, 34, 51

Initial Motion settings, 278, 282, 295

inline content, 150

installing Adobe Muse, 2

instances, 156

internal links, 166167, 192


jQuery technology, 196

justified text, 97


key objects, 153

Key Position values

Motion scroll effect, 278, 279, 281, 282, 295

Opacity scroll effect, 285

keyboard shortcuts

about, 19

note on Mac OS, 28

page view, 27

text resizing, 88

toggling layouts, 318

zooming in/out, 26

keywords, 47


language-based dictionary, 112, 113, 114

launching temporary sites, 361364

associating domains after, 367370

CC hosting credits for, 363364

credit card used for, 366367

steps in process of, 362363

See also publishing websites

Layer Options dialog box, 78, 79


benefits of using, 115

button states as, 185, 186, 188

color for, 79

deleting, 79

moving text between, 8586

reordering, 80

setting up, 7881

Layers panel

locating content in, 80

working with layers in, 7880

leading values, 96

lesson files, 3

Library folder (Mac OS), 4

Library panel, 303309

adding content to, 303307

advantages of using, 310

exporting items from, 307, 310

folder options in, 303306

importing items into, 307

Muse Add-on website and, 309

using content from, 308

link styles, 175

links, 166178

button, 184185

email, 166, 169170

external, 166, 167168

to files, 170173

fixing broken/modified, 160161

image, 136, 157158, 160161

internal, 166167

menu pages without, 234

mobile layout, 343347

options for, 174

removing, 166

review questions about, 192

states for, 176, 178

styling text, 175178

titles added to, 174, 192

locking content, 155


adding to headers, 6567

placing in footers, 6768


Mac OS

Application frame, 18

Library folder, 4

margin guides, 63

margins, 100

marquees, 28

master badge, 71, 73

Master content layer, 80, 86

master pages, 38, 5275

applying, 7073, 75

benefits of using, 75

browser fill appearance in, 5659

creating new, 6970

description of, 54

duplicating existing, 69

example of working with, 5556

footer content in, 6768

guide settings in, 6265

header content in, 6567

mobile device layout, 321325

page appearance in, 5960

previewing and testing, 74

property settings in, 6061

reordering your view of, 70

review questions about, 75

maximizing/minimizing panels, 23

Menu widgets, 230242

appearance settings for, 237238, 241

editing options for, 233234

excluding pages from, 231233

formatting text for, 235237

inserting into web pages, 230231

mobile device layouts and, 325329

pages without links in, 234

pinning header content for, 241242

state settings for, 239240

submenu appearance for, 241

metadata, 33, 45

adding to pages, 4547, 61

three types of, 4647, 51

writing descriptions for, 48

Min Height setting, 34, 51, 61

mobile device layouts

design considerations for, 319

desktop layouts vs., 315, 318

See also alternate layouts

modes in Muse

Design mode, 1729

Plan mode, 1617

Preview mode, 2930

Mortgage Calculator widget, 298303

Motion scroll effect

background images and, 280

browser fill images and, 276280

mobile browsers and, 314

page objects and, 280283

Mouse Down state, 184, 240


form fields, 213215

text between layers, 8586

MULIB files, 307, 309, 310

Muse accounts, 361

Muse Add-ons website, 309

Muse CC

about, 1

color themes, 15

Design mode, 1729

help and support, 6

In-Browser Editing, 374

installing, 2

keyboard shortcuts, 19

Plan mode, 1617

preferences, 35

prerequisites, 2

Preview mode, 2930

publishing methods, 354

resources, 67

typical workflow, 1014

workspace, 9, 1530



anchors, 189

library items, 306

master pages, 69, 70

paragraph styles, 108, 333

web pages, 40

navigation menu, 230242

appearance settings for, 237238, 241

editing options for, 233234

excluding pages from, 231233

formatting text for, 235237

inserting a Menu widget for, 230231

mobile device layouts and, 325329

pages without links in, 234

pinning header content for, 241242

state settings for, 238240

submenu appearance for, 241

New Layer button, 79

New Link Style button, 177

New Site dialog box, 3435

Non Empty state, 220

Normal state, 176, 188, 225, 240


Object styles, InDesign, 288


arranging on pages, 121

editing strokes of, 128131

grouping, 154

locking, 155

scroll effects applied to, 280283

ungrouping, 140, 154

opacity adjustments, 272276

Opacity handle positions, 284285

Opacity scroll effect, 283287

organizing panels, 23



mobile layouts and, 317, 321, 335

new site creation and, 34

page guides and, 62, 63, 65

setting in Spacing panel, 171, 172, 182, 218

Page content layer, 80, 86

Page Properties dialog box

adding metadata in, 4547, 61

page height adjustments in, 271

setting page options in, 4850

Page Properties for Home dialog box, 45

Panel widgets

Accordion, 243254

Tabbed, 243, 248


editing groups of, 2426

finding hidden, 22

working with, 2123

panning, 26, 2829

Paragraph Style menu, 105

Paragraph Style Options dialog box, 103104, 332

paragraph styles, 102109

character styles vs., 115

creating and applying, 102105

duplicating and deleting, 108109

editing, 106107

mobile device, 347

redefining, 107

renaming, 108, 333

unlinking, 109

Paragraph Styles panel, 102103, 105, 106, 108, 347

Paragraph-Level Tag menu, 101

parent pages, 38, 39

Paste In Place command, 68

pasting. See copying/pasting

phone layouts. See alternate layouts


buttons created in, 185188, 192

editing original images in, 159

placing images from, 138140

Photoshop Import Options dialog box, 186, 192

PHP files, 209

Pin tool, 191, 242

pinned content

definition of, 192

headers as, 241242

mobile browsers and, 314

steps for creating, 191

pixels, 87

Place command, 135, 136

Place Gun cursor, 66, 84, 136, 139, 189

placeholder domain name, 373


anchors on pages, 188

content in footers, 6768

images in pages, 66, 135, 136137

Photoshop files, 138140

text in text frames, 8485

Plan mode, 11, 1617

editing site maps in, 3750

masters section in, 3738

menus edited in, 231232

site map area in, 37

planning websites, 11

point size, 87

Position indicator, 322


deleting current, 4

publish account, 359

restoring saved, 5

saving current, 4

Preferences dialog box, 15

preferences folder, 4

Preview mode, 2930, 31, 350


alternate layouts, 349350, 351

browser-based, 74, 298

websites, 14, 2930, 74

print vs. web design, 54


image, 162

master page, 6061

mobile layout, 319321

site map page, 4450

website, 3537

.psd files, 138140

publish accounts, 359

Publish dialog box, 356359, 360361

Publish To menu, 360

publishing websites, 14, 352375

associating domains after, 367370

CC hosting credits for, 363366

excluding pages when, 354355, 375

exporting sites as HTML, 372374

launching temporary sites, 361364, 366367

overview of Muse methods for, 354

publishing temporary sites, 354, 356359

republishing sites with changes, 359361

uploading to third-party hosts, 370372


Rectangle tool, 19, 118119


adding background images to, 121124

drawing with Rectangle tool, 118119

Redefine Selected Style button

Character Styles panel, 111

Graphic Styles panel, 293

Paragraph Styles panel, 107, 108

redefining graphic styles, 292, 293

Redirect From Desktop option, 320, 351

Relink dialog box, 157, 158

relinking images, 157158


alternate layouts, 317, 320

links, 166

See also deleting

renaming. See naming/renaming

republishing websites, 359361

Reset to Default button, 206, 222, 239, 254

resizing. See sizing/resizing

responsive design, 314

restoring saved preferences, 5

RGB color model, 124

RGB sliders, 125, 130

Rollover state, 183, 187, 220, 222, 240

rotating images, 147148

rounding corners, 266267


sampling color, 132, 163


color swatches, 128

preferences, 4

Scale To Fill option, 123, 277

scaling images, 141142

scroll effects, 276288

benefits of using, 276, 295

browser fill images and, 58, 276280

Edge Animate scroll effect, 288

Motion scroll effect, 276283

Opacity scroll effect, 283287

page objects and, 280283

review questions about, 295

Slideshow scroll effect, 287

website for exploring, 276

Scroll Effects panel, 278, 280, 281283, 284

search engine optimization (SEO), 45

Select Same command, 158

Selection Indicator, 20, 56

Selection tool, 19

automatic switch to, 140

cropping images using, 142144

scaling images using, 141142

selecting content with, 20, 151

Shadow effect, 268

shapes, 118124

adding background images to, 121124

creating 100% width, 120, 122

drawing with Rectangle tool, 118119

sharing Muse libraries, 309

sibling pages, 38, 39

Simple Contact form, 210

site maps, 16, 3750

adding pages to, 4043

arranging pages in, 4344

child pages added to, 4243

deleting pages from, 43

page relationships in, 38, 39

setting page properties in, 4450

top-level pages added to, 4042

Site Properties dialog box, 3537

alternative layouts in, 319321

Content tab, 3637, 175178

Layout tab, 3536

Redirect From Desktop option, 320, 351


form fields, 215217

groups, 154

images, 142, 143144

panels, 22, 25

text, 8789

Slideshow scroll effect, 287

Slideshow widgets, 255259

adding and configuring, 255257

Composition widgets vs., 255, 263

editing the appearance of, 257259

scroll effects applied to, 287

Smart Guides, 82, 115

menu appearance and, 237

trigger placement and, 204

Smart Objects, 185

smartphone layouts. See alternate layouts

snapping feature, 82

Social widgets, 260262

Google Maps widget, 260261

Twitter Follow widget, 261262


character, 9798

paragraph, 100, 101

See also padding

Spacing panel, 182, 218, 335

speed, motion scroll, 278279, 282, 283

spell checker, 112114

squares, drawing, 119

stacking order, 78

State Button widget, 196198


Accordion widget, 253254

button, 183184, 185, 186

form, 219221, 224226

link, 176, 178

menu item, 238240

widget trigger, 205

States Button widget, 184

States menu, 183184, 197

States panel, 176, 187, 205

Sticky Footer option, 61

Stroke Weight setting, 123


aligning, 130, 131

editing, 128131

weight setting, 123, 128, 131


character, 102, 109111

graphic, 288294

library item, 304

paragraph, 102109

renaming, 33

text link, 175178

Submit button on forms, 221224

appearance edits, 221222

state edits, 222224

Submit Error state, 225, 226

Submit in Progress state, 223, 225

Submit Success state, 225, 226

Swatch options dialog box, 127, 128, 130, 132

swatches. See color swatches

Swatches panel, 132

system fonts, 90, 9193


Tabbed Panel widgets, 243, 248, 263

tablet layouts. See alternate layouts


adding content to, 207209

explanation of, 198199, 263

temporary sites

associating domains with, 367370

definition of, 375

deleting, 364366

launching, 361364, 366367

publishing, 354, 356359

upgrading to live sites, 375


alternate layouts, 350

browser-based, 74

temporary sites, 356

websites, 14, 29, 30, 74

text, 76115

adding, 8186, 115

aligning, 97, 99

alternative, 162

case changes, 101, 179

character styles, 102, 109111

color options, 101

copying/pasting, 85, 112, 252

font categories for, 8990

formatting, 87101

indents, 100

keyboard shortcuts, 88

leading values for, 96

link styles for, 175178

margins and spacing, 100

Menu widget, 235237

mobile layout, 345346

moving between layers, 8586

Panel widget, 249253

paragraph styles, 102109

pasting between Muse sites, 112

placing from .txt files, 8485

review questions about, 115

shadow applied to, 268

sizing/resizing, 8789

slideshow, 258259

spell checking, 112114

styles created for, 102111

system fonts for, 90, 9193

tracking, 9798

typing, 8283

web fonts for, 90, 9396

web safe fonts for, 89, 9091

wrapping around content, 148151

text frames

formatting text in, 88

illustrated, 81

moving between layers, 8586

pasting content into, 150

typing text into, 8283

Text panel, 87, 96, 178, 345

Text tool, 19, 82, 87

third-party hosts, 370372, 375


for links, 174, 192

for pages, 46, 4849, 61

Toolbar, Design mode, 19

tooltips, image, 162, 163

Top of Page guide, 63, 64

top-level pages, 4042, 51

tracking, text, 9798

Transform panel

opening, 147

X/Y values in, 119, 187

transforming images, 141155

cropping images, 142144, 145146

fitting images, 144145

rotating images, 147148

scaling images, 141142

transparency adjustments, 272276


adding, 202

deleting, 202

editing, 203207

explained, 198199, 263

Twitter Follow widget, 261262

type styles, 102111

character styles, 102, 109111

paragraph styles, 102109

See also text

Typekit library, 93

typing text, 8283


Undo Align Objects command, 153

Undo Move Item command, 145, 251

Undo Place command, 137

Undo Resize Item command, 142

Undo Rotate Item command, 148

ungrouping objects, 140, 154


graphic styles, 294

paragraph styles, 109

Update Asset command, 159, 161


images, 159, 161

library items, 308

Upload menu, 360361

Upload to FTP Host dialog box, 371372

URL validity check, 356

User Dictionary dialog box, 113


Vertical Menu widget, 230

Vertical Speed setting, 278279, 282, 283

View menu commands, 2627, 31, 71

Visited state, 176


web browsers. See browsers

web fonts, 90, 9396

Web Fonts Notification dialog box, 94

web hosting servers, 357

web pages

arranging objects on, 121

excluding from exporting, 354355, 375

inserting HTML into, 298301, 310

internal links on, 166167

metadata for, 4548

naming/renaming, 40

panning, 26, 2829

previewing, 14, 2930

properties for, 4450

setting options for, 4850

testing, 14, 29, 30, 74

titles for, 4849

top-level, 4042

viewing, 2627

zooming, 26, 2728

web safe fonts, 89, 9091

web vs. print design, 54


alternate layouts for, 312351

associating domains with, 367370

concept development for, 10

creating, 3251

designing pages for, 13

editing site maps for, 3750

exporting as HTML, 372374, 375

external links to, 167168

launching temporary, 361364

master pages for, 5275

Muse site file for, 11

pasting text between, 112

planning, 11

previewing, 14, 2930, 74

properties for, 3537

publishing, 14, 352375

testing, 14, 29, 30, 74

uploading, 370372

wireframing, 12

widgets, 194263

about, 196, 263

Accordion, 243254

Button, 196198

categories of, 196, 263

Composition, 198209

Form, 209229

Menu, 230242

mobile devices and, 330

review questions about, 263

Slideshow, 255259

Social, 260262

Widgets Library, 196, 198

wireframes, 12, 31

workflow in Muse, 1014

creating a site file, 11

designing your pages, 13

developing a site concept, 10

planning and editing a site, 11

previewing and testing pages, 14

publishing a website, 14

wireframing a concept, 12

workspace in Muse, 9, 1530

color themes, 15

Design mode, 1729

Plan mode, 1617

Preview mode, 2930

Wrap panel, 148, 150151

wrapping text, 148151, 163


X/Y values, 119, 187

XML site maps, 49


Zoom In/Zoom Out commands, 26, 71

Zoom Level menu, 26, 27

Zoom tool, 19, 2728

zooming, 26, 2728

keyboard shortcut for, 26

Zoom tool for, 19, 2728

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