6. Adding Images to Your Site

No changes need to be made to complete Lesson 6 in the third-quarter update to Adobe Muse. There are, however, a few subtle differences. You will find that the border of the images now has a dotted appearance in this release, and the Title of an image is now referred to as Tooltip.

On page 157, step 4, the value given in that step is no longer possible. Instead of rotating to 321, rotate to a value of approximately -40. As mentioned in Lesson 4, “Adding and Styling Text,” the angle of rotation has changed from a range of 0 to 360 degrees to a range of -180 to 180 degrees, like other Adobe applications.

In the section “Adding alternative text and a title to images” starting on page 166, you will see the reference to Title. Everywhere in the lesson that you see Title is now a reference to Tooltip.


On page 162, the warning dialog box that you see may be simplified, now only indicating a modified file.

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