E. Answers to Quiz Questions

Chapter 1

1. False

2. onPreExecute()

3. executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.SERIAL_EXECUTOR)

4. The Loader class

5. False

Chapter 2

1. False

2. bindService()

3. A remote interface

4. False

5. IntentService

Chapter 3

1. False

2. ContentValues

3. setTransactionSuccessful()

4. True

5. Store the location as a file path or URI

Chapter 4

1. onCreate(), delete(), getType(), insert(), query(), update()

2. content://

3. False

4. False

Chapter 5

1. Normal and ordered

2. False

3. Register to receive broadcasts and implement a broadcast receiver class


5. True

Chapter 6

1. getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

2. False

3. True

4. setNumber()

5. Causes notifications to be canceled when the user clicks them

Chapter 7

1. False

2. always, ifRoom, never, and withText

3. setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)

4. hide()

5. setTheme(R.style.themeToSet)

Chapter 8

1. True

2. ViewTreeObserver

3. GestureDetector and ScaleGestureDetector

4. onScroll()

5. False

Chapter 9

1. False

2. android.speech.RecognizerIntent


4. False

5. shutdown()

Chapter 10

1. True

2. Use flexible layouts; use dimension values; provide alternative resources; use various resource types to your advantage; adjust the UI when hardware features aren’t present on the device; use Fragment-based layouts

3. False

4. Chrome web apps and native Android apps

5. Stack them

Chapter 11

1. False

2. java.net.HttpURLConnection

3. True

4. ConnectivityManager

5. android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

Chapter 12

1. True

2. android.permission.INTERNET

3. WebChromeClient

4. @JavascriptInterface

5. True

Chapter 13

1. True

2. SurfaceView

3. getSupportedFocusModes()

4. True

5. android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO

Chapter 14

1. android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

2. TelephonyManager telManager = (TelephonyManager)

3. False

4. You must add an Activity, an SMS BroadcastReceiver, an MMS BroadcastReceiver, and a Service, each with special options

5. False

Chapter 15

1. False

2. getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE)

3. sensorManagerObj.getDefeaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER)

4. onSensorChanged()

5. False

Chapter 16

1. False

2. android.permission.BLUETOOTH and android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN respectively

3. UsbManager

4. NFC Data Exchange Format

5. startScan()

Chapter 17

1. False


3. getLastLocation()

4. False

5. getMap()

Chapter 18

1. False

2. 4096 bytes

3. False

4. A broadcast receiver

5. True

Chapter 19

1. Where apps are published free of charge but contain content for purchase

2. A role-playing game with a shop where users can purchase items; wallpaper, ringtone, music, or video download application, pay per download; photo filter app, pay per filter; for more see all the options as detailed earlier in the “What Is In-App Billing?” section

3. False

4. False

Chapter 20

1. False

2. UA

3. google-play-services_lib


5. False

Chapter 21

1. Google Play Developer Console

2. False


4. If a particular achievement builds on another required achievement

5. Four-byte arrays each worth 256 kilobytes for a total of 1024 kilobytes

6. False

Chapter 22

1. True

2. getHeight() and getWidth()

3. Anti-aliasing makes a graphic look smoother, and use the Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG

4. True

5. Application, Activity, Window, View

Chapter 23

1. Frame-by-frame animation

2. Alpha, rotate, scale, translate

3. False

4. AnticipateInterpolator

5. android.transition

Chapter 24

1. <uses-feature android:glEsVersion=”0x00020000” />

2. False

3. SurfaceView and GLSurfaceView

4. False

5. True

Chapter 25

1. False

2. C and C++

3. ndk-gdb

4. ndk-build

5. False

Chapter 26

1. Provide an XML App Widget configuration, determine whether the App Widget requires a configuration Activity, provide an AppWidgetProvider class implementation, provide a Service class implementation to handle App Widget content updates (as needed), and update the application Android manifest file to register the App Widget provider information and any information about the update service

2. minWidth and minHeight

3. False

4. (70 * n) – 30, where n is the number of cells you want the App Widget to occupy

5. False

6. Provide an XML wallpaper configuration, provide a WallpaperService implementation, and update the application Android manifest file to register the wallpaper Service with the appropriate permissions

7. android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER

8. <uses-feature android:name=”android.software.live_wallpaper” />

Chapter 27

1. True

2. searchSuggestThreshold

3. android:voiceSearchMode="showVoiceSearchButton|launchWebSearch"

4. False

5. android:includeInGlobalSearch="true"

Chapter 28

1. True

2. android:requiredAccountType

3. AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter

4. onBackup() and onRestore()

5. False

Chapter 29

1. True

2. /res/layout-fr

3. /res/drawable-fr-rCA

4. False

5. Add android:supportsRtl=true to the <application> tag in the Android manifest file

Chapter 30

1. Use secure coding practices, obfuscate your binary code using ProGuard, and leverage the LVL

2. False

3. Add the line proguard.config=proguard.cfg to the file project.properties

4. False

5. mapping.txt

Chapter 31

1. True

2. Android Runtime

3. <uses-feature android:glEsVersion=0x00030001/>

4. False

5. elevation

Appendix A

1. adb devices

2. False

3. -d

4. False

5. bmgr backup <package>

Appendix B

1. /data/data/<application package name>/databases/<databasename>

2. False

3. .schema <tablename>


5. False

Appendix C

1. False

2. for (;;) {/* Loop infinitely */}

3. for (String str : aStrs) {/* Loop over str */}

4. int value = 0; value += 1;

5. bool value = true ? true : false; // one possibility

Appendix D

1. Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

2. False

3. Groovy

4. True


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