
This appendix describes some important formulas and matrices referred to in the text.

B.1 3D Vectors


B.1.1 Spherical Coordinates

Given a point specified in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)T, the spherical coordinates (ρ, θ, φ) consisting of a length and two angles are


Given length ρ, azimuth angle φ, and elevation angle θ (assuming y is up) the Cartesian coordinates of the corresponding unit vector are


For unit vectors, ρ is equal to 1.

B.1.2 Linear Interpolation of 3D Vectors

Each vector component is interpolated separately, and then the resulting interpolated vector is renormalized. Renormalization is required if the interpolated vectors need to have unit length. Linearly interpolating a vector V using a single parameter α along a line with vectors A and B at the endpoints:


Linearly interpolating a vector V using two barycentric parameters α and β over a triangle with vectors A, B, C at the vertices:


Note: When using linear vector interpolation care must be taken to handle or report the case where one or more vector components interpolate to zero or a number so small that an excessive amount of accuracy is lost in the representation. In cases where linear interpolation is inadequate, spherical interpolation (SLERP) using quaternions may be a preferable method.

B.1.3 Barycentric Coordinates

Given a triangle with vertices A, B, C, the barycentric coordinates of the point P inside triangle ABC are α, β, γ, with P = αA + βB + γC and α + β + γ = 1. Let area (XYZ) be the area of the triangle with vertices X, Y, Z. Then


and the barycentric coordinates are the ratios of the areas of the subtriangles formed by the interior point P to the entire triangle ABC:


B.2 Projection Matrices

B.2.1 Orthographic Projection

The call glOrtho(l, r, b, t, u, f) generates R, where


R is defined as long as lr, tb, and nf.

B.2.2 Perspective Projection

The call glFrustum(l, r, b, t, n, f) generates R, where


R is defined as long as lr, tb, and nf.

B.2.3 Perspective z-Coordinate Transformations

The z value in eye coordinates, zeye, can be computed from the window coordinate z value, zwindow, using the near and far plane values, near and far, from the glFrustum command and the viewport near and far values, farvp and nearvp, from the glDepthRange command using the equation


The z-window coordinate is computed from the eye coordinate z using the equation


B.2.4 Alternative Perspective Projection

The call gluPerspective(fovy, ar, n, f) generates R, where


where image. R is defined as long as ar ≠ 0, sin(fovy) ≠ 0, and nf.

B.3 Viewing Transforms

The call gluLookat(eyex, eyey, eyez, centerx, centery, centerz, upx, upy, upz) generates V, where


where image, and u = n × s. Or equivalently, image, and s = u × n.

B.4 Modeling Transforms

B.4.1 Scaling

The call glScalef(sx, sy, sz) generates S, where


B.4.2 Translation

The call glTranslatef(tx, ty, tz) generates T, where


B.4.3 Rotation

The call glRotatef(θ, Vx, Vy, Vz) generates R, where





B.5 Parallel and Perpendicular Vectors

Given two vectors A, B, the portion of A parallel to B is


and the proportion of A perpendicular to B is AB = A − AimageB.

B.6 Reflection Vector

Given a surface point p, a unit vector, N, normal to that surface, and a vector, U, incident to the surface at p, the reflection vector, R, exiting from p is


If U′ is exiting from the surface, U= − U and


B.7 Lighting Equations

In single-color lighting mode, the primary and secondary colors at surface point Ps are computed from n light sources as


In separate specular color mode, the primary and secondary colors are computed from n light sources as



em, am, dm, and sm are the material emissive, ambient, diffuse, and specular reflectances

asc is the scene ambient intensity

image, and image are the ambient, diffuse, and specular intensities for light source i

shi is the specular exponent for light source i

atti is the distance attenuation for light source i



di is the distance between the surface point and light source i


image is the constant attenuation for light source i

image is the linear attenuation for light source i

image is the quadratic attenuation for light source i

spoti is the spotlight attenuation for light source i



sdi is the spotlight direction unit vector for light source i

sei is the spotlight exponent for light source i

coi is the spotlight cutoff angle for light source i

N is the surface normal unit vector Li is the unit vector from the surface point to light source i, image

Hi is the half-angle vector between the vectors from the surface point to the eye position (Pe), and the surface point and and light source i


fi is the self-occlusion discriminator for light source i


B.8 Function Approximations

B.8.1 Taylor Series Expansion

The Taylor series expansion of a function f(x) about the point a is


where f(j) denotes the jth derivative of f(x). The Maclaurin series expansion is the special case of the Taylor series expansion about the point a = 0.

B.8.2 Newton-Raphson Method

The Newton-Raphson method for obtaining a root of the function f(x) uses an initial estimate x0 and the recurrence

image (B.1)

The approximation for the reciprocal of a number a is the root of the equation f(x) = 1/x−a. Substituting f(x) in Equation B.1 gives


and the reciprocal square root of a number a is the root of the equation f(x) = 1/x2a. Substituting f(x) in Equation B.1 gives


B.8.3 Hypotenuse

A rough approximation of the 2D hypotenuse or length function image suitable for level-of-detail computations (Wu, 1988), is


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