
It is a particular pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of those who assisted in the evolution of the text. Thanks, of course, are due to the many readers who have contributed general ideas and to reviewers who have made detailed comments on previous editions. These notably include the following: F. Freudenstein, Columbia University; R. A. Scott, University of Michigan; M. W. Wilcox and Y. Chan Jian, Southern Methodist University; C. T. Sun, University of Florida; B. Koplik, H. Kountouras, K. A. Narh, R. Sodhi, and C. E. Wilson, New Jersey Institute of Technology; H. Smith, Jr., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; B. P. Gupta, Gannon University; S. Bang, University of Notre Dame; B. Koo, University of Toledo; J. T. Easley, University of Kansas; J. A. Bailey, North Carolina State University; W. F. Wright, Vanderbilt University; R. Burks, SUNY Maritime College; G. E. O. Widera, University of Illinois; R. H. Koebke, University of South Carolina; B. M. Kwak, University of Iowa; G. Nadig, Widener University; R. L. Brown, Montana State University; S. H. Advani, West Virginia University; E. Nassat, Illinois Institute of Technology; R. I. Sann, Stevens Institute of Technology; C. O. Smith, University of Nebraska; J. Kempner, Polytechnic University of New York; and P. C. Prister, North Dakota State University; R. Wetherhold, University of Buffalo, SUNY; and Shaofan Li, University of California at Berkeley.

Accuracy checking of the problems and typing of Solutions Manual were done expertly by my former student, Dr. Youngjin Chung. Also contributing considerably to this volume with typing new inserts, assiting with some figures, limited proofreading, and cover design was Errol A. Ugural. Their hard work is much appreciated. I am deeply indebted to my colleagues who have found the text useful through the years and to Bernard Goodwin, publisher at Prentice Hall PTR, who encouraged development of this edition. Copy editing and production were handled skillfully by Carol Lallier and Elizabeth Ryan. Their professional help is greatly appreciated. Lastly, I am very thankful for the support and understanding of my wife Nora, daughter Aileen, and son Errol during preparation of this book.

Ansel C. Ugural

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