
Abraham, L. H., 631

Airy, G. B., 132

Airy’s stress function, 132

Almroth, B. O., 536

Angle of twist, 294, 301

Anisotropy, 81

Anticlastic surface, 230

Area coordinates, 379

Areas, properties of, table, 646

Avallone, E. A., 110, 668

Axial rigidity, 90

Azar, J. J., 536

Baker, A. J., 396, 631

Bathe, K. I., 396, 442, 631

Baumeister III, T., 110, 668


asymmetrical section of, 230

basic equations for, 242

cantilever, 135, 235, 243, 258

composite, 250

curvature of, 229

curved, 266

deflections of, table, 663, 664

on elastic foundations, 448–468

infinite, 449

kinematic relations of, 228

plastic bending of, 553

pure bending of, 227, 230, 267, 554

semi-infinite, 454

simply supported, 238

slopes of, table, 663

strain energy in, 105, 265

stress in, 244

symmetrical section of, 227

Beam column, 543

Becker, S. J., 441

Bending, theory of, 240, 599

Bernadou, M., 396

Bernoulli-Euler theory, 230

Betti, E., 472

Body forces, 2

Boley, B. A., 170

Boresi, A. P., 49, 110, 171, 280, 395, 536

Boundary conditions

geometric, 346, 494

in plates, 605

static, 494

in three-dimensional problems, 47

in torsion problems, 302–303

in two-dimensional problems, 127

Bredt’s formulas, 318

Brittle material, 83, 182

Brock, D., 217

Brush, D. O., 536

Buckling load

allowable, 522

by energy method, 507, 522

by equilibrium method, 506

Euler’s, 508

by finite differences, 529

inelastic, 515

Budynas, R.G., 280, 330

Bulk modulus, 93

Burr, A. H., 496

Carey, G. F., 395

Castigliano’s theorem, 472, 488

Center of twist, 300

Centroid, 645

Cheatham, J. B., 496

Chong, K.P., 49

Chou, P. C., 49, 110

Cold working, 183

Collapse load, 565


allowable stress in, 517

classification of, 513, 517

critical stress in, 513

eccentrically loaded, 520

effective length of, 511

end conditions, 511

with initial curvature, 519

Compatibility equations

in polar coordinates, 146

in thermoelasticity, 140

in three-dimensional problems, 72

in torsion problems, 302

in two-dimensional problems, 72, 128, 132

Complementary energy, 102

Constant strain triangle, 379

Contact stresses, 159

Conversion factors, table, 662

Cook, R.D., 280, 395, 442

Coulomb, C. A., 188

Cozzarelli, F. A., 110, 217

Crack, 200

Creep, 183

Critical load, 505

Crotti-Engesser theorem, 481


compound, 416

plastic stress in, 579, 584, 586

thermal stress in, 432

thick-walled, 408, 586

thin-walled, 15, 16, 624

Deformation, 66

Deformational theory, 578

Design, 5

Deutschman, A. D., 217

Dieter, G. E., 217

Dilatation, 89

Direction cosines, 34, 641

Disk, rotating

of constant thickness, 419, 575

of variable thickness, 426

of uniform stress, 429

Disk, thermal stress in, 431

Dislocation, 546

Dynamic loading, 212, 215

Dynamics, 2

Ductile material, 83, 182

Dummy (unit) load method, 479

Dunham, R. S., 396, 442

Effective strain increment, 584

Elastic material, 80

Elastic range, 80

Elastic-plastic material, 547

Elasticity, conditions imposed in, 125

Elasticity, two- and three-dimensional problems in, 125

Elastic instability, 505

Endurance limit, 186

Energy methods, 469, 522

Engesser stress, 515

Equilibrium, 8, 506

Equilibrium equations, 8

in polar coordinates, 143

for plates, 603–605

in three-dimensional problems, 21

in two-dimensional problems, 21, 127

Euler’s buckling load, 508

External forces, 2

Factor of safety, 7, 517

Failure, definition of, 181

Failure, by fracture, 184

Failure, by yielding, 182

Failure theories

comparison of yielding, 193

Coulomb-Mohr, 196

maximum energy of distortion, 189

maximum principal stress, 195

maximum shear stress, 188

Mohr’s, 195

octahedral shear stress, 190

Fatigue, 186

Fatigue criterion, table, 207

Fatigue life, 186, 209

Fatigue strength, 186

Faupel, J. H., 171, 496, 590, 631

Fisher, F. E., 171, 496, 590, 631

Flexural center, 257

Flexural rigidity, 228, 602

Flexure formula, 228, 232

Flügge, W., 110, 171, 466, 496

Fluid flow analogy, 321

Ford, H., 49, 590

Form factor, 265

Fourier series, 489

Fracture, 186

Fracture criteria, 187

Fracture mechanics, 200

Frame, collapse load of, 568

Fracture toughness, 203

Fundamental principles, 4, 5, 125

Galilei, Galileo, 2

Gallagher, R.H., 395

Gerber relation, 207

Gere, J., 49, 496, 536

Goodier, J., 110, 170, 171, 280, 330

Goodman relation, modified, 207

Griffith, A. A., 184

Griffith theory, 184

Harris, C. M., 217

Hencky, H., 189

Hencky equations, 583

Hencky yield condition, 189

Hertz problem, 160

Hetényi, M., 110, 466

Hodge, P. G., 49, 590

Hoffman, O., 49, 590

Homogeneous material, 81

Hooke’s Law

generalized, 91

for plane strain, 127

for plane stress, 129

in polar coordinates, 145

in thermoelasticity, 139

for uniaxial stress, 89

Hooke, R., 2

Huber, T. M., 189

Impact factor, 213

Impact loading, 212

Incremental theory, 583

Indicial (tensor) notation, 48, 69

Inglis, C. E., 170

Instability phenomenon, 549

Interaction curves, 562

Internal force resultants, 13

Inverse method, 133

Irwin, G. R., 217

Isotropy, 81

Iyengar, K. T., 466

Johnston, P. R., 395

Juvinall, R. C., 217

Kinematic relations, 69

Kirchhoff’s force, 605

Knight, E., 395

Knott, J. F., 217

Koiter, W. T., 529

Kotter, T., 110

Lamé’s constants, 93

Langhaar, H. L., 496

Lévy-Mises equations, 583

Limit design, 565

Limit load, 520

Linear strain triangle, 379

Linearly elastic material, 80

Logan, D. L., 395

Love, A. E. H., 49

Malkus, D. S., 395

Marin, J., 217

Martin, H. C., 395

Messal, E. E., 644

Material properties, table, 660, 661


displacement, 372

elasticity, 374

nodal force, 375

stiffness, 352

strain, 373

stress, 374

Meguid, S. A., 217

Membrane analogy, 310, 311

Membrane-roof analogy, 574

Mendelson, A., 590

Method of sections, 9

Messal, E. E., 644

Michell, J. H., 170

Michels, W. J., 217

Midsurface, 618

Mises, R. von, 189

Mises-Hencky yield criterion, 190


bulk, 93

of elasticity, 88

of elasticity in shear, 88

of foundation, 448

of plasticity, 578

of resilience, 102

of rupture, 228

secant, 578

section, 228, 558

tangent, 515

toughness, 102

Mohr, Otto, 28n

Mohr’s circle

for curvature of plates, 601

for moment of inertia, 653

for strain, 77

for stress, 28

Mohr’s theory, 195

Mollick, L., 441


bending, 13, 601

of inertia, 648

sign convention for, 14, 227, 602

twisting, 13, 601

ultimate, 558

yield, 556

Nadai, A., 217, 590

Navier, L., 2, 607

Neou, C. Y., 170

Neuber, H. P., 170

Neutral axis, 227

Neutral surface, 227

Nickell, R. E., 396, 442

Nonlinearly elastic material, 101

Nowacki, W., 170

Numerical methods

finite differences, 338–350

finite element, 350–394

Oden, J. T., 496

Offset method, 83

Orthogonal functions, 490

Osgood, W. R., 590, 548

Pagano, N. J., 49, 110

Parallel-axis theorem, 649

Park, F. R., 441

Pawlik, P. S., 49

Pearson, K., 49, 330

Peery, D. J., 536

Pepper, D. W., 396, 631

Perfectly plastic material, 546, 597

Peterson, R. E., 158, 170, 668

Pívot, 147

Plane strain problems, 126

Plane stress problems, 128


deformation, 80, 546

hinge, 558

hinge moment, 559

material, 80, 547

range, 84

Plasticity, 545


bending of, 598

boundary conditions for, 605

circular, 610

with circular hole, 154

equilibrium equations for, 603–605

of irregular geometry, 615

rectangular, 607

strain energy in, 613

stresses in, 601–604

Poisson, S. D., 89

Poisson’s ratio, 89

Polar coordinates, 142

Polar moment of inertia, 649

Polynomial solutions, 134

Potential energy, 487

Potential energy, principle of, 487

Prandtl and Reuss equations, 585

Prandtl’s membrane analogy, 310

Prandtl’s stress function, 302

Principal curvature, 167, 620

Principal moment of inertia, 652

Proportional limit, 80

Pure shear, 13

Quinney, H., 194, 217

Radius of curvature, 229, 601

Radius of gyration, 649

Ramberg, W., 590

Ramu, S. A., 466

Rankine, W. J. M., 195

Ranov, T., 441

Rayleigh, Lord, 472

Rayleigh-Ritz method, 493, 494

Reciprocal theorem, 471

Redheffer, R. M., 395, 496

Reismann, H., 49

Residual stress, 81, 551, 558, 586

Rigid-plastic material, 547

Ripperger, E. A., 496

Ritz, W., 493

Sachs, G., 49, 590

SAE relation, 207


Barré de, 108

principle, 108

semi-inverse method, 300

Sand-hill analogy, 575

Schmidt, R. J., 49, 171, 280, 395, 536

Secant formula, 520

Segerlind, L. J., 395, 396

Semi-inverse method, 133

Shaffer, B. W., 466

Shames, I. H., 49, 110, 217

Shanley, R. F., 536

Shear, center, 256, 257

Shear, flow, 245, 319

Shear, pure, 13

Shear diagonal, 27

Shear stress formula, 245


conical, 623

cylindrical, 623–624

membrane action of, 618

of revolution, 620

spherical, 622

theories of, 618

Shock loads, 212

Slenderness ratio, effective, 512

Slip, 182, 546

Slope, 242

Soderberg relation, 207

Sokolnikoff, I. S., 49, 110, 170, 280, 395, 496

Spring constant, 213

Statically indeterminate systems, 262, 483

Static load, 2, 181

Statics, 2

Sternberg, E., 110


definition of, 67

effective, 578

engineering, 82

initial, 374

invariants of, 76

logarithmic, 84

mean, 107

normal, 67

plane, 22, 67, 126

principal, 75

shear, 68

sign convention for, 68

state of, 73

tensor, 69

thermal, 139

transformation of, 73–76

true, 84

Strain-displacement relations

in plate bending, 599

in polar coordinates, 143

in three-dimensional problems, 69

in two-dimensional problems, 67, 68

Strain energy

density, 101–104

dilatational, 107

distortional, 107

in structural members, 104

total, 102

Strain gages, 97

Strain hardening, 183

index, 548

Strain rosette, 97

Strength coefficient, 548


allowable (working), 7, 517

average, 185

combined, 15

complete plastic, 588

completely reversed, 186

components of, 9

critical, 513

deviator, 107

dilatational, 107

effective, 190, 578

elementary formulas for, 16

ellipsoid, 42

engineering, 82

hydrostatic, 42

invariants of, 38

mean, 107, 206

normal, 10

octahedral, 42

plane, 12, 22, 128

principal, 12, 26, 36, 640

pure shear, 13

range, 206

residual, 81, 551, 563

resultant, 13, 24, 33

rupture, 83

shear, 10

sign convention for, 11

state of, 22, 33

tensor, 12, 24, 48

thermal, 138

transformation of, 17, 24, 33, 42

transverse normal, 249

triaxial, 12, 24

true, 82–85

ultimate tensile, 83, 84, 85

uniaxial, 13

variation of, 19

von Mises, 189, 579

Stress concentration, 147

Stress concentration factor, 154

Stress cubic equation, 38, 640

Stress function, 132, 302

Stress intensity factors, 201

Stress relaxation, 184

Stress resultants, 13

Stress-strain diagrams, 82, 547

Stress trajectories, 25

Sullivan, J. L., 217

Sundara, R., 466

Superposition, method of, 66, 262

Surface forces, 2

Surface tractions, 47

Systems of units, 2

Tangent modulus theory, 515

Taylor, G. I., 194, 217, 441, 631

Taylor, R. I., 395

Terry, E. S., 644

Thermal effects, 215

Thermoelasticity, 139

Timoshenko, S. P., 49, 110, 170, 171, 217, 280, 330, 496, 536, 631

Timoshenko’s theory, 230

Ting, B. Y., 466

Todhunter, I., 49, 330


of circular bars, 293

of curved bars, 327

elastic-plastic, 569

of elliptical bar, 304

with one section restrained, 323

of prismatic bars, 292

of thin-walled sections, 317

stress and deformation in, table, 313

Torsional rigidity, 295

Torsion formula, 294

Transfer formula, 649

Transformed section method, 251

Transition, ductile-brittle, 215

Tresca yield criterion, 188

Triangular element, 379

Twist center, 300

Ugural, A. C., 49, 110, 171, 217, 280, 330, 395, 441, 466, 496, 536, 590, 631, 639, 668

Ultimate load, 566

Ultimate moment, 228, 558

Ultimate pressure, 588

Ultimate torque, 575

Unit-load method, 479

Utku, S., 396, 442

Van Vlack, L. H., 217

Variational methods, 469

Virtual displacement, 486

Virtual work, principle of, 486, 522, 529

Viscoelastic material, 80

Volume change, 89, 93

von Mises stress, 189, 578

von Mises theory, 189, 190

Wahl, A. M., 330

Warping deformation, 292

Weaver, W., Jr., 395


bending of, 149

compression of, 148

Weiner, J. H., 170

Woinowsky-Krieger, S., 631

Wilson, C. E., 217

Winkler, E., 269

Winkler foundation, 449

Winkler’s formula, 273

Winkler’s theory, 269

Work-strain energy, 470

Yang, T. Y., 395, 441, 631

Yield criteria, 187

Yielding, 182

Yield moment, 558

Yield point, 83

Young, T., 88

Young, W. C., 170, 280, 330, 658, 668

Young’s modulus, 88

Zienkiewicz, O. C., 395, 441, 631

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