Appendix A. Appendix

In this appendix, we will have a look at the websites and support forums where you can find help and information about AfterShot Pro.

Important websites

Like every other software, AfterShot Pro has a number of websites that are important to you as a user. For us that includes sites to get plugins, to report bugs, and to get access to beta versions.

AfterShot Pro Plugin Repository

The AfterShot Pro Plugin repository is the definite place to visit to get your application loaded up with plugins. It also is the best place to check for updates for your already installed plugins.

You can find it here:

Reporting Bugs and Feature Requests

If you encounter bugs or have feature request, the best way to contact Corel is to use the SurveyMonkey page at this URL:

Access to Beta Versions

In case you want to know if your reported bug is going to be fixed in the next version, you can check by downloading the latest testing or beta release from But be warned, these versions aren't intended for production use and may have unwanted side effects. If you don't know what you are doing, stick to the official releases.

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