Support forums

Sometimes we can get stuck. Therefore, it is good to know that you can get help from others using the same software. AfterShot Pro has a small but dedicated community, that can offer assistance.

Official Support Forums

Corel maintains official support forums for all their products. It is needless to say that AfterShot Pro has a section on these forums, too. There are always many experts willing to give advice if you ask nicely. Notice, however, that no Corel developers or other employees visit these forums. They are strictly limited to user-to-user support.

You can find it here:

Bibble5 Forums

Bibble5 by Bibble Labs was AfterShot Pro's predecessor. The old support forums at still hold valuable information that can be used for AfterShot Pro, but you'll have to wade through the filth left by spambots as the forums have been abandoned for quite sometime.

My customToolsUI.txt

This is my customToolsUI.txt file. I'm greatly indebted to the help given in various threads on the support forum for nudging me in the right way while creating it. Thank you!

# ----- this part rebuilds the default tabs
Standard, Std, Histogram.ui
Standard, Std, BasicTools.ui
Standard, Std, com.roland65.AutoLevels
Standard, Std,
Standard, Std, Presets.ui

Color, Color, Advanced/Curves.ui
Color, Color, ColorBalance.ui
Color, Color, Advanced/WhiteBalance.ui
Color, Color, Advanced/ColorManagement.ui
Color, Color, com.roland65.LabCurves
Color, Color, com.roland65.LabTools

Tone, Tone, Advanced/Exposure.ui
#---- Additions to standard tabs
Tone, Tone, tin.tin.zchannelmixer
Tone, Tone, com.ferdinand-paris.bez
Tone, Tone, MB_Asp_Lightroom
Tone, Tone, com.ferdinand-paris.mix3
Tone, Tone, com.SMP.Nuance

Tone_2, Tone_2, com.corel.BlackAndWhite
Tone_2, Tone_2, com.SMP.Nostalgia
Tone_2, Tone_2, com.kbarni.equalizer
Tone_2, Tone_2, sph.FatToni
Tone_2, Tone_2, net.sadman.aftershot.splittoni
Tone_2, Tone_2, sph.SiliconBonk

Detail, Dtl, Advanced/Sharpen.ui
Detail, Dtl, sph.waveletsharpen
Detail, Dtl, com.roland65.USM
Detail, Dtl, com.roland65.SContrast
Detail, Dtl, Advanced/RAWNoise.ui
Detail, Dtl, Advanced/NoiseNinjaRegistered.ui
Detail, Dtl, NoiseNinjaStandard.ui
Detail, Dtl, sph.waveletdenoise
Detail, Dtl, Advanced/LensCorrection.ui
Detail, Dtl, name.deindl.mdRedEyes
Detail, Dtl, MirrorInvert.ui

Metadata, Meta, Metadata.ui
Metadata, Meta, Keywords.ui
#---- Additions to standard tabs
Metadata, Md, Keywords/KeywordSets.ui

Effects, Eff., sph.grain
Effects, Eff., com.kbarni.vigne
Effects, Eff., com.corel.vigne
Effects, Eff., net.sadman.aftershot.typewriter
Effects, Eff., tin.tin.zFrame
Effects, Eff., tin.tin.zText
Effects, Eff., tin.tin.zPerspector
Effects, Eff., tin.tin.zShadow
Effects, Eff., com.kbarni.grid
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