
andon, 48, 49

A3 problem solving format, 116

A3 thinking, 115–117

benchmarking, 124–125

Bird cage, 39

catchball process, 136–137

cause and effect diagram, 111

cell layout, 34, 37

cellular layouts

issues in, 38–40

continuous improvement, 99–117

continuous improvement organization, 101–102

control system, 46

lean, 48–49

people and, 46–48

control systems

and goals, 49–51

lean approach, creating, 51–52

current-state value stream map, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83

DBR. See Drum-buffer-rope

downtime losses, 12, 13

Drum-buffer-rope (DBR), 67–69

external setups, 25

facility layout

basic types of, 33–34

general rules of, 40–41

importance of, 35–38

labor flexibility and, 41–43

selecting correct, 34–35

visible control, 33–43

feedback loop, 59

FIFO. See First-In-First-Out order

First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order, 76, 82

future-state value stream map, 76

“Goal Theory,” 49

HBC. See Hot Bagel Company

Heijunka, 62–64

Hoshin Kanri

Act phase of, 140–141

background, 134

check phase of, 139–140

coordinating improvement, 133–141

do phase of, 138–139

key phases of, 134–136

plan phase of, 136–138

Total Quality Management and, 134

Hot Bagel Company (HBC), 77, 79

internal setups, 25

inventory, 65–67

isolated Island layout, 39

Japan Management Standard (JMS), 125

JMS. See Japan Management Standard

kaizen events, 95–96

kanban cards, 60–61

labor skills matrix, 42

leadership infrastructure, 92–93

lead manager, 51

lean control system, 48–49

lean operating system, 49

maintenance costs, 18

OEE. See overall equipment effectiveness

One touch functional clamps, 31

operator checklist, 104

operator maintenance checklist, 20

organizational design, 102–104

overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), 16–18, 23

PDCA. See Plan-Do-Check-Act wheel

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) wheel, 106–115

tools, 107–115

poka-yokes, 125–131

problem organization, 100–101

problem solving

employee teams for, 105–106

organizational design and, 102–104

visual measurements to, 104–105

process (or functional) layout, 34, 36, 37, 38

product layout, 33, 36

product-process matrix, 34

pull systems

as improvement system, 64–65

kanban cards and, 60–61

level production (Heijunka), 62–64

Theory of Constraints, 67–69

visual control, 57–69

working of, 59–60

quality improvement infrastructure, 89–90

radar chart, 7, 8

rapid improvement events (RIE), 95–96

RIE. See rapid improvement events

5S audit sheet, 7

setup procedures

identifying steps in, 26–27

internal and external steps, separation, 27–29

setup times, 25

managing external, 29–30

reducing internal, 30–31

Shingo, Shigeo, 24

Single-Minute-Exchange-of-Die, 144

Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) system, 23–32

benefits of, 31–32

Six Sigma program, 88

SMED. See Single Minute Exchange of Die system

5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seison, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke) program, 1–9, 143

standardization, 124–125

standardized work sheet, 124, 125

standard operations, 122–124

standard work, 119–121

effectiveness, 121–122

supermarkets, 61, 62

Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer (SIPOC) diagram, 72–75, 77, 78

example, 73–75

“TAG” method, 1

team infrastructure, 93–95

Theory of Constraints (TOC), 67–69

TOC. See Theory of Constraints

total productive maintenance (TPM)

The Big Six Losses, 12

checklist, 21

teams for, 19–22

through visible control, 11–22

Total Quality Management (TQM), 85–96, 145

background, 85–88

Hoshin Kanri and, 134

leadership infrastructure, 92–93

quality improvement infrastructure, 89–90

team infrastructure, 93–95

training infrastructure, 90–92

TPM. See total productive maintenance

TQM. See Total Quality Management

training infrastructure, 90–92

U-shaped layout, 39

value stream, defined, 71–72

value stream mapping, 71–84

creating, 75–84

SIPOC diagram, 72–75

symbols, legend for, 77

visual control, 49

for complex work, 52–55

facility layout, 33–43

using 5S, 1–9

total productive maintenance, 11–22

using pull systems, 57–69

visual signaling for, 45–55

visual signaling, 45–55

work structure, standardization, 119–131

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