• Absolutely continuous df
  • Actions
  • Admissible decision rule
  • Analysis of variance
    • one-way
    • table
    • two-way
    • two-way with interaction
  • Ancillary statistic
  • Assignment of probability
    • equally likely
    • on finite sample spaces
    • random
    • uniform
  • Asymptotic distribution,
    • of rth order-statistic
    • of sample moments
    • of sample quantile
  • Asymptotic relative efficiency(Pitman’s)
  • Asymptotically efficient estimator
  • Asymptotically normal
  • Asymptotically normal estimator
    • best
    • consistent
  • Asymptotically unbiased estimator
  • At random
  • Banach’s matchbox problem
  • Bayes,
    • risk
    • rule
    • solution
  • Behrens-Fisher problem
    • Welch approximation
  • Bernoulli random variable
  • Bernoulli trials
  • Bertrand’s paradox
  • Best asymptotically normal estimator
  • Beta distribution
    • bivariate
    • MGF
    • moments
  • Beta function
  • Bias of an estimator
  • Biased estimator
  • Binomial coefficient
  • Binomial distribution
    • bounds for tail probability
    • central term
    • characterization
    • generalized to multinomial
    • Kurtosis
    • mean
    • MGF
    • moments
    • PGF
    • relation to negative binomial
    • tail probability as incomplete beta function
    • variance
  • Blackwell-Rao theorem
  • Bonferroni’s inequality
  • Boole’s inequality
  • Bootstrap,
    • method
    • sample
  • Borel-Cantelli lemma
  • Borel-measurable functions, of an rv
  • Buffon’s needle problem
  • Canonical form
  • Cauchy distribution
    • bivariate
    • characterization
    • characteristic function
    • mean does not exist
    • MGF does not exist
    • moments
    • as ratio of two normal
    • as stable distribution
  • Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
  • Central limit theorem
    • applications of
  • Chapman, Robbins and Kiefer inequality
    • for discrete uniform
    • for normal
    • for uniform
  • Characteristic function
    • of multiple RVs
    • properties
  • Chebychev-Bienayme inequality
  • Chebychev’s inequality
    • improvement of
  • Chi-square distribution, central
      • MGF
      • moments
      • as square of normal
    • noncentral
      • MGF
      • moments
  • Chi-square test(s)
    • as a goodness of fit
    • for homogeneity
    • for independence
    • one-tailed
    • robustness
    • for testing equality of proportions
    • for testing parameters of multinomial
    • for testing variance
    • two-tailed
  • Combinatorics
  • Complete, family of distributions
  • Complete families, binomial
    • chi-square
    • discrete uniform
    • hypergeometric
    • uniform
  • Complete sufficient statistic
    • for Bernoulli
    • for exponential family
    • for normal
    • for uniform
  • Concordance
  • Conditional, DF
    • distribution
    • PDF
    • PMF
    • probability
  • Conditional expectation
    • properties of
  • Confidence, bounds
    • coefficient
    • estimation problem
  • Confidence interval
    • Bayesian
    • equivariant
    • expected length of
    • general method(s) of construction
    • level of
    • length of
    • percentile
    • for location parameter
    • for the parameter of, Bernoulli
      • discrete uniform
      • exponential
      • normal
      • uniform
    • for quantile of order p
    • shortest-length
    • from tests of hypotheses
    • UMA family
    • UMAU family
    • for normal mean
    • for normal variance
    • unbiased
    • using Chebychev’s inequality
    • using CLT
    • using properties of MLE’s
  • Conjugate prior distribution
    • natural
  • Confidence set
    • for mean and variance of normal
    • UMA family of
    • UMAU family of
    • unbiased
  • Consistent estimator
    • asymptotically normal
    • in rth mean
    • strong and weak
  • Contaminated normal
  • Contingency table
  • Continuity correction
  • Continuity theorem
  • Continuous type distributions
  • Convergence, a.s.
    • in distribution = weak
    • in law
    • of MGFs,
    • modes of
    • of moments
    • of PDFs
    • of PMFs
    • in probability
    • in rth mean
  • Convolution of DFs
  • Correlation
  • Correlation coefficient
    • properties
  • Countable additivity
  • Covariance
    • sample
  • Coverage, elementary
    • r-coverage
    • probability
  • Credible sets
  • Critical region
  • Decision function
  • Degenerate RV
  • Degrees of freedom when pooling classes
  • Delta method
  • Density function, probability
  • Design matrix
  • Diachotomous trials
  • Discordance
  • Discrete distributions
  • Discrete uniform distribution
  • Dispersion matrix = variance – covariance matrix
  • Distribution, conditional
    • conjugate prior
    • of a function of an RV
    • induced
    • a posteriori
    • a priori
    • of sample mean
    • of sample median
    • of sample quantile
    • of sample range
  • Distribution function
    • continuity points of a
    • of a continuous type RV
    • convolution
    • decomposition of a
    • discontinuity points of a
    • of a discrete type RV
    • of a function of an RV
    • of an RV
    • of multiple RVs
  • Domain of attraction
  • Efficiency of an estimate
    • relative
  • Empirical DF = sample DF
  • Equal likelihood
  • Equivalent RVs
  • Estimable function
  • Estimable parameter
    • degree
    • kernel
  • Estimator
    • equivariant
    • Hodges-Lehmann
    • least squares
    • minimum risk equivariant
    • Pitman
    • point
  • Event
    • ertain,
    • elementary = simple
    • disjoint = mutually exclusive
    • independent
    • null
  • Exchangeable random variables
  • Expectation, conditional
    • properties
  • Expected value = mean = mathematical expectation
    • of a function of RV
    • of product of RVs
    • of sum of RVs
  • Exponential distribution
    • characterizations
    • memoryless property of
    • MGF
    • moments
  • Exponential family
      • k-parameter
      • natural parameters of
      • one-parameter
  • Extreme value distribution
  • Factorial moments
  • Factorization criterion
  • Finite mixture density function
  • Finite population correction
  • Fisher Information
  • Fisher’s Z-statistic
  • Fitting of distribution, binomial
    • geometric
    • normal
    • Poisson
  • Fréchet, Cramér, and Rao inequality
    • Fréchet, Cramér, and Rao lower bound
      • binomial
      • exponential
      • normal
      • one-parameter exponential family
      • Poisson
  • F-distribution, central
      • moments of
    • noncentral
      • moments of
  • F-test(s)
    • of general linear hypothesis
    • as generalized likelihood ratio test
    • for testing equality of variances
  • Gamma distribution
    • bivariate
    • characterizations
    • MGF
    • moments
    • relation with Poisson
  • Gamma function
  • General linear hypothesis
    • canonical form
    • estimation in
  • GLR test of
  • General linear model
  • Generalized Likelihood ratio test
    • asymptotic distribution
    • F-test as
    • for general linear hypothesis
    • for parameter of, binomial
    • for simple vs. simple hypothesis
      • bivariate normal
      • discrete uniform
      • exponential
      • normal
  • Generating functions
    • moment
    • probability
  • Geometric distribution
    • characterizations
    • memoryless property of
    • MGF
    • moments
    • order statistic
    • PGF
  • Glivenko-Cantelli theorem
  • Goodness-of-fit problem
  • Hazard(=failure rate) function
  • Helmert orthogonal matrix
  • Hodges-Lehmann estimators
  • Holder’s inequality
  • Hypergeometric distribution
    • bivariate
    • mean and variance
  • Hypothesis, tests of
    • alternative
    • composite
    • null
    • parametric
    • simple
    • tests of
  • Identically distributed RVs
  • Implication rule
  • Inadmissible decision rule
  • Independence and correlation
  • Independence of events
    • complete = mutual
    • pairwise
  • Independence of RVs,
    • complete = mutual
    • pairwise
  • Independent, identically distributed rv’s
    • sequence of
  • Indicator function
  • Induced distribution
  • Infinitely often
  • Interections
  • Invariance, of hypothesis testing problem
    • principle
  • Invariant,
    • decision problem
    • family of distributions
    • function
    • location
    • location-scale
    • loss function
    • maximal
    • scale
    • statistic
  • Invariant, class of distributions
    • estimators
    • maximal
    • tests
  • Inverse Gaussian PDF
  • Jackknife
  • Joint, DF
    • PDF
    • PMF
  • Jump
  • Jump point, ofa DF
  • Kendall’s sample tau
    • distribution of
    • generating function
  • Kendall’s tau coefficient
  • Kendall’s tau test
  • Kernel, symmetric
  • Kolmogorov’s, inequality
    • strong law of large numbers
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample statistic
    • for confidence bounds of DF
    • distribution
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
    • comparison with chi-square test
    • one-sample
    • two-sample
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample statistic
    • distribution
  • Kronecker lemma
  • Kurtosis, coefficient of
  • Laplace = double exponential distribution
    • MGF
  • Least square estimation
    • principle
    • restricted
  • L’Hospital rule
  • Likelihood,
    • equal
    • equation
    • equivalent
    • function
  • Limit, inferior
    • set
    • superior
  • Lindeberg central limit theorem
  • Lindeberg-Levy CLT
  • Lindeberg condition
  • Linear combinations of RVs
    • mean and variance
  • Linear dependence
  • Linear model
  • Linear regression model
    • confidence intervals
    • estimation
    • testing of hypotheses
  • Locally most powerful test
  • Location family
  • Location-scale family
  • Logistic distribution
  • Logistic function
  • Logistic regression
  • Lognormal distribution
  • Loss function
  • Lower bound for variance, Chapman,
    • Robbins and Kiefer inequality
    • Fréchet, Cramér and Rao inequality
  • Lyapunov condition
  • Lyapunov inequality
  • Maclaurin expansion of an mgf
  • Mann-Whitney statistic
    • moments
    • null distribution
  • Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
  • Marginal,
    • DF
    • PDF
    • PMF
  • Markov’s inequality
  • Maximal invariant statistic
    • function of
  • Maximum likelihood estimation, principle of
  • Maximum likelihood estimator
    • asymptotic normality
    • consistency
    • as a function of sufficient statistic
    • invariance property
  • Maximum likelihood estimation method applied to, Bernoulli
    • binomial
    • bivariate normal
    • Cauchy
    • discrete uniform
    • exponential
    • gamma
    • hypergeometric
    • normal
    • Poisson
    • uniform
  • Mean square error
  • Median
  • Median test
  • Memoryless property,
    • of exponential
    • of geometric
  • Method of finding distribution,
    • CF orMGF
    • DF
    • transformations
  • Methods of finding confidence interval
    • Bayes
    • for large samples
    • pivot
    • test inversion
  • Method of moments
    • applied to, beta
      • binomial
      • gamma
      • lognormal
      • normal
      • Poisson
      • uniform
  • Minimal sufficient statistic
    • for beta
    • for gamma
    • for geometric
    • for normal
    • for Poisson
    • for uniform
  • Minimax, estimator
    • principle
    • solution
  • Minimax estimation for parameter of,
    • Bernoulli
    • binomial
    • hypergeometric
  • Minimum mean square error estimator
    • for variance of normal
  • Minimum risk equivariant estinator
    • for location parameter
    • for scale parameter
  • Mixing proportions
  • Minkowski inequality
  • Mixture density function
  • Moment, about origin
    • absolute
    • central
    • condition
    • Factorial
    • of conditional distribution
    • of DF
    • of functions of multiple RVs
    • inequalities
    • lemma
    • non-existence of order
    • of sample covariance
    • of sample mean
    • of sample variance
  • Moment generating function
    • continuity theorem for
    • differentiation
    • existence
    • expansion
    • limiting
    • of linear combinations
    • and moments
    • of multiple RVs
    • of sample mean
    • series expansion
    • of sum of independent RVs
    • uniqueness
  • Monotone likelihood ratio
    • for hypergeometric
    • for one-parameter exponential family
    • UMP test for families with
    • for uniform
  • Most efficient estimator
    • asymptotically
    • as MLE
  • Most powerful test
    • for families with MLR
    • as a function of sufficient statistic
    • invariant
    • Neyman-Pearson
    • similar
    • unbiased
    • uniformly
  • Multidimentional RV = multiple RV
  • Multinomial coefficient
  • Multinomial distribution
  • MGF
    • moments
  • Multiple RV
    • continuous type
    • discrete type
    • functions of
  • Multiple regression
  • Multiplication rule
  • Multivariate hypergeometric distribution
  • Multivariate negative binomial
    • distribution
  • Multivariate normal
    • dispersion matrix
  • Natural parameters
  • Negative binomial (=Pascal or waiting time) distribution,
    • bivariate
    • central term
    • mean and variance
    • MGF
  • Negative hypergeometric distribution
    • mean and variance
  • Neyman-Pearson lemma
  • Neyman-Pearson lemma applied to,
    • Bernoulli
    • normal
  • Noncentral, chi-square distribution
    • F-distribution
    • t-distribution
  • Noncentrality parameter, of chi-square
    • F-distribution
    • t-distribution
  • Noninformative prior
  • Nonparametric = distribution-free estimation,
    • methods
  • Nonparametric unbiased estimation
    • of population mean
    • of population variance
  • Normal approximation, to binomial
    • to Poisson
  • Normal distribution = Gaussian law
    • bivariate
    • characteristic function
    • characterizations
    • contaminated
    • folded
    • as limit of binomial
    • as limit of chi-square
    • as limit of Poisson
    • MGF
    • moments,
    • multivariate
    • singular
    • as stable distribution
    • standard
  • Normal distribution = Gaussian law (cont’d)
    • tail probability
    • truncated
  • Normal equations
  • Odds
  • Order statistic
    • is complete and sufficient
    • joint PDF
    • joint marginal PDF
    • kth
    • marginal PDF
    • uses
    • moments
  • Ordered samples
  • Orders of magnitude, o and O notation
  • Parameter(s), of a distribution
    • estimable
    • location
    • location-scale
    • order
    • scale
    • shape
    • space
  • Parametric statistical hypothesis
    • alternative
    • composite
    • null
    • problem of testing
    • simple
  • Parametric statistical inference
  • Pareto distribution
  • Partition
    • coarser
    • finer
    • minimal sufficient
    • reduction of a
    • sets
    • sub-
    • sufficient
  • Percentile confidence interval
    • centered percentile confidence interval
  • Permutation
  • Pitman estimator
    • location
    • scale
  • Pitman’s asymptotic relative efficiency
  • Pivot
  • Point estimator
  • Point estimation, problem of
  • Poisson DF, as incomplete gamma
  • Poisson distribution
    • central term
    • characterizations
    • coefficient of skewness
    • kurtosis
    • as limit of binomial
    • as limit of negative binomial
    • mean and variance
    • MGF
    • moments
    • PGF
    • truncated
  • Poisson regression
  • Polya distribution
  • Pooled sample variance
  • Population
  • Population distribution
  • Posterior probability
  • Principle of,
    • equivariance
    • inclusion-exclusion
    • invariance
    • least squares
  • Probability
    • addition rule
    • axioms
    • conditional
    • continuity of
    • countable additivity of
    • density function
    • distribution
    • equally likely assignment
    • on finite sample spaces
    • generating function
    • geometric
    • integral transformation
    • mass function
    • measure
    • monotone
    • multiplication rule
    • posterior and prior
    • principle of inclusion-exclusion
    • space
    • subadditivity
    • tail
    • total
    • uniform assignment of
  • Probability integral transformation
  • Probit regression
  • Problem,
    • of location
    • of location and symmetry
    • of moments
  • P-value
  • Quadratic form
  • Quantile of order p = (100p)th percentile
  • Random
  • Random experiment = statistical experiment
  • Random interval
    • coverage of
  • Random sample
    • from a finite population
    • from a probability distribution
  • Random sampling
  • Random set, family of
  • Random variable(s)
    • bivariate
    • continuous type
    • discrete type
    • degenerate
    • equivalent
    • exchangeable
    • functions of a
    • multiple = multivariate
    • standardized
    • symmetric
    • symmetrized
    • truncated
    • uncorrelated
  • Range
  • Rank correlation coefficient
  • Rayleigh distribution
  • Realization of a sample
  • Rectangular distribution
  • Regression
    • coefficient
    • linear
    • logistic
    • model
    • multiple
    • Poisson
    • probit
  • Regularity conditions of FCR inequality
  • Resampling
  • Risk function
  • Robust estimator(s)
  • Robust test(s)
  • Robustness, of chi-square test
    • of sample mean as an estimator
    • of sample standard deviation as an estimator
    • of Student’s f-test
  • Robust procedure, defined
  • Rules of counting
  • Run
  • Run test
  • Sample
    • correlation coefficient
    • covariance
    • DF
    • mean
    • median
      • distribution of
    • MGF
    • moments
    • ordered
    • point
    • quantile of order p
    • random
    • regression coefficient
    • space
    • statistic(s)
    • standard deviation
    • standard error
    • variance
  • Sampling with and without replacement
  • Sampling from bivariate normal
    • distribution of sample correlation
    • coefficient
    • distribution of sample regression coefficient
    • independence of sample mean vector and dispersion matrix
  • Sampling from univariate normal
    • distribution of sample variance
    • independence of images and S2
  • Scale family
  • Sequence of events
    • limit inferior
    • limit set
    • limit superior
    • nondecreasing
    • nonincreas ng
  • Set function
  • Shortest-length confidence interval(s)
    • for the mean of normal
    • for the parameter of exponential
    • for the parameter of uniform
    • for the variance of normal
  • σ-field
    • choice of
    • generated by a class = smallest
  • Sign test
  • Similar tests
  • Single-sample problem(s)
    • of fit
    • of location
      • and symmetry
  • Skewness, coefficient of
  • Slow variation, function of
  • Slutsky’s theorem
  • Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
    • distribution
  • Stable distribution
  • Standard deviation
  • Standard error
  • Standardized RV
  • Statistic of order k
    • marginal PDF
  • Stirling’s approximation
  • Stochastically larger
  • Strong law of large numbers
    • Borel’s
    • Kolmogorov’s
  • Student’s t-distribution, central
    • bivariate
    • moments
    • noncentral
      • moments
  • Student’s t- statistic
  • Student’s t- test
    • as generalized likelihood ratio test
    • for paired observations
    • robustness of
  • Substitution principle
    • estimator
  • Sufficient statistic
    • factorization criterion
    • joint
  • Sufficient statistic for, Bernoulli
    • beta
    • discrete uniform
    • gamma
    • lognormal
    • normal
    • Poisson
    • uniform
  • Support, of a DF
  • Survival function = reliability function
  • Symmetric DF or RV
  • Symmetrization
  • Symmetrized rv
  • Symmetry, center of
  • Tail probabilities
  • Test(s),
    • α-similar
    • chi-square
    • critical = rejection region
    • critical function
    • of hypothesis
    • F-
    • invariant
    • level of significance
    • locally most powerful
    • most powerful
    • nonrandomized
    • one-tailed
    • power function
    • randomized
    • similar
    • size
    • statistic
    • Student’s t
    • two tailed
    • unbiased
    • uniformly most powerful
  • Testing the hypothesis of, equality of several normal means
    • goodness-of- fit
    • homogeneity
    • independence
  • Tests of hypothesis, Bayes
    • GLR
    • minimax
    • Neyman-Pears
  • Tests of location
    • sign test
    • Wilcoxon signed-rank
  • Tolerance coefficient and interval
  • Total probability rule
  • Transformation
    • of continuous type
    • of discrete type
    • Helmert
    • Jacobian of
    • not one-to-one
    • one-to-one
  • Triangular distribution
  • Trimmed mean
  • Trinomial distribution
  • Truncated distribution
  • Truncated RVs
  • Truncation
  • Two-point distribution
  • Two-sample problems
  • Types of error in testing hypotheses
  • Unbiased confidence interval(s)
    • general method of construction
    • for mean of normal
    • for parameter of exponential
    • for parameter of uniform
    • for variance of normal
  • Unbiased estimator
    • best linear
    • and complete sufficient statistic
    • LMV
    • and sufficient statistic
    • UMV
  • Unbiased estimation for parameter of,
    • Bernoulli
    • bivariate normal
    • discrete uniform
    • exponential
    • hypergeometric
    • negative binomial
    • normal
    • Poisson
  • Unbiased test
    • for mean of normal
    • and similar test
    • UMP
  • Uncorrelated RVs
  • Uniform distribution
    • characterization
    • discrete
    • generating samples
    • MGF
    • moments
    • statistic of order k
    • truncated
  • UMP test(s)
    • α-similar
    • invariant
    • unbiased
  • U-statistic
    • for estimating mean and variance
    • one-sample
    • two-sample
  • Variance
    • properties of
    • of sum of RVs
  • Variance stablizing transformations
  • Weak law of large numbers
    • centering and norming constants
  • Weibull distribution
  • Welch approximate t-test
  • Wilcoxon signed-rank test
  • Wilcoxon statistic
    • distribution
    • generating function
    • moments
  • Winsorization
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