Frequency Approach to the Synthesis of the Fractional Integrator

2.1. Introduction

In Chapter 1, we defined fractional integration as the key tool for modeling and simulation of FDEs. Unfortunately, the definition of Riemann–Liouville integration

[2.1] images


[2.2] images

does not provide a suitable technique for the numerical simulation of fractional integration, which is not a classical integral, but in fact a convolution integral.

Therefore, in the first step, we relate this operation to a frequency approach based on the Laplace transform of hn(t), thus:

[2.3] images

In the second step (Chapter 6), we will relate fractional integration to a time approach, called the infinite state approach, moreover demonstrating that these two approaches are equivalent and complementary.

The synthesis of the fractional integrator thanks to a frequency methodology is in fact based on Oustaloup’s technique [OUS 00] for the synthesis of the fractional differentiator Dn(s) = sn.

Therefore, in this chapter, we present a frequency approximation of In(s) which will be used to derive a modal formulation, basis of the numerical integration algorithm and of the fractional integrator state variables.

2.2. Frequency synthesis of the fractional derivator

The first researcher who proposed a constant phase template, i.e.

[2.4] images

in order to robustify the feedback closed-loop with respect to open-loop static gain variations was Bode [BOD 45]. This idea was reused by Manabe [MAN 60]. However, it is really Oustaloup, independently of these two pioneers, who formalized this principle and defined the concepts of the fractional template in his famous monographs [OUS 81, OUS 83, OUS 91].

The concept of fractional differentiation sn is fundamental to the definition of the corresponding robust controller. In other monographs [OUS 95a] and [OUS 95b], Oustaloup has proposed a complete methodology for the synthesis of the fractional differentiator in a frequency band. This principle has been reused by numerous researchers [RAY 97, VIN 00, POD 02b, DAS 11], and we can say that it really marks the beginning of a realistic use of fractional calculus in the automatic control domain, and more generally in various engineering domains.

Our frequency approach is completely based on this methodology, so we have to summarize it thereafter.

The objective is to provide a practical realization of Dn(s) = sn (with 0 < n < 1) in a frequency band images. Let images be the ideal derivator in the band images. It is defined by the relation:

In the frequency domain, s = j ω.

The theoretical Bode diagrams of images using the log(ω) coordinate are presented in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1. Theoretical Bode diagrams of images

Let images be the approximation of images in the frequency band images, using a product of J lead/lag cells:

[2.6] images

The success of this methodology is a consequence of its parsimony. Let us recall that the objective of this synthesis is to be efficient on a several-decade frequency band. An arithmetic distribution of frequencies images would lead to an explosion of the number of cells. On the contrary, the choice of a geometric distribution, in adequation with the logarithmic scale log(ω), leads to a realistic number of cells. The reader has to refer to the papers and books of Oustaloup for a geometric and theoretical proof of this technique and particularly to [OUS 00].

Let us recall the essential results.

The filter images composed of J cells is characterized by three synthesis parameters: α , η and n.

Let images be the lower frequency close to ωb, and ωJ be the higher frequency close to ωh. The relations that images and ωj frequencies have to verify are:

[2.7] images

If J, the total number of cells, is sufficiently high, the Bode diagram of images in the band images approximates images , i.e. its modulus is characterized by a positive asymptote whose slope is equal to n×20 dB/dec and its constant phase is equal to images.

The parameters α and η are linked by the relation:

[2.8] images

2.3. Frequency synthesis of the fractional integrator

2.3.1. Objective

The objective of the frequency synthesis is to provide a realization of images in the frequency domain. The corresponding modulus and phase are defined by:

[2.9] images
[2.10] images

which lead to the Bode diagrams plotted in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2. Theoretical Bode diagram of images

2.3.2. Direct method

The permutation of frequencies ωb and ωh in equation [2.5] provides the approximation of images in the frequency band images, thus:

[2.11] images
[2.12] images

The corresponding Bode diagrams are represented in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 represents the asymptotic diagram of this approximation and its comparison with the ideal diagram of images.


Figure 2.3. Asymptotic Bode diagrams of images approximation

A direct consequence of this approximation is that ρ(ω) has a finite constant value for ω < ωb, whereas the ideal integrator is characterized by an infinite gain when ω → 0.

This concept of the static gain at ω → 0 presents no interest for the differentiator used in the Crone controller; on the contrary, it is essential for the integrator, because it is at the origin of a static error in the numerical simulation. This essential concept will be discussed in Chapter 6.

2.3.3. Indirect method

In order to impose an infinite gain at ω → 0 on the frequency approximation of images, we use an indirect method for the integrator realization.

The proposed solution is to include an integer order integrator for ω < ωb. The drawback of this technique is to distort the approximation slope for ω < ωb: it is equal to –20dB/dec for ω < ωb instead of –20dB/dec. On the contrary, its main interest is that the static gain tends to infinity for ω → 0, which is the necessary requirement to avoid static errors in the numerical simulation. It is important to note that the success of the indirect approximation is due to the inclusion of this integer order integrator (see Chapter 6).

Now, let us present the principle of this indirect method [TRI 99].

As images introduces a constant slope equal to –20dB/dec and a constant phase equal to –π/2 on images, it is necessary to modify the slope and the phase on images, in order to obtain respectively –n×20dB/dec and –/2.

The solution is to incorporate a positive phase equal to +n'π/2 on this frequency band, in order to obtain a resulting phase equal to –/2 on images. Therefore, n' has to be chosen as:

[2.13] images

where n' is the order of the differentiator images.

Let images be the ideal approximation of images on images:

The asymptotic Bode diagrams of images are presented in Figure 2.4.


Figure 2.4. Asymptotic Bode diagrams of images

2.3.4. Frequency synthesis of images

As a direct consequence of Oustaloup’s technique, the differentiator images is approximated by a product of lead/lag cells.

Therefore, the frequency approximation of images, is defined by:

where Gn is a normalization coefficient.

The index “d” of images is for discrete: the approximation is based on a product of J cells on images, i.e. the frequency band has been discretized into J values ωj, ranging from ωb to ωh.

As mentioned previously, the differentiator images is characterized by three parameters: α, η and 1−n.

Practically, the user defines ωb and ωh, the number of cells J + 1 and the fractional order n. Gn, α and η are defined as (see Appendix A.2 and [BEN 08a]):

[2.16] images

2.4. State space representation of images

The frequency approximation [2.15] of images is perfectly suited for a physical realization of the fractional integrator based on electrical circuits, for example RC circuits. However, in the context of numerical simulation, a realization based on a system of first-order ODEs, i.e. a state space representation, is necessary.

Equation [2.15] defining images, with input v(t) and output x(t) , can be represented by the graph of Figure 2.5.


Figure 2.5. Block diagram representation of images

The state space model [LIN 01a] is characterized by the internal state variables images (j = 0 to J) (“int” for integrator).

The jth order elementary cell is characterized by the input/output equation:

[2.17] images

corresponding to the ODE:

[2.18] images

As images, we can write, for j = 0 to J:

[2.19] images


[2.20] images

Note that, for images

so images.

All of these ODEs correspond to a global state space model [TRI 99], with input v(t) and output x(t) such that:


[2.22] images
[2.23] images

As the matrix Mint is invertible, we can transform this system into a conventional form:

[2.24] images

Nevertheless, we lose the benefit of Mint and Aint matrix parsimony, because the resulting matrix images is full.

Note that we can bypass this problem by a recursive integration of the differential system.

The numerical integration of:

[2.25] images

provides x0,int (t) , based on input v(t) . Then, with knowledge of x0,int (t) , the numerical integration of the next differential equation:

[2.26] images

provides x1,int (t) and so on.

Finally, this recursive procedure provides xJ,int (t) , i.e. x(t) .

However, even with this simple recursive procedure, the state space model remains relatively complex; moreover, it hides an essential specificity of images.

2.5. Modal representation of images

The initial representation of images, composed of a product of J +1 cells, can be converted into a sum of elementary cells, i.e. images can be represented in a modal form, which is the fundamental link between frequency and time approaches (see Chapter 6).

Of course, because all the terms images are different, we can use the partial fraction expansion [POI 03, BEN 08a]:

[2.27] images

In order to satisfy this equality, only the coefficient cj has to be calculated. Using the well-known partial fraction expansion technique, we can write for cj:

[2.28] images

This modal model can be represented by the diagram of Figure 2.6.


Figure 2.6. Modal representation of images

This model is characterized by the internal state variables zj(t) :

[2.29] images


[2.30] images

This means that images can be represented by the state space modal form:


[2.32] images

This modal system is obviously more simple to use than the previous one. A direct consequence is the simplification of the numerical simulation.

Another consequence is a different interpretation of the impulse response images.

Let images be the impulse response of the elementary cell images.





[2.34] images

For v(t) = δ(t), we obtain x(t) = hn,d(t)


[2.35] images

This means that the impulse response hn,d(t) is the sum of J +1 modes images ranging from images (including ω0 = 0).

In other words, hn,d(t) is the weighted sum of very slow modes (explaining long memory behavior) and very fast modes. This fundamental concept will be formalized in Chapter 6.

Another point concerns the state variables of images.

Let us recall that images is the input/output representation of images.

According to [2.21] and [2.31], at least two state space models can be associated with images, characterized respectively by the state variables Xint(t) and Z(t).

It would be a nonsense to say that x(t) is the state variable characterizing the fractional integrator: obviously, the state variables are necessarily Xint(t) or Z(t), in fact an infinity of possibilities according to linear systems theory.

However, for a long time, x(t) has been considered as the state variable of the fractional integrator, as a result of a direct generalization of the integer order integrator to the fractional one.

As demonstrated previously, x(t) is only the output of images, and is a pseudo-state variable, whereas Xint(t) or Z(t) are true internal state variables [TRI 09b, SAB 14].

REMARK 1.– In Chapter 6, the fractional integrator images will be defined by a time approach using the inverse Laplace transform of images. This integrator will be analyzed and compared to the frequency approach integrator. It can be concluded that the two approaches are equivalent. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion between different terminologies, the previous fractional integrator [2.31] will be called the infinite state integrator afterwards.

2.6. Numerical algorithm

We have proposed a numerical simulation methodology with the first state model characterized by Xint (t) . In fact, the modal model is much more simple and better suited to the numerical simulation.

Practically, the modal model:

is discretized in the time domain (images, where Te is the sampling period) using the Z-transform [KRA 92], with a zeroth-order holder for input v(t) (i.e. v(t) is assumed to be constant between two steps).



[2.38] images


[2.39] images


Note that j is the index for frequency discretization (modal discretization), whereas k is the index for time discretization.

Note that the modal model could have been simulated with Euler’s technique, i.e. equation [2.36] could have been transformed into a difference equation:

[2.41] images

This difference equation would remain stable if:

[2.42] images

In particular, for j = J , we have to respect images, where ωJ is the higher frequency. Consequently, Euler’s technique (or Runge–Kutta’s technique) imposes a maximal value for Te, depending on ωJ. Note that there is no stability problem with the Z-transform technique.

2.7. Frequency validation

It is necessary to validate, in both frequency and time domains, theoretical results of the proposed frequency synthesis of the fractional order integrator. First, it is important to evaluate the influence of the number of cells on the frequency approximation of the theoretical reference model [2.14] (with s = jω):


A frequency interval (ωb =10−4 rad/s ; ωh = 10+4 rad/s ) and a fractional order (n = 0.5) have been imposed and the influence of J (J = 10;20;30;40) has been tested (note that the total number of cells is J+1, including the mode ω0 = 0).

Let us define the approximate fractional integrator:

[2.43] images

with ρdB(ω) = 20log ρ(ω)

θ(ω) is expressed in degrees.

As it is not significant to compare directly images and images because the corresponding graphs are too close to each other, we show the errors:

[2.44] images

Figure 2.7. Modulus error

[2.45] images

As expected, these errors are maximal for J=10 and followed by an important decrease for J=20 (and obviously for J=30 and J=40). Therefore, we can conclude that the geometrical distribution is very efficient and the result is acceptable, even with J=10 and an eight-decade frequency interval!


Figure 2.8. Phase error

Finally, we show the graphs ρdB(ω) in Figure 2.9.


Figure 2.9. Modulus with different fractional orders

and θ°(ω) for increasing values of fractional order images with the same frequency interval ωb =10−4 rad/s ; ωh=10+4 rad/s and J=20.


Figure 2.10. Phase with different fractional orders

2.8. Time validation

Of course, the second necessary validation has to concern the ability of images to perform the Riemann–Liouville integration.

We have used a function v(t) composed of time-delayed step functions because it is straightforward to calculate the corresponding Riemann–Liouville integral.

Note that the step function v(t)=U H(t) corresponds to images, thus

[2.46] images

v(t) and xth(t) are defined as:

[2.47] images
[2.48] images

Note that v(t)=0 for Tt < 2T, so we can observe the free response of the fractional integrator on this interval.

The response xIS(t) of images has been computed with the numerical algorithm (see [2.37][2.40]) with the following parameters:


The graphs of xth (t) and xIS (t) are shown in Figure 2.11.


Figure 2.11. Theoretical and simulated responses

As expected, these graphs fit perfectly.

In order to evaluate the accuracy of the infinite state simulation method, we present in Figure 2.12 the simulation error:

[2.49] images

for two cases:

  1. 1) image
  2. 2) image

Figure 2.12. Simulation precision

We note that for case 2, the simulation error is divided by 10 compared to case 1. Nevertheless, even for case 1, the simulation error is acceptable.

We also present in Figure 2.13 the response x1(t) to v(t) of an integer order integrator in order to compare xIS(t) to x1(t) .


Figure 2.13. Response of the integer order integrator

Note that v(t)=0 for Tt < 2T , so we can compare the two free responses on this interval.

For n = 1, we see that x1(t) = x1(T) = cte for Tt < 2T, whereas for n=0.5, we see that xIS(t) is decreasing. This difference between the two free responses is a fundamental feature of the fractional integrator.

2.9. Internal state variables

As has already been highlighted, x(t) does not represent the state of the fractional integrator. It is only its output, resulting in the action of the different components of its internal state Z(t). Thus

[2.50] images

Of course, it is interesting to visualize this distributed state. However, it is difficult to display each component zj (t). Therefore, we have preferred to use a global representation: Figure 2.14 shows the state vector Z (t) at four instants (0, T, 2T, 3T). At each instant, we represent the amplitude of zj (t) versus the index j of the frequency mode ωj with:


Figure 2.14. Approximate frequency distribution of z(ω,t)

The resulting graph is an approximation of the continuous frequency distribution z(ω,t), where ω ranges from 0 to ∞.

Note that the mode j=0 corresponds to ω0=0, i.e. to the integer order integrator included in the frequency approximation (see [2.33]). Therefore, we can verify that this integer order integrator behaves exactly as in Figure 2.13. In particular, note that its amplitude remains constant when v(t) = 0 on Tt < 2T. The low frequency components also behave approximately as the component at j = 0. On the contrary, the high frequency modes quickly decrease on this interval, i.e. they explain the decrease in free response xIS (t).

A.2. Appendix: design of fractional integrator parameters

The objective is to define the design parameters Gn, α and η [BEN 08a].

A.2.1. Definition of Gn

First, we consider the ideal derivator images with n’ = 1–n:

[2.51] images

Consider its asymptotic Bode diagram images presented in Figure 2.15.


Figure 2.15. Asymptotic Bode diagram images


[2.52] images


[2.53] images


[2.54] images

i.e. H(s) corresponds to images without normalizing coefficient Gn and consider its asymptotic Bode diagram images.


[2.55] images


[2.56] images


[2.57] images

Finally, consider the normalized filter:

[2.58] images

Its modulus ρdB verifies the relation:

[2.59] images

Thanks to Gn, we want that the asymptotic Bode diagram of images corresponds to images at frequencies ωb and ωh:

[2.60] images

Therefore, at ω=ωb:

[2.61] images


[2.62] images

Therefore, we obtain:

[2.63] images

Of course, we verify that:


A.2.2. Definition of α and η

We are interested by

[2.64] images


[2.65] images

Different choices are possible for α and η, depending on the relation between ωb and images, ωh and ωJ.

We have used the choice:

[2.66] images



Let us recall that:

[2.67] images

Therefore, for J cells:

[2.68] images


[2.69] images


[2.70] images




[2.71] images

we obtain

[2.72] images


[2.73] images


[2.74] images


[2.75] images


[2.76] images
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