Chapter 6

Continuous-Time Models and Their Applications

The price of a financial asset evolves over time and forms a stochastic process, which is a statistical term used to describe the evolution of a random variable over time. The observed prices are a realization of the underlying stochastic process. The theory of stochastic process is the basis on which the observed prices are analyzed and statistical inference is made.

There are two types of stochastic process for modeling the price of an asset. The first type is called the discrete-time stochastic process, in which the price changes at discrete time points. All the processes discussed in the previous chapters belong to this category. For example, the daily closing price of IBM stock on the New York Stock Exchange forms a discrete-time stochastic process. Here the price changes only at the closing of a trading day. Price movements within a trading day are not necessarily relevant to the observed daily price. The second type of stochastic process is the continuous-time process, in which the price changes continuously, even though the price is only observed at discrete time points. One can think of the price as the “true value” of the stock that always exists and is time varying.

For both types of process, the price can be continuous or discrete. A continuous price can assume any positive real number, whereas a discrete price can only assume a countable number of possible values. Assume that the price of an asset is a continuous-time stochastic process. If the price is a continuous random variable, then we have a continuous-time continuous process. If the price itself is discrete, then we have a continuous-time discrete process. Similar classifications apply to discrete-time processes. The series of price change in Chapter 5 is an example of a discrete-time discrete process.

In this chapter, we treat the price of an asset as a continuous-time continuous stochastic process. Our goal is to introduce the statistical theory and tools needed to model financial assets and to price options. We begin the chapter with some terminologies of stock options used in the chapter. In Section 6.2, we provide a brief introduction of Brownian motion, which is also known as a Wiener process. We then discuss some diffusion equations and stochastic calculus, including the well-known Ito lemma. Most option pricing formulas are derived under the assumption that the price of an asset follows a diffusion equation. We use the Black–Scholes formula to demonstrate the derivation. Finally, to handle the price variations caused by rare events (e.g., a profit warning), we also study some simple diffusion models with jumps.

If the price of an asset follows a diffusion equation, then the price of an option contingent to the asset can be derived by using hedging methods. However, with jumps the market becomes incomplete and there is no perfect hedging of options. The price of an option is then valued either by using diversifiability of jump risk or defining a notion of risk and choosing a price and a hedge that minimize this risk. For basic applications of stochastic processes in derivative pricing, see Cox and Rubinstein (1985) and Hull (2007).

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