Creating a Node.js application using Nx

The great part about Nx is that it supports the creation of Node.js applications via the use of Nest.js and Express. In Chapter 5, Building a PWA E-Commerce Application Using Angular Service Worker, we created a Nest.js application called es-api. Since we want to use an Nx workspace, which requires us to have all our applications in one repository, we will try to retrieve the es-api application without using our new Nx workspace, electronic-store.

Let's first add nest application capability to our application using the following command:

> ng add @nrwl/nest

Let's create a new node application using the Nx command, as follows:

> ng g @nrwl/nest:app es-api --frontendProject electronic-store
? In which directory should the node application be generated?

The fronendProject flag will add a proxy to the electronic-store app. We can use the API directly from our application.

Let's update the API URL in products.service.ts in the electronic-store app:

const PRODUCTS_API = '/api/products';

Now, let's copy and paste our es-api folder from the books repository,

> npm i express-jwt jwks-rsa @nestjs/[email protected] @nestjs/core5.5.0

Now, we can serve both applications using the Angular CLI command in two different Terminals:

> ng serve es-api

In a different Terminal, run the following command:

> ng serve electronic-store

Now, when you open http://localhost:4200 in a browser, you should see that our application works fine and that all the products are displayed.

Now that we have successfully created a monorepo with two existing applications, that is, electronic-store and es-api, we will create a new client application that will be used by admins to check the sales data.

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