Aperture® 3 Portable Genius, 2nd Edition

by Josh Anon and Ellen Anon




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About the Authors

Josh Anon has been a nature photographer for most of his life, with his interest in photography starting when he received his first Kodak 110 camera at the ripe old age of 4. Camera in hand, he received a BS in computer science from Northwestern University.

After graduating, Josh started working at Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville, California. There he worked on The Incredibles, Up, Toy Story 3, and more, primarily as a camera and staging artist. Currently he is a senior product manager at Lytro.

Josh travels the globe searching for the next great picture, be it 100 feet deep on the Great Barrier Reef, on a cold and windy beach in the South Atlantic, or inside the Arctic Circle. His award-winning images, represented by the prestigious Jaynes Gallery and available at www.joshanon.com, have appeared in a variety of galleries, calendars, and other publications including the San Diego Natural History Museum, Nature’s Best Photography, NBC Nightly News, The Kiteboarder, and more. Josh teaches photography, both privately and for the Digital Photo Academy, and he and his mother, Ellen, have also coauthored Photoshop CS5 for Nature Photographers (Sybex, 2010), See It: Photographic Composition Using Visual Intensity (Focal Press, 2012), iPhoto iOS: Tap the Power (available on the Apple iTunes bookstore, 2012), and more.

Josh continues to develop software in his free time, currently focusing on FlipBook HD, which is movie-making software for the iPad. When not shooting, making cartoons, or coding, Josh can be found kiteboarding.

Ellen Anon got her start in photography around age 5, but for years it remained a hobby as she took a very long fork in the road, earning a PhD in clinical psychology. In 1997, a broken foot forced her to take a break from work as a psychologist and she used the time to study photography. She debated briefly between building a traditional darkroom in her home and creating a digital darkroom. Because she’s not fond of being closed up in small dark spaces with strong smells of funky chemicals, she opted for the latter. Ever since, photography has been a two-part process for her. Capturing the images in the field is the first step, and optimizing them in the digital darkroom is the second. Being creative with it is the icing on the cake!

Ellen is now a full-time freelance photographer, speaker, and writer. Her goal with her photographs is to go beyond the ordinary in ways that she hopes stimulates others to pause and appreciate some of the beauty and wonder of our earth. Ellen’s images are included in collections in several continents. She is also represented by the Jaynes Gallery and her photos have been showcased in galleries and featured in numerous publications. In addition, she has been Highly Honored in Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards and Highly Commended in the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

Ellen has coauthored nine books including the popular Photoshop CS5 for Nature Photographers series and other books mentioned previously. In addition, she has contributed chapters to other books and has created video training materials on photography-related subjects for several companies. Ellen leads photographic and digital darkroom-oriented workshops and is a popular featured speaker at various events. She had been an active member of the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) and is an instructor for its high school scholarship program. She is an Apple Certified Trainer for Aperture and is honored to be a member of Nik Software’s Team Nik and SanDisk’s Extreme Team.


For the hints of wisdom that sometimes tag along with the wrinkles of time — Ellen

First and foremost, we both owe our family, especially Jack and Seth, a big thank you for their continued support and encouragement. Neither of us would have made it where we are without it.

Someone once said it takes a village to raise a child. We don’t know whether that’s true, but it sure feels like it takes a village to create a book like this. Specifically, we want to thank Stephanie McComb, our Acquisitions Editor, and Kristin Vorce, our outstanding Project Editor. It’s been a pleasure working with them on this project.

We both want to thank our friends at Apple involved with Aperture, especially Kirk Paulsen and Martin Gisborne as well as all the engineers, for creating such an amazing program that’s the core of our workflows.

Josh wants to thank his friends and coworkers at Pixar, including Trish Carney, Jeremy Lasky, Patrick Lin, Eben Ostby, and Adam Habib. You guys always provide great inspiration and are just awesome people. To his friends Michelle Safer and Jeffrey Cousens: Thank you for always being there to provide moral support. Last but certainly not least, he owes his continued gratitude to his high school English teacher Claudia Skerlong for teaching him to write well; although he heard she once said something about the odds of her achieving sainthood for the efforts she put into teaching Josh compared to the odds of his writing a seventh book.

Ellen wants to thank her friends and colleagues who continue to inspire and encourage her, particularly Art Becker and George Lepp, as well as all the readers of our books, who make it possible for us to continue writing. She also wants to thank Dr. Gary Brotherson and Dr. J.P. Dailey for their flexibility and perseverance in ensuring that she can continue to see through the viewfinder in search of the next dramatic image.

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