Aperture® 3 Portable Genius, 2nd Edition

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: How Do I Get Started with Aperture?

Understanding Why Aperture Is a Key Part of Your Workflow

Seeing the difference between Aperture and iPhoto

Choosing Aperture over Lightroom

Working with Aperture’s File Structure

Understanding the Aperture library and where your files live

Understanding referenced and managed files

Understanding how images are organized within Aperture

A Brief Tour of Aperture’s Interface

Understanding the Inspector, Browser, and Viewer

Managing files with Projects and Albums

Using special built-in views

Using gestures

Basic Customization Options

Setting library location and other General preferences

Changing appearance preferences

Changing default import behavior

Modifying preview preferences

Chapter 2: How Do I Import Images?

Importing from a Memory Card, Camera, or Hard Drive

Touring the Import panel

Using the different views in the Import panel

Choosing Import Settings

Configuring a destination project for your images

Using referenced or managed files

Renaming files on import

Fixing time zone settings on your images

An introduction to presets

Configuring what types of files to import

Working with RAW+JPEG pairs

Running actions automatically after importing

Setting up an automatic backup on import

Understanding Unified iPhoto and Aperture Libraries

Dragging and Dropping Files into Aperture

Using Photo Stream

Chapter 3: What Methods Can I Use to See My Images?

Customizing the Interface

Rearranging and grouping library items

Using Viewer modes

Using the Viewer with multiple monitors

Using multiple Browsers

Showing hot and cold areas of an image

Taking a Closer Look

Zooming and scrolling in Viewer

Using and customizing the Loupe

Viewing in Full-Screen Mode

Using Browser and Viewer in full-screen mode

Working with the filmstrip and toolbar

Working with heads-up displays

Additional Viewer Options

Using Primary Only

Using Quick Preview

Viewing the original image

Configuring and Using Metadata Overlays

Switching between RAW+JPEG Originals

Working with Referenced Images

Identifying and managing referenced images

Reconnecting a missing original

Relocating referenced originals

Converting referenced originals to managed originals

Deleting referenced files

Working with Stacks in Browser

Creating and Working with a Light Table

Chapter 4: How Can I Use Metadata to Organize and Find My Images?

Using Ratings to Sort Images

Setting ratings

Working with rejected images

Using Flags and Labels to Further Organize Images

Setting flags and labels

Customizing label names

Using the Info Inspector

Switching and customizing metadata views

Setting metadata

Managing and applying presets

Adjusting Date and Time after Import

Working with Keywords

The Keywords control bar

The Keywords heads-up display

Adding Custom Metadata

Applying Batch Metadata Changes

Using the Batch Change tool

Using the Lift and Stamp tool

Searching for Images

Searching within Browser

Creating Smart Albums

Searching with stacks

Writing IPTC Information to an Original

Chapter 5: How Do I Use Faces and Places to Categorize My Images?

Using Faces

Enabling Faces

Using the Faces interface

Finding people using Faces

Using Places

Enabling Places

Assigning locations to photos

Removing location information from an image

Finding images using Places

Chapter 6: What Tools Can I Use to Make My Images Better?

Getting Started with Adjustments

Reprocessing originals for Aperture 3.3 or later

Setting preferences for making adjustments

Making Adjustments

Commonalities of all the adjustment bricks

Working with the histogram

Straightening an image

Cropping images

Using Auto Enhance

Using the adjustment bricks

Brushing adjustments in or out

Using Quick Brushes

Using the Retouch Brushes

Using the remaining Quick Brushes

Creating and Using Effects

Using an External Editor

Using Third-Party Editing Plug-Ins

Chapter 7: What Options Do I Have to Create a Physical Copy of My Photos?

Color Management

Calibrating your monitor

Calibrating your printer

Soft proofing

Using Aperture’s Print Dialog

Configuring a standard print

Creating a contact sheet

Using built-in custom presets and creating your own

Clicking the Print button and its settings

Ordering Prints

Creating a Book

Creating a new book album and picking themes

Navigating the Book Layout Editor

Placing images and text

Switching page styles

Adding and removing pages

Customizing page layout

Editing master pages

Printing or ordering your book

Chapter 8: How Can I Share My Images Digitally?

Exporting Originals and Versions of Images

Exporting originals

Exporting versions

E-mailing Images

Setting Your Desktop Image

Creating Slide Shows

Creating a new slide show

Creating a custom slide show preset

Using the Slideshow Editor

Creating Web Pages

Comparing web journals, web pages, and Smart Web Pages

Creating and configuring a new web page

Creating and configuring a new web journal


Setting up Facebook access within Aperture

Publishing images from Aperture to Facebook

Managing your Facebook account


Setting up Flickr access within Aperture

Publishing images to Flickr

Using Other Export Plug-ins

Chapter 9: How Can I Use Aperture with My HDSLR’s Video Files?

How Does Aperture Handle Video Files?

Importing Video Files

Viewing Video Files

Editing a Clip

Setting the clip’s poster frame

Trimming the clip

Exporting a Video Clip

Working with Audio Files

Importing audio files

Playing audio

Attaching and detaching audio files

Chapter 10: How Can Aperture Make My Workflow Smoother?

Understanding Badge Meanings

Managing Photo Previews

Controlling preview preferences

Generating previews

Previews and stacks

Working with Multiple Libraries

Switching libraries

Moving images between libraries

Working with multiple computers

Controlling Tethered Shooting

Configuring a tethering session

Running a tethering session

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

Using Aperture with Automator

Using Vaults and Backup

Using vaults to back up your images

Alternate backup strategies

Using Aperture’s Database Repair Tools

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