“Johnson and Smith hit a home run with this no-nonsense, timely guide that will benefit any man who wants to more effectively mentor or manage women in the workforce … Filled with useful advice and backed up by academic research, this handbook should be on every male business leader’s reading list.”PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

“Through engaging insights from global leaders and practical tips for men, Smith and Johnson point out that when men are part of the solution—recognizing privilege and proactively championing gender equality within their organizations—that’s when real change can occur.”DEBORAH GILLIS, PRESIDENT & CEO, CATALYST

Athena Rising is written in a captivating style while providing a practical, step-by-step mentoring implementation plan to advance female stars in the workplace. It should be a must-read for male executive training.”LOUIS FREEH, FORMER DIRECTOR, FBI

“Finally, someone has tackled the central issue to women’s advancement at work: why don’t men champion female talent like they do for other men? Athena Rising answers that question and, through storytelling and research, inspires men to rethink their reluctance and mentor for the good of their female colleagues, their companies, and, ultimately, themselves.”KAT GORDON, FOUNDER, THE 3% MOVEMENT

“A definitive, practical guide for every man who wants to work more effectively with women. This is a book guys didn’t know we were waiting for, and it’s finally here!”CHUCK SHELTON, CEO, GREATHEART CONSULTING

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