

3D reference ball 213

500 series modules 11314

absorption 1324; coefficient 133

accent miking 82, 83

accounting classes 197

acoustic energy 712

acoustic guitars, miking 86

acoustical qualities 136

acoustical treatment 13545

acoustics 13145; basic terms 1324; dealing with 1345; DIY projects 13645; making a room sound better 1367

ADAT 149, 184

additional instrumentation/percussion 124

adjectives for sound 337

AEA R84 mic 99

AES/EBU connectors 232

AKG C 12 mic 92

AKG C 414 mic 92

AKG C 451 B mic 93

AKG D 12 mic 87

AKG D 112 mic 88

all-in-one recorders 667

alternate monitor switch 47

ambient miking 82, 83

ambisonic mics 79

amplitude (volume) 24, 18, 212, 43

analog 13, 147, 148, 1502, 1578, 236; cons 1512; pros 151

analog connectors 22932

analog-to-digital (A/D) converters 59, 236

analog four- or eight-track all-in-one recorders 667

analog model of signal flow 613, 64, 67, 68

analyzing music recordings 245

angelic sound 33

Apogee Duet interface 59

Apollo Twin interface 59, 60

application 54

asking questions 172

assistant engineer 188, 190

attack 1112, 105, 106

audio interfaces 5961; recording with a laptop and interface 646

audio schools/colleges/universities 17681

Audio Technica AT4050 mic 93

Audix D6 mic 88

Auricula Helices 256

automation 126, 127

Auto-Tune 115

auxiliary section 40, 41, 445

Avenson STO-2 mic 94

Avid C/24 49, 51

backing vocals 87

balance 54, 125, 126

balanced lines 227

banana plugs 232

basic (rhythm) tracks 117, 1223; correcting 123

bass range 5, 6, 1718, 31

bass traps 136, 1424

basses, miking up 856

beefy sound 33

Behringer X-Touch 49, 50

Berliner, Emile 148

Beyer M 201 mic 89

Beyerdynamic M 160 mic 99

bi-directional mics 78, 79

big sound 33

bit depth 15

bit rate 15

bite 34

Blumlein, Alan 148

body 34

body language 1656

boomy sound 34

boosting a frequency 28

breathy sound 34

bridges 1645

brittle sound 34

broadband absorber 1412, 143

budget 130, 189

bus(es) 40, 41, 467

business and accounting classes 197

bypass 105, 107, 108, 109

capture-store-monitor model 613, 64, 67, 68

cardioid mics 78

carpet 131, 132

Cascade Fat Head mic 100

cassettes 66, 149

CD/track text 129

CDs (compact discs) 13, 149

channel strip 3942

Cher 115

chimey sound 34

chorus FX 112

choruses 1645

chunky sound 34

clean up 125

click 122, 236

close miking 82, 83, 85

cochlea 236

Coles 4038 mic 100

colleges 17681

coloring the sound 80

comb filter 113, 236

communication skills 1634

compact discs (CDs) 13, 149

compression 1, 1047, 125, 128, 21415, 236

compressors 2034

computers 148, 1538; choices 1556; MIDI 148, 1535; software 1567

condenser microphones 756, 929

connector types 60, 22935

contacts, making 1678


control surface 39, 4951, 236

critical distance 82

crunchy sound 34

cutting a frequency 28

dB pad 74, 75

DB25 connectors 234

dBFS 489, 58, 127, 228, 236

decay 11

decay time 108, 109

decibels 34, 228

deep sound 34

de-esser 32, 236

delay 11011

depth 34, 112

describing sound 337

diffraction 134

diffuser 136, 1389, 140; random diffuser 13941

diffusion 134

digital 13, 1416, 147, 148, 1523, 1578, 236; audio terms 1415; cons 153; lossy vs lossless 1516; pros 1523

digital-to-analog (D/A) converters 59

digital audio connectors 2325

digital audio workstation (DAW) 184, 236

digital consoles 187

digital four- or eight-track all-in-one recorders 667

DIN MIDI connectors 234

direct boxes 84

direct path 201, 812

directional characteristics of mics 779

dirty sound 34

distant (room) miking 82, 83

distant sound 34

distortion 12, 113, 236

DJs, live 1934

doubler 112

doubling 124

Dowd, Tom 147, 150

drums: miking up drumsets 85; tuning 122

dry sound 25, 34

ducking 107

dull sound 34

duplication 236

dynamic microphones 75, 8791

dynamic range, controlling 1047

dynamics 55

ear 1726, 712; how it works 1721; training tools and techniques 216

early reflections 201, 812

earplugs 1819

Earthworks TC30 mic 94

echo 111

edgy sound 34

Edison, Thomas 148

editing 125, 126, 129, 151, 152

EDM 167; producer of 193

education: audio schools/colleges/universities 17681; value of 21214

effects (FX) 103, 126, 127; choice of 1089; creating sound effects 10813

eight-track all-in-one recorder 667

ELCO/Edac connectors 231

electrical energy 712

Electrovoice RE20 Variable-D mic 89

emotion 55, 56

envelope 2, 1112

equalization (EQ) 4, 22, 2737, 126, 128, 21415; effects 108, 110, 111; EQ section of mixing console 40, 41, 424; general EQ areas 301; points of interest 313; terminology 337

equipment: FAQs 20210; maintenance and repair 1945; sales 194

evaluation 54

even harmonics 1011

expectations 130, 18990

experience 198, 199

faders 40, 41, 456

FAQs 20126; equipment 20210; industry insights 21626; skills 21016

fat sound 35

feedback 110, 111, 236

fees 199; mastering 129; recording studio engineering 1889; running live sound 1867

Figure 8 mics 78, 79

file compression 1516

file size 15, 16

FireWire connectors 234

fixed frequency knob 44

flanger 112

flanging 11213

flash drive 66

Fletcher–Munson curve 3, 17, 236

flutter echo 236

four-track all-in-one recorder 667

freelancing 183

frequency 2, 46, 43; equalization see equalization (EQ); harmonics 2, 911; hearing frequencies 1718, 1920

frequency pyramid 23, 24

frequency response of mics 7981

fundamental frequency 910

future of recording 2246

fuzzy sound 35

gain reduction (GR) 105, 106

gain structure 58

games, audio for 1912

gates 107

genre 545, 107

getting a split off the board 67

getting started 21621; see also internships

glassy sound 35

go-betweens (gobos) 1378

guitar amps, miking 86

Haas effect 20, 236

hard disk 66

hard knee 106

hard sound 35

harmonics 2, 911

harmonizer 113

headphones 122, 123, 1234, 127

headroom 13

hearing 1726; ear training tools and techniques 216

hearing loss 19

high-cut or low-pass filter (LPF) 29, 30, 236


high (treble) frequencies 56, 1718, 323

high-frequency (HF) roll-off 108, 110

high-mid frequencies 6, 32

high-pass (or low-cut) filter (HPS) 29, 30, 74, 237

hip-hop 167; producer of 193

history of audio 14758; computers 148, 1538; history of recording 1489; innovators and pioneers 14950; pros and cons of analog 1502; pros and cons of digital 1523

hollow sound 35

home studios 1834, 1957

hot sound 35

huge sound 35

hypercardioid mics 78

in-line consoles 45, 237

in the box 237

indexing information 129

industry insights 21626

input 108, 109, 110, 237; level 58; number of inputs 61; type of input channels 61

insecurity of artists 1623

instruments 130, 189; frequency ranges 4, 5; selecting 119

internships 130, 16981, 188; audio schools/colleges/universities 17681; correct approach 174; hours involved 172; incorrect approach 175; rolling a mic cable 175; value of 1701; what is involved 1713

ips (inches per second) 237

isolation issues 120

ISRC codes 129, 237

jitter 59, 237

jobs 183200, 2212; assistant engineer 188, 190; audio for games 1912; equipment maintenance and repair 1945; fees see fees; hip-hop or EDM producer 193; home studio 1834, 1957; live DJ 1934; live sound engineer 1847; mastering engineer 190; music and equipment sales 194; post-production 191; producer 188, 1923; radio production engineer 192; recording studio engineer 18890; taking a business or accounting class 197; tips for success 1989

labeling 65, 121

laptop computers 156; with audio interface 646

large-diaphragm condensers (LDCs) 756

Lauten Audio LA-320 mic 95

leakage (bleed-over) 73

Lear, Bill 148

levels 121, 127; equal 128; setting 58

limiting 106, 125

line/mic switch 40, 41, 42, 63

linear frequency response 7981

link 105, 107

listening 1726, 128; ear training tools and techniques 216

live DJs 1934

live recordings 679, 119

live sound engineering 167, 1847

loose sound 35

lossless files 1516

lossy files 1516, 153

low-cut (or high-pass) filter (HPF) 29, 30, 74, 237

low (bass) frequencies 5, 6, 1718, 31

low-frequency oscillator (LFO) 112, 237

low-mid frequencies 6, 32

low-pass (or high-cut) filter (LPF) 29, 30, 236

LPs 148

machine room 137, 144

Mac vs PC 156, 20910

MADI protocol 233

main (monitor) volume 47

maintenance and repair jobs 1945

makeup gain 105, 106

masking 237

master auxiliary section 47

master copies 129

master fader 47

master section 478

master solo 47

master tapes 147

mastering 117, 1289

mastering engineer 190

materials 1312, 1334, 136

Mbox 237

mellow sound 35

meters 489

mic/line switch 40, 41, 42, 63

microphones 71101; basic terminology 725; condenser 756, 929; directional characteristics 779; dynamic 75, 8791; FAQs 2023, 2058; frequency response 7981; guide and uses 87101; placement 68, 69, 817; recording sessions 120, 121; ribbon 76, 99101; rolling a mic cable 175; transducer types 756

midfield monitors 51, 237

MIDI 148, 1535

mid-mid frequencies 6, 32

midrange frequencies 5, 6, 1718, 32

Mini connectors 230

mix 108, 109, 110, 111, 237

mixing 536, 117, 1258; knowing when it is complete 21516; skill development 556, 21012

mixing console 3956; main features 3949; other functions 513

modulation 11112

Mojave Audio MA-200 mic 95

money 2224; see also fees

monitoring: analog model of signal flow 613, 64, 67, 68; monitor section of mixing console 40, 41, 456; on several systems 512, 127

monitors (speakers) 512, 62, 63, 712, 124

mono 237


mono button 8, 47

Moog synthesizer 148

motherboard 156

MP3 149

muffled sound 35

multiple takes 123

multi-track recording 667, 148, 150

music retail 194

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) 148, 1535

mute function 40, 41

mutes 127

nasal sound 35

nearfield monitors 51

networking 198

Neumann TLM 103 mic 96

Neumann U 87 mic 96

noise 1213

non-linear frequency response 7981

normalization 15

Nyquist Theorem 14

Octopus 150

odd harmonics 1011

omnidirectional mics 78, 79

on axis 77

Open Sound Control (OSC) 155

opinions 162, 173

optical/TOSLINK connectors 233

organizational skills 1667

oscilloscope 237

output 110, 237; number of outputs 61

output/makeup gain 105, 106

overdrive (distortion) 113

overdubbs 117, 1235

pan/panning 22, 23, 40, 41, 126, 237

parametric EQ 29, 43

patchbay 523, 63

patience 163

Paul, Les 147, 148, 150

PC vs Mac 156, 20910

peak frequency 289

peak meters 489

Peluso Microphone Lab 22 251 mic 97

people skills 556, 15968; body language 1656; communication skills 1634; insecure artists 1623; meeting people to record 1678; opinions 162, 173; patience 163; questions before recording a band or artist 130, 18990; scheduling, time management and organizational skills 1667; song structure 1645; vibe 161; word of mouth 15960, 168, 171

phantom power 40, 41, 42, 75

phase 2, 68

phase flip 40, 41, 42

phaser 11213

phone connectors 229

pickup pattern selector 75

pickup patterns 779

placement of microphones 68, 69, 817

plug-ins 11415

pop filters 74

post-production 191

pots 237

pre and post fader 40, 41, 44, 45

preamp 40, 41, 42, 58, 73, 237

predelay 108, 109

preproduction 11720

Pro Tools 149, 157

processing speed 156

producer 188, 1923, 237; of hip-hop or EDM 193

promotion work 171

protocol 237

proximity effect 7980

punch-in/punch-out 164, 237

purpose of a recording 130, 18990

Putnam, Bill 147, 14950

quantization 15, 59, 237

questions, asking 172

quiet space for computer/tape machine 137, 144

rack-mounted audio interfaces 61

radio production engineer 192

RAM 156

random diffuser 13941

rappers 167; producer of 193

rarefaction 1

ratio 105, 106

RCA 44 mic 100

RCA (phono) connectors 230

recording sessions 11730; basic or rhythm tracks 117, 1223; mastering 117, 1289; mixing 117, 1258; overdubs 117, 1235; preproduction 11720; questions for bands/artists 130; rough mixes 117, 125; setup 117, 1202; stages of recording 11729

recording studio engineer 18890

Red Book 237

reflection 132, 133

rehearsals 118, 119

release 1112, 105, 106

repeat/feedback 110, 111

replication 237

resumé 173

reverberation (reverb) 201, 212, 812, 10810

reverse/flip return 40, 41, 42

rhythm (basic) tracks 117, 1223; correcting 123

ribbon microphones 76, 99101

ringy sound 35

Røde NT5 mic 97

rolling a mic cable 175

room (distant) miking 82, 83

room modes (standing waves) 1345

rough mixes 117, 125

Royer R-122 mic 101

rpm 148, 237

Rubens’ Tube 8, 9

running live sound 167, 1847

sales 194

sample (sampling) rate 14, 15

Samson CO3U mic 97

sawtooth waveforms 12

scheduling 1667

schools 17681

scratch track 1223

SE Electronics Voodoo VR1 mic 101

Sel-Sync-Octopus 150

selective hearing 234

self-employment 183

Sennheiser Ambeo VR mic 79

Sennheiser E 609 mic 89


Sennheiser MD 421 mic 90

setup 117, 1202

seven-inch singles 148

shelving EQ 44

shimmering sound 35

shiny sound 35

shock mounts 74

Shure Beta 52A mic 90

Shure Beta 57A mic 90

Shure KSM27 mic 98

Shure KSM44 mic 98

Shure SM7B mic 91

Shure SM57 mic 91

Shure SM58 mic 91

sibilance 32, 237

side address 78

side chain 105, 107

signal flow 456, 5769; analog model 613, 64, 67, 68; applying 649; four- and eight-track all-in-one recorders 667; laptop with audio interface 646; live performance recording 679

signal processors 10315; 500 series 11314; controlling dynamic range 1047; creating sound effects 10813; plug-ins vs hardware 11415

signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) 12

sine waveforms 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 237

sizzly sound 35

skills 21016

slap 35

slapback echo 111

Slate Raven control surface 49, 50

slope (Q) 289, 43

small business and accounting classes 197

small-diaphragm condensers (SDCs) 756

‘small hall’ effect 108

small sound 356

smooth sound 36

soft knee 106

soft sound 36

software 2089; compatibility 60; options 1567; running live sound 187

solo 40, 41, 42

solos 124

songs: order of 129; quality 56; selecting 119; structure 119, 1645

sound 112; adjectives for describing 337; categories 201, 812; characteristics of 212

sound effects see effects (FX)

soundproofing 135

space between tracks 129

spaced pair stereo miking 84

S/PDIF connectors 232

speakers (monitors) 512, 62, 63, 712, 124

Speakon connectors 232

speed 112

split consoles 456, 238

square waveforms 12

standing waves 1345, 238

stems 167, 238

stereo 238; miking 68, 69, 834; recording 148, 150

storing sound (analog model) 613, 64, 67, 68

Studio Projects CS5 mic 98

subcardioid mics 79

subs (sub frequencies) 31

subtractive equalization 2930, 126

supercardioid mics 78

surfaces 1312

sustain 1112

sweep 112

sweet spot 52

synthesis 148, 238

take 238

talent 56

talkback button 47, 48

talkback mic 47, 48

TDIF connectors 233

tempo 119, 122

ten-inch records 148

Texas audio schools/colleges/universities 1778

thick sound 36

thin sound 36

threshold 105, 106

Thunderbolt connectors 235

tight sound 36

time-based effects 11013

time information 129

time management 1667

time/tap 11011

tinny sound 36

tiny sound 36

tone 128, 151, 153

top address 78

top/side miking technique 85

touring 1867

transducers 17, 712; types of microphone 756

transient response 73

transients 72, 151, 152

transistors 1489

treble (high) frequencies 56, 1718, 323

triangle waveforms 12

tubby sound 36

Tuchel connectors 231

tune 122

tweeters 51, 238

two-track recorder 66, 67

United States audio schools/colleges/universities 17780

unity gain 58

Universal Recording 14950

universities 17681

UREI 1176LN compressor 149

USB connectors 233

velocity 2, 8

verses 1645

vibe 161

visualization 54

vocals 124, 1267, 144; backing vocals 87; good vocal mics 2057; miking 86

volume (amplitude) 24, 18, 212, 43

VU meters 489

warm sound 36

waveforms 2, 4, 7, 9, 12

wavelength 2, 89

wet sound 25, 36

woofers 51, 238

word of mouth 15960, 168, 171

working hours 172

Wunder Audio CM7 FET mic 99

XLR connectors 230

XY stereo miking technique 68, 69, 84

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