Adding a Managed Server, Part 2—On the Managed Server Side

This means that before you can start the server on your second machine as a Managed server, you must go through the same steps you did on the Administration server, plus a couple of new ones.

Specifically, you need to:

  • Duplicate the new domain on the Managed server. This means going through the same process you went through on the Administration server a second time—start the server console on the Managed server, create a domain, and modify the start scripts.

  • If you're using machines to differentiate between the available hardware, instantiate two new machines within that domain, one for the Administration server and one for the Managed server. The names of the machines on the Managed server should match the names that you created on the Administration server.

  • Create two new servers on the Managed server. The names of these servers must precisely match the server names as defined on the Administration server.

Starting the Managed Server

At this point you're ready to start the Managed server. In general, you're going to find that it's more convenient to do this from the system console. However, that requires the use of the Node Manager software, and we haven't talked about that yet. So, for the moment, the only option we have is to log in to the machine where we just created the new server and start the node from the command line.

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