If You Can Ping Successfully

If you can ping successfully back and forth between the two machines, you're in relatively good shape. Almost certainly, any problems you may be having with your connection are due to the way your service is configured. The following techniques may be useful in diagnosing and fixing your problem.

Is the Service Running?

Use the ps command to test whether or not the service (for purposes of this book, httpd) is running. In the example below, the -e option generates an extended listing of the relevant data and the -f option generates a full listing of all processes running on the system. A similar thing is accomplished in a Linux environment using ps aux. The I grep httpd portion of the command line redirects the output to the grep command (global regular expression parser) whose purpose in life is to search through large chunks of text for a particular sequence of characters, in this case httpd.

ps -ef #HP-UX
ps aux #Linux

On Windows, you can check with the Task Manager utility, accessed via <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Delete>.

If the above commands show your service isn't running, you should try starting it from scratch.

Is Your Server Monitoring the Port?

This particular technique isn't particularly applicable to WebLogic or even HTTP. However, it comes up frequently on the standard nonsecure services (FTP, telnet, . . .) so I'll include it for completeness.

Unix machines used to have a centralized file, inetd.conf. that was used to centralized the monitoring of network ports and start and stop daemons as necessary.[5] However, running services that you don't actually use creates something of a security hole, so some past system administrator may have removed the line for your service from the /etc/inetd.conf file. To check for this problem, run the following command:

[5] For performance reasons, you will not want to start either httpd or WebLogic under inetd.

cat /etc/inetd.conf | grep [your service]

Blank space as output is not good. It means that your computer is not monitoring port 80 for http connections. Add a line like http 80/tcp to your services file. A pound sign (“#”) at the very beginning of the line is also bad; it means that the service is commented out. To fix this problem, use your favorite text editor to remove the pound sign from the beginning of the line.

Run as Root

This isn't particularly useful for Windows machines, but it sometimes works on Unix. Try to access the service while running as user root. If it works like that but not as one of the lesser users, your problem is with file permissions. Use the ls -l command to display permissions and the chmod command to alter them.

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