Messaging Bridges

Messaging bridges are a new feature of WebLogic 7.0 that allow you to connect two destinations (queues or topics).

NameThe name of the messaging bridge.
Source DestinationThe destination (queue or topic) from which messages will be read.
Target DestinationThe destination (queue or topic) to which the messages will be written.
SelectorUse this field to specify a property of the message that is used to distinguish messages in the source destination that are sent across the bridge from those that are not.
Quality of Service“Exactly-once,” in which qualified messages are guaranteed to cross the bridge exactly once; or “Almost-once,” in which qualified messages will cross the bridge at almost one time, but without any guarantee of delivery; or “Duplicate-okay,” in which qualified messages are guaranteed to cross but may go over more than once.
QOS Degradation AllowedIf checked, the server will allow the quality of service to be downgraded when the selected quality is not available.
Idle Time MaximumSet an upper limit (in milliseconds) on the amount of time a message will wait before performing an availability check of the server on the other end.
Asychronous ModeCheck to allow the server to work in asynchronous mode, in which the messaging bridge listens for incoming messages on the source target and forwards them as they arrive.
Durability EnabledCheck if you want the bridge to save messages that are sent to the source target even when the bridge is not running.
StartedDisplay whether the bridge is started or stopped.

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