
Symbols & Numerics

$actsAs property2nd, 3rd

: (colon)

     arguments and

     magic variables and

     route parameters and

$components array

.ctp file extension

<div> element

$html->link() function

$post variable, debug() function displaying contents of

.profile file

$rss->document() function

.rss file extension

$scaffold attribute

<span> element


$this identifier

$this->params array2nd

.thtml file extension

_ (underscore) character

__() function

$xml configuration array

403 HTTP server error


access control lists, managing

ACL behavior

ACL component

action parameters, passed arguments compared to


     See also Index action; View action


          Comments controller2nd

          Events controller2nd

          file upload feature2nd

          Posts controller, 2nd3rd

     add() scaffolded

     admin, linking with admin views

     App controller and



     Comments Add, blocking spam in2nd

     delete() scaffolded

     Edit2nd, 3rd, 4th5th

     edit() scaffolded

     Events controller

          Add and Edit2nd





     index() scaffolded




     overview of

     plugin, running

     Post controller



          Edit2nd, 3rd


          Posts Index, home page for application, creating with




          variables, using in

          View, with children() function


activating admin routing

$actsAs property2nd, 3rd

Add action

     Comments controller2nd

     Events controller2nd

     Posts controller

          file upload feature2nd

          overview of, 2nd3rd

          save() function2nd

Add Comments form2nd

Add link (Users controller)

Add view, adjusting and testing

add() scaffolded action

addCrumbs function (HTML helper)2nd

add_success.ctp file

admin routing2nd

afterFilter() callback action

Ajax Chat plugin (Pseudocoder), installing and using2nd

Ajax framework

     asynchronous sequences and2nd


     jQuery framework for


          overview of

          uploading files with2nd

     overview of, 2nd, 3rd

Ajax helper

     Add Comments form2nd

     App helper for blog and

     Comments controller

          Add action2nd

          render() function2nd

     displaying comments2nd


     link() function

          copying CSS2nd

          overview of

          in View

          Vote action2nd

          Votes view

options array, passing JavaScript with

overview of, 2nd, 3rd

Prototype framework installing

          JavaScript helper, including in App controller file

          making helpers available for whole application

     submit() function

Ajax operations

ajaxLogin parameter (Auth component)

Akismet component (Zend Framework)2nd

aliases, console profile

Apache AllowOverride error at launch

Apache Friends, XAMPP

API documentation, online

App controller file

     actions and

     Calendar plugin

     components and

     including JavaScript helper in

     plugin controller extending

     uses of

app folder

     contents of

     MVC structure and

     structure of

App helper for blog

     Ajax helper, including

     BlogHelper class, creating

     comments function



          placement of

          _construct() function


     Helper file, creating

     specifying outside helper functions

     tags array

App model

     Calendar plugin

     plugin model extending

app/config/core.php file, global variables and

app/config/database.php.default file, editing2nd

app/config/routes.php file2nd

AppController object, extending

app/controllers/components directory

App::import() function

     file names and

     including vendors using2nd

     nested folders and

app/layouts/rss/default.ctp file


     See also specific applications

     changing folder structure to secure


     designing, order of creation for

     home page for

          customizing design of


          dynamic navigation, generating

     running on remote host2nd


          in CodeIgniter

          overview of2nd

          in Symfony

AppModel class

AppModel object, extending

app/models/post.php file

app/plugins directory

app/views/helpers directory

app/views/layouts/flash.ctp file

app/views/posts/rss/feed.ctp file

app/views/users/login.ctp file

app/webroot folder

arguments, and routing and2nd



     $xml configuration

associationForeignKey parameter ("has and belongs to many" relationship)

asynchronous sequence2nd

attach() function

attributes parameter, and form elements

Auth component

     checking user's role2nd

     logging in2nd

     logging out


     parameters, setting2nd

     password() function

     setting up users table

authentication. See Auth component Automagic responses of input function (Form helper)

autoRedirect parameter (Auth component)



     admin routes and


     customizing views

     editing baked views

     generating CRUD views using

          controller, baking2nd

          views, baking


     overview of

     views,creating with

          configuring console's profile to run2nd

          overview of

Bakery web site



     Tags controller2nd


beforeFilter() callback action

beforeFilter() controller action, and Auth component2nd

beforeRender() callback action

beforeSave() function


     ACL and Translate





          file, setting up2nd

          performing callbacks in2nd

          using DataSources in

          writing functions


          disable() and detach()

          enable() and attach()



     overview of


          baking Tags controller and views2nd

          fetching related posts when viewing



          inserting fields into tags table2nd

          Tags views, adjusting2nd

          using in Tag model2nd

          working with

     working with

"belongs to" relationship2nd

bindModel() function

blog application example

     See also App helper for blog; comments section of blog; Post model; Posts controller; Tree behavior to categorize blog posts; XML DataSource for blog application Auth component and

     "belongs to" relationship2nd

     blocking spam in Comments Add action2nd

     Calendar plugin

          Event model

          Events controller2nd

          events table

          files and folders, setting up

     controller actions



          variables, using in

     controllers and models, overview of

     conventions for

     database design2nd

     explanation of

     "has and belongs to many" relationship2nd

     "has many" relationship2nd

     "has one" relationship

     outputting posts as PDF files2nd

     overview of

     RSS feed

          controller action


          extension layouts

          Feed view

     tags table

     testing associations2nd

     uploading files using jQuery and Form plugin2nd


          default.ctp file2nd

          individual, creating2nd

          overview of

     writing posts with Textile

BlogHelper class2nd

built-in behaviors

built-in components



          checking user's role2nd

          logging in2nd

          logging out


          parameters, setting2nd

          password() function

          setting up users table



     overview of




          deleting and destroying sessions

          helpers and

          reading and writing session variables

built-in DataSources, working with2nd

built-in helpers


          Add Comments form2nd

          App helper for blog and

          Comments controller2nd

          displaying comments2nd


          link() function2nd

          options array, passing JavaScript with

          overview of, 2nd, 3rd

          Prototype framework2nd

          submit() function


          create function2nd

          end function

          input function2nd

          label function

          overview of2nd

          secure function2nd


          addCrumbs function2nd

          charset function

          css function2nd

          div function

          docType function2nd

          getCrumbs function2nd

          image function2nd

          link function2nd

          meta function

          nestedList function

          overview of

          para function

          style function2nd

          tableCells function2nd

          tableHeaders function2nd

          tags array

          using in default layout2nd



     overview of2nd







built-in rules for validating data2nd


cake folder, contents of

Cake Software Foundation

cake/libs/controller/components folder

cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo folder


     advantages of2nd

     community for, 2nd

     convention aspect of2nd

     CRUD operations and Bake script

     customizable elements

     features of, 2nd

     helper code

     scaffolding abilities

Calendar helper

     event details, rendering

     events function

     first week of month, rendering2nd

     overview of2nd

     week four, rendering

     weeks five and six, rendering

     weeks two and three, rendering2nd

Calendar plugin

     Event model

     Events controller

          Add and Edit actions2nd

          Index action2nd

          overview of2nd

          View action2nd

     events table

     files and folders, setting up

callback actions

callbacks, performing in behaviors2nd

calling helper class object

charset function (HTML helper)

Chat action (Posts controller)

checking user's role, and Auth component2nd

childCount() function (Tree behavior)

children() function (Tree behavior)2nd

chmod() function (Folder utility)


     See also utilities



     DATABASE_CONFIG2nd, 3rd, 4th

     File utility2nd, 3rd



     Set utility

className parameter

     "belongs to" relationship

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has one" relationship

close() function



     See also listings


     PHP shorthand in examples of

CodeIgniter framework2nd

colon (:)

     arguments and

     magic variables and

     route parameters and

command-line interface, using

command-line tools, Bake script

commands, Bake

Comment model


     vote() model function

Comments Add action, blocking spam in2nd

Comments controller

     Add action2nd


     render() function2nd

     Vote action2nd

comments() function (BlogHelper class)2nd

comments section of blog

     Add Comments form2nd

     Ajax and2nd

     Comments controller2nd

     displaying comments2nd

     link() function

          copying CSS2nd

          overview of

          in View

          Vote action2nd

          Votes view

     submit() function

     table to store comments, creating2nd

comments table, 2nd

community for CakePHP, 2nd


     See also Auth component

     App controller and

     as extending MVC structure2nd






          overview of



          Session, 2nd3rd

     controllers and, 2nd

     custom, creating2nd


     purpose of



     writing vendor files instead of

     Zend Framework

$components array

conditions for find() function2nd

conditions parameter

     "belongs to" relationship

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has one" relationship

Configure utility

Configure::write() function

configuring console's profile to run Bake2nd

conflicting names2nd

connect() function2nd

ConnectionManager utility, instantiating DataSource in behavior using

console profile aliases

_construct() function, and DataSource

Containable behavior2nd

content, localizing

Controller object, default behaviors of


     See also App controller; Comments controller; Posts controller; Users controller

     actions of



          variables, using in

     adding actions to2nd


     components and, 2nd

     Form helper and



     Tags, 2nd3rd

     for to-do list application, creating2nd

     using routes, rather than

     using vendor content in

     utilities and

convenience functions

     DataSources and



convention aspect of Cake2nd. See also naming conventions

Cookie component2nd

copy() function (Folder utility)

create() function

     File utility

     Folder utility

     Form helper2nd

create() model function2nd

cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, preventing

CRUD operations, and CakePHP

CRUD views, generating using Bake

     controller, baking2nd

     views, baking

css() function, 2nd3rd

.ctp file extension

custom behaviors2nd

custom components2nd

custom DataSources


     database configuration, setting up2nd

     disconnecting from XML file

     parsing XML file2nd

     reading XML file2nd

     skeleton, starting with2nd

     using in model2nd

     viewing data2nd

     XML DataSource file, creating

custom expressions, and route parameters

custom helpers, creating

          App helper for blog2nd

          overview of

custom model functions, writing2nd

custom plugins2nd. See also Calendar plugin


     Bake views


     design of home page for application

     helper variables2nd

     view files from scratch

          HTML form2nd

          HTML helper2nd

Cygwin command-line interface, 2nd


data, validating

     built-in rules for2nd

     multiple rules, using2nd

     Post model and2nd

database schema, designing2nd

database tables. See tables


     See also designing databases

     normalization of

     for to-do list application

          adding new item to

          designing and creating2nd

DATABASE_CONFIG class2nd, 3rd, 4th


     built-in, working with2nd



          database configuration, setting up2nd

          disconnecting from XML file

          parsing XML file2nd

          reading XML file2nd

          skeleton, starting with2nd

          using in model2nd

          viewing data2nd

          XML DataSource file, creating


     overview of

     using in behaviors

     working with2nd

date() function

debug() function2nd, 3rd, 4th

debugging application

default layout, using HTML helper in2nd

default ports, for MySQL

default.ctp file2nd

delete() function (Folder utility)

delete() scaffolded action





deny parameter (Auth component)

dependent parameter

     "has many" relationship

     "has one" relationship


     application, order of creation

     database schema2nd

     home page for application2nd

designing databases

     feature creep and

     importance of good design2nd

     overview of

     table associations

          "belongs to" relationship2nd

          conventions for

          "has and belongs to many" relationship2nd

          "has many" relationship2nd

          "has one" relationship

          tables for2nd


     for to-do list application2nd

destroying sessions

_destruct() function, and DataSource

detach() function

dirsize() function (Folder utility)

disable() function

disconnecting from XML file




     most recent posts

     related posts as links in view

     vote total with Votes view

     voting links and total votes

<div> element

div function (HTML helper)

docs folder, contents of

docType function (HTML helper)2nd

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) programming principle




driver options, and DataSources

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) programming principle


e() convenience function

echo() function

Edit action

     Events controller2nd

     Posts controller2nd, 3rd

Edit view, adjusting and testing

edit() scaffolded action


     baked views

     form fields2nd

     saved events

element functions, of input function (Form helper)2nd



     helpers compared to



Email component

     layouts, setting up


     template for, creating2nd

email() function (Email component)2nd

enable() function

enabled() function

end function (Form helper)

error messages

     setting when validating data

     in views

Event model for Calendar plugin

Events controller for Calendar plugin

     Add and Edit actions2nd

     Index action2nd

     overview of2nd

     View action2nd

events() function, Calendar helper

events table for Calendar plugin

expressions, custom, and route parameters


     comments function2nd


     MVC structure2nd

extends statement


FCKeditor, as plugin

feature creep

Feed action (Posts controller)

Feed function (Post model)

Feed view

fields, inserting into tags table2nd

fields parameter

     Auth component

     "belongs to" relationship

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has one" relationship

file extensions


     parsing files with extensions other than .php

          process of

          RSS feed, creating2nd



file names of vendors

File utility

     create() function

     overview of

     read() function, 2nd

     write() function


     See also App controller file; file extensions; individual view files










     for Calendar plugin

     for custom plugins







     naming conventions for

     PDF, outputting posts as2nd




     uploading with jQuery

          Posts Add action, creating2nd

          Posts Text action, creating2nd

          Text view, creating2nd

     vendor, writing instead of components

     XML, disconnecting from

filtering methods, and Containable behavior2nd

find() function

     Folder utility

     Index action in Posts controller

          conditions, setting for2nd

          displaying most recent posts

          overview of


find() model function

findAll() function

findByYear() function

finderQuery parameter, "has many" relationship


folder structure, changing to secure application

Folder utility

     chmod() function

     copy() function

     create() function

     delete() function

     dirsize() function

     find() function

     overview of

     read() function

     tree() function


     app, 2nd, 3rd

     app/webroot, 2nd




     for Calendar plugin

     for custom plugins



     nested, and vendors

     tmp, preparing


     views, 2nd

     webroot, 2nd

foreignKey parameter

     "belongs to" relationship

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has one" relationship

form elements, and options or attributes parameters

Form helper

     Calendar plugin Events controller and

     controller and

     create function2nd

     end function

     input function

          Automagic responses

          element functions2nd

          options parameter2nd

          overview of

          type option2nd

     label function

     overview of, 2nd, 3rd4th, 5th6th

     secure function2nd

form submission sequence

     editing or updating records2nd

     saving forms2nd

     $this->data helper2nd


     Add Comments2nd

     HTML, customizing2nd



403 HTTP server error


     advantages of

     Ajax, 2nd3rd, 4th5th

     CakePHP as


     comparison of2nd

     implementing with Cake


     Zend, 2nd3rd, 4th

friendly URLs, 2nd


     See also helpers

     addCrumbs, HTML helper2nd

     Ajax helper2nd, 3rd4th


          file names and

          including vendors using2nd

          nested folders and




          disable() and detach()

          enable() and attach()



     Calendar helper



     Calendar plugin, render()2nd

     callback, in behaviors

     charset, HTML helper

     chmod(), Folder utility


     comments(), BlogHelper class2nd



     for controllers

     convenience, 2nd, 3rd

     copy(), Folder utility


          File utility

          Folder utility

          Form helper2nd

     create() model2nd

     css(), 2nd3rd

     custom model, writing2nd

     DataSource, __construct() and __destruct()


     debug()2nd, 3rd, 4th

     delete(), Folder utility

     dirsize(), Folder utility

     div, HTML helper

     docType, HTML helper2nd



     end, Form helper



          conditions, setting for2nd

          displaying most recent posts

          Folder utility

          overview of


     find() model



     Form helper, input(), 2nd


     image, HTML helper2nd

     include(), 2nd


     for internalization



     JavaScript helper

     label, Form helper


          Ajax helper2nd

          HTML helper2nd

          overview of

          reverse routing and


     meta, HTML helper


     nestedList, HTML helper

     Number helper


     Paginator helper2nd

     para, HTML helper

     password(), Auth component

     PHP, names of


          File utility, 2nd

          Folder utility

          View action in Posts controller

     read() model



     render(), 2nd3rd, 4th, 5th





     RSS helper

     save(), 2nd3rd

     save() model2nd

     secure, Form helper2nd


     Session helper

     Set::extract()2nd, 3rd

     setFlash(), 2nd3rd Set::reverse(), 4th




     style, HTML helper2nd



     tableCells, HTML helper2nd

     tableHeaders, HTML helper2nd

     text helper

     Time helper2nd

     Tree behavior




          getParentNode() and GetPath()

          moveUp and moveDown

          overview of, 2nd






     tree(), Folder utility



     vote() model



     write(), File utility


          behavior functions

          custom model functions2nd

     XML helper



generateTreeList() function (Tree behavior)


     CRUD views using Bake2nd

     dynamic navigation for home page

getCrumbs function (HTML helper)2nd

getList() action

getParentNode() and getPath() functions (Tree behavior)

global variables

Gutmans, Andi


"has and belongs to many" relationship

     applying and testing2nd


"has many" relationship2nd

"has one" relationship

hash insertion technique

hashed passwords, and Auth component

hashPasswords parameter (Auth component)


helper code


     See also Ajax helper



          event details, rendering

          events function

     first week of month, rendering2nd

     overview of2nd

     week four, rendering

     weeks five and six, rendering

     weeks two and three, rendering2nd

creating custom

     App helper for blog2nd

     overview of

customizing variables2nd

elements compared to, 2nd

as extending MVC structure2nd


     Calendar plugin, Events controller and

     controller and

     create function2nd

     end function

     input function2nd

     label function

     overview of, 2nd, 3rd4th, 5th6th

     secure function2nd


     addCrumbs function2nd

     charset function

     css function2nd

     div function

     docType function2nd

     getCrumbs function2nd

     image function2nd

     link function2nd

     meta function

     nestedList function

     overview of2nd, 3rd

     para function

     style function2nd

     tableCells function2nd

     tableHeaders function2nd

     tags array

     using in default layout2nd


JavaScript, 2nd3rd

making available for whole application



     overview of2nd




     specifying outside helper functions

     syntax for





     views and


home page for application

     customizing design of


          Pages controller, using2nd

          Posts Index action, using

     dynamic navigation, generating

HTML form, customizing2nd

HTML helper

     addCrumbs function2nd

     charset function

     css function2nd

     div function

     docType function2nd

     getCrumbs function2nd

     image function2nd

     link function2nd

     meta function

     nestedList function

     overview of2nd, 3rd

     para function

     style function2nd

     tableCells function2nd

     tableHeaders function2nd

     tags array

     using in default layout2nd

$html->link() function

HTTP Socket utility2nd

httpd.conf file, and Apache AllowOverride error


id value for records

Iglesias, Mariano

image function (HTML helper)2nd

include files, and MVC structure

include() function, 2nd




Index action

     Events controller

          Calendar helper2nd


          overview of

     Posts controller, find() function conditions, setting for2nd

          displaying most recent posts

          overview of



     paginate() function

     recursive attribute

Index action view



     post listings in

index() scaffolded action

Index view, adjusting

index.ctp file

individual view files

     controller, adding actions to2nd


     customizing from scratch

          HTML form2nd

          HTML helper2nd


          debug() function2nd

          overview of2nd

initialize() function, creating custom


initializing Ajax helper

input() function (Form helper)

     Automagic responses

     element functions2nd

     options parameter2nd

     overview of, 2nd, 3rd

     type option2nd

inserting fields into tags table2nd



     jQuery and Form plugin

     localhost server

          configuring on computer2nd

          Mac OS X, setting up on2nd

          Windows, setting up on2nd

     MySQL, running

          settings for

          tools for

     Prototype framework for Ajax

     third-party plugins2nd


instantiating Textile

interacting with web sites. See Ajax framework

internalization, functions for

internalization standards for utilities

inversion control

isAuthorized() function

isSpam() function (Akismet component)

Item class

Item model, creating2nd

item.php file, code for

items table, and scaffolding feature2nd

ItemsController class

items_controller.php file, creating2nd


JavaScript, passing with options array (Ajax helper)

JavaScript helper

     including in App controller file

     overview of2nd

joinTable parameter ("has and belongs to many" relationship)

jQuery framework for Ajax2nd


label function (Form helper)

language, switching




          Apache AllowOverride error

          overview of2nd

          permissions error

     to-do list application2nd


     default.ctp file2nd


     plugin, using

layouts folder, contents of

limit parameter

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has many" relationship

link() function

     Ajax helper

          copying CSS2nd

          overview of

          in View

          Vote action2nd

          Votes view

     HTML helper2nd

     overview of

     reverse routing and

linking admin actions and views

links, managing with HTML helper

Linux, and command-line interface


     Add action

          file upload feature

          Posts controller

     Add Comments form

     Add view, rebuilding from scratch

     add_success.ctp file

     Ajax helper submit() function

     Akismet component

          in Comments Add action


     App helper


          tags array

     app/controllers/items_controller.php file

     app/layouts/rss/default.ctp file

     app/models/item.php file

     app/plugins/calendar/views/events/add.ctp file

     app/plugins/calendar/views/events/edit.ctp file

     app/views/elements/menu.ctp element

     app/views/posts/rss/feed.ctp file

     app/views/users/login.ctp file

     Auth component

          parameters in beforeFilter() action

          in Users controller

     Baked contents of Posts Add View file

     basic component file

     beforeFilter() callback action

     behavior file example

     "belongs to" relationship

     Calendar helper

          closing out render() function

          event details

          events function

          first week of month

          initializing variables for

          week four

          weeks five and six

          weeks two and three

     Calendar plugin, Index view contents

     CalendarEvent model

     chats table for Ajax Chat plugin

     close() function

     Comment model


          vote() model function

     Comments controller

          Add action


          Vote action

     comments table, creating

     comments() function

          BlogHelper class2nd

          options array2nd


          including in controller with $components array

          running in controller

          startup() function

     ConnectionManager utility, instantiating DataSource in behavior using

     controller action, basic

     controller class, naming

     CSS code for default layout

     CSS markup for voting tool

     data.xml file, contents to be added to

     Database Configuration File

          adding localhost settings to



     DataSource files, main skeleton for


          related posts as links in view

          session Flash messages

     English locale file content

     Events controller

          Add and Edit actions

          Index action

          initial contents of

          View action

          View action's view

     events table for Calendar plugin

     findAll() function

     Form helper input() function

     form, simple

     "has many" relationship, assigning

     "has one" relationship, assigning

     HTML helper

          link() function

          tags array

          using in default layout

     HTML layout

     importing utility and instantiating class object

     Index action in Posts controller



     Index view, creating

     model, naming

     parent_id select menu in Add and Edit views

     plugin controller extending App controller

     plugin file structure

     plugin layout, using in plugin controller

     plugin model extending App model

     Post model

          custom findByYear() function in

          Feed function

          "has and belongs to many" relationship

          isAuthorized() function

          overview of

          validation rules for

     Posts controller

          Add action


          Edit action2nd

          Feed action

          Index action, adding

          isAuthorized() function

          PDF action2nd

          Read action

          Text action

          View action

     Posts view

          adding comments section to

          comments loop in

     PostsController file

     posts_tags table, creating

     .profile file, editing

     replacing text parameter with vote tag

     returned array from findByYear() function

     SQL table structures

     starting new Textile class

     Tag model


          with Tree behavior

     Tags controller



     tags table


          with required fields

     Text view

     $this->data, contents of

     unbindModel() function

     Users controller, Logout action

     users table, adding role field in



          including Textile as

          using in controller

     View action

          adjusted, to provide associated comments for view

          with children() function

          in Posts controller

          view file

     View code to display voting links and total votes

     view, simplified

     voteDownLink() function

     Votes view, creating

     voteUpLink() function

     webroot/index.php file, changing for remote host

     $xml configuration array

     XML DataSource, 2nd

     xmlFindAll() function

Living-e, MAMP

loadConfig() function

localhost environment, running Cake on



     overview of


localhost server

     configuring on computer2nd

     setting up

          on Mac OS X2nd

          on Windows2nd

localization standards for utilities



     web sites

logging in

     Auth component and2nd

     MVC structure and

logging out, and Auth component

Login action (Users controller)2nd

loginAction parameter (Auth component)

loginError parameter (Auth component)

loginRedirect parameter (Auth component)

Logout action (Users controller)

L10n utility

     localizing content

     localizing web sites

     overview of

     translating strings


Mac OS

     command-line interface and

     localhost setup for2nd

magic variables, and route parameters2nd

MAMP (Living-e)

MAMP main application screen (Mac OS X)


     access control lists

     links with HTML helper

"many-to-many" relationship. See "has and belongs to many" relationship

menu system for application, creating

message key

meta function (HTML helper)

MinGW command-line interface, 2nd

mktime() function

model functions




Model object, default behaviors of

Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure

     benefits of

     Cake areas


     default behaviors2nd


     login process in

     overview of2nd, 3rd, 4th

     to-do list application


     See also DataSources; Post model


     Comment, 2nd


     extending, resources for



     Tag, 2nd

     for to-do list application, creating2nd

moveUp and moveDown() functions (Tree behavior)

multiple rules for validating data, using2nd

multiple word names

MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure

     benefits of

     Cake areas


     default behaviors2nd


     login process in

     overview of2nd, 3rd, 4th

     to-do list application


     connection settings, entering2nd


          settings for

          tools for

MySQL DataSource, extending model with

MySQL Query Browser


naming conventions

     best practices for2nd




     multiple word names

     overview of

     for plugin elements2nd








     table associations

     table of


navigation for home page, generating dynamic

nested folders, and vendors

nestedList function (HTML helper)

New Item screen

New Post screen

normalization of database

Number helper


on parameter, and validating data

"one-to-many" ("has many") relationship2nd

"one-to-one" ("has one") relationship

online communities

     CakePHP, 2nd


open source projects, PHP frameworks as

options array

     Ajax helper, passing JavaScript with

     comments() function of BlogHelper class2nd

options parameter

     form elements and

     of input function (Form helper)2nd

order parameter

     "has and belongs to many" relationship

     "has many" relationship


page request, simple

     customizing view file from scratch2nd

     debug() function and2nd

     View action and2nd, 3rd, 4th

Pages controller, creating home page for application with2nd

paginate() function, Index action in Posts controller

Paginator helper2nd

para function (HTML helper)


     See also specific parameters

     Auth component2nd, 3rd4th

     find() function2nd

     form elements and

     passed arguments compared to

     read() function

     redirect() function


     save() function


     setFlash() function


     files with extensions other than .php

          process of

          RSS feed, creating2nd

     XML file2nd

Pass key, and route parameters

passedArgs array


     JavaScript with options array (Ajax helper)

     variables through routing engine2nd

password function(), Auth component

path strings for connecting application to MySQL socket

paths for remote setup

PDF files, outputting posts as2nd

performance issues, and App controller file and

permissions, changing with Folder utility

permissions error at launch

PHP frameworks. See frameworks

PHP function names

PHP language, advantages of2nd

PHP object, extending

PHP scripting, typical flow for

PHP shorthand

     echo() function

     in code examples



     Ajax Chat2nd


          Event model

          Events controller2nd

          events table

          files and folders, setting up



          layouts, using

          naming convention for elements2nd

          running actions

     description of


     resources for


ports, default, for MySQL

Post model

     Feed function

     isAuthorized() function

     validating data

          built-in rules for2nd

          multiple rules, using2nd

          multiple validations, using

          on parameter

          overview of2nd

          required fields

          setting error messages

     writing custom functions for2nd

     xmlFindAll() function

$post variable, debug() function displaying contents of

Posts controller

     Add action

          file upload feature2nd

          overview of, 2nd3rd

          save() function2nd


     baking views off

     beforeFilter() action

     Chat action

     Edit action2nd, 3rd

     Feed action

     Index action


          find() function2nd


          paginate() function

          recursive attribute

     isAuthorized() function

     PDF action2nd

     Read action

     Router::connect() function and

     Text action2nd

     View action

          with children() function

          overview of, 2nd

          read() function

          redirect() function2nd

          setFlash() function2nd

     Posts Index action, creating home page for

     application with

posts table for blog, creating

pr() convenience function

.profile file

Prototype framework for Ajax

     Ajax helper and


     JavaScript helper, including in App controller file

     making helpers available for whole application

Prototype JavaScript library, and Ajax Chat plugin

Pseudocoder Ajax Chat plugin2nd

public files


query results, trimming

     bindModel() function

     unbindModel() function2nd


Read action (Posts controller)

read() function

     File utility, 2nd

     Folder utility

     View action in Posts controller

read() model function



     global variables

     session variables

     XML files2nd

receiver functions

recent posts, displaying using find() function

records, id value for

recover() function (Tree behavior)

recursive attribute (Index action in Posts controller)

redirect() function (View action in Posts controller)2nd

redundancy and MVC

remote host, running application on2nd

removeFromTree() function (Tree behavior)

render() function

     Calendar helper

     Calendar plugin

     Comments controller2nd

     overview of

request handling, HTTP Socket utility2nd

requestAction() function

RequestHandler component

requesting controller actions

required fields, when validating data

resolving URLs

resources, naming







resources that extend MVC structure2nd. See also behaviors; DataSources reverse routing

URL lookups and

verbose linking

role field, adding in users table

Router::connect() function2nd

Router::parseExtensions() function

routes, using, rather than controllers

routes.php file



     app/config/routes.php file2nd

     arguments and2nd

     overview of


     parsing files with extensions other than .php

          process of

          RSS feed, creating2nd


          URL lookups and

          verbose linking

$rss->document() function

RSS feed

     controller action


     extension layouts

     Feed view

.rss file extension

RSS helper


     See also running Cake

     application on remote host2nd


          settings for

          tools for

     plugin actions


running Cake

     database schema, designing2nd

     on localhost environment



          overview of


     MySQL connection settings, entering2nd

     setup routines2nd


Sanitize utility

save() function, 2nd3rd

save() model function2nd

saving forms2nd

$scaffold attribute

scaffolded actions2nd


     creating for to-do list application2nd

     overview of2nd

scaffolding feature

     moving beyond

     testing associations with2nd

secure function (Form helper)2nd

securing application for running on remote host

Security component

Security.salt value, changing2nd

send() function (Email component)2nd

separating parameters

Session component

     deleting and destroying sessions

     helpers and

     reading and writing session variables

session handling, adding security to

Session helper

Set utility class

Set::extract() function2nd, 3rd

setFlash() function, 2nd3rd

Set::reverse() function

setParent() function (Tree behavior)

setup routines, running2nd

setup() function (Tree behavior)

slashes, URLs and


spam, blocking in Comments Add action2nd

<span> element

starting. See launching

startup() function, creating custom components2nd

status parameter for redirect() parameter

storing global variables

strftime() function

strings, translating

strtotime() function

Struts, Cake compared to

style function (HTML helper)2nd

style sheet, creating2nd

submit() function (Ajax helper)

supplier functions

Suraski, Zeev

Symfony framework


table associations

     belongs to relationship2nd

     conventions for

     database design2nd

     "has and belongs to many" relationship2nd

     "has many" relationship2nd

     "has one" relationship


table structure for to-do list application

tableCells function (HTML helper)2nd

tableHeaders function (HTML helper)2nd



     comments, 2nd



     naming, 2nd



     tags, 2nd3rd

     users, 2nd, 3rd

Tag model, 2nd3rd

Tags Add view

tags array

     App helper

     HTML helper

Tags controller, baking2nd

tags table for blog application, 2nd3rd

Tags views, adjusting2nd

test suite


     "has and belongs to many" relationship for tags and posts

     table associations2nd

     unit testing


Text action (Posts controller), file upload feature2nd

Text helper

Text view2nd


third-party components

third-party plugins2nd

third-party scripts. See vendors

$this->data helper2nd

$this identifier

$this->params array2nd

.thtml file extension

Time helper2nd

tmp folder, preparing

to-do list application

     controllers for, creating2nd

     database for, designing and creating2nd


     models for, creating2nd

     MVC structure and

     scaffolding, creating2nd

tools. See Bake; utilities

Translate behavior

translating strings

Tree behavior

     to categorize blog posts

          baking Tags controller and views2nd

          fetching related posts when viewing tag2nd

          inserting fields into tags table2nd

          Tags views, adjusting2nd

          using in Tag model2nd


tree() function (Folder utility)

trimming query results2nd

troubleshooting launch2nd

type option of input function (Form helper)2nd


unbindModel() function2nd

underscore (_) character

_() function

unidirectional scripting

unit testing, benefits of

updating form fields2nd

uploading files with jQuery

     Posts Add action, creating2nd

     Posts Text action, creating2nd

     Text view, creating2nd

URL lookups

URL parameter for redirect() function




user interactions

     asynchronous sequence2nd

     form submission sequence

          editing or updating records2nd

          saving forms2nd

          $this->data helper2nd

     overview of

     simple page request2nd

user's role, checking, and Auth component2nd

userModel parameter (Auth component)

Users controller

     Add link

     Login action2nd

     Logout action

users table

     adding role field in

     Auth component and

     users table for blog, creating

     users table, and Auth component




     controllers and


          create() function

          overview of

          read() function

          write() function


          chmod() function

          copy() function

          create() function

          delete() function

          dirsize() function

          find() function

          overview of

          read() function

          tree() function

     HTTP Socket2nd

     internationalization standards for

     localization standards and


          content, localizing

          overview of

          translating strings

          web sites, localizing

     overview of



validating data, Post model and

     built-in rules for2nd

     multiple rules, using2nd

     multiple validations, using

     on parameter

     overview of2nd

     required fields

     setting error messages

var $helpers array



     helper, customizing2nd

     magic, and route parameters2nd

     session, reading and writing

     using in controller actions

vendor files, writing instead of components


     assumptions made about2nd

     description of

     file names



     nested folders and

     unidirectional scripting and

     vendors folder, contents of

verbose linking

verify() function (Tree behavior)

View action

     with children() function

     Events controller2nd

     Posts controller

          overview of, 2nd

          read() function

          redirect() function2nd

          setFlash() function2nd

view() scaffolded action

View view, adjusting

viewing XML data in data.xml2nd


     Add, adjusting and testing

     admin, linking with admin actions



          configuring console's profile to run2nd

          creating with


          editing baked views

          generating CRUD views using2nd


     default.ctp file, 2nd

     Edit, adjusting and testing

     elements and

     error messages in


     helpers and, 2nd

     Index, adjusting

     Index action2nd, 3rd

     individual, creating2nd


     overview of


     Tags, adjusting2nd


     user interactions

          asynchronous sequence2nd

          form submission sequence2nd

          simple page request2nd

     using vendor content in

     View, adjusting


     writing individual files

          customizing from scratch2nd

          customizing HTML form2nd

          debug() function2nd

          overview of2nd

views folder


     MVC structure and

Vote action (Comments controller)2nd

vote() model function

voteDownLink() function

Votes view

voteUpLink() function


Web 2.0

web sites

     Ajax frameworks

     API documentation


     Cake PHP community

     CodeIgniter user guide

     command-line interface for Windows

     interacting with


     MAMP (Living-e)

     MySQL tools

     PHP frameworks


     Symfony community


     third-party helpers

     XAMPP (Apache Friends)

     Zend Framework

webroot folder, 2nd

welcome screen



     tmp folder and

     with existing database


     command-line interface and

     localhost setup for2nd

write() function (File utility)


     behavior functions

     to cookie

     custom model functions2nd

     global variables

     individual view files

          customizing from scratch2nd

          customizing HTML form2nd

          debug() function2nd

          overview of2nd

          posts with Textile

          session variables

          vendor files instead of components


XAMPP (Apache Friends)

XAMPP Control Panel screen (Windows)

$xml configuration array

XML DataSource for blog application


     database configuration, setting up2nd

     disconnecting from XML file

     file, creating

     parsing XML file2nd

     reading XML file2nd

     skeleton, starting with2nd

     using in model2nd

     viewing data2nd

XML helper

xmlFindAll() function


Zend Framework

     Cake compared to

     community support

     features of

     founders of

     PDF component2nd

     web service library2nd

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