An Effective Process for Dealing with Bugs

Whenever you encounter a bug that has a nontrivial or non-obvious solution, engage the following process to get it fixed:

An Effective Process for Dealing with Bugs

As you can see, the outlined process begins by trying to solve the problem yourself, and in the event that you can’t, it incrementally increases the scope of the search for solutions. Ideally, however, you don’t want to have to upgrade the problem to hours of searching on the Internet if at all possible. You simply want to be able to deal with the problem yourself and move on. In order to be able to do this with any sort of confidence, you need two things:

  • Experience
  • A toolkit for solving problems

Unfortunately, you can’t gain experience from a book, so the next section will focus on giving you the tools to complete the job—how much experience you gain is really up to you. Once you have a few tricks of the trade under your belt, you will find that solving problems becomes, more often than not, a satisfying occupation. Remember, that every time you attempt to solve a problem in your code, you are learning more about the software, which will in turn help you the next time round.

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