Configuring PuTTY

Now that we have the firmware installed, it is time to access it using PuTTY. In order to do this, we must first configure PuTTY:

  1. To start PuTTY, select the Session category and set the Connection type to SSH. Enter /<relay_domain> in Host Name (or IP address) and 22 in Port. For example, for my relay domain, williamprettysecurity-system1-ssh, the Host Name would be seen as in the following screenshot:
    Configuring PuTTY

    Session category

  2. Select the Connection category and set Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off) to 5.
    Configuring PuTTY

    Connection category

  3. Check the Disable Nagle's algorithm (TCP_NODELAY option) checkbox. (This will make the connection more responsible.)
  4. Navigate to Connection | Proxy and set Proxy type: to HTTP. Enter in Proxy hostname and 80 in Port.
    Configuring PuTTY

    Proxy page

  5. Navigate to Connection | Data and enter root in Auto-login username.
    Configuring PuTTY

    Data page

  6. Select the Session category, enter a name such as SSH via Yaler in Saved Sessions and click Save.
  7. Now that we have PuTTY configured to use SSH and we have established a YalerTunnel, let's see the kind of cool things we can do.

Well, first of all, we can hook a Bluetooth adapter and a WiFi adapter to our BeagleBone. In order to do this, we will need a powered USB hub. It is very important that the hub be a powered version because both the Bluetooth and WiFi adapters draw too much current for the USB on the BeagleBone to supply. While we are at it, the BeagleBone itself should also have an external 5V supply.

To use the Bluetooth adapter, we must edit the configuration file in/var/lib/connman/settings.





Enable=true <- Change this line from 'false' to 'true

This will enable Bluetooth devices on your BeagleBone; otherwise, the hciconfig hci0 up command will give you an error.

The next thing that we have to do is install the WiFi tools package so that we can use the WiFi adapter.

You can do this with the following command:

opkg install wireless-tools

Reboot the system, and we are ready to try some wireless commands.

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