168 5.5 Disaster Recovery Phase Report
5.4.4 Handling Media during the Disaster
Recovery Phase
Media contact during the disaster recovery phase has to be handled very
carefully. All information released to the public at this time has to be accu-
rate, and speculation should be reduced to the minimum. Media interviews
and press release statements should be handled by persons who have been
specifically authorized to undertake such duties. Other persons who have
not been authorized to speak to the media should be strongly discouraged
from doing so. Prepare a policy or strategy in advance of an emergency situ-
ation to be followed by the person authorized to release information to the
media. This section of the BCP should contain information on the policy
to be followed and the name and emergency contact numbers of the per-
sons authorized to speak to the media.
5.4.5 Maintaining an Event Log during Disaster
Recovery Phase
It is important that all key events during the disaster recovery phase be
recorded. An event log should be maintained by the leader of the disaster
recovery team. This event log should be started at the commencement of
the emergency, and a copy of the log should be passed on to the business
recovery team once the initial dangers have been controlled. The format of
the event log was discussed previously but, at a minimum, it should include
the date, time, title of the event, a brief description of the event, and out-
comes. It should also include follow up action needed, as appropriate.
5.5 Disaster Recovery Phase Report
On completion of the initial disaster recovery phase, the DRT leader
should prepare a report on the activities undertaken. The report should
contain information on the emergency, who was notified and when, the
actions taken by members of the DRT, and the outcomes arising from those
actions. The report will also contain an assessment of the impact to normal
business operations. This report is also known as an “After-Actions Report
and should answer the following questions:
What have you learned while managing this disaster?
How can it help in future disaster response operations?
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