11.3.1. Associative Container Iterators

When we dereference an iterator, we get a reference to a value of the container’s value_type. In the case of map, the value_type is a pair in which first holds the const key and second holds the value:

// get an iterator to an element in word_count
auto map_it = word_count.begin();
// *map_it is a reference to a pair<const string, size_t> object
cout << map_it->first;          // prints the key for this element
cout << " " << map_it->second;  // prints the value of the element
map_it->first = "new key";      // error: key is const
++map_it->second;     // ok: we can change the value through an iterator

Image Note

It is essential to remember that the value_type of a map is a pair and that we can change the value but not the key member of that pair.

Iterators for sets Are const

Although the set types define both the iterator and const_iterator types, both types of iterators give us read-only access to the elements in the set. Just as we cannot change the key part of a map element, the keys in a set are also const. We can use a set iterator to read, but not write, an element’s value:

set<int> iset = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
set<int>::iterator set_it = iset.begin();
if (set_it != iset.end()) {
    *set_it = 42;            // error: keys in a set are read-only
    cout << *set_it << endl; // ok: can read the key

Iterating across an Associative Container

The map and set types provide all the begin and end operations from Table 9.2 (p. 330). As usual, we can use these functions to obtain iterators that we can use to traverse the container. For example, we can rewrite the loop that printed the results in our word-counting program on page 421 as follows:

// get an iterator positioned on the first element
auto map_it = word_count.cbegin();
// compare the current iterator to the off-the-end iterator
while (map_it != word_count.cend()) {
    // dereference the iterator to print the element key--value pairs
    cout << map_it->first << " occurs "
         << map_it->second << " times" << endl;
    ++map_it;  // increment the iterator to denote the next element

The while condition and increment for the iterator in this loop look a lot like the programs we wrote that printed the contents of a vector or a string. We initialize an iterator, map_it, to refer to the first element in word_count. As long as the iterator is not equal to the end value, we print the current element and then increment the iterator. The output statement dereferences map_it to get the members of pair but is otherwise the same as the one in our original program.

Image Note

The output of this program is in alphabetical order. When we use an iterator to traverse a map, multimap, set, or multiset, the iterators yield elements in ascending key order.

Associative Containers and Algorithms

In general, we do not use the generic algorithms (Chapter 10) with the associative containers. The fact that the keys are const means that we cannot pass associative container iterators to algorithms that write to or reorder container elements. Such algorithms need to write to the elements. The elements in the set types are const, and those in maps are pairs whose first element is const.

Associative containers can be used with the algorithms that read elements. However, many of these algorithms search the sequence. Because elements in an associative container can be found (quickly) by their key, it is almost always a bad idea to use a generic search algorithm. For example, as we’ll see in § 11.3.5 (p. 436), the associative containers define a member named find, which directly fetches the element with a given key. We could use the generic find algorithm to look for an element, but that algorithm does a sequential search. It is much faster to use the find member defined by the container than to call the generic version.

In practice, if we do so at all, we use an associative container with the algorithms either as the source sequence or as a destination. For example, we might use the generic copy algorithm to copy the elements from an associative container into another sequence. Similarly, we can call inserter to bind an insert iterator (§ 10.4.1, p. 401) to an associative container. Using inserter, we can use the associative container as a destination for another algorithm.

Exercises Section 11.3.1

Exercise 11.15: What are the mapped_type, key_type, and value_type of a map from int to vector<int>?

Exercise 11.16: Using a map iterator write an expression that assigns a value to an element.

Exercise 11.17: Assuming c is a multiset of strings and v is a vector of strings, explain the following calls. Indicate whether each call is legal:

copy(v.begin(), v.end(), inserter(c, c.end()));
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), back_inserter(c));
copy(c.begin(), c.end(), inserter(v, v.end()));
copy(c.begin(), c.end(), back_inserter(v));

Exercise 11.18: Write the type of map_it from the loop on page 430 without using auto or decltype.

Exercise 11.19: Define a variable that you initialize by calling begin() on the multiset named bookstore from § 11.2.2 (p. 425). Write the variable’s type without using auto or decltype.

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