3.5.1. Defining and Initializing Built-in Arrays

Arrays are a compound type (§ 2.3, p. 50). An array declarator has the form a[d], where a is the name being defined and d is the dimension of the array. The dimension specifies the number of elements and must be greater than zero. The number of elements in an array is part of the array’s type. As a result, the dimension must be known at compile time, which means that the dimension must be a constant expression (§ 2.4.4, p. 65):

unsigned cnt = 42;          // not a constant expression
constexpr unsigned sz = 42; // constant expression
                            // constexpr see § 2.4.4 (p. 66)
int arr[10];             // array of ten ints
int *parr[sz];           // array of 42 pointers to int
string bad[cnt];         // error: cnt is not a constant expression
string strs[get_size()]; // ok if get_size is constexpr, error otherwise

By default, the elements in an array are default initialized (§ 2.2.1, p. 43).

Image Warning

As with variables of built-in type, a default-initialized array of built-in type that is defined inside a function will have undefined values.

When we define an array, we must specify a type for the array. We cannot use auto to deduce the type from a list of initializers. As with vector, arrays hold objects. Thus, there are no arrays of references.

Explicitly Initializing Array Elements

We can list initialize (§ 3.3.1, p. 98) the elements in an array. When we do so, we can omit the dimension. If we omit the dimension, the compiler infers it from the number of initializers. If we specify a dimension, the number of initializers must not exceed the specified size. If the dimension is greater than the number of initializers, the initializers are used for the first elements and any remaining elements are value initialized (§ 3.3.1, p. 98):

const unsigned sz = 3;
int ia1[sz] = {0,1,2};        // array of three ints with values 0, 1, 2
int a2[] = {0, 1, 2};         // an array of dimension 3
int a3[5] = {0, 1, 2};        // equivalent to a3[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 0}
string a4[3] = {"hi", "bye"}; // same as a4[] =  {"hi", "bye", ""}
int a5[2] = {0,1,2};          // error: too many initializers

Character Arrays Are Special

Character arrays have an additional form of initialization: We can initialize such arrays from a string literal (§ 2.1.3, p. 39). When we use this form of initialization, it is important to remember that string literals end with a null character. That null character is copied into the array along with the characters in the literal:

char a1[] = {'C', '+', '+'};       // list initialization, no null
char a2[] = {'C', '+', '+', ''}; // list initialization, explicit null
char a3[] = "C++";                 // null terminator added automatically
const char a4[6] = "Daniel";       // error: no space for the null!

The dimension of a1 is 3; the dimensions of a2 and a3 are both 4. The definition of a4 is in error. Although the literal contains only six explicit characters, the array size must be at least seven—six to hold the literal and one for the null.

No Copy or Assignment

We cannot initialize an array as a copy of another array, nor is it legal to assign one array to another:

int a[] = {0, 1, 2}; // array of three ints
int a2[] = a;        // error: cannot initialize one array with another
a2 = a;              // error: cannot assign one array to another

Image Warning

Some compilers allow array assignment as a compiler extension. It is usually a good idea to avoid using nonstandard features. Programs that use such features, will not work with a different compiler.

Understanding Complicated Array Declarations

Like vectors, arrays can hold objects of most any type. For example, we can have an array of pointers. Because an array is an object, we can define both pointers and references to arrays. Defining arrays that hold pointers is fairly straightforward, defining a pointer or reference to an array is a bit more complicated:

int *ptrs[10];            //  ptrs is an array of ten pointers to int
int &refs[10] = /* ? */;  //  error: no arrays of references
int (*Parray)[10] = &arr; //  Parray points to an array of ten ints
int (&arrRef)[10] = arr;  //  arrRef refers to an array of ten ints

By default, type modifiers bind right to left. Reading the definition of ptrs from right to left (§ 2.3.3, p. 58) is easy: We see that we’re defining an array of size 10, named ptrs, that holds pointers to int.

Reading the definition of Parray from right to left isn’t as helpful. Because the array dimension follows the name being declared, it can be easier to read array declarations from the inside out rather than from right to left. Reading from the inside out makes it much easier to understand the type of Parray. We start by observing that the parentheses around *Parray mean that Parray is a pointer. Looking right, we see that Parray points to an array of size 10. Looking left, we see that the elements in that array are ints. Thus, Parray is a pointer to an array of ten ints. Similarly, (&arrRef) says that arrRef is a reference. The type to which it refers is an array of size 10. That array holds elements of type int.

Of course, there are no limits on how many type modifiers can be used:

int *(&arry)[10] = ptrs; // arry is a reference to an array of ten pointers

Reading this declaration from the inside out, we see that arry is a reference. Looking right, we see that the object to which arry refers is an array of size 10. Looking left, we see that the element type is pointer to int. Thus, arry is a reference to an array of ten pointers.

Image Tip

It can be easier to understand array declarations by starting with the array’s name and reading them from the inside out.

Exercises Section 3.5.1

Exercise 3.27: Assuming txt_size is a function that takes no arguments and returns an int value, which of the following definitions are illegal? Explain why.

unsigned buf_size = 1024;

(a) int ia[buf_size];

(b) int ia[4 * 7 - 14];

(c) int ia[txt_size()];

(d) char st[11] = "fundamental";

Exercise 3.28: What are the values in the following arrays?

string sa[10];
int ia[10];
int main() {
    string sa2[10];
    int    ia2[10];

Exercise 3.29: List some of the drawbacks of using an array instead of a vector.

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