Remember That Operands Can Be Evaluated in Any Order

Most operators give no guarantee as to the order in which operands will be evaluated (§ 4.1.3, p. 137). This lack of guaranteed order often doesn’t matter. The cases where it does matter are when one subexpression changes the value of an operand that is used in another subexpression. Because the increment and decrement operators change their operands, it is easy to misuse these operators in compound expressions.

To illustrate the problem, we’ll rewrite the loop from § 3.4.1 (p. 108) that capitalizes the first word in the input. That example used a for loop:

for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end() && !isspace(*it); ++it)
    *it = toupper(*it); // capitalize the current character

which allowed us to separate the statement that dereferenced beg from the one that incremented it. Replacing the for with a seemingly equivalent while

// the behavior of the following loop is undefined!
while (beg != s.end() && !isspace(*beg))
    *beg = toupper(*beg++);   // error: this assignment is undefined

results in undefined behavior. The problem is that in the revised version, both the left- and right-hand operands to = use beg and the right-hand operand changes beg. The assignment is therefore undefined. The compiler might evaluate this expression as either

*beg = toupper(*beg);        // execution if left-hand side is evaluated first
*(beg + 1) = toupper(*beg);  // execution if right-hand side is evaluated first

or it might evaluate it in yet some other way.

Exercises Section 4.5

Exercise 4.17: Explain the difference between prefix and postfix increment.

Exercise 4.18: What would happen if the while loop on page 148 that prints the elements from a vector used the prefix increment operator?

Exercise 4.19: Given that ptr points to an int, that vec is a vector<int>, and that ival is an int, explain the behavior of each of these expressions. Which, if any, are likely to be incorrect? Why? How might each be corrected?

(a) ptr != 0 && *ptr++

(b) ival++ && ival

(c) vec[ival++] <= vec[ival]

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