Class-Template Partial Specializations

Differently from function templates, a class template specialization does not have to supply an argument for every template parameter. We can specify some, but not all, of the template parameters or some, but not all, aspects of the parameters. A class template partial specialization is itself a template. Users must supply arguments for those template parameters that are not fixed by the specialization.

Image Note

We can partially specialize only a class template. We cannot partially specialize a function template.

In § 16.2.3 (p. 684) we introduced the library remove_reference type. That template works through a series of specializations:

// original, most general template
template <class T> struct remove_reference {
    typedef T type;
// partial specializations that will be used for lvalue and rvalue references
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&>  // lvalue references
    { typedef T type; };
template <class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> // rvalue references
    { typedef T type; };

The first template defines the most general version. It can be instantiated with any type; it uses its template argument as the type for its member named type. The next two classes are partial specializations of this original template.

Because a partial specialization is a template, we start, as usual, by defining the template parameters. Like any other specialization, a partial specialization has the same name as the template it specializes. The specialization’s template parameter list includes an entry for each template parameter whose type is not completely fixed by this partial specialization. After the class name, we specify arguments for the template parameters we are specializing. These arguments are listed inside angle brackets following the template name. The arguments correspond positionally to the parameters in the original template.

The template parameter list of a partial specialization is a subset of, or a specialization of, the parameter list of the original template. In this case, the specializations have the same number of parameters as the original template. However, the parameter’s type in the specializations differ from the original template. The specializations will be used for lvalue and rvalue reference types, respectively:

int i;
// decltype(42) is int, uses the original template
remove_reference<decltype(42)>::type a;
// decltype(i) is int&, uses first (T&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(i)>::type b;
// decltype(std::move(i)) is int&&, uses second (i.e., T&&) partial specialization
remove_reference<decltype(std::move(i))>::type c;

All three variables, a, b, and c, have type int.

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