10.2.2. Algorithms That Write Container Elements


Some algorithms assign new values to the elements in a sequence. When we use an algorithm that assigns to elements, we must take care to ensure that the sequence into which the algorithm writes is at least as large as the number of elements we ask the algorithm to write. Remember, algorithms do not perform container operations, so they have no way themselves to change the size of a container.

Some algorithms write to elements in the input range itself. These algorithms are not inherently dangerous because they write only as many elements as are in the specified range.

As one example, the fill algorithm takes a pair of iterators that denote a range and a third argument that is a value. fill assigns the given value to each element in the input sequence:

fill(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0);  // reset each element to 0
// set a subsequence of the container to 10
fill(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + vec.size()/2, 10);

Because fill writes to its given input sequence, so long as we pass a valid input sequence, the writes will be safe.

Algorithms Do Not Check Write Operations

Some algorithms take an iterator that denotes a separate destination. These algorithms assign new values to the elements of a sequence starting at the element denoted by the destination iterator. For example, the fill_n function takes a single iterator, a count, and a value. It assigns the given value to the specified number of elements starting at the element denoted to by the iterator. We might use fill_n to assign a new value to the elements in a vector:

vector<int> vec;  // empty vector
// use vec giving it various values
fill_n(vec.begin(), vec.size(), 0); // reset all the elements of vec to 0

The fill_n function assumes that it is safe to write the specified number of elements. That is, for a call of the form

fill_n(dest, n, val)

fill_n assumes that dest refers to an element and that there are at least n elements in the sequence starting from dest.

It is a fairly common beginner mistake to call fill_n (or similar algorithms that write to elements) on a container that has no elements:

vector<int> vec;  // empty vector
// disaster: attempts to write to ten (nonexistent) elements in vec
fill_n(vec.begin(), 10, 0);

This call to fill_n is a disaster. We specified that ten elements should be written, but there are no such elements—vec is empty. The result is undefined.

Image Warning

Algorithms that write to a destination iterator assume the destination is large enough to hold the number of elements being written.

Introducing back_inserter

One way to ensure that an algorithm has enough elements to hold the output is to use an insert iterator. An insert iterator is an iterator that adds elements to a container. Ordinarily, when we assign to a container element through an iterator, we assign to the element that iterator denotes. When we assign through an insert iterator, a new element equal to the right-hand value is added to the container.

We’ll have more to say about insert iterators in § 10.4.1 (p. 401). However, in order to illustrate how to use algorithms that write to a container, we will use back_inserter , which is a function defined in the iterator header.

back_inserter takes a reference to a container and returns an insert iterator bound to that container. When we assign through that iterator, the assignment calls push_back to add an element with the given value to the container:

vector<int> vec; // empty vector
auto it = back_inserter(vec); // assigning through it adds elements to vec
*it = 42;        // vec now has one element with value 42

We frequently use back_inserter to create an iterator to use as the destination of an algorithm. For example:

vector<int> vec; // empty vector
// ok: back_inserter creates an insert iterator that adds elements to vec
fill_n(back_inserter(vec), 10, 0);  // appends ten elements to vec

On each iteration, fill_n assigns to an element in the given sequence. Because we passed an iterator returned by back_inserter, each assignment will call push_back on vec. As a result, this call to fill_n adds ten elements to the end of vec, each of which has the value 0.

Copy Algorithms

The copy algorithm is another example of an algorithm that writes to the elements of an output sequence denoted by a destination iterator. This algorithm takes three iterators. The first two denote an input range; the third denotes the beginning of the destination sequence. This algorithm copies elements from its input range into elements in the destination. It is essential that the destination passed to copy be at least as large as the input range.

As one example, we can use copy to copy one built-in array to another:

int a1[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int a2[sizeof(a1)/sizeof(*a1)];  // a2 has the same size as a1
// ret points just past the last element copied into a2
auto ret = copy(begin(a1), end(a1), a2);  // copy a1 into a2

Here we define an array named a2 and use sizeof to ensure that a2 has as many elements as the array a14.9, p. 157). We then call copy to copy a1 into a2. After the call to copy, the elements in both arrays have the same values.

The value returned by copy is the (incremented) value of its destination iterator. That is, ret will point just past the last element copied into a2.

Several algorithms provide so-called “copying” versions. These algorithms compute new element values, but instead of putting them back into their input sequence, the algorithms create a new sequence to contain the results.

For example, the replace algorithm reads a sequence and replaces every instance of a given value with another value. This algorithm takes four parameters: two iterators denoting the input range, and two values. It replaces each element that is equal to the first value with the second:

// replace any element with the value 0 with 42
replace(ilst.begin(), ilst.end(), 0, 42);

This call replaces all instances of 0 by 42. If we want to leave the original sequence unchanged, we can call replace_copy. That algorithm takes a third iterator argument denoting a destination in which to write the adjusted sequence:

// use back_inserter to grow destination as needed
replace_copy(ilst.cbegin(), ilst.cend(),
             back_inserter(ivec), 0, 42);

After this call, ilst is unchanged, and ivec contains a copy of ilst with the exception that every element in ilst with the value 0 has the value 42 in ivec.

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