15.9.3. The Derived Classes

The most interesting part of the classes derived from Query_base is how they are represented. The WordQuery class is most straightforward. Its job is to hold the search word.

The other classes operate on one or two operands. A NotQuery has a single operand, and AndQuery and OrQuery have two operands. In each of these classes, the operand(s) can be an object of any of the concrete classes derived from Query_base: A NotQuery can be applied to a WordQuery, an AndQuery, an OrQuery, or another NotQuery. To allow this flexibility, the operands must be stored as pointers to Query_base. That way we can bind the pointer to whichever concrete class we need.

However, rather than storing a Query_base pointer, our classes will themselves use a Query object. Just as user code is simplified by using the interface class, we can simplify our own class code by using the same class.

Now that we know the design for these classes, we can implement them.

The WordQuery Class

A WordQuery looks for a given string. It is the only operation that actually performs a query on the given TextQuery object:

class WordQuery: public Query_base {
    friend class Query; // Query uses the WordQuery constructor
    WordQuery(const std::string &s): query_word(s) { }
    // concrete class: WordQuery defines all inherited pure virtual functions
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const
                     { return t.query(query_word); }
    std::string rep() const { return query_word; }
    std::string query_word;    // word for which to search

Like Query_base, WordQuery has no public members; WordQuery must make Query a friend in order to allow Query to access the WordQuery constructor.

Each of the concrete query classes must define the inherited pure virtual functions, eval and rep. We defined both operations inside the WordQuery class body: eval calls the query member of its given TextQuery parameter, which does the actual search in the file; rep returns the string that this WordQuery represents (i.e., query_word).

Having defined the WordQuery class, we can now define the Query constructor that takes a string:

Query::Query(const std::string &s): q(new WordQuery(s)) { }

This constructor allocates a WordQuery and initializes its pointer member to point to that newly allocated object.

The NotQuery Class and the ~ Operator

The ~ operator generates a NotQuery, which holds a Query, which it negates:

class NotQuery: public Query_base {
    friend Query operator~(const Query &);
    NotQuery(const Query &q): query(q) { }
    // concrete class: NotQuery defines all inherited pure virtual functions
    std::string rep() const {return "~(" + query.rep() + ")";}
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery&) const;
    Query query;
inline Query operator~(const Query &operand)
    return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new NotQuery(operand));

Because the members of NotQuery are all private, we start by making the ~ operator a friend. To rep a NotQuery, we concatenate the ~ symbol to the representation of the underlying Query. We parenthesize the output to ensure that precedence is clear to the reader.

It is worth noting that the call to rep in NotQuery’s own rep member ultimately makes a virtual call to rep: query.rep() is a nonvirtual call to the rep member of the Query class. Query::rep in turn calls q->rep(), which is a virtual call through its Query_base pointer.

The ~ operator dynamically allocates a new NotQuery object. The return (implicitly) uses the Query constructor that takes a shared_ptr<Query_base>. That is, the return statement is equivalent to

// allocate a new NotQuery object
// bind the resulting NotQuery pointer to a shared_ptr<Query_base
shared_ptr<Query_base> tmp(new NotQuery(expr));
return Query(tmp); // use the Query constructor that takes a shared_ptr

The eval member is complicated enough that we will implement it outside the class body. We’ll define the eval functions in §15.9.4 (p. 647).

The BinaryQuery Class

The BinaryQuery class is an abstract base class that holds the data needed by the query types that operate on two operands:

class BinaryQuery: public Query_base {
    BinaryQuery(const Query &l, const Query &r, std::string s):
          lhs(l), rhs(r), opSym(s) { }
    // abstract class: BinaryQuery doesn't define eval
    std::string rep() const { return "(" + lhs.rep() + " "
                                         + opSym + " "
                                         + rhs.rep() + ")"; }
    Query lhs, rhs;    // right- and left-hand operands
    std::string opSym; // name of the operator

The data in a BinaryQuery are the two Query operands and the corresponding operator symbol. The constructor takes the two operands and the operator symbol, each of which it stores in the corresponding data members.

To rep a BinaryOperator, we generate the parenthesized expression consisting of the representation of the left-hand operand, followed by the operator, followed by the representation of the right-hand operand. As when we displayed a NotQuery, the calls to rep ultimately make virtual calls to the rep function of the Query_base objects to which lhs and rhs point.

Image Note

The BinaryQuery class does not define the eval function and so inherits a pure virtual. Thus, BinaryQuery is also an abstract base class, and we cannot create objects of BinaryQuery type.

The AndQuery and OrQuery Classes and Associated Operators

The AndQuery and OrQuery classes, and their corresponding operators, are quite similar to one another:

class AndQuery: public BinaryQuery {
    friend Query operator& (const Query&, const Query&);
    AndQuery(const Query &left, const Query &right):
                        BinaryQuery(left, right, "&") { }
    // concrete class: AndQuery inherits rep and defines the remaining pure virtual
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery&) const;
inline Query operator&(const Query &lhs, const Query &rhs)
    return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new AndQuery(lhs, rhs));

class OrQuery: public BinaryQuery {
    friend Query operator|(const Query&, const Query&);
    OrQuery(const Query &left, const Query &right):
                BinaryQuery(left, right, "|") { }
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery&) const;
inline Query operator|(const Query &lhs, const Query &rhs)
    return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new OrQuery(lhs, rhs));

These classes make the respective operator a friend and define a constructor to create their BinaryQuery base part with the appropriate operator. They inherit the BinaryQuery definition of rep, but each overrides the eval function.

Like the ~ operator, the & and | operators return a shared_ptr bound to a newly allocated object of the corresponding type. That shared_ptr gets converted to Query as part of the return statement in each of these operators.

Exercises Section 15.9.3

Exercise 15.34: For the expression built in Figure 15.3 (p. 638):

(a) List the constructors executed in processing that expression.

(b) List the calls to rep that are made from cout << q.

(c) List the calls to eval made from q.eval().

Exercise 15.35: Implement the Query and Query_base classes, including a definition of rep but omitting the definition of eval.

Exercise 15.36: Put print statements in the constructors and rep members and run your code to check your answers to (a) and (b) from the first exercise.

Exercise 15.37: What changes would your classes need if the derived classes had members of type shared_ptr<Query_base> rather than of type Query?

Exercise 15.38: Are the following declarations legal? If not, why not? If so, explain what the declarations mean.

BinaryQuery a = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
AndQuery b = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
OrQuery c = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");

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